Let's Connect Button.

This button has been created to allow programmers to add a Let's Connect interface to their programs.

This is achieved by simply calling up a specific Web page with your Let's Connect "button" number and default country code.

Installation : -

Simply install the LetsConnectButton.pas file into your components. 

Instructions : -

Simply add the button onto your form and enter in your Let's Connect button number and your country's telephone code (ie Australia = 61). You can also change the Glyph to replace the default image.

Included is a sample about form that you can use in your projects. This form not only gives you a lets connect button but also automatically reads and displays your version number from the EXE file itself. 
It will also pick up the Projects name and Icon at run time. To use it all you have to do is add about to your uses statement, put in your Let's Connect button number and default Country code, update the support text on the about form, call DisplayAboutBox and it will do the rest. 

Please remember to set the version properties of your project under Project/Options/Versioninfo in delphi. Also the DisplayAboutBox procedure assumes that the form is not set to Auto Create.

Let's Connect is a service that allows your clients to click a button, enter in their phone number and then immediately establish a phone call between you and them.

Unlike Internet telephony connections this service established a real phone link so that neither you nor your client requires any special hardware or software.

This service is ideal for programmers that offer priority support contracts to their clients as it effectively provides an international free call service at a very cost effective rate.  It is also very useful if you distribute trial software as it will allow a potential client to get in contact with you very easily.

For more information go to the Let's Connect web site at http://www.letsconnect.com

Dealer and reseller enquires are welcome.