Configuring CCVS

You must configure CCVS for your system, whether you're running CCVS in demo mode or for processing real data.

Use su to switch to the user account that you created (a member of the ccvs group) for this configuration.

Run the CCVS configuration program with the following command:


The rest of this section will walk you through the CCVS configuration program. You should see an initial "splash" screen. Press [Enter] to read the CCVS software license. You can use the standard scrolling and paging commands of more (or the paging program set by your $PAGER environment variable) to read the license.

When you have read the license and exited the pager, you will see:

Type "accept" to accept this license, or anything else to exit.

Type the word accept to accept the terms of the license and continue configuring CCVS. Any other input will exit the program.

You will then see this screen:

This program creates the configuration file for CCVS functions.
To do this, you will require the following information:
 1: The clearing protocol you will be using. This may be MAPP,
ETC+, or any of the other protocols which CCVS supports. There
is also a demo protocol; if you have downloaded the free demo of
CCVS, you will be using the demo protocol.
 2: The unique number which identifies you to the clearing
house. This may be your merchant account number or a terminal id
number, depending on what protocol you will be using. This number
will be supplied when you set up your merchant account.
 3: Your modem type, and the serial port your modem is attached
to. You will also need modem configuration strings. (We can
supply modem configuration strings for many popular modems.)
 4: The location of your data directory. This is where the
configuration file and data directories will be placed.
 5: Other information as needed for particular protocols. This
information will generally be supplied when you set up your
merchant account.

We supply a worksheet which you can use to organize all this
information, including the details for each protocol. See the
file "setup.txt" in /usr/share/doc/CCVS-<version>.

The configuration program is running as user "<username>".
It is important that this be the same user which the actual CCVS
software will run as. (We recommend creating a special user
account for just this purpose.)

Do you wish to continue configuring CCVS as user "<username>"?

[Enter Y to continue, or N to stop here:]

Press [Y] to continue. If you are running ccvs_configure as root, you will instead get the following error. If this happens, you should su to the CCVS user, such as the default ccvs user, and re-run ccvs_configure.

The configuration program may not be run as root. You must run
this as the same user which the actual CCVS software will run as.
(We recommend creating a special user account for just this

When you continue, the program will begin prompting you for information. At any time, you can back up to a previous prompt by typing . (a period) by itself and pressing [Enter].

Do you want to configure CCVS for the free demo, or a working
merchant account? (If you have not purchased a license for CCVS,
only the demo configuration is available.)

[Enter Y to use the demo configuration, N for a real configuration,
or . to exit:]

Unless you have purchased a software key and license for CCVS, type [Y]. This installs a demo configuration, which does not dial the modem or use a real merchant account. If you have purchased a license and are ready to install a working configuration, type [N].

Where do you want to place the CCVS configuration files and
transaction queues? This should be a directory name which is
writable by the current user.
The default is "/var/ccvs".
Enter directory, or Return for default value, or . by itself to
back up.

Unless you have specific reasons for moving the CCVS configuration files and transaction queues, leave them in their default locations. If you need to move them, remember that you will also need to set an environment variable.

What do you want to name this configuration? This should be a
short filename.
The default is "ccvs".
Enter name, or Return for default value, or . by itself to back

For example, you might have a configuration called tshirt for a merchant who sells T-shirts and music for the sheet music retailer. The name entered here is the name used to distinguish between the two configurations.

The demo version of CCVS requires no other information; if you chose it, you will immediately see:

Writing "/var/ccvs/ccvs.conf"...

The CCVS system is now configured.

You can now begin testing the demo software. The demo acts just like the full CCVS software, except that it does not dial the modem or talk to a real merchant processor.

If you have a license for the full version of CCVS, and you chose to install a real configuration, you will instead see something like this:

Which protocol and merchant processor will you be using?

Credit card clearing protocols:
  1: ETC PLUS (FDR7/ETC7/FDR "Omaha"): First Data Corporation
  2: South Platform (FDR "Nabanco"): First Data Corporation
  3: MAPP: Global Payment Systems "St. Louis"
  4: NDC: Global Payment Systems "Atlanta" / NDC
  5: VITAL (Visa 2nd generation, K format): Visa/Total System Services
  6: UTF: Paymentech Inc.
  7: NOVA: NOVA Information Systems

[Enter a number, or . by itself to back up:]

Select the protocol for which you have a CCVS license and a valid merchant account.

What is the number of your merchant account?
Enter number, or . by itself to back up.

This number should have been provided with your merchant account.

What is your CCVS software customer number?
Enter number, or . by itself to back up.

This number will have been provided with your CCVS license.

What is your CCVS software license key?
Enter number, or . by itself to back up.

This number will also have been provided with your CCVS license.

What is the phone number of your merchant processor?
Enter number, or . by itself to back up.

Additional questions may appear, because different information is required by particular protocols. If you've filled in the setup.txt worksheet section for your protocol, you should be prepared for these questions. For example, VITAL continues with several more prompts about your business's name, address, bank, and so on. You should already have found out this information when you established your VITAL merchant account. This is the purpose of the setup.txt worksheet file, which you should have completed prior to running the CCVS configuration program. See the section called Before You Configure CCVS for information concerning the use of setup.txt.

You must now enter information about how to communicate with your modem. The modem configuration information is very important. Be sure that you enter correct information for your system's setup. CCVS will not work if the modem is set up incorrectly.

Do you want to configure a pool of several modems? (If you answer
yes, all the modems must be exactly the same make and model. If
you want to use just one modem, answer no.)

[Enter Y or N, or . to back up:]

If you have several identical modems, you can configure CCVS to use them all, as a pool. Each CCVS process which needs to use a modem will draw one from the pool, assuming one is available. Several CCVS configurations can share a collection of modems this way. You can also configure a single configuration with two modems, so that authorizations and batch settlement can occur at the same time.

What serial port is your modem connected to? (Do not include the
"/dev/" prefix.) The default is ttyS0. The modem should be
connected and ready now, so that the serial port can be tested.

Enter port name, or Return for default value, or . by itself to
back up.

The program will test the serial port you enter. If you configure more than one, it will test each of them. Don't include the /dev/. This step may take up to thirty seconds if the modem does not respond.

What type of modem do you have? This information makes it
possible to suggest modem configuration strings. If your modem
is not listed, you can choose "none of the above"; but you will
then have to create your own configuration strings, which is a
difficult process.

 1: USR Sportster/Courier
 2: Hayes Optima
 3: Chase Research PCI-RAS
 4: None of the above

[Enter a number, or . by itself to back up:]

You will be prompted for the modem initialization, dialing, and hang-up strings. (If you configure a pool of modems, they must all be identical, so they will all use the same strings.) If CCVS knows appropriate strings for your modem, they will be suggested and you can just press [Enter].

The modem initialization string should set the modem to do no
negotiation. What string do you want to use?
A string which works for your modem is:
 \r~~~\rAT E0 L0 M1 V1 X4 &K0 &M0 +FCLASS=0
Enter string, or Return for suggested value.

The modem dial string should dial the modem. (Do not include a
phone number.)
What string do you want to use?
A string which works for your modem is:
Enter string, or Return for suggested value.

The modem hang-up string should hang the modem up if it's
connected. What string do you want to use?
A string which works for your modem is:
Enter string, or Return for suggested value.

Initialize: \r~~~\rAT E0 L0 M1 V1 X4 &K0 &M0 +FCLASS=0
Dial: ATDT
Hang up: ~~~+++~~~~~~~~~\rATH0\r~~~
Are these the values you want?

[Enter Y to accept, N to change, . to back up.]

You may not see exactly the same screen as shown above because the suggested defaults will vary depending on the modem you selected.

The next question concerns the baud rate the modem will use:

What baud rate do you want to use? You should use the
default unless you have explicit information that another
value is appropriate.
The default baud rate is 1200.

Enter rate, or Return for default value, or . by itself to
back up.

When you have finished entering configuration information, you will see:

Writing "/var/ccvs/ccvs.conf"...

The CCVS system is now configured.