    _    __      _     <>_   __      _     ||
   /\\    |\    /||    ||   /  `    /\\    || Amiga Update -News and Rumors
  /__\\   | \  / ||    ||  || ___  /__\\   ||(A Very Ocassional Newsletter)
 /    \\_ |  \/  ||_  _||_  \__// /    \\_ ||
AMIGA and the Amiga logo are trademarks of Amiga Technolgies, GmbH

                        A 4 0 0 0 s   A R R I V E
              I - B R O W S E   D E M O   A V A I L A B L E 

                        P A W S   I S   R E A L ?

 Here we go again, another couple of newsletters close together. That's one
reason we don't have a regular publishing schedule. Like the last, this one
is short. I wanted to get the information about the A4000s out to you as soon
as I could.
                            A4000s Now in US!
Novemember 28th 1995
 The first shipment of A4000T's to the US arrived in SMG's
warehouse today. {Yesterday now. Brad} Only Authorised dealers will get them, 
so make sure you use one of them. First units should start shipping to customers
tomorrow. { That is, today. Safe Harbor in Waukesha would be a good place to 
call, but do it fast. In fact, it may already be too late. It's quite possible
ALL these units have been pre-sold. This item was downloaded last night from
"The So-called Amiga Home Page". The folks doing that web site have added the
term "So-called" to their name now that Amiga Technologies (AT) has its own
Amiga home page. The next item is also from the "So-Called" home page. Brad}

                  Another Good Web Browser for the Amiga
From the "So-Called Amiga Home Page" on WWW:
Here's a biggy, and it's not a rumour, it's the truth. A demo alpha of
ibrowse is now available off the Ibrowse section of our {So-Called Amiga 
Home Page. Brad} web site. Be aware though, that it is known to have bugs, 
and that we do expect you to buy the finished version. The main reason for
putting it out is that it will give you an idea of what the program is about,
and that it is  less buggy that the pre-alpha version that some bastard
stole. Speaking of which, doesn't it seem like the height of ingratitude 
to steal the work of people who kept you going with a free web browser
Amosaic through the darkest days of the Amiga? Yes it does. So, if you see a
pirated copy of Ibrowse around, tell the person who has it to get the
legal preview, and to pay for the release version when it's out. End
of sermon.
{NOTE: There's more about this you should know. I used I-Browse to download
all the items in today's newsletter, and it worked well. However, there really
are bugs. It had trouble with some text formatting, for instance. Also, it can
crash a partition, so put it on a small disk partition by itself. It apparantly
only causes problems if the program dies while writing to disk.
 Finally, it requies you to have MUI (Magic User Interface) 3.0 or better 
loaded on your Amiga. MUI 3.X is not readily available.
 When finished, I-Browse looks like it'll be faster than Mosaic, and will offer
special extensions. Already the "So-Called Amiga Home Page" lists itself as
"I-Browse enhanced". It's nice to see something other than "Netscape enhanced",
since there is no Amiga Netscape. We'll let them figure out what I-Browse 
enhanced is. Brad}

                     PORTABLE AMIGAS, THE HARD WAY?

Novemember 21st 1995
From the "So-Called Amiga Home Page":
 It looks like the PAWs (Amiga in a box with a battery and LCD
display) will finally happen. 
 {Pretty short item, this one. It refers to the Portable Amiga Workstation
from Silent Paws. This is a family of kits into which you fit your own Amiga
motherboard. You wind up with a laptop like machine with LCD display. It's 
laptop like because most are too big to be real laptops. They have discussed
models for A4000, A3000, A1200 and A600 motherboards if I remember right. Only
the A600 model would really be laptop size. This might be a tempting use for
your old A3000 motherboard if you buy a PowerPC upgrade board when they become
available. Hmmm. Brad}
    _    __      _     <>_   __      _     ||  Brad Webb - available at:
   /\\    |\    /||    ||   /  `    /\\    ||  webb@malamute.med.ge.com
  /__\\   | \  / ||    ||  || ___  /__\\   ||  bandr@globaldialog.com
 /    \\_ |  \/  ||_  _||_  \__// /    \\_ ||  Portal -- XJumpdisk