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   /\\    |\    /||    ||   /  `    /\\    || Amiga Update -News and Rumors
  /__\\   | \  / ||    ||  || ___  /__\\   ||  (An Occasional Newsletter)
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            I T ' S   A L L   O V E R   F O R   V I S C O R P ? 

         C A N A D I A N   S H O W   S C H E D U L E   U P D A T E 

            A M I G A   C D   U S E R   L I S T   S T A R T E D 

Editor's Introduction and thoughts:

 We've been watching events unfold the last few days with deep interest.
As early as September (issue 960930) we indicated all was not well with the
VIScorp acquisition of Amiga Technologies.  [See also issue 961125.] Now it
seems There's no secret about it any longer.
 Two recent copyrighted stories by Bloomberg News indicate how bad the
situation is for VIScorp.  They apparently lost their guaranteed contract
back in October when they didn't pay the $20M due at that time.  Since
then, they've seemingly been in a bidding war with other unnamed firms. If
they don't win, they stand to lose their license for use of the Amiga
operating system. As if all this isn't bad enough for VIScorp, the
Bloomberg stories report VIScorp on October 29th filed with the Securities
and Exchange Commission a report stating they can't meet current' business
obligations from the income they have at present.  While VIScorp's position
seems to be they considered the price of AT too high, their financial
situation surly enters into the matter.
 A complication seems to be that VIScorp has firmly entrenched itself with
the remaining employees at Amiga Technologies. It remains to be seen how
the AT crew will respond if someone else purchases them. Right now it seems
VIScorp is not even the leading candidate.

 We'll just have to see what happens next. We know nothing of the other
bidders, though we continue to suspect Eagle Computers is among them. That
doesn't mean much though. Frankly, when Escom won the rights to Commodore
it caught us completely by surprise so we refuse to speculate on this
situation. One thing is certain. What's left of the Amiga market certainly
can't afford much more. With VIScorp apparently in such bad financial
condition, it could well be the last disaster if they won. We've wondered
for some time why companies offering products similar to VIScorp's
announced set top boxes are now advertising and promoting product. VIScorp
isn't. We've heard nothing since the deal with Emerson was announced. It's
just our opinion, but we suspect VIScorp missed the "window of opportunity"
for their products.
 One thing is certain. If the Amiga is to survive in its present form, a
solvent company with a genuine interest in it must make a move and soon.
There is another option, however. It's one that seems to have some
possibilities of success. If you've been reading recent issues you've
probably realized there are many Amiga oriented hardware and software
houses working at developing Amiga "workalike" systems of one sort or
another. Phase 5 is the most obvious example, but there is also the p-OS
project we reported on in issue 961121. It is at lease possible that the
operating system, or compatibles, will continue even if the computer itself
can't.  AmigaOS could continue in a manner similar to Unix with no one
company carrying it forward.  There are already a number of efforts in this
vein being discussed, though there's no real news to report yet.  We have
our doubts this approach would really work out, but it is a possibility if
all else fails.  And all else will fail, very soon, if something meaningful
doesn't happen, also very soon.
 Note that we can't run the copyrighted stories from Bloomberg. If you have
a web browser, you can find them at www.cucug.org/amiga.html by clicking on
the Amiga news link.

 It seems the Canadians realized they had some scheduling problems with too
many computer shows too close together. We have a posting from Usenet that
explains the resolution.
 Finally, some intrepid folks in the UK at Digital Arts Software have taken
a creative approach to getting out information on using CDs with the Amiga.
We have their posting for you to examine.
 All I want for Christmas is a stable Amiga market ...
 Brad Webb, Editor

          C A N A D I A N   S C H E D U L I N G   P R O B L E M 

{From the Usenet and edited. Brad}

: 	Amiga Fest will be held this weekend (Nov29/Dec1,'96) at the 
: International Centre (where it always was). The show is part of Computer 
: Fest, and has nothing to do with Wonder. Check out the show's web site at 
: http://www.compfest.com   Voice info at (416) 324 0765. FaxBack info is 
: avail. at (416) 410-6045 xt 575.

: 	Wonder had plans to do a show around mid December. 

Wonder have cancelled their show {World of Amiga}.  The ComputerFest will
be the only one here {Canada} for the remainder of the year.


             A M I G A   C D   U S E R S   U N I T E ! 


Wed, 27 Nov 1996 11:19:44 +0000
Digital Arts Software UK

           - Bringing the community closer together -

Yes as part of our NEW support project for the Amiga our NEW Amiga CD32 and
Amiga CDROM users list is our way of bringing the Amiga CD community closer
together ..  so far we have had a great response from many people in the
CD32 usergroup and now we are posting to other groups we are hoping more
and more people will join.

Fill in our form:-


The idea is a directory of E-Mails for CD users in the Amiga community,
with the ability to post your own message similar to a NEWSGROUP except it
will not expire as SOON!

If you have a CD problem, question or can answer a current members problem
or question then please use this page as a reference.

Don't worry if your message does not appear straight away as it will take a
couple of days before it will appear due to the amount of mail we have been


You will receive our Monthly update on the CDROM and AMIGA scene and
information on NEW products as they become available ....

If you wish to UNSUBSCRIBE from this facility then please send us an E-Mail
with the subject:


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|   Digital Arts Multimedia Software UK (c) Copyright 1996   |
| http://www.digitalarts.demon.co.uk |  AMIGA & PLAYSTATION  |
Amiga Update on the net: some issues available in html format at:
All back issues available (in ASCII text) at:
Copyright 1996 by Brad Webb.         Freely distributable, if not modified.
    _    __      _     <>_   __      _     ||  Brad Webb/AmigaUpdate 
   /\\    |\    /||    ||   /  `    /\\    ||  webb@malamute.med.ge.com
  /__\\   | \  / ||    ||  || ___  /__\\   ||  bandr@globaldialog.com
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