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   /\\    |\    /||    ||   /  `    /\\    || Amiga Update -News and Rumors
  /__\\   | \  / ||    ||  || ___  /__\\   ||(A Very Ocassional Newsletter)
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                         T O D A Y ' S   I S S U E 
 A couple of interesting news items came our way this weekend. Both are 
what corporations call "time sensitive" so we wanted to get them out to you
as quickly as possible.

       T O D A Y   I S   " A M I G A   D A Y "   I N   G E O R G I A
 The Governor of Georgia has declared today (Monday, January 22) as Amiga
day in the State of Georgia. The proclamation was read at the 10th Anniversary
meeting of the Atlanta Amiga Users' Group, held in Atlanta this last weekend.
According to those who attended, about 130 people showed up and were entertained
by eight speakers representing Amiga and computer industry notables. One of the 
program's sponsors was Motorola, creator of the main processors both for current 
model Amigas and the upcoming Power Amiga line. Among the speakers were R.J.
Mical and Dave Haynie, formerly of Commodore. Haynie, now with graphics software 
creator Scala, was also representing Amiga Technologies. Fred Fish, creator of
the Amiga shareware library, was among the dignitaries.
 Also giving a presentation was Stuart Chiefet of TV's "Computer Chronicles".
He presented some clips from programs which covered the Amiga, which proves that
the program does ocassionaly mention the computer. The highlight was probably
the excerpts from the program dealing with California's Stanford Linear
             B L U E   R I B B O N   G O E S   M I C R O S O F T  -
                 " F R E E "   S O F T W A R E   R E S U L T S 

 The former "Blue Ribbon Software", aka "Toolworks", "Blue Ribbon Bakery", and 
several other names, has been purchased by Microsoft.  "Blue Ribbon" produced
some of the best music related products ever to run on an Amiga. One of their
top programs is the well known "Bars and Pipes", which is a first rate MIDI
 Microsoft has "dumped" all the Amiga titles into an area on Compuserv, from
which they can be downloaded by any Amiga user with access. We don't know all
the details at this point, but if you have a Compuserv account, you'll want to
check this out quickly. The software may be available on other services as well,
though once again we are unsure of legalities and availabilities. Check with 
your commercial service provider "Sysop" for details.
 "Blue Ribbon" will be much missed by Amigans, but this sort of happening isn't
too surprising in a market which has undergone as much stress as the Amiga's 
in recent months. We wish them well in their new life but are more interested
in seeing who takes their place. Have no fear, someone will.

Brad Webb                          ||     (414) 544-3087 voice
ADSRS System Administration        ||     (414) 548-2315 fax
General Electric Medical Systems   ||     webb@malamute.med.ge.com
  Information Management           ||