This is a quick and mostly unconfirmed list of recent CU-SeeMe mentions in the press submitted by various contributors.
Special thanks to Jay Ashcraft, Director of Programming for KVR-InterneTV.
WIRED 3.12, Dec. '95, pp. 200-201. Computer Shopper, December, 1995, Vol. 15 ; No. 12 ; Pg. 556 SPIN, Nov. '95 Austin Chronicle, November 3rd 1995 TV Technology, November 1995 Network World, November 27, 1995, Pg. 41 Network World, November 27, 1995, Pg. 57 Austin American-Statesman, November 16, 1995, Pg. 24. Business Wire, November 16, 1995 The Scotsman, November 14, 1995, Tuesday, Pg. 23 InfoWorld, November 13, 1995, Pg. 8 Computergram International, November 8, 1995 The Seattle Times, November 8, 1995, Pg. B3 The Guardian, November 7, 1995, Pg. 8 M2 Presswire, November 6, 1995 Chicago Sun-Times, November 5, 1995, Late Sports Final Edition, Pg. 46 Internet Business News, November 1, 1995 PC-Computing, November, 1995, Vol. 8 ; No. 11 ; Pg. 195 CERN Courier, October 1995, p.8 INTERNET WORLD, Oct. '95 PR Newswire, October 31, 1995 PR Newswire, October 30, 1995 New Straits Times, October 26, 1995, Projects; Pg. 16 The Boston Globe, October 20, 1995, Friday, City Edition, ECONOMY; Pg. 87 Deutsche Presse-Agentur, October 17, 1995 InfoWorld, October 16, 1995, Pg. 8024 Austin American-Statesman, October 07, 1995, Business; Pg. D6 Los Angeles Times, October 4, 1995, Business; Part D; Page 5 The Courier-Journal, October 3, 1995, Pg. 7A Crain's Cleveland Business, October 02, 1995, Special Section; Pg. T-19 Byte, October, 1995, FEATURES; Vol. 20, No. 10; Pg. 70 Communications of the ACM, October, 1995, Vol. 38 ; No. 10 ; Pg. 25 Searcher, October, 1995, Vol. 3 ; No. 9 ; Pg. 32 PR Newswire, September 28, 1995 The Washington Times, September 28, 1995, Part M; Pg. M2 Digital Media, September 11, 1995, Vol. 5 ; No. 4 ; Pg. 34 InfoWorld, September 11, 1995, NETWORKING; Pg. 43 The Houston Chronicle, September 10, 1995, Pg. 20 Business Wire, September 6, 1995 PR Newswire, September 5, 1995 South China Morning Post, September 5, 1995, Pg. 12 MacWEEK, September 4, 1995, Vol. 9 ; No. 35 ; Pg. 18 Harper's Bazaar, September, 1995, No. 3406 ; Pg. 225 Windows Sources, September, 1995, Vol. 3 ; No. 9 ; Pg. 105 The San Francisco Examiner August 31, 1995, Pg. B-1 The San Francisco Examiner August 27, 1995 Telecomworldwire, August 30, 1995 M2 Presswire, August 29, 1995 Publishers Weekly, August 28, 1995, Vol. 242 ; No. 35 THE ARIZONA REPUBLIC, August 28, 1995 Monday, Pg. E1 The Washington Post, August 28, 1995, Pg. F15 Billboard Magazine, August 26, 1995 The San Francisco Examiner, August 27, 1995, Pg. C-6 Rolling Stone, August 24, 1995 M2 Presswire, August 24, 1995 PR Newswire, August 24, 1995 Anchorage Daily News, August 18, 1995, Pg. 1F The Guardian, August 17, 1995, THE GUARDIAN ONLINE PAGE; Pg. 4 The Boston Globe, August 15, 1995, Tuesday, City Edition, LIVING; Pg. 24 PR Newswire, August 15, 1995 The Independent, August 14, 1995 MacWEEK, August 14, 1995, Vol. 9 ; No. 32 ; Pg. 4 European Media Business & Finance, August 14, 1995, No. 17, Vol. 5 Austin American-Statesman, August 12, 1995, Business; Pg. E5 Newsbytes News Network, August 10, 1995 M2 Presswire, August 9, 1995 THE DALLAS MORNING NEWS, August 9, 1995 U.S. Newswire, August 2, 1995 MacUser, August, 1995, Vol. 11 ; No. 8 ; Pg. 113 PC Magazine, August, 1995, Vol. 14 ; No. 14 ; Pg. NE50 Federal Document Clearing House Congressional Testimony, July 26, 1995 Advertising Age, July 24, 1995, News; Pg. 17J New Hampshire Business Review, July 21, 1995, Vol 17; No 15; Sec 1; pg 20 M2 Presswire, July 17, 1995 Los Angeles Times, July 15, 1995, Metro; Part B; Page 7 Multimedia Networking Newsletter, July 15, 1995, No. 5, Vol. 3 Los Angeles Times, July 12, 1995, Business; Part D; Page 6 The Irish Times, July 10, 1995, CITY EDITION, COMPUTIMES; Pg. 14 Business Wire, July 6, 1995, Thursday Los Angeles Times, July 5, 1995, Business; Part D; Page 5 Billboard, July 01, 1995 Dr. Dobb's Journal, July, 1995, Vol. 20 ; No. 7 ; Pg. 109 Austin American-Statesman, June 29, 1995, XL Ent; Pg. 26 XL Magazine, Austin, June 22, 1995 Austin American-Statesman, June 22, 1995, XL Ent; Pg. 25 Roanoke Times & World News, June 20, 1995 Business Wire, June 19, 1995 MacWEEK, June 19, 1995, Vol. 9 ; No. 25 ; Pg. 49 The Denver Post, June 18, 1995 Sunday, 2D EDITION, Pg. H-04 The New York Times, June 13, 1995, Section C; Page 8 Advertising Age, June 12, 1995, News; Pg. 18 Billboard, June 10, 1995 Newsbytes News Network, June 7, 1995 Telecommunications Alert, June 6, 1995, No. 109, Vol. 12 Computerworld, June 5, 1995, NETWRK'G; the internet page; Pg. 58 Computer Reseller News, June 5, 1995, NEWS; Pg. 3 PC Week, June 5, 1995, Vol. 12 ; No. 22 ; Pg. 49 LAN Times, June 5, 1995, Pg. 51 The Houston Chronicle, June 2, 1995, Pg. 1 Advanced Imaging, June, 1995, Vol. 10 ; No. 6 LAN Magazine, June, 1995, Vol. 10 ; No. 6 ; Pg. 135 The Hollywood Reporter, May 31, 1995 Austin American-Statesman, May 30, 1995, Entertainment; Pg. E9 The Boston Globe, May 26, 1995, Friday, City Edition, ECONOMY; Pg. 67 USA TODAY, May 25, 1995, Thursday, FINAL EDITION, LIFE; Pg. 1D Media Daily, May 19, 1995, No. 99, Vol. 3 News Tribune, May 18, 1995, Thursday, SoundLife; Pg. SL3 The Atlanta Journal and Constitution, May 16, 1995, Pg. 5 CommunicationsWeek, May 15, 1995, Pg. 18 The Dayton Daily News, May 8, 1995, MONDAY, CITY EDITION, Pg. 17 The Detroit News, May 02, 1995, Tuesday, Accent; Pg. C6 Government Computer News, May 1, 1995, Vol. 14 ; No. 9 ; Pg. 48 MacWEEK, May 1, 1995, Vol. 9 ; No. 18 ; Pg. 4 THE DALLAS MORNING NEWS, April 30, 1995, Pg. 3F The New York Times, April 30, 1995, Section 1; Page 46 PC Week, April 24, 1995, Vol. 12 ; No. 16 ; Pg. 15 The Denver Post, April 22, 1995 Saturday, 2D EDITION, Pg. A-09 Newsbytes News Network, April 21, 1995 Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, April 18, 1995 MacWEEK, April 10, 1995, Vol. 9 ; No. 15 ; Pg. 25 Business Week, April 3, 1995, Number 3418; Pg. 118 Internet Business News, April, 1995 MacUser, April, 1995, Vol. 11 ; No. 4 ; Pg. 69 Austin American-Statesman, March 31, 1995, City/State; Pg. B12 Computer Industry Report, March 31, 1995, Vol. 30 ; No. 9 ; Pg. 1 Austin American-Statesman, March 30, 1995, XL Ent; Pg. 14 Los Angeles Times, March 30, 1995, Part D; Page 8 Telecomworldwire, March 27, 1995 Business Wire, March 21, 1995 The Charleston Gazette, March 15, 1995, Wednesday, News; Pg. P9A THE KANSAS CITY STAR, March 13, 1995, Pg. A1 MacWEEK, March 13, 1995, Vol. 9 ; No. 11 ; Pg. 1 The Guardian, March 9, 1995, THE GUARDIAN ONLINE PAGE; Pg. 5 International Herald Tribune, March 08, 1995, SPECIAL REPORT The Houston Post, March 3, 1995, FRIDAY, FINAL EDITION, Pg. A1 The Houston Chronicle, March 3, 1995, Friday, 2 STAR Edition, A; Pg. 36 United Press International, March 3, 1995 Business Wire, March 1, 1995 Internet Business News, March, 1995 USA TODAY, March 1, 1995, Wednesday, FINAL EDITION, LIFE; Pg. 4D The Guardian, January 26, 1995, THE GUARDIAN ONLINE PAGE; Pg. 4 InfoWorld, January 23, 1995 The Guardian, January 6, 1995, Pg. T10 Internet Business News, January 3, 1995 Byte, January, 1995, FEATURE; Vol. 20, No. 1; Pg. 82 PC-Computing, January, 1995, Vol. 8 ; No. 1 ; Pg. 307 M2 Presswire, December 30, 1994 Financial Times, December 24, 1994, Saturday, Pg. 5 The Guardian, December 15, 1994, THE GUARDIAN ONLINE PAGE; Pg. 5 The Independent, December 9, 1994, Friday, HOME NEWS PAGE; Page 8 Canada NewsWire, December 8, 1994 Austin American-Statesman, November 24, 1994, Pg. 26 Newsday, October 25, 1994, Pg. B29 Computer Weekly, October 13, 1994, Pg. 45 Time, October 10, 1994, U.S. Edition, CHRONICLES; Pg. 24 Omaha World Herald, October 1, 1994 Saturday, Pg. 20, Newsbytes News Network, September 30, 1994 PR Newswire, September 30, 1994 Newsweek, September 19, 1994 , Pg. 8 Sacramento Bee, September 10, 1994, METRO FINAL, SCENE; Pg. SC1 Daily Herald, August 28, 1994, Sec D; pg 1 The Daily Telegraph, August 26, 1994, Friday, Pg. 2 Newsweek, August 22, 1994, Pg. 10 The Straits Times (Singapore), August 4, 1994, News Focus; Pg. 2 Time, July 25, 1994, U.S. Edition, COVER/TECHNOLOGY; Pg. 50 The Guardian, July 7, 1994, THE GUARDIAN ONLINE PAGE; Pg. 6 The Guardian, June 20, 1994, THE GUARDIAN FEATURES PAGE; Pg. S2 Computerworld, May 30, 1994, NETWRK'G; commentary; Pg. 60 Multimedia & Videodisc Monitor, April, 1994, No. 4, Vol. 12 PC Magazine, February 8, 1994, Vol. 13 ; No. 3 ; Pg. 30 MacWeek, January 31, 1994, Vol. 8 ; No. 5 ; Pg. 35