====================================================================== _ __ _ <>_ __ _ || /\\ |\ /|| || / ` /\\ || A M I G A U P D A T E /__\\ | \ / || || || ___ /__\\ || -News and Rumors- / \\_ | \/ ||_ _||_ \__// / \\_|| (An Occasional Newsletter) BACK FOR THE FUTURE || ====================================================================== AMIGA and the Amiga logo are trademarks of Amiga International, GmbH ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 970812 N E W A 1 2 O O T O W E R F R O M U K A I L I C E N S E S V I D A M U S B L I T T E R S O F T N O W A I D I S T R I B U T O R N E W G A M E F R O M S A D E N E S S M A D E F O R K I D S C A M P A I G N P I O S G O E S P U B L I C P . O S P R E - R E L E A S E A M I G A R E V I E W D I E S A M I G A I N F O R M E R I S S U E 9 I S O U T A L A D D I N 4 D 5 . 0 S H I P P I N G P O W E R P C B O A R D S R E L E A S E D V D I S K 2 . 7 C A L L M A N 1 . 1 D I S T A N T S U N S - N E W D I S T R I B U T O R Editor's Thoughts and Introduction: Lots of stories for you this time - and some we can't tell. There have been a number of rumors lately of meetings with Gateway 2000 by Amiga community notables - that's nothing new, but we are sure something interesting is developing. For a variety of reasons, it's inappropriate to put anything about them in this issue. However, we hope to have some fascinating information about the future for you soon. Stay tuned. In the meantime, we have several stories about expansion moves in the Amiga market - a new tower kit, and new licensees from Amiga International. Good news, all. There is also a press release on the interesting "Made for Kids Campaign", a market enhancer in it's own right. Next, two stories on Amiga inspired operations. We spotted a recent posting annoucing PowerPC computer maker PIOS going public and reproduce it below. We also have an release on the distribution of the pre-release version of p.OS from proDAD, which runs on PIOS equipment. Two stories deal with publications. First is the death of British magazine "Amiga Review". The article was written by the Editor. His feelings definitely show. At the same time, IDG has announced the end of British magazine "Amiga Computing". The last issue will be number 117, the October issue. Things are better on our side of the pond. We have more good news from our unofficial allied publication, "Amiga Informer". The new issue is out and we have the press release about it below. You might want to visit the "Informer" web site to check on their subscriber specials, as well. Finally, some good product news to finish the stories. The new release of Aladdin 4D is featured, as are VDisk and Callman, and one of my personal all time favorites among Amiga programming efforts, "Distant Suns" has a new distributor. BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE While we have mostly good news, and there are good things in the air for the future of the Amiga, there's one area of concern we'd like to mention. It's no longer a secret that NewTek, long a premier Amiga company, has dropped support for Lightwave on the Amiga. The Toaster and Flyer continue, but problems may be looming there as well. We have it on good authority that NewTek is having problems locating qualified Amiga programmers to keep these products alive. If you're a first rate Amiga programmer and interested in work, why not contact them? We have no idea if they're actively looking at this point, but it can't hurt to have your resume on file there. And it may help a great deal. Resumes can be faxed to 1-913-228-8099. They can also be sent to: NewTek Human Resources 1200 SW Executive Drive Topeka, KS 66615 Keep in mind that NewTek is relocating to San Antonio, Texas, so that's where any new jobs would be. As always, we hope you enjoy our latest issue. Brad Webb, Editor ---------------------------------------------------------------------- N E W A 1 2 O O T O W E R F R O M U K Chroma Announces a New and Affordable Do-It-Yourself A1200 Tower Case THE CHEAPEST A1200 TOWER IN THE UK ? Chroma announces a new DIY A1200 tower case which undercuts the rest by POUNDS. The T-CASE The full size tower will take an A1200 motherboard, complete with its plastic base, allowing complete access to the ports at the rear of the machine. The user is still able to install a complete PC system or Zorro slot array with the Amiga in place. Versatile cable arrangements allow the use of the internal PSU or original "powerbrick" for motherboard power and the PCMCIA slot is still accessible for use with a Squirrel or similar device. The tower, which has the same case as another leading "easy-fit" design, is available in an inexpensive DIY format (for the user to convert for Amiga use) with a comprehensive illustrated printed conversion guide, or in fully converted form. The imposing tower has ten drive bays and comes complete with 230 watt PSU, UK mains plug, screws/spacers/cable ties/2-part stand/guide.To complete a tower system, a keyboard+adapter and floppy drives+adapter are required along with any IDE or SCSI peripherals/interfaces. Prices: UKP 79.99 (DIY) UKP 105.99 (Converted) Plus delivery charge The same case design is also available for IDE or SCSI towers, in desktop, mini or miditower formats. Contact: Steve Hall Chroma 153 Holt Road Fakenham Norfolk NR21 8JF UK Tel: 01328 862693 E-mail: chromanet@aol.com Details and picture on Chroma`s website http://members.aol.com/chromanet/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- A I L I C E N S E S V I D A M U S Amiga International, Inc.: Vidamus licensee July 31st, 1997 Vidamus Multimedia licensed to manufacture and distribute merchandising items Vidamus Multimedia, Sweden, is licensed by AMIGA International, Inc. to manufacture and distribute AMIGA merchandising items. Contact: Vidamus Multimedia Idrottsvagen 3 915 31 Robertsfors Phone +46-934-553 33 Fax 7 +46-934-554 85 Mail: info@vidamus.se About Vidamus: "Vidamus was founded in 1991 and are located in the northern part of Sweden.The company works within four main areas. These are Internet, Multimedia, Education and of course Amigatrade. All work for Internet and Multimedia are done by Amiga computers. Education are given to PC and Macintosh companies (since they need all the help they can get ;-) ). Vidamus distributes a wide range of Amiga products, mainly software. Vidamus believes in the future of Amiga and will continue to produce and sell Amiga specific products. You can contact us at our website www.vidamus.se." ---------------------------------------------------------------------- B L I T T E R S O F T N O W A I D I S T R I B U T O R Amiga International, Inc.: Blittersoft distributor August 7th, 1997 Blittersoft to distribute MicroniK Tower in the UK Blittersoft, UK, is now licensed by AMIGA International, Inc. to distribute the MicroniK Tower in the UK. Blittersoft are currently negotiating with companies for quality software to be offered with the MicroniK Tower. Contact: Blittersoft 6 Drakes Mews Crownhill Industry Milton Keynes MK8 0ER United Kingdom Phone: Sales: 01908 261466, Technical: 01908 261477 Fax: 01908 261488 Mail: sales@blittersoft.com and technical@blittersoft.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------- N E W G A M E F R O M S A D E N E S S Sadeness Software Announces New Game Title We (Sadeness Software) have signed the second product to our new games publishing label. We have been in negotiations with the Hungarian group 'Invictus Team' for several months now, and finally they signed a publishing contract with us for their new action adventure game onEsacpee. The release date for onEscapee will be September/October 97, look out for media coverage soon, demos will also be available on Magazine cover CDROMs as soon as possible. More information is available from our web site, along with four screenshots. http://www.sadeness.demon.co.uk/ An on-line pre-orderform for onEsacpee and 'Foundation' can also be found on our web site. -- Richard Brown SAdENESS Software 13 Russell Terrace, Mundesley, Norfolk, NR11 8LJ, UK Rich@sadeness.demon.co.uk URL: http://www.sadeness.demon.co.uk/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- M A D E F O R K I D S C A M P A I G N Movement Aims to Increase Awareness of Children's Amiga Titles Hello Everyone! As you all know, the Amiga is a great computer on many fronts bar one - its lack of support for children. In a bid to rectify this situation for good, both for the benefit of the existing user base and also to help promote the new range of Amigas in an increasingly PC-oriented World, the Made For KiDS campaign has been launched. The Main Aims of this campaign being: * To gather together a range of quality Amiga software for children. * To make this range of software freely available via a NEW section on the Aminet - misc/kids. * To promote the use and development of quality Amiga software for children. * To make sure that when the new range of PowerPC based Amigas are released (whatever form they may take) that these Amigas are able to compete with PCs on ALL fronts - the new Amigas must be a computer for all the family, children included. A lot more information about the campaign and details of how YOU can help are available at the Made For KiDS home pages. By helping this campaign you are the helping the future of our favourite computer... Thanks, Conor Kerr, Director Mystique Corporation (Hosts of the Made For KiDS campaign) http://www.mystcorp.u-net.com/madeforkids.html ---------------------------------------------------------------------- P I O S G O E S P U B L I C {Posted 11 August} Hildesheim, July 1997 Since more than one year, PIOS Computer AG is commited to design, manufacture and distribute a broad range of multimedia computer systems. While the assembly and distribution of PowerPCs is a well established business, PIOS is getting a huge demand on the new CHRP systems designed by the engineering team led by Dave Haynie, one of the "Godfathers of the Amiga". The development of this new exciting technology is meanwhile completed; now the company is going to raise additional capital to be invested in marketing and increase the manufacturing facilities. PIOS Computer AG publishes all information and documents regarding this Initial Public Offering on its Web site. The offering is going to happen under the jurisdiction of the Federal Republic of Germany. The prospectus(in German language) was filed to the authorities at the Bundesamt für den Wertpapierhandel. Interested investors can also order it by mail at the company´s offices. The investment into PIOS shares offers the chance to participate in the fast growing market of multimedia applications. Shares are available in two different packages: 2,000 packages of 50 shares of common stockeach, at a total price of DEM 1,000 per package and 130 packages of 100 shares of preferred stockeach, at a total price of DEM 1,500 per package. We beg your pardon, but all further information and documents are only available in German language, with regards to legal requirements. Important Notice: THESE SECURITIES HAVE NOT BEEN REGISTERED UNDER THE UNITED STATES SECURITIES ACT OF 1933, AS AMENDED (THE "UNITED STATES ACT"), OR QUALIFIED UNDER ANY STATE SECURITIES LAWS, AND SUCH SECURITIES MAY NOT BE OFFERED OR SOLD IN THE UNITED STATES OR ANY STATE THEREOF OR TO U.S. PERSONS. THE SECURITIES OFFERED HEREBY ARE SPECULATIVE, INVOLVE A HIGH DEGREE OF RISK AND ARE SUITABLE ONLY FOR PERSONS WHO CAN AFFORD THE TOTAL LOSS OF THEIR INVESTMENT. SEE "RISK FACTORS". THE SECURITIES OFFERED HEREBY HAVE NOT BEEN APPROVED OR DISAPPROVED BY THE UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION (THE "COMMISSION") OR ANY US STATE SECURITIES COMMISSION AND NEITHER THE COMMISSION NOR ANY SUCH STATE SECURITIES COMMISSION HAS PASSED UPON THE ACCURACY OR ADEQUACY OF THIS DOCUMENT. ANY REPRESENTATION TO THE CONTRARY IS A CRIMINAL OFFENSE. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- P . O S P R E - R E L E A S E Stefan Ossowski's Schatztruhe Announces p.OS PreRelease Essen, 08/01/97 The long awaited p.OS Prerelease finally started shipping. Since its first introduction this new operating system, an innovation started on the Amiga platform, gained tremendous interest from the Amiga community. With this prerelease every user gets the opportunity to take a closer look into the philosophy of p.OS - the operating system which will soon be available for the Amiga and many other platforms. The prerelease is a nearly complete operating system at a reduced introductory price! You may also upgrade this version to the final release without having to pay more than the difference in price. For the price of DM 49 you'll obtain the p.OS PreRelease on CD ROM or on floppy disc. And as a special introduction bonus you receive - for free - additional demos and tools, which demonstrate the abilities of this operating system. An online tutor introduces you comfortably and with the greatest of ease to all the technical innovations and allows you to become immediately familiar with this powerful operating system. An excerpt of the features of the prerelease (CD ROM version): Complete p.OS workbench * Powerful and comfortable workbench with * Taskmanager, * Taskbar, * polished Drag&Drop- and windows technology * Powerful p.OS shell * Many commands with extra options for controlling the DOS * Comfortable extras like a history slider and Drag&Drop technology in the shell make its use absolutely simple. * Easy to use p.OS filer Powerful program for organising your files and drives e.g. highly comfortable * copying * viewing * searching of files and drives * Drag&Drop into other tasks like e.g. the shell or picture viewers, sound players etc. * incl. pOS-DOS fast DOS system with compatibility to AmigaDOS * incl. demos * various WB games * fractal demos * creation of animations with effects * picture viewers for different formats e.g. IFF, JPG, GIF PNG etc. * PhotoDirectory * Text viewer * Guide viewer (compatible to AmigaGuide) * HTML-Viewer * UNIX emulation p.OS PreRelease is distributed by Stefan Ossowski's Schatztruhe GmbH Veronikastr. 33 45131 Essen Germany Phone ++49-201-788778 Fax ++49-201-798447 Email stefano@schatztruhe.de WWW www.schatztruhe.de Stefan Ossowski ---------------------------------------------------------------------- A M I G A R E V I E W D I E S Sadly, after just one year supporting the Amiga, Amiga Review has had to close, and all our future developments for the Amiga have been suspended. Sales were growing for us until we were refused advertising from the mainstream glossy magazines, closing out a large percentage of the market, and since then, despite efforts to promote the magazine elsewhere, due to declining sales, we have decided to close the magazine. It was hoped that by splitting Amiga Review into two different magazines as mentioned recently, we would overcome the `competition threat' towards the glossies. Our aim was to advertise Gamer and Amiga Review separately, and as they were aimed at different markets, we hoped that advertising space would again be accessible to us. Sadly this did not happen. We investigated newsstand distribution, but after long consideration, decided this would not be viable. After all, newsstand magazines are closing rapidly. All good things come to an end. I find it a great shame that in this continually declining market, those that do wish to support the Amiga are `controlled' by the larger companies/magazines within the market.It is a democratic world, free speech and all that, but when it comes down to the business world, money is the be all and end all. However, by closing off those who attempt to support the Amiga, the entire market will lose out in the long run. But then the large companies don't care, as they have milked us of our money and walked away to the next victim. As a publishing house we are not dead, we are now simply moving to another market after six months reorganisation time. And I find it ludicrous that we will still be using Amigas in our production rooms to publish other material, yet unable to publish for the computer we are actually using. All the best to Amiga International, and thanks to all of you, our readers,and the companies who supported us, especially Vulcan Software's Paul and Lisa, and the rest of you, you know who you are. David Pettifer, Editor Telephone: +44 (0)1983 867377 Ext 1001 Facsimile: +44 (0)1983 867482 Pager: +44 (0)1426 141249 MediaSoft Magazines is a member of The David Group Limited. Registered Office: Communications Hse, Isle of Wight, PO37 7LU URL: http://www.mediasft.demon.co.uk/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- A M I G A I N F O R M E R I S S U E 9 I S O U T 7 Aug 1997 Holy cow! Issue 9 of The Amiga Informer Magazine is now at the printers and will be available by the end of August. It's our biggest issue yet and we've packed all 48 pages with information that will help every Amigan stay connected and informed. Issue 9 has lots of news. We don't just reprint internet press releases, but investigate the stories and give you a commentary voice. You'll find our lead story covers Amiga licencing and the many new clones becoming available. We have an exclusive discussion with Petro Tyschtschenko and a synapsis of what it all might mean. There's also an inside story on the Lotus Pacific licencing flap with Gateway 2000. In addition, we keep you up to date on the success of the Industry Council of the Open Amiga and the newly elected steering committee that is working with Gateway. Finishing up the news is an on-hand accounting of the new Siamese System, an in-depth report on Aurora Development, the open house at National Amiga and a whole bunch of informative news bytes. Our regular writers once again bring you their insightful columns. Brad Webb goes in-depth on using WBStartup+ to get your system in shape. Davis Sprague guides you through "Talk", the real-time terminal to terminal protocol. Davis also cuts through the confusion of the many available compression routines and provides a useful cheat sheet on how to make them all work. Oleg Moskalensky, aka Dr. Amiga, answers several vexing questions in his new Question and Answer column that will appear in every future issue. We've really gone full speed ahead with the reviews too. You'll find ten reviews, five summaries and one preview in this issue, including a new Game Zone section. Among the products reviewed are PC Task v4.20, Pagemonster, Electrics, MRBackup and Nemac IV: The Directors Cut. Our reviews are done by independent free-lance writers who evaluate and grade products without interference from The Informer's editors, so you get fair appraisals of all tested products. In addition to our numerous product announcements, you'll find a company profile of DKB, information about ShadowWorks Software, several handy tips, and numerous listings of dealers, user groups and dynamite Amiga web sites. In the Action section, you'll find contact information on Amiga International and NewTek and how you can contact them and help the Amiga cause. To top it all off, you can find great deals on used Amiga products in our Marketplace section. There are several ways you can get your hands on Issue 9 of The Amiga Informer. You can purchase it at the cover price from one of our many retailers, hope to get lucky and receive an issue when you buy a product from one of our few distributors, or you can subscribe. If you choose the later, you can call toll free 1-888-88-AMIGA to subscribe by Visa or Mastercard. If you prefer, you can fill out the on-line, no-risk no-obligation "bill me" form at www.amigainformer.com/subscribe.cgi and we'll send you an issue. Either way, you'll find The Informer to be a great source of useful information and insights. We've been producing issues for over 18 months and plan to continue doing so well into the future. I hope you'll give us a try. Thanks for your support, Fletcher Haug, Editor The Amiga Informer Magazine eldritch@mhv.net www.amigainformer.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------- A L A D D I N 4 D 5 . 0 S H I P P I N G Nova Announces Aladdin 4D 5.0 Now Shipping For Immediate Release Monday, August 04, 1997 Contact: Bob Fisher Nova Design, Inc. 804-282-5868 Aladdin 4D 5.0, possibly the most anticipated upgrade to a consumer 3D package on the Amiga, is now shipping! Aladdin 4D is the Amiga's fastest 3D modeling, rendering, and animation package currently available. It's integrated particle systems and volumetric gases along with it's support for Lightwave 3D and the Video Toaster make it an ideal addition to both the consumer and professional markets! Here is just a small sampling of some of the new features incorporated in Aladdin 4D 5.0: * Dongle copy protection - GONE! * All-new AmigaDOS 2.1/3.1 style interface. The completely configurable interface has been designed to make using Aladdin 4D's modeling, rendering and animation tools easier to use than ever before! * Support for all Amiga display modes, CyberGraphX displays, Toaster, DCTV and more. * Full support for the MAGIC image buffer system to allow integration with ImageFX for amazing post-processing and special effects. * New lighting such as spotlights, negative lights, and completely configurable photorealistic soft-edged shadows! * Two lens flare systems! * Support for Newtek's Video Toaster and Lightwave 3D object loading * Hierarchical, spline based, motion paths. * ARexx support, instant texture previewing, interactive help system, multiple level anti-aliasing, motion blur and more! The upgrade price from any previous version of Aladdin 4D is only $99.95. This upgrade brings you the all new Aladdin 4D 5.0 and a completely new manual for less than $100.00! This offer won't be available forever. Call today and order yourself Aladdin 4D 5.0! Call 1-800-IMAGE-69 or (804) 282-1157, to order your upgrades/ crossgrades to Aladdin 4D and ImageFX on this special offer, or fax us at: (804) 282-3768. ImageFX and Aladdin 4D are trademarks of Nova Design, Inc. All other trademarks are held by their respective owners. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- P O W E R P C B O A R D S R E L E A S E D Randomize Goes Direct with the Release of PowerPC Boards Toronto, ON, Canada -- August 31, 1997 -- Randomize, distributors of Phase5 accelerator and graphics boards, now offers direct sales accompanying the launch of Phase5's new PowerUP line of PowerPC accelerator boards; all through Randomize Direct. The Cyberstorm PPC, for the A3000(T) and A4000(T) is the first of PowerUp board providing PowerPC 604e acceleration in co-operation with a 68040 or 68060 CPU. The Cyberstorm PPC features 4 SIMM slot accomadating a total of 128MB of Ram, and Ultra Wide SCSI controller and a expansion connector for the to-be-released CyberVision PPC 24 Bit graphics board. Configurations include any combination include of the following CPUs: 680x0 PowerPC 25Mhz 68040 150Mhz 604e 40Mhz 68040 180Mhz 604e 60Mhz 68060 200Mhz 604e PowerUp boards will be available for the A1200 (the Blizzard 603e and Blizzard 603e+) and for the A2000 (Blizzard 2604) to be released late summer/early fall. Complete product information is available from Randomize's website at www.randomize.com. Randomize now makes these, plus other products distributed by Randomize, available directly to end-users providing superior access, product knowledge and pricing.Randomize's website is located at www.randomize.com and can be emailed at sales@randmize.com. Randomize Direct pricing is available at www.randomize.com/rdpricing.html. Randomize R.R. #2 Tottenham, Ont. Canada L0G 1W0 Toll Free Order Line - 1-888-Randomize (726-3664) Technical Support Line - 905-939-8371 Fax Line - 905-939-8745 Email - sales@randomize.com website - www.randomize.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------- V D I S K 2 . 7 6 Aug 1997 TITLE VDisk v2.7 (Update from v2.6) AUTHOR Etienne Vogt <Etienne.Vogt@obspm.fr> DESCRIPTION vdisk.device is a driver for a recoverable RAM disk. Main features are: - Up to 16 units with virtually unlimited size (512 MB) - Dynamic memory allocation and (optionally) de-allocation - Full support of all AmigaDOS filesystems - Will survive the heaviest system crashes as long as its own data is not corrupted - In case of a recovery failure, the cause can be reported by a support command SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS VDisk requires AmigaDOS 2.04 or higher (v37). AVAILABILITY On any Aminet site. It was uploaded to: ftp://ftp.grolier.fr/pub/aminet/disk/misc/vdisk27.lha (22630) PRICE Free. DISTRIBUTABILITY Freeware (C) Copyright 1994-1997 by Etienne Vogt. CHANGES Fixed a stupid bug that caused crashes when odd unit numbers were used on a 68000 system. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- C A L L M A N 1 . 1 1 Aug 1997 TITLE CallMan 1.1 AUTHOR Alexander 'Sascha' Fichtner Vulpiusstr. 99 81739 Muenchen Germany fichtner@informatik.tu-muenchen.de DESCRIPTION CallMan is an integrated phone dialer, logfile analyzer, and cost calculator. CallMan uses MUI. CallMan saves you the time looking for your address book. CallMan allows you to save the essential informations (incl. phone number) on your friends/relatives/etc. in a (quite primitive) database. Using a modem connected to your Amiga you can now let CallMan dial up any of these persons. As soon as dialing has been completed the phone call will be passed on to your telephone. The most important informations on each phone call (date, time, duration, conversation partner) will be saved to a logfile. CallMan can later analyze this logfile. You can view a list of all phone calls, the total time of all calls, and their total costs. You can restrict the analysis to a certain timespan and to a certain conversation partner. Furthermore CallMan can switch to "TelephoneBill" mode, calculating the total costs of your phone calls within regular (free adjustable) intervals. As a bonus CallMan can analyze the ASCII logfiles of the TCP/IP stack Miami, the terminal programs NComm, Term, the fax software MultiFax, and the BTX software MultiTerm/Kit. Their costs will be added to your total costs. NEW FEATURES - device name, unit and serial speed are now configurable - supports "OwnDevUnit.library" - user now can specify an (almost) unlimited number of modem logfiles to be scanned; their individual costs will be summed up to the total modem costs - new logfile scanners: NComm/Term, Multifax - rates files now support additional costs for e.g. Internet charges - several bug fixes SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS - Requires: AmigaOS 3.0, MUI 3.3+, 1 MByte RAM, a Hayes- compatible modem and a telephone hooked to the same phone line. - Recommended: AmigaOS 3.1, hard drive, additional memory, and an accelerator. AVAILABILITY Available via FTP from Aminet sites. e.g. ftp://wuarchive.wustl.edu/pub/aminet/comm/misc/CallMan11.lha (143.906 bytes) PRICE Shareware registration fee is $15 or DM20 (or equivalent). DISTRIBUTABILITY Shareware. Archive is freely distributable. CallMan is Copyright (C) Alexander 'Sascha' Fichtner 1997 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- D I S T A N T S U N S - N E W D I S T R I B U T O R 6 Aug 1997 Winnipeg, MB, August 1, 1997 - Power Solutions has reached agreement with Chaocity to acquire world wide distribution rights for Distant Suns. NTSC and PAL OEM versions of the CD-Rom are available, as well as a floppy disk version. All versions are aggressively priced at $27.75 CAD. Dealer and distribution inquiries are encouraged. Distant Suns is a "Desktop Planetarium", which has won many awards in the past. Power Solutions is a new, Amiga only, Canadian company. www.powersolutions.mb.ca info@powersolutions.mb.ca 1-204-453-0527 ABOUT DISTANT SUNS Distant Suns is a virtual planetarium, like having a high powered telescope on your desktop. With Distant Suns, you can display up to 10,000 stars and galaxies, nebula and star clusters. Comes with 25 full screen images and over 200 smaller deep sky images. Displays images in 256 colours on machines with AGA compatability. Animate planets, asteroids and comets as they travel around the sun. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Amiga Update on the net: some issues available at: http://www.sharbor.com/amiga/news/ (in html format) http://www.amigacom.com (in ASCII text) Australian Mirror Site: http://www.comcen.com.au/~paulm/index.html All back issues available (in ASCII text) at: http://www.globaldialog.com/AdventureCentral/AU/index.html ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright 1997 by Brad Webb. Freely distributable, if not modified. ====================================================================== _ __ _ <>_ __ _ || /\\ |\ /|| || / ` /\\ || Brad Webb/AmigaUpdate /__\\ | \ / || || || ___ /__\\ || bandr@globaldialog.com / \\_ | \/ ||_ _||_ \__// / \\_ || ======================================================================