== link:index.html[Index] -> link:cookbook.html[Cookbook]
Last checked:
* Cherokee 0.99.25
* phpBB 3.0.5
Cookbook: Setting up phpBB
You will need PHP support correctly configured in Cherokee, and PHP
with the MySQL module installed. The default configuration already
provides a valid PHP configuration for Cherokee if you have `php-cgi`
installed, but you can follow the appropriate recipe about
link:cookbook_php.html[setting up PHP] in case you don't have it
available for some reason.
Under these conditions, you could start the installation and you
would already be able to have your site up and running.
link:http://www.phpbb.com[phpBB] can be installed quite
easily. Download the link:http://www.phpbb.com/downloads/[latest
package], decompress it and point your browser to the corresponding
In this example, we will be installing everything under
`/var/www/phpBB3` and will set that as `document root` in
cherokee-admin for our server, which will be hosting contents for the
domain `example.net`. You can modify this going to `Virtual servers`
-> `default` -> `Basics` -> `Document Root`. You can delete all the
unnecessary rules of your default out-of-the-box configuration.
.Rule list
image::media/images/cookbook_phpbb_rules.png[phpBB basic rules]
This is all you need to do with Cherokee, for now.
If you intend to use the same domain, insert the appropriate entry in
your `/etc/hosts` or equivalent file.
.Entry for your /etc/hosts
---- localhost example.net
First download the
link:http://www.phpbb.com/downloads/olympus.php[phpBB3] package and
proceed decompressing it to the desired path.
Second, create the database for the installation. Log in to MySQL with
your administration user and password:
mysql -u root -p
And create the database. We will be using the name
'phpbb', the user 'phpbbuser' and the password 'phpbbpassword', but
you should set up your own.
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON phpbb.* TO phpbbuser@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'phpbbpassword';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON phpbb.* TO phpbbuser@localhost.localdomain IDENTIFIED BY 'phpbbpassword';
Configuring with the Wizard
`Cherokee-Admin` provides a wizard for phpBB that will configure the
web server appropriately. Just find it under the `Web Applications`
category, provide some basic information and you are good to go.
Then point your web browser to `http://example.net` and follow all the
steps. Basically you will have to provide the database information and
troubleshoot any possible warning, but the process is fairly straight
image::media/images/cookbook_phpbb_1_intro.png["phpBB step1"]
image::media/images/cookbook_phpbb_2_req.png["phpBB step2"]
.Database settings
image::media/images/cookbook_phpbb_3_db.png["phpBB step3"]
.Administrator details
image::media/images/cookbook_phpbb_4_admin.png["phpBB step4"]
.Configuration file
image::media/images/cookbook_phpbb_5_config.png["phpBB step5"]
.Advanced settings
image::media/images/cookbook_phpbb_6_advanced.png["phpBB step6"]
.Create database tables
image::media/images/cookbook_phpbb_7_create.png["phpBB step7"]
.Final stage
image::media/images/cookbook_phpbb_8_final.png["phpBB step8"]
Once you are done you will be redirected to the `Administration
control panel`. If not, you should have a link at the bottom of the
page. You need to eliminate the `/var/www/phpBB3/install`
subdirectory or you will not be allowed to go any further.
It is just a security precaution. Once you have done this, you can
.After deletion
The basic installation is done. You can see the software running just
by accessing link:http://example.net/[http://example.net/]
.phpBB running
URL rewrites
To beautify your URLs you will need to write some redirection rules
and apply some patches. This feature seems to not be supported in
phpBB, so you will have to download phpBB's `mod_rewrite` module and
apply the patch. There are several alternative patches available from
different sources. Since you will need to modify by hand some code,
your best alternative is probably sticking to some pre-modded version.
One such version is link:http://www.phpbb-seo.com/[phpBB SEO]. Make
sure the release you are using matches that of your installed phpBB.
After applying the fixes, mostly overwriting the files with the ones
provided, you will have to generate an .htaccess file. It will not
work for Cherokee, but it will give you the rewrite-directives that
need to be translated.
These need to be created as `Regular Expression` type rules that match
our translated directives. The rules must be `Final` and managed by
the `Redirection` handler. Within the handler you will need to specify
only the type -`Internal` - and substitution to perform. The regular
expression is inherited, so no need to re-type it.
Just one precaution must be taken before you start playing around with
rewriting rules. Despite these, you will probably want to ensure that
existing files, directories or symbolic links are
used instead of matching (and re-directing) them with rewrite rules.
To do this you will have to create one `File exists`-type rule that
matches any file and that is both `Final` and managed by the `list &
send` or `static` handlers.
Once you start creating new rules, just make sure to keep the PHP -non
final- one at the top of the list and that the next one is your static
file managing rule.
This is a set of rewrites that is known to have worked with phpBB3 and
`phpBB-SEO simple`. Please use them as an orientation, since they
could very well fail with the specific `phpBB mod_rewrite` patch you
are using.
.Basic forum access
|Regular Expression |+++^/[a-z0-9_-]*-f([0-9]+)/?(p([0-9]+)\.html)?$+++
|Substitution | +++/viewforum.php?f=$1&start=$3+++
.Topics with virtual folder
|Regular Expression |+++^/[a-z0-9_-]*-f([0-9]+)/[a-z0-9_-]*-t([0-9]+)(-([0-9]+))?\.html$+++
|Substitution |+++/viewtopic.php?f=$1&t=$2&start=$4+++
.Global announces with virtual folder
|Regular Expression |+++^/announces/[a-z0-9_-]*-t([0-9]+)(-([0-9]+))?\.html$+++
|Substitution |+++/viewtopic.php?t=$1&start=$3+++
.Topic without forum ID & DELIM
|Regular Expression |+++^/[a-z0-9_-]*/?[a-z0-9_-]*-t([0-9]+)(-([0-9]+))?\.html$+++
|Substitution |+++/viewtopic.php?t=$1&start=$3+++
|Regular Expression |+++^/m([0-9]+)\.html$+++
|Substitution |+++/memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=$1+++
.User messages
|Regular Expression |+++^/messages([0-9]+)(-([0-9]+))?\.html$+++
|Substitution |+++/search.php?author_id=$1&sr=posts&start=$3+++
|Regular Expression |+++^/g([0-9]+)(-([0-9]+))?\.html$+++
|Substitution |+++/memberlist.php?mode=group&g=$1&start=$3+++
|Regular Expression |+++^/p([0-9]+)\.html$+++
|Substitution |+++/viewtopic.php?p=$1+++
.The team
|Regular Expression |+++^/the-team\.html$ /memberlist.php?mode=leaders+++
|Substitution |+++^/[a-z0-9_-]+/?(p([0-9]+)\.html)?$ /viewforum.php?start=$2+++