openSUSE Leap 42.3 Nota Keluaran openSUSE Leap ialah sistem operasi berasaskan Linux dan percuma untuk PC anda, komputer riba atau server. Anda boleh melayari Web, menguruskan email, foto, melakukan kerja pejabat, bermain video atau muzik dan menikmati pelbagai keseronokan! Publication Date: 2017-07-16 , Version: 42.3.20170714 1 Pemasangan 2 Naik Taraf Sistem 3 General 4 More Information and Feedback Nota terbitan dibangunkan secara berterusan. Untuk melihat perkembangan terkini, sila lihat versi online di Nota terbitan berbahasa Inggeris akan dikemaskini apabila diperlukan. Terjemahan bahasa lain berkemungkinan menjadi tidak lengkap. Sekiranya anda menaik taraf dari versi terdahulu ke openSUSE Leap, lihat nota terbitan terdahulu seperti yang disenaraikan di sini: openSUSE:Release_Notes. Maklumat berkenaan projek ini boleh didapati di Untuk melaporkan pepijat terhadap keluaran ini, gunkan openSUSE Bugzilla. Untuk maklumat lanjut, lihat 1 Pemasangan Bahagian ini mengandungi nota berkaitan pemasangan. Arahan naik taraf terperinci, sila lihat dokumentasi di leap/startup/html/book.opensuse.startup/part.basics.html. 1.1 Pemasangan Sistem Minimal Untuk mengelakkan sebahagian pakej besar yang dicadangkan terpasang, corak pemasangan minimal menggunakan corak lain yang bermasalah dengan pakej yang tidak diingini. Corak ini, patterns-openSUSE-minimal_base-conflicts, boleh dibuang selepas pemasangan. Ambil perhatian bahawa pemasangan minimal adalah tanpa firewall. Sekiranya anda memerlukannya, sila pasang SuSEfirewall2. 1.2 UEFI — Unified Extensible Firmware Interface Pemasangan openSUSE dalam sistem yang boot menggunakan UEFI (Unified Extensible Firmware Interface), anda dinasihatkan supaya memeriksa terlebih dahulu kemaskini firmware dari pembekal peralatan, sekiranya ada, kemaskini berkaitan perlu dipasang. Kewujudan Windows 8 adalah penanda bahawa sistem anda boot dengan menggunakan UEFI. Latar belakang: Terdapat UEFI firmware yang mempunyai pepijat boleh mengakibatkan kerosakan banyak data yang ditulis atas storan UEFI. Walaubagaimanapun, tiada data yang tepat berapa banyak “yang dikatakan banyakâ€. openSUSE mengurangkan risiko dengan tidak menulis lebih dari minima yang diperlukan untuk boot OS. Minima bermaksud arahan kepada UEFI firmware tentang lokasi openSUSE boot loader. Ciri-ciri Linux kernel bahawa penggunaan UEFI untuk menyimpan boot dan maklumat ralat (pstore) telah dilumpuhkan secara asal. 1.3 Pembahagian UEFI, GPT dan MS-DOS Berserta dengan spesifikasi EFI/UEFI, cara baharu pembahagian digunakan: GPT (Guid Partition Table). Skim baharu ini secara keseluruhan menggunakan pengenalan yang tersendiri (nilai 128-bit dipaparkan dalam digit 32 hexadecimal) untuk mengenal pasti alatan storan dan jenis-jenis pembahagian. Tambahan lagi, spesifikasi UEFI juga membenarkan pembahagian legasi MBR (MS-DOS). Boot loader Linux (ELILO atau GRUB 2) cuba untuk menghasilkan GUID secara automatik dalam pembahagian legasi, dan menulis kepada firmware. GUID boleh bertukar secara kerap, mengakibatkan penulisan semula kepada firmware. Penulisan semula mengandungi dua operasi yang berbeza: Membuang entri lama dan menghasilkan satu entri baru menggantikan yang pertama. Firmware yang moden mempunyai sisa yang mengumpul entri-entri yang telah dipadam dan melapangkan memori yang telah disediakan untuk entri-entri yang lama. Masalah akan timbul apabila firmware yang bermasalah tidak mengumpul dan melapangkan entri-entri tersebut. Ini mengakibatkan kepada sistem yang gagal diboot. Untuk penyelesaian, tukarkan pembahagian legasi MBR ke GPT. 1.4 Penukaran untuk pengguna cara memasang driver Nvidia secara manual Dengan openSUSE Leap 42.3, anda perlu nyahpasang pakej drm-kmp-default terlebih dahulu, sebelum anda memasang driver Nvidia secara manual menggunakan .run skrip shell: zypper rm drm-kmp-default Sekiranya anda memasang RPM disediakan oleh Nvidia, anda tidak akan terkesan dengan isu ini, kerana pakej drm-kmp-default digantikan semasa pemsanagn driver secara automatik. Sekiranya anda bercadang untuk nyahpasang driver Nvidia kemudian, pastikan untuk memasang semula pakej drm-kmp-default. Untuk maklumat lanjut, lihat 2 Naik Taraf Sistem Bahagian ini menyenaraikan nota berkaitan tentang menaik taraf sistem. Untuk ararahan naik taraf terperinci, lihat dokumentasi di documentation/leap/startup/html/book.opensuse.startup/cha.update.osuse.html. 2.1 Naik Taraf dari openSUSE Leap 42.2 2.1.1 Pakej yang telah dibuang dan digantikan Pakej-pakej berikut telah dibuang dan digantikan dibandingkan dengan openSUSE Leap 42.2: • ldapjdk: Gagal dibina untuk 42.3. • castor: Gagal untuk dibina untuk 42.3. • fontinfo: Tidak pernah dicadang untuk diterbitkan sebagai pakej yang stabil. • plasma5-mediacenter: Digugurkan oleh pemaju setelah versi 5.7.3. • perl-Mojolicious-Plugin-Bootstrap3: Dilupuskan oleh pemaju, fungsi digantikan oleh perl-Mojolicious-Plugin-AssetPack. • qtsharp: Gagal dibina untuk 42.3. • rubygem-mysql: Digantikan oleh rubygem-mysql2. 2.1.2 Driver Synaptics Touchpad dengan KDE Plasma Dalam openSUSE Leap 42.2, driver X11 synaptics (pakej xf86-input-synaptics) telah tidak dipasang secara sedia (lihat Section 2.2.4, “Synaptics X Driver Can Degrade Touchpad Experience Under GNOMEâ€). Walaubagaimanapun, KDE Plasma hanya menawarkan tawaran terhad pilihan konfigurasi untuk pengganti, libinput. Semenjak dari openSUSE Leap 42.3, xf86-input-synaptics pakej dipasang berserta dengan desktop KDE Plasma (dicadangkan oleh plasma5-workspace). 2.1.3 Perubahan dalam Desktop KDE Search Indexing Dalam openSUSE Leap 42.3, pencarian desktop hanya penunjuk nama-nama fail secara tersedia, bukan isi kandungan fail-fail. Kandungan penunjuk fail perlu didayakan secara manual, walaupun telah didayakan sebelumnya, memandangkan konfigurasi tersedia yang sebelum tidak disimpan. Untuk berbuat begitu, ikut langkah-langkah tersebut: 1. Menggunakan menu utama atau krunner, lancarkan Konfigurasi Desktop. 2. Klik Search. 3. Aktifkan check box juga penunjuk kandungan fail. 4. Klik Apply. 2.1.4 Shorewall telah dinaik taraf ke versi 5.1 Dalam openSUSE Leap 42.3, Shorewall telah dinaik taraf ke 5.1 stabil terkini. Semasa naik taraf, shorewall dan shorewall6 akan memberi amaran kepada admin bahawa naik taraf konfigurasi diperlukan dijalankan. Dokumentasi boleh didapati di Procedure 1: Naik taraf Shorewall 1. Dengan root dalam sesi konsole, jalankan: root #shorewall update -a /etc/shorewall 2. Selaraskan konfigurasi anda dengan syntax yang baharu dalam perkara dimana aturan tidak terpakai. Ini biasanya hanya diperlukan secara spesifik, konfigurasi yang kompleks. 3. Pastikan dan semak hasil konfigurasi dengan: root #shorewall try /etc/shorewall Sekiranya semua berjalan lancar, reboot komputer anda dan mulakan servis dengan: root #systemctl restart shorewall.service Note Note: Naik taraf shorewall6 The upgrade process for shorewall6 matches the process for shorewall described in Procedure 1, “Naik taraf Shorewallâ€. However, you need to replace all instances of the shorewall with shorewall6. 2.2 Upgrading from openSUSE Leap 42.1 2.2.1 Pakej yang telah dibuang dan digantikan The following packages have been removed or replaced compared to openSUSE Leap 42.1: • arista: Replaced by transmageddon. • cadabra: The source code no longer builds. The successor, Cadabra 2 is not stable yet. • dropbear: Removed because there are no relevant advantages over openssh. • emerillon: Replaced by gnome-maps. • gnome-system-log: Replaced by gnome-logs. • hawk: Replaced by hawk2. • ksnapshot: Replaced by spectacle. • labplot: Labplot has been replaced by its Qt5 version, called labplot-kf5. If you are updating from an openSUSE Leap 42.1 installation on which labplot is installed, you will receive the labplot-kf5 automatically. • nodejs: Renamed to nodejs4. • psi: Replaced by psi+. • python-moin: Replaced by moinmoin-wiki. Purely a rename, not a version upgrade - a virtually identical drop-in replacement. • ungifsicle: Replaced by gifsicle. • xchat: Replaced by hexchat. 2.2.2 /var/cache on an Own Subvolume for Snapshots and Rollback /var/cache contains a lot of very volatile data, such as the Zypper cache with RPM packages in different versions for each update. As a result of storing data that is mostly redundant but highly volatile, the amount of disk space a snapshot occupies can increase very fast. To solve this, move /var/cache to a separate subvolume. On fresh installations of openSUSE Leap 42.3, this is done automatically. To convert an existing root file system, perform the following steps: 1. Find out the device name (for example, /dev/sda2 or /dev/sda3) of the root file system: df / 2. Identify the parent subvolume of all the other subvolumes. For openSUSE 13.2 installations, this is a subvolume named @. To check if you have a @ subvolume, use: btrfs subvolume list / | grep '@' If the output of this command is empty, you do not have a subvolume named @. In that case, you may be able to proceed with subvolume ID 5 which was used in older versions of openSUSE. 3. Now mount the requisite subvolume. â–¡ If you have a @ subvolume, mount that subvolume to a temporary mount point: mount <root_device> -o subvol=@ /mnt â–¡ If you do not have a @ subvolume, mount subvolume ID 5 instead: mount <root_device> -o subvolid=5 /mnt 4. /mnt/var/cache can already exist and could be the same directory as /var/ cache. To avoid data loss, move it: mv /mnt/var/cache /mnt/var/cache.old 5. Create a new subvolume: btrfs subvol create /mnt/var/cache 6. If there is now a directory /var/cache.old, move it to the new location: mv /var/cache.old/* /mnt/var/cache If that is not the case, instead do: mv /var/cache/* /mnt/var/cache/ 7. (Optional) Optionally, remove /mnt/var/cache.old: rm -rf /mnt/var/cache.old 8. Unmount the subvolume from the temporary mount point: umount /mnt 9. Add an entry to /etc/fstab for the new /var/cache subvolume. Use an existing subvolume as a template to copy from. Make sure to leave the UUID untouched (this is the root file system's UUID) and change the subvolume name and its mount point consistently to /var/cache. 10. Mount the new subvolume as specified in /etc/fstab: mount /var/cache 2.2.3 GNOME Keyring Does Not Integrate with GPG Anymore The integrated GPG agent of GNOME Keyring has been removed. Therefore, GNOME Keyring cannot be used to manage GPG keys anymore. You can still manage GPG keys on the command line using the gpg tool. 2.2.4 Synaptics X Driver Can Degrade Touchpad Experience Under GNOME In openSUSE Leap 42.1, the Synaptics X driver (package xf86-input-synaptics) was installed by default but had a lower priority than the libinput driver ( xf86-input-libinput). With openSUSE Leap 42.3: • The Synaptics X driver is no longer installed by default. • If the Synaptics X driver is installed, it will take precedence for any touchpad devices. • The Synaptics X driver is no longer supported by GNOME. This means when the driver is installed, Synaptics touchpads can only be configured to the extent that a basic mouse can. Unless you are using a Synaptics touchpad and have a large amount of custom configuration for the Synaptics driver, remove the package from your system: sudo zypper rm xf86-input-synaptics 2.2.5 AArch64: Page Size Has Been Changed From openSUSE Leap 42.1 to openSUSE Leap 42.3 In openSUSE Leap 42.1, the default page size on AArch64 platforms was 64 kB. With openSUSE Leap 42.3, the page size has been changed to 4 kB. This renders old Swap and Btrfs file systems unusable. If you are currently on openSUSE Leap 42.1 on AArch64, consider a fresh installation of openSUSE Leap 42.3 instead of upgrading. 2.2.6 Systems with CCISS Controllers Can Fail to Boot After Upgrade The driver for Compaq/HP Smart Array (CCISS) controllers (cciss.ko) does not support certain controllers anymore by default. This can lead to the root disk not being detected by the openSUSE Leap 42.3 kernel. On affected systems, the CCISS driver can be configured to revert to the previous behavior and detect the controllers again. To do so, add the kernel parameter cciss.cciss_allow_hpsa=0. 3 General This section lists general issues with openSUSE Leap 42.3 that do not match any other category. 3.1 KDE Software for Personal Information Management (KDE PIM) KDE PIM 4.x is no longer supported by upstream KDE, but was kept in openSUSE Leap 42.2 together with KDE PIM 5 to avoid disrupting user workflows and allow for easier migration. With openSUSE Leap 42.3, the KDE PIM 4.x stack got dropped and only the current upstream-supported KDE PIM 5 stack is included. 3.2 Dolphin and Konqueror Cannot Set Extended Permission Bits The versions of the KDE file managers Dolphin and Konqueror that are shipped with openSUSE Leap 42.3 cannot set “Extended Permission†bits (GID, “Stickyâ€). Additionally, closing the Dolphin permissions dialog by clicking OK clears existing extended permissions bits. To avoid such issues, edit permissions with chmod (command line) only. 3.3 No Screen Lock When Using GNOME Shell But Not GDM When using GNOME Shell together with a login manager other than GDM, such as SDDM or LightDM, the screen will not blank or lock. Additionally, switching users without logging out is not possible. To be able to lock the screen from GNOME Shell, enable GDM as your login manager: 1. Make sure that the package gdm is installed. 2. Open YaST and from it, open /etc/sysconfig Manager. 3. Navigate to Desktop › Display manager › DISPLAYMANAGER. 4. In the text box, specify gdm. To save, click OK. 5. Reboot. 3.4 Global Menu Support in KDE Plasma With KDE Plasma 5.9, KDE re-introduced support for the global menu as known from earlier KDE desktop releases. In openSUSE Leap 42.3, the application menu bar plasmoid is available as well. Note Note Applications not using the Qt toolkit may not support the global menu or behave incorrectly. 4 More Information and Feedback • Read the README documents on the medium. • View a detailed changelog information about a particular package from its RPM: rpm --changelog -qp FILENAME.rpm Replace FILENAME with the name of the RPM. • Check the ChangeLog file in the top level of the medium for a chronological log of all changes made to the updated packages. • Find more information in the docu directory on the medium. • For additional or updated documentation, see • For the latest product news, from openSUSE, visit Copyright © 2017 SUSE LLC Thanks for using openSUSE. The openSUSE Team. © 2017 SUSE