COMPAT.TXT                                      4-17-96  Richard Kennerly

What's Compatible with CU-SeeMe for Windows, System Requirements:

*  Your Windows PC hardware requirements
*  Your Windows Software 3.1, 3.11, Win '95, NT
*  Video capture cards (optional, for video send capability)
*  Winsock Stacks
*  Sound cards

Your Windows PC hardware requirements

Basic Requirements: 

   - Processor - MUST be 386SX or better.  Recommended minimums:
         Video receive only: 386SX 
         Video send & receive: 386DX 
         Video receive w/Audio: 486SX 
         Video send & receive w/Audio: 486DX 
   - Windows 3.1 or higher running in Enhanced Mode. 
   - A Windows Sockets compliant TCP/IP stack, known as Winsock. 
   - A 256 color (8 bit) video driver at any resolution 
       (640x480, 800x600, 1024x768, or higher).  

To send and receive video you'll also need: 

   - Video capture board that supports Microsoft Video For Windows.
   - A video camera to plug into the video capture board.
   - Or, just a QuickCam parallel port camera.

To send & receive audio you'll also need: 

   - A Windows Sound board that conforms to the Windows MultiMedia 
     Specification (Sound Blaster or better). Full Duplex audio is very 
   - Speakers (or headphones) and a microphone. 
   - An internet network connection or a modem with a minimum of 28.8kb/s.
     (Note: the White Pine commercial version will work with 14.4kb/s,

Your Windows Software - 3.1, 3.11, Win '95, NT

Windows '95 - Like most 3.1 applications, CU-SeeMe will work with Win '95,
although the free Cornell version is not 32-bit.  Only a few users have 
reported problems with Windows '95.  We expect to have a 32-bit version
in the summer of 1996.

Windows 3.1 - Yes.

Windows for Workgroups 3.11 - Yes.

Windows NT - We've made no effort to make CU-SeeMe work with NT and have
no plans to do so in the near future.  A few users have managed to make 
it work though.

OS/2 - We have no plans to support CU-SeeMe with OS/2.

DOS - No.

1.  List of Video Capture Boards that work with CU-SEEMe
2.  List of Video Capture Boards that DO NOT work with CU-SEEme
3.  List of Untested Boards
4.  List of Video Board Manufacturers contact addresses.

1. List of Video Capture Boards that work with CU-SEEMe for Windows:
Product:      Motion Picture T260
Confirmed by:
Made by:      ?
List Price:   UK49.00
Comments:     Only accepts PAL now, maybe NTSC soon.
Product:      Cardcam PCMCIA TypeII
Confirmed by: Michael Bradshaw <>
Made by:      Quadrant International
List Price:   $ 329 - $ 399
Comments:     up to 15 fps, NTSC & PAL
Product:      QuickCam
Confirmed by: Rich Kennerly <>
Made by:      Connectix
List Price:   $ 99.00
Comments:     You don't need a capture card with the Quickcam, it uses
              the parallel port.
Product:      ProMovie Spectrum
Confirmed by: Rich Kennerly <>
Made by:      Media Vision
List Price:   $ 100
Product:      ProMovie Studio !!! May NOT work; we're investigating
Confirmed by: Rich Kennerly <>
Made by:      Media Vision
List Price:   $ 100
Product:      Video Spigot (Discontinued)     
Confirmed by: Rich Kennerly <>
Made by:      Creative Labs
List Price:   unknown
Product:      Video Blaster FS200            
Confirmed by: Bennett Frankel <>
Made by:      Creative Labs
List Price:   349.46 at Computer City.
Product:      Video Blaster SE100 (new model supposedly to replace FS200)
Confirmed by: Gary <>
Made by:      Creative Labs
Software incl:Aldus Photostyler, HSD Digital Morph, and Aymetrix Digital
              Video Producer
List Price:   $379 (Stree Price $225.00)
Product:      ComputerEyes RT         
Confirmed by: Rich Kennerly <>
Made by:      Digital Vision
List Price:   $399
Product:      ComputerEyes 1024
Confirmed by: Rich Kennerly <>
Made by:      Digital Vision (with the Dec'94 driver)
List Price:   unknown
Product:      Screen Machine Classic 
Confirmed by: Rich Kennerly <>
Made by:      unknown
List Price:   unknown
Notes:        You must install the Screen Machine version of Video for Windows.
Product:      Reveal tv300                   
Confirmed by: (Jack Nguyen), (Byron Thomason)
Made by:      Reveal (1-800-473-8325)
List Price:   $219-$275
Product:      Orchid Vidiola Pro/D
Confirmed by:
Made by:      Orchid Technology
List Price:   $599.54 at Computer City (MSRP: $699)
Product:      Win/TV Cinema/TV-Celebrity/TV-HighQ     
Confirmed by:,
Made by:      Hauppauge Computer Works
List Price:   Cinema - $349, Celebrity - $449, HighQ - $499
Product:      Targa Plus (16, 32, 64)
Confirmed by:
Made by:      TrueVision
List Price:   unknown (original costs=$1,500)
Product:      Movie Blaster
Confirmed by: (M. Carleer)
Made by:      unknown German company
List Price:   unknown
Product:      MediaPro+
Confirmed by: (M. Carleer)
Made by:      Rombo (Scottish company)
List Price:   unknown
Product:      Captivator
Confirmed by: (Paul Henry)
Made by:      VideoLogic
List Price:   $349 (Street Price $89.90 - Tiger Software 1-800-888-4437)
Notes:        Bundled software - Video for Windows, MacroMedia Action
Product:      Movie Machine Pro     
Confirmed by: (Christian Kvikant)
Made by:      Fast Electronic U.S.              
List Price:   $999  
Product:      Movie Machine II
Confirmed by:
Made by:      FAST Electronic U.S.
List Price:   $600 (with MPEG and M-JPEG $1200)
Notes:        Only with the 1.5 drivers under Windows 95.
              Change ";msvideo1=mm2_avi.drv" to "msvideo=mm2_avi.drv"
              and disable the line "msvideo=h55_cap.drv"(MJPG board)
              under the [Drivers] section in system.ini.
              Rename "h55_cap.drv" in the "c:\windows\system" directory.
              Resolution 160-120, color 8 Y, 256 or 64 graysale.


Windows95                       v4.00.950
CU-SeeMe                        w0.70b1
Diamond Viper PRO Video         2.08 (v3.11 drivers) in 1024x768/16bit mode
Reflector:                      4.0b2 at (


2.  List of Video Capture boards that do NOT work with CU-SeeMe
Product:      Intel Smart Video Recorder Pro
Confirmed by: (J. T. Montgomery)
Made by:      Intel Corp.
Problems:     unknown 
List Price:   $449 at Computer City (MSRP: $570)
Product:      Intel Smart Video Recorder PCVD1000 (not pro)
Confirmed by: (guy cooper)
Made by:      Intel Corp.
Problems:     unknown (CU-SeeMe reports "unsupported mode" on startup, I
              believe this is because the PCVD1000 does not support the 8-bit
              palletized mode required by CU-SeeMe.)
List Price:   Discontinued model (originally sold for $599 at CompUSA)
Product:      Video Blaster RT300             
Confirmed by: Rich Kennerly <>
Made by:      Creative Labs
Problems:     unknown 
List Price:   $499.95
Product:      SNAPplus VL
Confirmed by: Dan Andersson <>
Made by:      Cardinal Technologies
List Price:   $695
Product:      miroVideo DC1 TV     
Confirmed by: (Erich Schlosser)
Made by:      miro Computer Products
List Price:   $899

3. List of untested Video Capture Boards for Windows available in the market.

Product               Company                           MSRP
WatchIT! Pro          New Media Graphics                $595.00 
Reveal VC500          Reveal                            - unknown -
Video Blaster MP400   Creative Labs                     - unknown -
WaveWatcher TV-II     Aztech International              $429 
Megamotion            Alpha Systems Lab                 $1095
Video Basic           ATI Technologies                  $249
Video-It!             ATI Technologies                  $499
Video Galaxy Gamma    Aztech Labs                       $199
VideoStar Pro         Diamond Multimedia Systems        $529
ComputerEyes/VLB      Digital Vision                    $499
Movie Machine Pro     Fast Electronic U.S.              $999
Picture Perfect Pro   In-Motion                         $699
MovieMan              Logitech                          $299
Marvel II             Matrox                            $795
Marvel                Matrox                            $995
Vidiola               Orchid Technology                 $399
Maxmedia VR           UMAX Technologies                 $299
Maxmedia MR Pro       UMAX Technologies                 $699
VideoPacker Plus      VIC Hi-Tech Corp                  $375
MovieWave Studio      MultiWave Technology              $350


4. List of Video Boards Manufacturers

AITech International
47971 Fremont Blvd.
Fremont, CA 94538
Product:  WaveWatcher TV-II

Alpha Systems Labs Inc.
2361 McGaw Ave.
Irvine, CA 92714
Product: MegaMotion

ATI Technologies
33 Commerce Valley Dr. East
Thornhill, Ontario L3T 7N6
Product: Video Basic, Video-IT!

Aztech Labs Inc.
46707 Fremont Blvd.
Fremont, CA 94538
Product: Video Galaxy Gamma

Cardinal Technologies
1827 Freedom Road
Lancaster, PA 17601
Product: SNAPplus VL

Creative Labs
1901 McCarthy Blvd.
Milpitas, CA 95035
Product: Video Blaster FS200, RT300, MP400

Diamond Multimedia Systems
1130 E. Arques Ave.
Sunnyvale, CA 94086
Product: VideoStar Pro

Digital Vision
270 Bridge St,
Dedham, MA 02026
Product: Computer Eyes/RT, /VLB

FAST Electronic U.S.
One Twin Dolphin Dr.
Redwood City, CA 94065
Product: Movie Machine Pro

Hauppauge Computer Works
91 Cabot Ct.
Hauppauge, NY 11788
Product: Win/TV Cinema, Celebrity and HighQ

In-Motion Technologies Inc.
1940 Colony St.
Mountain View, CA 94043
Product: Picture Perfect Pro

Intel Corporation
2200 Mission College Blvd.
P.O. Box 58119
Santa Clara, CA 95052-8119
Product: Intel Smart Video Recorder Pro

Logitech Inc.
6505 Kaiser Dr.
Fremont, CA 94555
Product: MovieMan

Matrox Graphics Inc.
1055 St. Regis Blvd,
Dorval, Quebec H9P 2T4
Product: Marvel, Marvel II

miro Computer Products
955 Commercial St.
Palo Alto, CA 94303
Product: miroVIDEO DCI TV

Orchid Technology
45365 Northport Loop West
Fremont, CA 94538
Product: Vidiola, Vidiola Pro/D

UMAX Technology
3353 Gateway Blvd.
Fremont, CA 94538
Product: Maxmedia VR, MR Pro

VideoLogic Inc.
1001 Bayhill Drive, Suite 310
San Bruno, Ca 94066
Product: Captivator

VIC Hi-Tech Corp.
2221 Rosecrans Ave. Suite 237
El Segundo, CA 90245
Product: VideoPacker Plus

This list was, until recently, maintained by:
Albert Foo (            
Missouri Research and Education Network
University of Missouri - Columbia         

Winsock Stacks:

The following winsock stacks have been found to work with CU-SeeMe:

* Netmanag Chameleon
* Trumpet 
* FTP Software's PCTCP
* Microsoft's winsock stack 
* Microsoft's Windows '95 tcpip client

The following winsock stacks have had problems:

* Beame and Whiteside - does not work at all.
* LWP - Lan WorkPlace for DOS - Many people have had problems.  We
  received the following report about an IMPORTANT configuration detail
  required for CU-SeeMe.  In the NET.CFG file you can specify the number
  of sockets for TCP and UDP.  You must change this number to 30 or less
  in order for CU-SeeMe to work:  

  tcp_sockets     30
  udp_sockets     30
  raw_sockets     1
  Let me know if this fix works for you.  Rich Kennerly <>.
Sound Cards:

The 'Internal Speaker Driver' will NOT work.  Also, it NEVER will in the 
future for technical reasons.

As far as I know, any sound card system will work with CU-SeeMe.  We only
use the low lever services and don't require anything special of the system.
We use 8 kHz 8-bit format.

However, full duplex audio is desireable so you can speak and listen
simultaneously.  The following cards are full duplex (according to reports) 
and have been reported to work with CU-SeeMe:

* Pro Audio Spectrum
* Gravis Ultrasound
* Turtle Beach Tropez 
* Logitech MovieMan system
* ASB 16 Audio System
* Spectrum Office F/X

More Info:

Date: Fri, 25 Aug 1995 08:41:37 +0000
From: (Karl-Heinz Gasper)
Subject: List Of Full Duplex Sound Cards

  Gravis UltraSound Max
  By Advanced Gravis Computer Technology
  1790 Midway Lane Bellingham WA 98226
  Main ( 604 ) 431-5020  Sales: 1-800-324-4084
  Data: ( 604 ) 431-5927 Fax: ( 604 ) 431-5155

  ASB 16  Audio System
  AdLib Multimedia Inc.
  580 Grande-Alle,est,suite 40
  Quebec,Canada,G1R 2K2
  Fax: ( 418 ) 522-4919
  BBS: ( 418 ) 522-6099

  Spectrum Office  F/X
  Tel: 1-800-667-0018