Component: THotKeyManager
Version  : 0.2
Date:      12 April 1999

Author:    Jimmy Harlindong

Main Upload Site: Torry's Delphi Pages



This component sets a Keyboard Hook and catch any key events, 
even those that can't be caught by Form's KeyPreview.

No need for Form's KeyPreview to be true to use this.


  Enabled: Boolean;
  AppGlobal: Boolean;  if set to True, will capture key even when the form
                       that owns the component is not activesdf.
  OnKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; ShiftState: TShiftState);
  OnKeyUp(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; ShiftState: TShiftState);
You can drop multiple THotKeyManager anywhere, although only one is neccessary,
but you might want to do it to associate the event with different forms.

   v0.1  5 April  First Release
   v0.2  12 April
         - Fixed bug that caused OnKeyUp doesn't get called
         - Changed the event to be the same type as TForm.OnKeyDown event type
           (sorry you just have to re-make the event)
         - Now allows you to assign Key := 0 in the event to catch key event
           and not passing it to the rest of hook chain, thus effectively
           disabling the key
         Note: thanks to Nick for his bug report and suggestion for this release.             


- Support Database Navigation keys
- Enter key to move between input fields like DOS app

Feel free to send any suggestions / comments on this component.