Dynamic List v1.33 for Delphi 3/4/5/6
Copyright 1999 by George Barbakadze
All rights reserved

e-mail: support@ansipars.port5.com

This non visual component can be used for construction of dynamic lists of
data with unique titles. It ensures instantaneous access to properties of
any word, constructed by tree characters placement. Allows to easily add
and delete elements and to free memory. It is possible to easily create an
own formats of files of complicated structure.


Copy the following files in your DList directory

1) DListReg.pas
2) DListReg.dcr
3) DList.pas or DList.dcu

Then install component DList -
Component / Install Component / Browse / DListReg.pas / Ok / Compile.

Make sure that path of your DList directory is indicated in -
Tools / Environment Options / Library / Library path.