- Supports ALL Delphi versions
- Automatically generated Panel Labels
- Complete control over Panel bevels, size, style and spacing
- Complete control over Caption bevels, size style and spacing
- Complete control over Label bevels, size style and spacing
- Automatic or Manually set Label text
- Automatic Quicken Style Labels
- Panel and Quicken style labels may be mixed in any panel
- Separate color settings for Panel and Quicken style labels
- Multi-line Labels and Captions
- Rotation of Labels and Captions
- 16 different Label positioning options
- 12 different Caption positioning options
- Selectable Label background colors including Dithered and Rasterop
- Selectable Caption background colors including Dithered and Rasterop
- Each label may be assigned a separate foreground or background color
- Transparent Captions, Labels and Panels
- 4 different Captioning styles including Groupbox and Floating Caption styles
- Many options to control the Caption location
- Multiple background bitmaps for Panel or Caption or Both
- 26 different Bitmap positioning options including Stretch and Tile for any picture
- 14 different Bitmap location options for Panel and Caption pictures
- Multiple completely Transparent Bitmaps
- Automatic Panel Dividers
- Automatic Child Control Centering and Resizing
- Automatic Child Control Font Resizing
- Automatic Caption Resizing and Label Resizing
- All autosizing is infinitely accurate regardless of previous panel size
- Gradient Fills in many different styles for Panel or Caption or Both
- Gradient Fills and Pictures may be used at the same time
- Automatic Keyboard Fixup to allow the Enter or Arrow keys to work like the Tab key on a Panel by Panel and Control by Control basis
- Special Property Editor for editing control class fixups
- Automatic Control Drop Shadow effects with Dithered and Rasterop styles
- Automatic Hot Key Label generation from hint text
- Automatic Hot Keyed Control Focusing
- Label color effects for Focused control
- Label 3D effects for Focused control
- Label Live focus effects to highlight a label as the mouse passes over its control
- Color change focus allows the control to change color when it has the focus
- Use Any Form as a Panel. This allows you to modularize your code
- Panel Forms can be aligned using standard control alignment styles
- Panel form runtime view available while designing
- And yes there is still more...