//Author: Poul Bak
//Copyright © 2002 - 2004 : Bak-O-Soft (Poul Bak). All rights reserved.

Component Version:

PBClipBoard is a small component that monitors the clipboard. It has only one
property, the 'Onchange' event, that triggers whenever the contents of the
clipboard changes. Use it to automatically enable/disable 'Paste'-buttons or to
view the contents of the clipboard.

How to use: Drop a PBClipBoard component on the form. Write an Onchange
event-handler to enable/disable the paste buttons. That's all.

Legal stuff:
PBClipBoard is Freeware. Use it any way, you like. There is no timelimit or 'nag-screens'. Applications developed using this component are yours alone, Bak-O-Soft have no rights to it.

PBClipBoard is provided 'as-is' and Bak-O-Soft is under no circumstances responsible for any damage, what soever, that it might cause to anyone or anything.

1. Unzip all files to a folder of your choice.
Note for Delphi 3/4: All forms are saved as text format. To convert them into Delphi 3/4 binary format: Open the folder where you have unzipped the files. Doubleclick 'Convert_Forms.bat'. Now the forms are in Delphi 3/4 format. When you later open the forms, Delphi might tell you that 'Property does not exist'. Just ignore.

2. Start Delphi (if you haven't done so).
3. Choose menu 'Component', 'Install Component...', browse to the folder that contains the unzipped files, choose 'PBClipBoard.pas' and open the file. Press 'Ok'. Press 'Yes' to confirm rebuild. PBClipBoard is now Registered. Close the window (save the changes).

Now you have a new Palette-page named 'PB' with the new component.

I have included a small demo: PBClipBoardDemo.exe to show the basics. Load and run.

If you find any bugs, have any great ideas or just a comment or question, feel free to e-mail.