Downloads for Refracta 8.0 (based on Devuan-Jessie) are at our sourceforge site.

Project Summary Page

These are isohybrid images. They can be burned to CD or DVD to make a bootable live-CD/DVD, or 
they can be imaged directly to a usb thumb drive using the dd command in Linux or rawrite in Windows to make 
a bootable live-USB.

Either of the above methods will boot into a read-only system, suitable for installing Refracta to hard 
drive or for running a system that won't allow you to save files to the live media. If you want to create a 
live-USB that has read/write capablilities (allows you to save files that will still be there the next time 
you boot up the system) you can use refracta2usb. See the documentation for more details.