W0.84b7 has the following changes / bug fixes over the previous version:

* Fix BUG where you can't see some Chat users unless you close and
  then re-open your Chat window.

W0.84b6 has the following changes / bug fixes over the previous version:

* Default MinRecvCap to 10 to avoid error message from reflector.  For
  users without video capture & camera, force MinRecvCap to 10.
* Change default audio encoding method to DeltaMod so it will work on
  slow speed links (modems at 28.8 K).
* Display PC or Mac in version control panel.

W0.84b5 has the following changes / bug fixes over the previous version:

* If you have PrivateTalking mode set for a client who leaves,
  the Microphone button for someone else won't appear pushed when
  it's not.
* Min Cap is set to 10 for clients without video cameras, this prevents
  the error message from the reflector about lowering your Min Cap to 10
  while the Preferences dialog does not allow changes to be made for non-
* Fix GPF after closing Preferences for clients without video cameras.
* Fix large video mode for clients without video cameras.
* Fix GPF after closing Video Setup if you didn't have a camera.

W0.84b4 has the following changes / bug fixes over the previous version:

* Fix Error message if you don't have a capture device and camera.  Also,
  doesn't send an empty video window to receivers.

W0.84b3 has the following changes / bug fixes over the previous version:

* Fix GPF at 4:59a3 (after looking at Help / About more than once).


W0.84b2 has the following changes / bug fixes over the previous version:

* Fix speckling for QuickCam video (as seen by others).
* Fix speckling for video using 64 Grays when set to dark (as seen by
W0.84b1 has the following changes / bug fixes over the previous version:

* Fix GPF at 2:CE30 (at close or exit)
* Fix for video stopping after a few minutes
W0.84a2 has the following changes / bug fixes over the previous version:

* Fix GPF upon quitting (where local video window remains).
* Fix GPF at 3:00001dde (from bad OCExtra Packet). 
* Fix White Balance problem for QuickCam.

W0.84A1, adds the following over the previous version W0.70:

* Chat window - Lets you send and receive keyboard messages to and from
  other clients.  There are filters that enable you to hide text from 
  clients that you're not conversing with.

* QuickCam support - We now support the QuickCam parallel port camera
  made by Connectix.

* Inverted Palette fixed - The inverted-looking palette that some capture
  cards had (like the Promovie Spectrum and others) has been fixed.  We
  now support a 64 Gray palette with an 'invert' option for these cards 
  that will not accept the 256 Grays that CU-SeeMe used to insist upon.

* Audio fixes - The popping and clicking noises heard when there are
  imperfections on the network have been much reduced.  Also, when the
  first packet of an audio transmission is lost, the whole transmission
  is no longer ignored.  A new bandwidth manager regulates outgoing 
  video while audio is being sent - this results in better reception.

* New version handling - The application can tell what version is running
  on other client's machines (accurately) for PC or Mac, even when the
  remote client is running a newer version.