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Last checked: 2010/04/26 Cherokee 0.99.46b
Installation on FreeBSD
If you have a prepackaged version of Cherokee available in FreeBSD,
please use the provided installation mechanism of choice.
This will provide you with automatic bootup scripts, consistency and
dependency checks, and an easy upgrade path
tailored to your system whenever a new package is available.
If you do not find a prepackaged version that suits your needs, you
can always download and compile your own.
. link:basics_download.html[Download] a fresh copy of Cherokee
. Configure the package for your system:
As root:
if using pkgng:
pkg install cherokee
if using ports:
cd /usr/ports/www/cherokee && make install clean
Read the pkg-message after install.
If you need the cherokee webserver to start at boot
echo 'cherokee_enable="YES"' >> /etc/rc.conf
That's it.