TTrayIcon Component
                           Version 1.11
                  (c) 1999, 2000 Antony Pranata

TTrayIcon is a FREE Delphi component used to put an icon to the
system tray of Windows 95/98. I haven't test this component in
Windows NT 4.0, but I think it can be used without any problems.

You may use this component in any kind of development, including
shareware and comercial software. However you MUST added information
like this in About dialog box or in the documentation:

  Parts © 1999 by Antony Pranata

You may also distribute this component FREELY as this notice is not
removed and you may not have any income from distributing it.

TTrayIcon component can be used in Delphi 2, 3, 4.

Delphi 2
To install in Delphi 2, follow these instructions:

 - Copy Delphi2\trayicon.dcu and Delphi2\trayicon.dcr to your
   library directory (e.g. Delphi 2\Lib).
 - Select Component | Install from Delphi IDE.
 - Click Browse button and select trayicon.dcu.
 - Click OK button twice and you're ready to go.

Delphi 3 or Delphi 4
To install in Delphi 3, follow these instructions:

 - Copy Delphi3\trayicon.dcu and Delphi3\trayicon.dcr to your
   library directory (e.g. Delphi3\Lib).
 - Select Component | Install Packages from Delphi IDE.
 - Select the packages in which you want to install TTrayIcon
   component. I suggest you to install it in Delphi User's Components
   or Borland User package.
 - Click Edit button and Delphi will open package editor. 
 - Click Add button and then Browse button.
 - Select trayicon.dcu and click OK twice.
 - Click Compile button.

You can find TTrayIcon component from Antony tab of the 
Component Palette.

Properties & Event Handlers
Here are the list of all properties and event handlers of TTrayIcon

TTrayIcon = class(TComponent)
    function Show: boolean; { show the icon }
    function Hide: boolean; { hide the icon }
    property Icon: TIcon; { the icon }
    property Tip: string; { string of the tooltip }

    property PopupMenu: TPopupMenu;
    property OnClick: TNotifyEvent;
    property OnDblClick: TNotifyEvent;
    property OnMouseDown: TNotifyEvent;
    property OnMouseMove: TNotifyEvent;
    property OnMouseUp: TNotifyEvent;

Before you use TTrayIcon, I suggest you to run the
Example\example.dpr first.

More Delphi Components?
Please visit my home page at:

  If you have any comments or suggestions please send them to the
  following e-mail address:

Contact Information
Antony Pranata
Web page: