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               A M I G A      | 040331 |      U P D A T E
        AMIGA and the Amiga logo are trademarks of Amiga, Inc.      

A M I G A W O R L D . N E T   I N T E R V I E W S   G A R Y   H A R E 

          A M I G A O S 4   E V E N T   I N   G E R M A N Y 

             A M I W E S T   2 0 0 4   I S   C O M I N G 

          D A W N V I D E O P O K E R   L A T E S T   R E V 

     G H O S T P R I N T   V 8 . 1 3   N O W   A V A I L A B L E
Editor's Thoughts and Introduction:

 What a month. At this point, we really have no idea how the new
ownership situation will play out for Amiga OS. Many issues ago, I
said it was my opinion that the Amiga could not survive another change
in ownership. I hope I might be wrong about that, since this change
actually happened a year ago and the development on the OS since that
time has been with the new ownership in place. 
 Below we have the interview Amigaworld.net conducted with Gary Hare,
the new OS owner. We wish to thank Amigaworld in the strongest terms
for allowing distribution of that interview. We know that not all our
readers will have seen it on the Amigaworld site, so we present it
here. It seems to explain a lot, but it also leaves a lot of
questions, as might be expected.
 As I read the interview, it seems to me the reason for purchasing the
OS was to use it for a specific customer, with hopes there would be
more customers later. Exactly how it's going to be used isn't
clear to me. I do like the fact that Mr. Hare's team are described as
wanting to use OS4 on Amiga Ones. That's encouraging.
 However, we're back to a waiting game with different players yet
again. For the first time since Commodore folded, I'm actively
looking into the possibility of a new computer that's not an Amiga.
I'm not ready to purchase, I just want to be ready in case the worst
happens. I hope it won't be necessary.
 (If you're curious, I'm researching pre-loaded Linux machines at the
moment. No dual boot, absolutely not.)
 Hoping for the best, fearing the worst, and noting that much of the
talk within the community on the web is very positive. Certainly, the
fact that Amiga is now fighting back against a very strange court case
is a good sign. We are encouraged that KMOS seems to be a capable
ally in the case.
 As we've said more times than I can count, "time will tell".
 As you might expect, we received a lot of interesting e-mail after
our short announcement issue earlier this month, mostly shock and
concern. That may have been tempered by now, we have no way of
knowing. We present a sampling of the notes below, mostly without
comment as no comments are really needed. (We removed some last issue
quotes from the notes.)
 Despite the zaniness around us, we hope you enjoy this issue.
 Brad Webb,
E-mail to the E-ditor:

17 March, 2004 

Hello Brad

On 03/15/2004, Brad Webb wrote:

> Amiga OS family of products, KMOS did not acquire the Amiga name,
> intellectual property or its DE line of products. These assets remain
> the property of Amiga Inc.".

 Well, so KMOS didn't get "the name" but has the "intellectual
property". What has anybody got when they have "the name"? Is Amiga
now merely in the business of marketing its name? Sure looks like
that's all they have for assets. How does one really have "the name"
when somebody else is crowing about "acquisition of the AmigaOS
intellectual property"? I would interpret that as Amiga continues to
hold the copyright (trademark rights) on the name/label "Amiga", and
Amiga has now become a company whose sole purpose is collecting
royalties on the use of its "name".
 To me it smacks of what's happening within the medical community
where there's more money to be made in long-term research than if
(gasp) we should actually let a cure out of the bag.



15 March,  2004 

On 15/03/04, Brad Webb wrote:

> announced today that it has sold the Amiga Operating System to KMOS,

        ...oh no, not again...


16 March,  2004 

To me, this means that the AmigaOS is being relegated to a niche, and 
probably just a segment of that niche, like using the OS only for the 
gaming feature in embedded apps, nothing more. The next step may be a 
quiet, behind the scenes dissection of various bits and pieces, much 
like one would see at a junk yard selling used car parts.

The economics of the marketplace is making this happen.


17 March, 2004 

What a crock....

We are so tired of all this.

Last nail in the coffin.

Thanks, Bill.


A name that does not go with computers.

 Alphabet soup, KMOS, whoever you are, even though I have never heard
of you, sell os4. Sell OS4 maybe even under the Commodore name if you
can, after all you did not get the Amiga name for anything, they WANT
that for the MS-Mobile systems, so name it sometihing. Like COOL OS.
 Call it THE OS if you can, or GIRLFRIEND OS, which is what the Amiga
was anyway.

Damn, this makes me sad.

Thanks Bill!

02 March, 2004

On 29/02/04, Brad Webb wrote:

> Speaking of waning, our first story has to make Amigans wonder if
> Amiga Inc. isn't waning. The court battle with Genesi was no battle
> at all ...

        Two scary thoughts concern me. Maybe Genesi users managed to
intimidate AI. Maybe AI can't afford lawyers. Either would be bad.

> Many questions, and no answers at this point. If any answers do
> come our way, we'll pass them along.

        I'll be very grateful for that.

        BTW, Brad, when did you switch to Yahoo? Have you or any of
yur other subscribers had any problems with spam because of them?

 See Editor's thoughts about the court case, and discussion below in
the Gary Hare interview. It's looking a lot better than it did a month
 As for the switch to Yahoo, we made that in August, 1999. I'm not
aware of any problems as a result, though a few subscribers did leave
us at that time.

A M I G A W O R L D . N E T   I N T E R V I E W S   G A R Y   H A R E 

 By way of introducing him to the wider Amiga community and to clear
up some persistant long term queries. Garry has kindly offered to
answer these questions and more below.

Part 1.

 Garry Hare: Personal and Company questions
 Question 1.1: You have a number of university degrees; a Bachelor of
Science, a Master of Science and a Ph.D,. These are impressive
credentials and very unusual in the business world where MBAs are
commonplace, but little else, could you make a comment on your
intellectual development and what led you first into the entertainment
industry and then into digital media?
 Garry: I worked at The Walt Disney Company before stumbling into
academia. My interest in media preceded these degrees. While at Disney
I got my masters in the evening due to a side interest I'd developed.
I wanted to get into the feature film side of the Company and several
times a year I'd ask to be transferred, with the support of my boss
and the head of the studio. Each time my request would be denied by
the then president of Disney. I was in a four person division that
generated more revenue than any division aside from theme parks. His
reason was, I was "to valuable" to move. This was a little hard to
believe as I wasn't particularly well paid. One day my boss, who was a
great guy, took me to lunch and said, "look, I'm an Executive Vice
President of this Company, and I do exactly the same thing you do. As
long as you are successful, you'll never get moved to where you want
to be". Shortly after, I resigned.
 Due to some other things I was involved in, USC offered me a
scholarship to pursue a doctorate. I studied with Neely Gardner. His
expertise was Political and Corporate Strategy, his passion was
ethics. I know it sounds like a strange mix in today's business world
but Neely made sense of it. He is (was) the most remarkable person
I've ever met. He had the greatest impact on my life. What I remember
the most is he was totally honest, sometimes brutally so. No one ever
asked for feedback from Neely. The one downside, there is no way I can
live up to his legacy.
 During my seven years in academia I had a hard time writing articles
for academic journals. I didn't think anyone would read them and, to
be honest, I didn't have much to say. Instead, to the dismay of my
colleagues, I wrote and produced a couple films aimed at illustrating
specific concepts. In a way, I never left media.
 Question 1.2: Besides your formal degrees, you also held the posts of
Visiting Professor at the Harvard Business School in Nicaragua and
Associate Professor at the University of Washington, then became
advisor for Fortune 100 corporations on Latin American investments
before returning to the entertainment industry, is there a connection
or were you just bored?

 Garry: I was at the University of Washington during the "golden
years" of being a professor. My full teaching load was four courses
over three quarters. Two quarters a year I was responsible for one
two-hour class per week. I think the balance of the time was meant for
research and thinking great thoughts. I went skiing. Upon Spring thaw,
I turned my attention to consulting. I liked it, it was
extraordinarily lucrative and, in some cases, I was pretty good at it.
 The lucrative part created a problem. My consulting income quickly
exceeded my university salary. Some people didn't care for that and
the Dean created a new policy where outside income couldn't exceed 20%
of faculty compensation. I resigned, yet agreed to stay on for nine
months. By this time I had my own program and graduate students. If
I'd left sooner, there was no one to teach the courses they needed to
complete a specialization.
 I moved to Northern California where I live today. I didn't have a
job or any particular idea of what I might like to do. Consulting
income gave me some flexibility and ultimately I began to tell people
I produced computer controlled movies. At the time no one had any idea
what that meant. Including me. I'm not certain, but I probably printed
some fake business cards.
 The president of LucasFilm asked me, and my partner at the time, to
come in to the games group and see if we could "produce" a couple
titles. We probably were among the first games producers. I also have
a design credit on "Ballblazer". That's a bit of an exaggeration. I
can point to a couple features within the title that were my idea but
the developer and programmer, David Levine, should rightly get credit.
For "Rescue On Fractalis", Charlie Kelner (among the smartest software
guys I've met) is responsible for just about everything you see on the
screen. I was never an employee of the Lucas organization.
 I liked interactive media and it provided a framework for some of the
other stuff I've been involved in.
 Question 1.3: More seriously, from games and entertainment
enterprises you moved to Phillips Media Europe as CEO, then broadband
media. A pattern is emerging where Amiga naturally finds a place. Can
you comment on the connections this background may have had with an
interest in Amiga's Operating System?
 Garry: To be honest, I hadn't thought to much about the importance of
operating systems. I knew, at least in the mobile world, that many
manufacturers were critical of the operating systems available. KMOS,
before it had a name, was (and is) involved with a potential strategic
partner interested in a very specific market. Part of the solution
seemed to suggest an alternative to the operating systems currently
used. Amiga's OS family of products looked like they could fit. I
turned my attention, with the help of people much smarter than I, to a
competitive analysis of the known OSes. I wasn't so interested in what
they are but in what they could be. Amiga's OS looked good.
 Question 1.4: What is a KMOS, where did the name come from, what does
it mean?
 Garry: Good question. I asked it myself. Corporate documents needed
to be filed while I was in Asia. I returned home to find that the
Company, that I had agreed to build, was named KMOS. Like many of you,
I asked what's a KMOS, what does it mean? I was told it is sort of
like Xerox, it doesn't mean anything but with use will become a
positive brand. I pointed out that Edsel (an old auto brand) also
didn't mean anything and it went bankrupt. I hated the name. I lost.

 I learned two things from this. Don't travel before the documents are
filed and don't let financial guys name companies. ( If any of them
are reading this, I'm just kidding, really).
 Given recent events the company probably should have been named KAOS,
but that name is taken.
 Question 1.5: To quote: "KMOS, Inc. acquired the Operating System
from Amiga, Inc. to bring full cross-platform, multimedia
functionality to wired and wireless devices." Is there anything you
would like to add to this short description?
 Garry: Not much. The smart money is probably on the phrase,
"cross-platform". But you already knew that.
 Question 1.6: How long have you been CEO of KMOS Incorporated?
 Garry: Since its inception.
 Question 1.7: Was there a previous CEO of KMOS?
 Garry: No.
 Question 1.8: Is KMOS Incorporated a publicly listed company or
privately funded one?
 Garry: KMOS is privately held.
 Question 1.9: Do you have a significant stake in the company
yourself, besides that of your position as CEO?
 Garry: I have a minority stake in KMOS, which is unrelated to any
operating role. I'd like a raise.
 Question 1.10: Are Bill McEwen, Fleecy Moss, or Amiga Inc. employees
of, or shareholders in, KMOS?
 Garry: No.
 Question 1.11: KMOS has kept a low profile since its inception; is
there a specific reason for this, and why has it now made itself
 Garry: KMOS' strategy (which we hope makes sense) requires me to
acquire or develop several pieces of a technical puzzle. Amiga's OS is
an important part, but it is only one part. It is much easier to go
about this quietly. If I told you I really, really wanted to buy your
car, the price has a tendency to go up. I wanted to avoid that.
 As an aside, part of my job is to develop and maintain strong
relationships with appropriate writers and publications. I try and
reserve this relationship for major announcements; product
introductions, perhaps new strategic partners and very few other
topics. As none of these things are ready for announcement, I had no
intention of saying anything at this time. But the situation turned a
little different.
 In my view some wild and reckless claims were publicly being made
regarding the ownership, control and right of use of our intellectual
property. When it comes to protecting IP [Intellectual Property] you
have two choices. If, for example, a company was selling a product
based on IP without benefit of a signed distribution agreement, you
can just sit back a while and let them sell it. A little later in the
process you might want to contact them and say, "hey, I think you owe
me a little money".
 If threats concerning IP are causing a disturbance among commercial
partners or, at least as importantly, among current and future
application developers you have no choice but to publicly act. We saw
Genesi's Motion to Amend as just such a threat. I issued a brief press
release to publications of record. I understand it got very little
play on public boards but that wasn't its intent. I was simply saying
that KMOS is in this game and implying that we would broadly defend
and protect our assets and intellectual property. In matters like web
sites, developer support programs and the like, we were totally
unprepared to make such an announcement. I apologize, I would have
liked to be a little more together.

 Question 1.12: Who is Itec and what is their relationship to Amiga,
KMOS and you?
 Garry: Itec has been an investor in Amiga since the purchase of the
assets from Gateway. It remains an investor today. Itec is also the
Senior (first place) Secured Creditor of Amiga Inc. KMOS purchased the
OS asset from Itec. There is no formal relationship between the
companies (KMOS and Itec). I am not involved in Itec in any way.

Part 2.

 Garry Hare on: KMOS, Amiga Inc., Past Problems and Rumours
 Question 2.1: Does KMOS have any direct stake in Amiga Inc., besides
the buying of rights over the Operating System and possibly some
trademark agreements?
 Garry: KMOS's rights are to the OS and associated naming and
trademarks. We can and will, for example, ship the operating system
under the Amiga One Partner agreement as "Amiga OS 4.0". Amiga retains
ownership to its name, trademarks and DE product.
 Question 2.2: Last year a business card appeared with your name and
giving your position as CEO of Amiga Inc. did this card originate from
you or Amiga Inc.?
 Garry: I apologize in advance for the length of my reply. I now know
this is an on-going soap opera and I may as well be through.
 In November, 2002, I was asked by Itec (an Amiga investor) to give my
opinion on Amiga's prospects for strategic partners. I was not asked
to do anything in regard to securing investment or risk money. In
February, 2003, Bill McEwen asked if I would consider joining Amiga as
Chairman and CEO. Ultimately I agreed, contingent on Amiga securing a
minimum investment and operating capital (I'm not stupid). As you
remember, early 2003 was a particularly difficult environment for
raising money. I thought Amiga's chances would improve if I could
attract a strategic partner or two. Toward that end, I set up several
meetings at the March CTIA conference. I printed 25 business cards
with the Amiga logo and my personal contact information.
 At CTIA, I met with four companies where I know the senior management
quite well and one where I did not. I doubt that I gave each a card as
two of the CEOs are close friends and I see or speak with them
frequently. They know how to reach me. In every meeting I told people
that I was considering joining the Company and proceeded with a
business discussion. At this point in my life I don't need a company
affiliation to get a meeting.
 At this same conference I ran into David Traub (his full name was
previously disclosed by Mr. Buck some time ago). I've known David
casually for a number of years. In one of those, "so whet are you
doing" conversations, I told David I was considering joining Amiga. As
any good developer would, he pitched me on a title that would be "just
perfect" for the Amiga market. If I remember correctly, it was a
horoscope title but I could be wrong. David asked how to reach me, I
gave him a card. At the end of this conversation David said he was
associated with Bill Buck who had interests in Amiga. I told him I was
aware of Mr. Buck's interests.
 At about the same time I ran into an old friend who publishes a well
known gaming magazine. I mentioned I was thinking of joining Amiga and
he asked if he could announce it if I did. I gave him a card and
promised to call and send him a press release if and when, I joined.
There was no such announcement.

 When I returned home David Traub called and asked if I would take a
call from Bill Buck. I agreed and the next day Bill Buck called and
immediately asked if I was Amiga's CEO and if I could make decisions
on behalf of the company. I told him that I hoped to join Amiga but
had yet to do so. And, if I did join, I would certainly be able to
make decisions. He began to pitch me on a couple business ideas that
he felt would be mutually beneficial. I quickly responded that as long
as there was litigation between the companies he would have to
communicate through legal counsel. It was a short and not unpleasant
conversation. At the end he advised me, I thought jokingly, not to
join Amiga. As it turns out I didn't but I can't say that was due to
his specific advice.
 David tells me that a week or so after the call, Mr. Buck contacted
him and asked that he send the business card as he wanted to know how
to reach me. As an side, David has apologized way to many times for
sending the card and any difficulty it may have caused me. He swears
he had no idea as to the intended use. David is a good guy and has no
reason to apologize. I gave him a card. None of this is his fault.
 A short while later I heard that Mr. Buck had posted the card to a
public board, and discussed its impact on Amiga generally and several
individuals particularly. I was surprised. Mr. Buck is among a very
few people that I'd discussed my relationship, or lack thereof, with
Amiga. He specifically knew that I had not taken the CEO position. A
few people mentioned the discussion around the issue but I ignored the
matter. I was busy. I've never posted to a public board and, until
several weeks ago, seldom browsed any of them. Only recently did I
discover what a moo bunny was.
 Several weeks ago, when I turned my attention to the Genesi/Amiga
legal dispute, I read and reread every relevant post from every board.
While not part of the Motions before the Court and, probably because
it was about me, I paid particular attention to the business card
drama. The fact that it is still discussed today, often with childish
venom, is just plain ridiculous.
 About those remaining business cards. My daughter cut one up for an
art project. She liked the ball. Under intense interrogation she
refuses to confess to ripping off any more. And for some unknown
reason I gave one to one of my closest friends. He became aware of
this little drama and has threatened to expose me as a "fake" CEO if I
don't pay for dinner. Worse, he threatens to expose me a "fake"
Chairman if I don't pay for drinks. Last Saturday, I sent him copies
of the Court filings and made it clear that I have no intention of
paying for a meal again in the greater Los Angeles area. Including
 I found the box. There are 16 business cards left (see special offer
below). A few are unaccounted for. I may have used them to "paper"
Silicon Valley. Maybe not.
 The bottom line. I printed 25 business cards and distributed 9. I
never misrepresented myself to anyone, at any time, in any way. Mr.
Buck knew I wasn't Amiga's CEO. He discussed the matter directly with
me. Yet he elected to publish the card to a public board and represent
it as fact. He went on to misrepresent the impact of this non-event
disparaging a number of people along the way. And, Mr. Buck put words
in my mouth, which doesn't make me particularly happy. You make the
 Question 2.3: Have you at any time been the CEO of Amiga Inc.?
 Garry: No.
 Question 2.4: Have you ever been employed by Amiga Inc.?
 Garry: No.
 Question 2.5: Did you before KMOS involvement act as an advisor for
Amiga Inc. without being employed by them?
 Garry: Informally, and unfortunately unpaid. From time to time bill
McEwen asks for my opinion on one thing or another. I tend to give it.
Sometimes he agrees. Sometimes he doesn't.
 Question 2.6: Where you or KMOS involved in Amiga's recent
 Garry: Initially I wasn't. I saw the original complaint as a dispute
over DE. It wasn't my fight. I was aware of many of the reckless
claims regarding the Amiga name, trademarks and control of our
intellectual property. I knew that one day it would be my fight. But
not that day. I simply asked that these public claims be tracked for
future reference. To be honest, I didn't see DE on the Pegasos as the
end of the world. DE running on Linux could open a broader market. It
could be a good thing for Amiga and the DE developers.
 I know the Amiga guys didn't necessarily agree. They argued this
whole suit was bogus and they had a point.
 Thendic GmgH filed the original complaint with Amiga on January 3,
2003. There was a slight problem. Thendic began bankruptcy proceedings
on November 7, 2002 and was declared closed due to insufficient assets
(bankrupt) on January 27, 2003. Somehow this little detail was kept
secret from the Court. Both Thendic and their counsel have a legal
obligation to report such a material change. They didn't. No problem,
Genesi was added to the complaint on February 17, 2003 arguing they
were somehow an "affiliate" of Thendic. It's a little difficult to be
an affiliate of a non-existent company. Kind of like accusing a dead
man of stealing your car. And Genesi didn't meet the only other
definition of affiliate in the agreement, common ownership of 50% or
more. Together, Bill Buck and Raquel Velasco's ownership in Pegasos
fell just a bit short. No problem, said Genesi, we're really the OEM.
Genesi no more manufactures the Pegasos than does Vendome Investment
Inc. of the Cayman Islands. OK, that's a bad example. Nobody
manufactures much of anything in the Caymans. It's generally just a
nice place to safely park financial assets. But, I wouldn't know
anything about that.
 We'll never know what might have happened if Amiga made these
arguments. They didn't mount a defence. Judge Lasnik, rightly, acted
on the information before him. The result is once Pegasos gets an
Intent license from Tao Group, DE will be available for Linux. I
understand Amiga has already taken steps to comply with the order. As
I understand it, developers will be free to make their own deals. I
hope this "platform" is wildly successful and the developers make a
lot of money.
 On March 1, 2004. Genesi filed their Motion to Amend. KMOS saw this
action as Genesi seeking cover for the claims they'd publicly made.
While carefully worded to mislead the Court, it was a direct threat to
KMOS' intellectual property. My Board directly me to take all
deliberate measures to protect our assets. I have whatever resources I
need. It became my fight.
 Question 2.7: There has been some speculation on the meaning of your
second declaration, would you care to elaborate?

 Garry: The final preparation for submitting documents to the Court is
a little hectic. As many of you have seen, there is a lot of stuff to
check and double check. I mistakenly sent the second to the last draft
of my second Declaration to the Court. The final draft contained one
additional phrase, "any product based in whole, or in part, on KMOS'
intellectual property and distributed or sold into commercial markets
without benefit of an executed distribution agreement...". I think the
rest is pretty clear.
 As an side, perhaps particularly for your non - US audience, I'd like
to say a word or two about The United States District Court. This is
not your local, county civil court. It is far more serious. It,
sensibly, requires parties to a dispute to be represented by legal
council. It has very specific rules of evidence. If for example (this
is just an example) you had essentially been accused of perjury and
responded something like, "I believe the email attributed to 'Fleecy
Moss' was and still is from 'Fleecy Moss'." that is not evidence. It
is a simple statement with no supporting documentation and absolutely
no refutation of the material in the Motion before the Court. You
might as well say, "I think beer cans have wings". Also, Courts are
about application of existing law. It needs to be cited.
 Judge Lasnik is a very capable and respected Judge. While he is
probably sick of it, he understand this situation. He will look at two
things and two things only; the agreement in question and the law.
Everything else is just noise. Speaking for myself, I would not play
games with a District Court Judge.
 Question 2.8: Can you comment about the strategies that have been
used in this current legal dispute?
 Garry: Within 24 hours of the Motion to Amend a number of things
happened. KMOS' corporate attorneys are in Northern California and
litigation firm is in New York. It would waste time and money for
either to be involved. KMOS would not join as co-defendant. This would
be all Amiga. All the time. Within ten minutes of the first conference
call with the Cairncross attorneys, it was decided that two motions
would be presented to the Court; Amiga's Response to the Motion to
Amend and, a Motion for Relief. For those of you, like me, trying to
understand the U.S. legal system, Amiga did not appeal the Courts
ruling. Nor did it seek dismissal. A Motion for Relief asks a District
Court Judge to set aside his ruling For Cause. The implications and
potential damages are quite different.
 Amiga's attorneys emphasized that we had a week to gather evidence.
Toward that end we put together a small work group. Qualification for
membership was you had to be highly motivated, keep quiet and go
without sleep for 18 days. Application for membership was over
subscribed. I put on a Paul Thorn CD and went to work.
 While I had absolutely no authority to do so, a week or so prior to
the initial Summary Judgement, I asked everyone associated with Amiga
to go silent. fleecy taking a "vacation" from Ask Fleecy (sorry AW)
and Ray delaying publication of CAM was the last straw. We hoped that
people would conclude Amiga was done for and continue to post goofy
claims, threats and the like. I never dreamed Mr. Buck would be so
 The attorneys asked how we would gather information. We said, Mr.
Buck would provide quite a bit of it. They were sceptical and wanted
an example. We'd captured quite a few public posts and I have to admit
that arguments from both sides shaped our thinking. But a few people
stood out. In response to "Tatu", Mr. Buck wrote his, "What will
happen next?" post. I sent it to the attorneys and asked, how this?
Have you ever seen lawyers dance?

 Early the next morning we got going. The work group asked what I
would like to see. Proving I had no idea what I was talking about, I
asked for every post on every board from the November 2000 date of the
original agreement. There was a very long pause. One of the guys
finally asked if I had any idea how many posts that meant. I guessed,
"probably a couple hundred".
 We settled on a little different method. Every post from Mr. Buck
from the January 3, 2003 original complaint in context. Meaning the
post, if any, he was responding to and any relevant posts following.
That turned out to be quite a few. The floor of my office was covered
with folders within the first two days. We also wanted posts from five
 "Tatu". We have all your stuff.
 Greg Schofield. Greg's posts were always thoughtful, well written and
useful. His, "Who is the OEM?" post became the foundation for an
entire legal argument and a lot of research. In the end we didn't use
it. The Court has a 12 page limit on any Motion and we ended up with
way to much information. But we completely developed this line of
inquiry. Who knows, we might need it in the future, although I
certainly hope this ends some day. I was concerned by one of Greg's
posts. He correctly guessed Amiga may have gone silent on purpose. We
watched for a thread but no one picked up on it. No more wild guesses,
Greg. It is bad for journalism.
 Bill Evans and Don Cox. Both these guys carry through with their
arguments. Very interesting and well reasoned. The responses they
elicit are found throughout both Amiga's Motions.
 Mike Bouma. During the initial phases of research I "reached out" to
a few individuals asking for help. I know some were friends of Amiga's
and others probably sought to limit any personal liability. One
evening I received unbelievable documents. I was already convinced
that what we were dealing with was little more than misusing the
Courts to steal property. This document made me angry. Around 1 AM I
pick up the folder labelled Mike Bouma and read it a couple times. He
knew exactly what was going on and didn't mince words about the issue.
I felt better. I like you style, Mike.
 If any of you run into me at a conference I'll buy you a beer... OK
...I'll buy you two. You'll need some "ID" Tatu.
 A while later we added a third category; anyone Mr. Buck had called
an "idiot". In most cases these "idiots" were computer enthusiasts not
industry professionals. They'd ask a simple questions or make a
comment and were immediately attacked, threatened and called names,
mostly "idiots". I thought the "idiots" might be on to something. As
an aside, I suppose it's part of board culture, but I don't get all
the name calling - whether directed at Mr. Buck, Bill McEwen, Ray Akey
or anybody else. But that's just me.
 I know a number of people have openly questioned why their posts are
included in the attachments presented to the Court. Some argue that
they aren't even friends of Amiga or that their posts had nothing to
do with the argument. True. But we wanted to present everything to the
Court in context. The Judge can quickly get a feel for the nature of
these boards; full of rumour, gossip, silliness and occasionally
information. Evidence without context is suspect. Taking a couple
lines of text off a web site, for example, without the entire document
and an indication of who wrote it is pretty worthless.
 At 6 PM on March 19 I turned off my computer and took my family to
dinner. It hade been eighteen very long days and nights.

 Question 2.9: Can anything good come out of what seems like an
incredible waste of time and money?
 Garry: The process wasn't as expensive as you might think. All the
research and document preparation was done internally. But it was a
tremendous drain on time. From late March 1 until late March 19, four
of us literally spent 12 - 18 hour days, every day, researching and
drafting in support of Amiga's attorneys. One of the four lives in
Europe. I don't know when he slept but he stayed up all night, every
night, to help me and the attorneys. He knows how I feel about him.
 Until all this broke, I'd planned to be in Germany and the UK meeting
with partners and developers the week of March 15. And I was supposed
to be in China the following week. Things changed.
 But it turned out to be very interesting. Many of you have seen the
Declarations. Obviously I talked, often frequently, with Ben, Alan and
to a lesser degree Francis. We got to know one another over this
process in a way that would have been impossible over a dinner or
meeting. They offered their help. When I asked for specific
information that wasn't readily available they got it to me - in 24
hours. In one instance, with translation from German to English. I
like these guys and look forward to working with them and, I hope,
they feel the same about me.
 After Amiga's first filing, I received a call from the CEO of, as far
as I could tell, a Company completely unrelated to the Amiga/Thendic
dispute. He was very upset that he didn't get to file a Declaration. I
explained that his Company wasn't involved in this dispute. He said,
"so what", and offered to pay part of the legal costs. Interesting.
 A fifth Company, that I had never heard of, contacted me late last
week and asked how they could help. The amount of time and money it
would have cost to fly around meeting five companies in different
parts of the world is likely several times the legal and time costs.
In a way it turned out to be very efficient, although I don't want to
make a habit of this approach to business development.
 We've all seen the movie. A bully rides into town and starts pushing
the villagers around. One of the villagers finally stands up and says,
ENOUGH! They look around and the other villagers are at their side.
Amiga stood up and a lot of people and companies were at its' side.
Including me.
 Question 2.10: What do you think of Bill Buck?

 Garry: As I've mentioned I've only had one brief telephone
conversation with Mr. Buck. I can't say that I know him. I try to
focus on people's behaviour rather than speculate on their
motivations. In this regard Mr. Buck has been very public. We can all
make up our own minds.
 In one regard I think Mr. Buck is quite amazing. Toward Amiga's first
filing, four of us were literally working 15+ hour days researching
and drafting materials on behalf of the attorneys. At the time Mr.
Buck continued to post to public boards. The 48 hours preceding
Amiga's "Response" filing, Mr. Buck literally wrote more than our
efforts combined. And, while I seldom agree with the content, many of
his posts were very well written. Quite impressive.
 Question 2.11: KMOS owns and has owned for almost a year, the rights
to Amiga's Operating Systems, Amiga Inc. retains rights over AmigaDE.
Are there any other issues, such as competing trademarks, other
intellectual property or other assets in general, that are outstanding
between the two companies?
 Garry: I don't believe so.

Part 3.

 Garry Hare on: KMOS, Amiga Inc., Hyperion, Eyetech, Trademarks and
 Question 3.1: How would you describe the relationship between KMOS
and Amiga Inc. at the present moment?
 Garry: The relationship has been friendly and, due to recent events,
become very friendly.
 Question 3.2: Again, based on the present relations between the two
companies, is there a prospect of the companies working closely
together in the future? And, if so, is there a current understanding
of continued association in the long term by both parties?
 Garry: This comes down to customers. If a commercial customer
specifies both KMOS and Amiga property as part of a solution, I'm
pretty sure we can work something out.
 Question 3.3: Hyperion has been doing an amazing job of re-inventing
the Operating System, how would you describe the situation in terms of
KMOS, Hyperion and the OS?
 Garry: We are partners. I look forward to working with Ben and the
people at Hyperion.
 Question 3.4: Eyetech has done a marvellous job in providing the A1
and microA1 boards, obviously they have a stake in the future of the
OS. The community has long been assured that Eyetech, Hyperion and
Amiga Inc. are working together in this venture, now that KMOS is
involved has anything substantially changed?
 Garry: No. Nothing should change. Eyetech, Hyperion and KMOS have a
common interest. We'd like to build an attractive market for current,
and likely, future products. Alan and Ben know that, within limits, I
will help in any way I can. As I didn't anticipate "going public" now,
my schedule until about June, or so, is a bit of a mess. It will be
difficult for me to participate in conferences and the like in the
near term. I don't think that's important. Eyetech and Hyperion are
doing just fine without my involvement.
 Question 3.5: Would you like to make some comment on Hyperion and
Eyetech's position in regard to KMOS, at least as you understand it?

 Garry: We are commercial partners.
 Question 3.6: Given KMOS'es self-description as stated above, Amiga
Inc's DE technology would seem to be a natural extension of
cross-platform development, would you care to comment on this
 Garry: I like Amiga's DE product and, particularly their distribution
agreement with Microsoft and, I trust, others. Given my content
background it is a natural interest. But I am focused on the
requirements of a specific customer. This solution does not require
 Question 3.7: Amiga's OS website presumably still belongs to Amiga
Inc, are there any plans to host this on a KMOS site or are relations
between the two companies such that this does not matter?
 Garry: About the last thing I've thought about lately is web sites.
If we were to put up a KMOS site today about all it would do is point
you to Hyperion and Eyetech. My first site is likely a "restricted
access" site in support of partners and developers. I've yet to do
much on that front either.
 Question 3.8: Without attempting to speak for Amiga Inc. would it be
true to say that it now can concentrate on the DE/Tao developments and
business opportunities and that from their point of view this
separation has been of benefit? Or is it the case that KMOS simply
bought up the OS asset which for whatever reason Amiga Inc. was eager
to sell?
 Garry: One of the most difficult things for smaller companies to do
is focus on a specific product or market. We all tend to jump around
from one perceived opportunity to the next. I believe Amiga intends to
focus on the DE market but I can't speak for them. KMOS' business
relationships are concentrated in the broader telecommunication
industry and we will focus there. I don't know that a single small
entity can do both.
 Question 3.9: Prior to the public announcement of your company's
stake in Amiga technologies, Amiga Inc. drew some broad stroke
objectives for the development and convergence of two technical
innovations, the revived AmigaOS and DE type developments. Broadly
speaking does KMOS share a similar outlook?
 Garry: It isn't really KMOS' view that matters. We are proceeding to
meet the needs of specific customers. I guess you could say that is
our "strategy". I've proven, several times, that I'm not smart enough
to accurately anticipate markets. My partners might be, but I keep
arguing they aren't either.

Part 4.

 Garry Hare: The Future
 Question 4.1: Will we see OS 4.0 on the Pegasos computer?
 Garry: In business you never say never. To my knowledge, Hyperion,
Eyetech, Amiga and, certainly KMOS, have never received a proposal
from Pegasos regarding the OS.
 In general, I look at potential business prospects from several
angles. First, what are the financial consequences of a given deal? I
tend to focus on the worst case rather than upside projections, which
tend to be a little rosy. If you achieve nothing more than worst case,
what are the costs and benefits? Then, how would a new business
relationship affect current partners and customers? There are some
deals you simply can't do. There are, of course, limits to this. Let's
say for example Intel (no, we don't have a deal with Intel) wants to
buy 10 million units of something that competes with a current partner
selling 10,000 units. Generally something can be worked out. Finally,
is there a business history with a potential partner? What is their
reputation in the market? Are they managed by people that you would
like doing business with? Given just this criteria, I can't envision
anything that Genesi and KMOS have to talk about. Sometimes life is
just too short.

 Question 4.2: What about those coupons and T-shirts?
 Garry: I've been expecting this question. KMOS has no legal
obligation to honour past promotional activities. But, I think we have
an ethical one. I'm trying to work out the discount coupon situation
and I believe I will. KMOS will certainly keep you posted. Given OS
4.0 isn't on the market yet, I have a little time, and if I paid $100
for something I'd certainly like to see the benefit. I have yet to see
the accounting from Amiga. I don't know how many $50 and $100 discount
coupons are out there. When I get this information, I will proceed. I
hate it when anyone, including me, says, "trust me". It generally
means they're trying to pick your pocket. So, I'm not asking any of
you to trust me - let's just see if I can get this done. I'm aware of
the problem and I'm trying to fix it.
 Here's an answer without a question. KMOS will not be selling
discount coupons!
 The T-shirt situation is a little different. I don't know the
details, but I'd like to stay out of the apparel business. It seems to
me this should be Amiga's problem. I don't even know what the T-shirts
were supposed to be. However, I'm willing to make a little side deal.
If anyone would like to trade a T-shirt coupon for a "semi-collectable
fake business card" (suitable for framing), we've got a deal. I only
have 16 but as they are "fake" in the first place, I can probably
print more. I think, although I may be wrong, this was through CAM.
I'll speak to Ray. I'm serious about this. I've decided to carry real
business cards. At least for now.
 Question 4.3: Given your history in the broadband media industry, the
need for flexible and reliable set-top boxes, console devices etc.,
combined with the nature of Amiga OS do you see a symbiosis between
these devices and a desktop computer system? Is there a mutual benefit
for catering for both, at least in the abstract speculative sense?
 Garry: I've worked with telecommunications companies, in Europe, the
U.S. and increasingly Asia, for the last seven years. As wired and
wireless bandwidth increases, which it certainly is, the operators
simply can't meet their objectives with current OS suppliers. I'm
reasonably aware of the problem.
 One of the features that attracted us to the Amiga OS in the first
place is that, by definition, it is cross-platform. Improvement in any
one market should improve the others, including the desktop. If the
same application played across all platforms and devices, so much the
 Question 4.4: Again given your personal history, you seem to be in a
very good position to "drum up business", your diverse background in
the high flying circles mainstream technical development must be seen
as an asset. Modesty aside, how do you asses yourself in regard to our
favourite Operating System?
 Garry: Increasingly, I've come to know what I don't know. I try to
surround myself with people that know far more than I do on a variety
of business issues. That certainly includes technical issues,
marketing, developer support and lately, legal. The first line in
every job description is all employees are to try and keep me from
looking stupid. Despite their best efforts I still manage to screw
things up occasionally. A trait in my favour is, I read everything.
 Question 4.5: Would you like to say something about the future of
computing in general and allow our readers to imagine the place the
Amiga OS might inhabit? Or indeed any other ideas which may bare ever
so tenuously to the future of our OS?

 Garry: I'm afraid none of this is breakthrough thinking. The world's
going mobile, from wireless laptops to PDAs, to SmartPhones and
numerous stops in between. I don't think we're very far away from each
home having the equivalent of a "content server", sending digital
signals, probably wireless, to the TV, the stereo, the PC and many
other devices. What is interesting is the implications for media.
Except for one small example, I won't go into that here. A while back
I was in China talking with one of the ministers concerned with
economic development. He told me, outside the two major urban centres,
the fastest road for increased income was becoming fluent in English.
There is a tremendous demand for people in transportation,
communication, hospitality and many other industries who are be
bi-lingual. As computers are very expensive, he wondered if mobile
phones could be used for English language learning ( a company I'm
very loosely associated with is now working on this application). He
specifically used the example of training air traffic controllers in
English, which I found a little scary - I took the train. I have no
idea what the future of media will look like but I am sure I'll be
surprised by it all.
 Question 4.6: How long have you been using Amiga Computers and do you
plan to participate in the Amiga Community?
 Garry: This is where I'm supposed to say, I've been using Amiga
Computers since I was a child and love them more than my German
Shepherd. But AmigaWorld keeps insisting that I be accurate and not
evasive. How's this? I've never owned an Amiga Computer and, as far as
I can remember, never touched an Amiga keyboard. A number of people
I've worked with over the years certainly have. I believe Charlie
Kelner programmed part of "Fractalis" on an Amiga and we used a bank
of Classics to program the interleave logic in producing "Escape From
 Over the past decade or so I've turned into a "suit", actually a
faded Levi, sort of guy. My work life revolves around contracts,
spreadsheets and research reports. I need a pretty full suite of
business applications. I'm writing this on a fairly high end Toshiba
laptop with a great screen. I also have a Powerbook G4. Mostly, I take
it to meetings to look cool.
 Everyone at KMOS wants an AmigaOne running 4.0. I'm trying for a
"partners" discount through Alan. Negotiations continue.
 Through my recent addition to public boards I've noticed that a few
people demand that I explain myself. Others expect me to engage the
rumour, speculation and childish behaviour in some of the discussions.
I've never published to a public board and I don't have any plans to
start now. Several people who work with me certainly read and post
often. As long as they respect confidential information, I have
absolutely no problem with that. Its a free country - at least mine
was until a few years ago.
 But, aside from the prospects for the future of the OS, we were
attracted to Amiga for a few other reasons. The name is not as
valuable as it used to be but it is a known brand and, unless I mess
it up, could come back. We know there is a worldwide user base,
perhaps 10,000 or so strong. And maybe 1,000 very supportive and vocal
enthusiasts. We'd like to set up an early adopter program, initially
between 100 and 500 users. Nokia does much the same thing with the
entire population of Finland, with great success. As we bring new
products to market these early adopters can purchase them at a reduced
price in exchange for feedback on everything from ease of use to the
quality of applications. We will have a restricted access site to make
participation very easy. This should gives us a lot of flexibility. If
we launched a product, say in Italy, we could draw upon our Italian
early adopters, etc. We are already designing this program but there
are two little problems. We don't have the web site up and we don't
have a new product quite yet. We will. There could be t-shirts
involved. Wait... I didn't say that.
 More important, I've never felt developer support programs do a very
good job of supporting developers. I'd like to change that. I am
contracting with the best information management firm I know to help
set a structure for information and retrieval over a restricted access
site. Once we have a handle on what can be done, I'll invite more than
a few developers to tell us what they would like to see. I have a few
ideas but they will have many more. We have access to all the web
design talent that anyone could ever ask for. I will ask our partners
if they would like to be involved but, either way, it will be done. In
fact, one of our customers requires it. And I certainly agree. I know
many of you reading this might consider buying a computer due to the
operating system installed. Most people don't know or care. They care
about applications and nothing more.
 It becomes simple. If the developers are successful, KMOS will be
successful. If they can't survive, we won't either. One developer
asked if he will have direct access to me. Of course, although anyone
relying on me for technical information has completely lost their
mind. Professionals will be involved. I will, however, be pretty
active and open on market information and product strategy. All
confidential, of course.
 Since the emergency launch of Information@KMOS.com , we've received
thousands of hits. Many seem to be from the same handful of people.
They contain threats, name calling and such nonsense. I don't see any
of them, they're simply deleted. We do track them as I don't want any
of these people involved in the future of this Company. Except
regarding children, I don't suffer childish behavior particularly
 If the above is your idea of "community", I will be very involved. If
its something else - count me out.
 Question 4.7: Is there anything else you would like to add?
 Garry: Amiga went through two pretty thorough rounds of due
diligence. Aside from the items you'd expect to find in any under
capitalized company, we found that more than just Genesi concluded
that Amiga couldn't defend itself and proceeded to help themselves to
IP, trademarks and even distributed a commercial product without an
agreement. Many of you have seen my "Declarations" and know what I'm
talking about. Unfortunately before I can turn my full attention to
building this Company I have to clean up these items. I prefer the
company of developers to lawyers but legal issues have become part of
my job.
 My job description was simple, "Build this company", with two bullet
points. Later they added, oh yeah, protect the intellectual property.
If I would have known then what I know now, I would have insisted on a
renegotiation and a new GT3 (that's a car not a PC) delivered to my
 In one instance, due diligence issues regarding Amiga and KMOS
overlap. I believe all employees should be paid for the work they do.
Amiga has two well publicized labour judgements against them and I
hope they are cleared soon. But a labour judgement, paid or not, does
not pierce confidentiality and NDA. It appears that one former Amiga
employee transferred intellectual property (now KMOS' intellectual
property) to a third party for financial gain. That is a criminal act
and should be treated as such. He went on to brag about it on public
boards. That's not a criminal act, just not very smart. Other than
that, with the possible exception of this guy in Australia, I'm not
very interested in the actions of individuals.
 I do think it is particularly reprehensible when an employer directs
their employees to misuse others property. The employee is in a bind.
Usually they need the income and can't simply walk out - although a
couple did. Enough said. If you'd like to reach me on any of these
matters, just drop a line to my attention at Information@KMOS.com. It
will be confidential and it will get to me.

 Question 4.8: Finally, Garry, why did you select AW for this
 Garry: You asked. I do thank Amigaworld.net for this opportunity to
answer a couple questions and I apologize for the length. It seemed
necessary. I don't want anyone to conclude this is the start of an
"ask Garry" column. It isn't. We will release information on matters
that materially affect KMOS; certainly product releases, perhaps
strategic partners and others matters that seem relevant. I'll be
happy to answer questions, here on AmigaWorld if David would like,
when any of these events occur. Anyone asking questions regarding
business cards will be condemned to a Pegasos... ...running Windows.

 You may freely redistribute this article, providing that a URL is
provided to the original source, and the copyright notice remain
intact. Copyright (c) 2004 Amigaworld.net and KMOS Inc. All rights

Copyright © 2002 - 2004 Amigaworld.net. All rights reserved.

          A M I G A O S 4   E V E N T   I N   G E R M A N Y 

 WHERE?: At the "Zukunft Zentrum Zollverein" (TripleZ) in
Essen-Katernberg (Germany)
 WHEN?: Saturday, 15 May 2004 from 10:00 am to 5:30 pm
 WHAT?: Presentation of the current AmigaOS4 version
 WHO?: Representatives of Hyperion Entertainment
 The entrance to the AmigaOS4 Event is free. For your
convenience,there is a local cafeteria to take care of your bodily
needs.Additionally, there are about 50 free parking bays available
onthe internal parking lot.

What will be shown?

 There are five AmigaOnes available to become acquainted with AmigaOS
4. Anyone can test out the new OS on his own. Additionally,
representatives of Hyperion Entertainment will be there to answer your
questions about AmigaOS 4, a video beamer will be available for

Who will be there?

 The following companies/individuals have confirmed their appearance:

* Hyperion Entertainment (AmigaOS4 Developer Company)
* Vesalia Computer (Amiga Dealer)


             A M I W E S T   2 0 0 4   I S   C O M I N G 

30 March, 2004  
                      Announcing AmiWest 2004!
 AmiWest 2004 is rolling! While many others have come and gone,
AmiWest is still rolling and in its seventh year. The AmiWest
committee is proud to announce we are again hosting this year's show
in Sacramento, California, at the Inn at the Oaks, a member of the
Choice Hotel group. This venue has been completely remodeled upscale
to the next level in service and accomodations. Amazingly, the rates
are LOWER THAN LAST YEAR and the hotel management much more
accomodating, according to our SACC Vice President for AmiWest 2004
operations. The dates are July 24th and 25th, 2004.
 This year's theme is "Back to the Roots" since our newly remodeled
and upscale venue is our original AmiWest location morphed into a
5-star facility. AmiWest is in it's seventh year and is the only Amiga
show produced on the West Coast of the United States. The show has
proved very popular for Amiga enthusiasts in the Western United States
as well as attracting attenders and exhibitors world-wide.
 Space is available for rent to companies, clubs, organizations, and
individuals producing Amiga related products and services as well as
exhibiting items of interest to Amigans.
 If you know of any vendors/suppliers/anything AMIGA-related that you
think belongs at this show, let us know and we will contact them.
Alternatively, point them to our webpage at www.sacc.org/amiwest.
 This weekend event will again showcase the progress that IS the Amiga
Community. The "roots" of the Amiga community are still growing and
still healthy. We welcome all who will attend in peace and
 Where the show is going to be!
 AmiWest 2004 will be at the
 Inn at the Oaks
 2600 Auburn Blvd.
 Sacramento California 95821
 Reservations Phone 1-916-487-7600 (toll-free line to be announced
later) and by snail-mail at the above address.
 Please watch our website at www.sacc.org/amiwest for continuing news
and information regarding AmiWest 2004. We are on target for another
improved show! See you there!

          D A W N V I D E O P O K E R   L A T E S T   R E V 

2 March 2004)

DawnVideoPoker v3.5
Release date: Out now!


 New Scoreboard. Now displays $10 pay-outs and highlights (& animates)
selected bet-level
 Game speed settings/buttons added to interface (Same as SPEED0-SPEED3


 - Hand-history graph: displaying the result of the last 53 hands,
regardless of bet-level and doubles
 - Double-history markers: displaying the result of the last 12
double-games with colourful balls
 - Average Win Multiple stat: the average quality of all hands played,
regardless of bet-level and doubles
 Sneak-mode - For those who likes to reveal one card at a time!
 Game now sorts a lost hand (it sorts every other hand so...)
 Many more losing-comments - for those who like to be taunted ;)
 SFX marking Deal/Double buttons opening


 Switched positions of Bet-buttons
 Extended wait-period before auto-sorting cards
 Advanced card-shading now activated on systems lower than 060 (040 &
 The starting bet-level is now $1 - the bet also resets to $1 at every


 Redrawn card-gfx - a more 3D/Glossy look
 Slight improvements to most gfx
 Anti-aliasing of the Cash-graph (as a dynamic pause effect)

 Bug fixes:

 A minor problem with the Bank-roll (don't remember exactly what)
 A minor bug in the Bet-button function
 NOSORT-command not zeroing Suggestion-data. i.e. RMB didn't flip
cards correctly
 Corrected a few spelling errors

 Richard 'DawnBringer' Fhager - dawnbringer@hem.utfors.se, Site:

    G H O S T P R I N T   V 8 . 1 3   N O W   A V A I L A B L E

22 March, 2004

 Ghostscript V8.13 for 68K amiga is available to download as of this

 V8.13 was the latest available version of Ghostscript until Mid
February when GS8.14 was made available on other platforms. V8.14 for
Amiga is currently being worked on.

 This version should run on all 68K machines ('020 upwards), and under
68k emulation on OS4, MorphOS, Amithlon, UAE etc.
 V8.13 includes updated turboprint drivers, using the PS device
supplied with original versions of TP.
 There are both FPU and noFPU versions available, from
Amiga Update on the net:
 All back issues available at:
Stop by and check out our archive! 
Copyright 2004 by Brad Webb.    Freely distributable, if not modified.
                 _    __      _     <>_   __      _      
   A M I G A    /\\    |\    /||    ||   /  `    /\\      A M I G A   
  U P D A T E  /__\\   | \  / ||    ||  || ___  /__\\    U P D A T E 
              /    \\_ |  \/  ||_  _||_  \__// /    \\_  