TAutoPanel 1.0. TPanel with some extension.

Tested under Delphi 3,4.

Allow to change size and position of child components when changing a size 
of AutoPanel

Programmer: Dmitry V. Bolshakov
(4232)41-19-82 (voice in Russia)
Home page: tax25.marine.su/dmitryb
E-mail: dmitryb@tax25.marine.su
FidoNet 2:5045/41.63
QCI # 10785451

Added 4 property

property AutoChildPosLeft : Boolean; 
// Indicates whether the left position of child components will be 
// changed when changing a size of panel
property AutoChildPosTop : Boolean;  
// Indicates whether the top position of child components will be 
// changed when changing a size of panel
property AutoChildWidth : Boolean;  // Indicates whether the width of 
// child components will be changed when changing a size of panel
property AutoChildHeight : Boolean;  // Indicates whether the height of 
// child components will be changed when changing a size of panel

Warning: Don't insert the child component in AutoPanel at RunTime.

Open menu "Component\Install Component...". In "Unit file name" browse 
AutoPnl.pas. In "Package file name" browse LIB\dclusr30.dpk (dclusr40.dpk
in Delphi 4) . Click Ok.