X-DBGrid Component 3.1

  X-DBGrid Component package contains two powerful advanced components
  (TXDBGrid, TXDBColumnsDialog) designed for Delphi 5, 6 & 7 and C++Builder 5 & 6.
  X-DBGrid Component package is a main part of X-Files Components package.

  TXDBGrid component is the functional extension of Borland's TDBGrid. TXDBGrid
  implements all standard TDBGrid's functions and the many additional, which are
  launched including new Options or by setting values for new properties.
  TXDBGrid is fully compatible with TDBGrid component on properties level and
  can be used as a replacement without losing existing values. TXDBGrid has its
  own ColumnEditor, which can fully support all new column's properties.
  TXDBGrid component is compatible with Windows XP platform and fully supports
  Windows XP Styles.

  TXDBColumnsDialog is a complementary component for TXDBGrid designed for grid
  columns management in run-time. User can show/hide selected columns in the
  grid by using convenient dialog which presents columns list with checkboxes.


  The package requires using latest released service pack for each version of
  Delphi/C++Builder: Delphi 5.01, Delphi 6.02 RTL 3, Delphi 7.00, C++Builder 5.01,
  C++Builder 6.04. This package can't be installed on the Trial version of

  To get themed version of TXDBGrid component on Delphi/C++Builder 5 & 6 you
  should download and install Windows XP Theme Manager by Mike Lischke (freeware)
  from http://www.lischke-online.de/ and register the Professional version
  (with source) of this package.

  What's new in version 3.1 ?

  - Little changes in source code

  What's new in version 3.0 ?

  - The package for C++Builder 5 & 6 is now available
  - The package for Delphi 3 & 4 is no longer available
  - 100% compatibility between Delphi and C++Builder code
  - Included fully automatically installer/uninstaller

  - Support for Windows XP Style (IsGridThemed, FixedTheme, dgHotButtons)
  - Standard, XPStyle or user defined grid spacing (GridStyle, VisualStyle)
  - Proportional scrolling for any DataSet, even filtered (dgForceSequence)
  - Support for horizontal and vertical scrollbar tracking (dgThumbTracking)
  - AutoNumber for any DataSet, even filtered (AutoNumber, RecNumber, RecCount)
  - Many small changes and extensions to improve run-time code

  - New component TXDBColumnsDialog

  Other main advantages of TXDBGrid

  - Excellent context help system (over 370 topics)
  - Hints and ToolTips for data cells
  - Hints for titles, headers, indicator and filler
  - User defined markers list (TitleMarkers)
  - User defined indicators list (IndicatorImages)
  - User defined pictures list for columns (Images)
  - Pictures for titles and filler (TitleImages)
  - Many variants of pictures drawing into cells (ImageDraw)
  - Autotoggled markers for multicolumns sorting (OrderFields)
  - Support for fixed columns and styles (FixedCols, FixedStyle)
  - Support for bdRightToLeft BiDiMode for Middle Eastern locale
  - Support for mouse wheels and drag & drop for selected rows
  - Support for save and restore row position in the grid
  - Extended rows selection and notification (OnRowSelect)
  - Additional options for pick/lookup lists (ListOptions)
  - Additional options for PickList/PickText (PickOptions)
  - Stretching columns to grid client area (StretchMode)
  - Multiline rows, title buttons, headers and many more ...


  To install X-DBGrid Component package you should:
  1. Uninstall previous version of X-DBGrid Component / X-Files Components,
     if exists.
  2. Run X-DBGrid31xx.exe installer.

  How to update Delphi Library Path ?
  Make sure your Delphi Library Path contains only one path pointing to X-Files
  Components or X-DBGrid Component package. If you have uninstalled 2.x version
  of the package, make sure you deleted old entry from your Library Path.
  - the default path for X-Files Components 3.x is: $(DELPHI)\XFiles
  - the default path for X-DBGrid Component 3.x is: $(DELPHI)\XDBGrid
  When you install the new package, the new installer can automatically change
  path in the Library Path for this reason, but it can't know/remove old entry.

  To install Context Help File, you should:
  1. Select the Help | Customize... menu item to display OpenHelp window.
  2. Add the ..\Help\XFiles.cnt file to the Contents page.
  3. Add the ..\Help\XFiles.hlp file to the Index page.
  4. Add the ..\Help\XFiles.hlp file to the Link page.
  5. Click on File | Save Project to save your changes.
  Notice. You may need to remove any indexes you do not use because default help
  indexing is near the limits of Microsoft's WinHelp. If you experience an empty
  list on the Index tab page of WinHelp, this indicates you need to remove some
  files from OpenHelp.

  Mini FAQ

  How to get themed version of TXDBGrid component for Delphi/C++Builder 5 & 6 ?
  To get themed version of TXDBGrid component on Windows XP platform the
  TThemeServices class is required. This class is available only in Delphi 7 in
  Themes unit. To get themed version of TXDBGrid component for Delphi/C++Builder
  5 & 6, you should:
  1. Download and install Windows XP Theme Manager by Mike Lischke (freeware)
     from http://www.lischke-online.de/
  2. Open XDBGrids.pas unit and replace switch {$UNDEF THEMES} to {$DEFINE THEMES}
  3. Add XDBGrids.pas unit to the project either or save that to the project directory.
  4. Add XP Manifest either file or resource to the project.
  To do this you should have the Professional version (with source) of the package.


  The X-DBGrid Component package is a Shareware product. The Trial version of this
  package can be used only in Delphi/C++Builder IDE. If you find it useful and you
  want to receive full version, you should register it. You can receive Standard
  or Professional version of package, depend on registration fee. The Professional
  version contains also full run-time source code and the part of design-time source
  code except private X-DBGrid Delphi/C++Builder IDE extensions (IDE dialogs).

  Registered version of package may be used in your programs without additional
  fee. All registered users are notified by e-mail when a new version of package
  will be released. All updates for version 3.x you can receive FREE on e-mail.
  Please, read the Register.txt file to know detailed prices.


  Please contact me, if you have any questions, suggestions or comments:

  Author: Krzysztof Szyszka, Poland
  Website http://www.kszyszka.com/
  E-mail: support@kszyszka.com
  E-mail: sales@kszyszka.com
  E-mail: news@kszyszka.com




  X-Files Components 1.0 (June 14, 1999). First version for Delphi 4 only.

  X-Files Components 1.1 (July 4, 1999). First version for Delphi 3.
  Little changes in demo programs for Delphi 3 compatibility.

  X-Files Components 1.2 (September 9, 1999).
  + New Option     - dgIndicatorMarkOff
  + New properties - ImageOffsetX, ImageOffsetY
  + New properties - CheckBox, CheckBoxValues, CheckBoxToggle
  + New procedures - IsCheckBoxValue, ToggleCheckBoxValue

  X-Files Components 1.3 (October 16, 1999). First version for Delphi 5.
  Little changes in source code.

  X-Files Components 1.4 (December 18, 1999).
  + New Option     - dgAllowDeleteOff, dgAllowInsertOff
  + New properties - StretchMode, StretchWidthMax, StretchWidthMin, WidthBase
  + New properties - ScrollBarHeight, ScrollBarWidth, TrueWidth
  + New procedures - StretchGrid
  + New events     - OnColumnResize, OnColumnScroll, OnRowScroll

  X-Files Components 1.5 (March 26, 2000).
  + New properties - FillerButton, FillerColor, FixedCols, FixedStyle
  + New properties - RowHeight, TitleHeight
  + New events     - OnFillerClick

  X-DBGrid Component 2.0 (June 24, 2000).
  + New procedures - HeaderLeft, HeaderRight

  X-DBGrid Component 2.1 (November 7, 2000).
  + New Option     - dgMarkerAutoToggle, dgMarkerAscendOnly
  + New properties - FillerHint, FillerIndex, FillerPopupMenu, HintOptions,
                     IndicatorImages, IndicatorPopupMenu, IndicatorWidth,
                     OrderFields, TitleImages, TitleMarkers, LastShiftState
  + New properties - ColLineWidth, RowLineWidth, Indicators, Markers
  + New events     - OnCalcImageIndex, OnCellHint, OnIndicatorClick,
  + New procedures - BeginOrderUpdate, EndOrderUpdate, SetupOrderFields
  + New properties - EditorHint, ToolTips, ToolTipsWidth, TransparentColor,
                     Images, AutoToggle, Hint, HeaderHint, HeaderHintRows,
                     ImageIndex, MarkerIndex, OrderIndex, PopupMenu
  + New procedures - ToggleMarker, UpdateMarkers
  + New procedures - ModifyOrderFileds, ExtractOrderFields, CommaToSemicolon,

  X-DBGrid Component 2.2 (March 21, 2001).
  + Context help system
  + Custom multiline editor
  + Support for BiDiMode property

  X-DBGrid Component 2.3 (July 17, 2001). First version for Delphi 6.
  Little changes in source code.

  X-DBGrid Component 2.4 (November 25, 2001).
  + New Options    - dgAutoUnselectOff, dgExtendedSelect
  + New properties - SelectionAnchor, DragRows
  + New procedures - SelectAll, SelectRows, InvertAll, InvertRows,
                     UnselectAll, UnselectRows, ColGetText, ColSetText,
                     DisablePosition, EnablePosition, PositionDisabled
  + New events     - OnColGetText, OnColSetText
  + New properties - ListOptions (loAutoDropDown, loSelectNextValue, loAllowClearValue),
                     PickOptions (poDropDownList, poListItemOnly, poSelectPickText,
                     poStoreItemIndex, poAcceptPickList, poAcceptItemIndex), PickText

  X-DBGrid Component 2.5 (March 25, 2002).
  + New Options    - dgInternalSelect
  + New HintOptions- hoDataHints, hoShowDataHints
  + New properties - IndicatorHint, Column.Hint
  + New events     - OnColExpand, OnRowSelect
  + New HintCell   - hcData, hcIndicator

  X-DBGrid Component 2.6 (September 17, 2002). First version for Delphi 7.
  Little changes in source code.

  X-DBGrid Component 3.0 (September 7, 2003). First version for C++Builder 5 & 6.
  + New Installer  - X-DBGrid Component is now automatically installed
  + New XP Style   - X-DBGrid Component fully support Windows XP Style

  + New Options    - dgForceSequence, dgThumbTracking, dgHotButtons
  + New properties - RecNumber, RecCount, AutoNumber, FixedTheme, GridStyle
  + New procedures - ForcedSequence, UpdateSequence, IsGridThemed
  + New class      - TGridStyle (DataRowSpace, HeaderRowSpace, TitleRowSpace
                     TitleColMargin, VisualStyle)

  + New component  - TXDBColumnsDialog

  X-DBGrid Component 3.1 (January 1, 2004).
  Little changes in source code.