Nourse, Elizabeth (American, 1859-1938)
The Mother 1888 Oil on canvas Cincinnati Art Museum. 101KB |
Breton Interior Oil on board. 135KB |
Meditation 1902 Oil on canvas Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery, University of Nebraska, Lincoln. 258KB |
Nouy, Jean Lecomte du (French, 1842-1923)
Adolphe Crémieux 1878 Oil on canvas Musée d'Orsay, Paris. 82KB |
Novelli, Pietro (Italian, 1603-47)
Our Lady of Mount Carmel 1641 Oil on canvas Museo Diocesano, Palermo. 69KB |
The Virgin's Wedding 1647 Oil on canvas St. Matteo, Palermo. 56KB |
Noyes, George L. (American, 1864-1951)
Please see the Noyes Section!
Nuncques, William Degouve de (Belgian, 1867-1935)
The Shuttered House 1892 Oil on canvas Rijksmuseum Kröller-Müller, Otterlo. 119KB |
The Angels of the Night 1894 Oil on canvas Rijksmuseum Kröller-Müller, Otterlo. 145KB |
Nocturne in the Parc Royal, Brussels Pastel Musée d'Orsay, Paris. 57KB |
Nuzi, Allegretto (Italian, 1320-1373)
Central Panel of a Tryptych 1365 tempera on wood panel Vatican Picture Gallery. KB |