VectorLinux 5.9
SOHO Edition

VectorLinux SOHO, as its name implies,
is a Linux distribution aimed at Small Office and Home Office
users - people who want all those applications but also enjoy speed!
VL SOHO comes provides you with:
- a fun, fast and easy installer with great hardware detection. Install time is only about 15-20 minutes on modern computers.
- KDE, a great looking and comprehensive desktop environment, complete with a huge range of applications.
- The VASM user-friendly yet powerful system administration utility.
- gslapt and slapt-get for easy, automated package downloading, upgrading, installation and maintanance.
- vl-hot, automatic mounting of external USB, Firewire and PCMCIA external storage devices.
- OpenOffice 2 productivity suite.
- Business applications for personal
information, organization, finance, and databases.
- Powerful web development systems.
- Simple to advanced graphics editors.
- Complete Internet applications. In
particular we have preconfigured Firefox with PDF, MPlayer,
FlashPlayer and Java plugins.
- Multimedia and entertainment - for music
and video and web content streaming.
- Internet, Network Neighbourhood
and wireless connectivity.
- Support for peripherals including
printers, scanners, digital cameras and fax/modems.
All of that comes with Vector Linux´s
trademark characteristics of being fast, light, well integrated and
stable. You can view screenshots of VL SOHO at our website.We hope you enjoy it!
NOTE: As of March 25th, 2008 the most recent
version of VL SOHO is VectorLinux SOHO v5.9, Beta1. It is expected that VL5.9-SOHO may be ready towards the end of April 2008, and will at that time only be available from our CD Store.
Vector Linux SOHO is the relative
"heavy-weight" compared to the Standard version of VL, and given that it
runs the KDE Desktop Environment, SOHO requires more space and memory. While better suited for today's modern computers, SOHO is significantly faster and 'bloat-free' than many other Linux distributions running KDE or Gnome. That said, the following system requirements are recommended for our SOHO version:
- Processor: Pentium III compatible or
better (so you may use an AMD processor).
- Harddisk: 3.2 GB for the system, plus space for swap (virtual memory) and personal files.
- Memory: 128 MB as an absolute minimum, 256 MB for
comfort, 512MB for speed (with just 128MB you should consider using VL Standard instead).
- Video card and Monitor capable of 1024x768
resolution and 24 bit color.
- Standard mouse, keyboard, sound card,
CDROM, etc.
If you are ready to try our VL SOHO
Edition the ISO file for our older edition (VL5.8-SOHO) is free
to download. The next edition of our SOHO product (VL5.9-SOHO) will only be available for purchase from our CD Store. On the other hand it is possible to add the KDE and OpenOffice packages to VL Standard to approach closely the capabilities of VL SOHO.
Vector Linux was founded by Robert S. Lange (aka 'vec') of Canada. The first SOHO was
version 2.5, introduced by Vector in 2002. Tony Brijeski (aka 'Tigger') was the architect of the very successfull SOHO 3.2, which was followed by the first community-based effort, SOHO 4.0 RC1, lead by Mutiny and Tigger. Eko M. Budi (aka 'Kocil') stepped in to make
huge contributions towards SOHO 5.0. SOHO 5.1 was a community effort lead by vec and JohnB316. SOHO 5.8 is based upon the VL5.8 Standard Base with KDE and is brought to you thanks to the efforts of JohnB316 and uelsk8s. SOHO 5.9 is mostly the great work of Uelsk8s, vec and JohnB316.
You can join the development team, too - please visit us at the Vector Linux Forum.
Hope to see you there soon!