April 26 2006: New Section for Bernhard Gutmann.
February 13, 2006: New Section for Archibald J. Motley, Jr..
November 8, 2004: New Section for Albert Moore.
November 5, 2004: New Section for William Glackens.
September 23, 2004: New Section for Jusepe de Ribera.
August 22, 2004: New (and very large) "P" section and new "Q" artists. Also, new areas for Giovanni Paolo Panini, Giovanni di Paolo, Perugino, Giovanni Battista Piazzetta, Sano di Pietro, Sebastiano del Piombo, and Edward Potthast.
August 17, 2004: Complete overhaul of the "O" section and added a new section for Adriaen van Ostade.
August 16, 2004: Added around 80 scans to the M section and a few scans to Moran, Massys, Memling, von Menzel, and Antonello da Messina.
Later: Completely revamped the "N" section and added new sections for Jean Marc Nattier, The Le Nain Brothers, and George Noyes.
June 26, 2003: Updated the section for Childe Hassam.
June 22, 2003: New section for Frida Kahlo.
May 28, 2002: Completely overhauled the section for Berthe Morisot.
May 26, 2002: Completely overhauled the section for Antoine Watteau.
January 6, 2002: New sections completed for Antonello da Messina, Gabriel Metsu, Thomas Moran, Giovanni Battista Moroni, and William Sidney Mount.
January 5, 2002: New sections completed for Adolph von Menzel, Quentin Massys, and Mabuse.

View new additions for 2001, 2000, 1999, 1998, 1997, or 1996.