Autor   Erik Brunn  
        27755 Delmenhorst 
        Annenweg 130

RICHPREV Componente   Ver 1.0                                 8.10.98


This component generates an -PagePreview- for an richeditcontrol und prints it.
It makes use of the TFormatrange structure.

!!! the richedit must be visible before each changing of the margins, otherwise there is no
    new formating. If parent of richedit is : TPagecontrol or TPanel this is done by
    the component.

Properties :
Richedit      : TRichedit-Componente !!!!

Scaling       : scaling for the margins

               (pscDot,          { Skalierungseinheit "Pixel"  }
                pscMil,          {                    1/1000"  }
                pscMetric,       {                    1/1 mm   }
                pscMetric10,     {                    1/10mm   }
                pscMetric100);   {                    1/100mm  }

MarginLock    : if true the pagerect of the richedit will load the margins of the preview

Language      : 0 - german
                1 - english

Public :
procedure GetPageImage(page : Integer;var Image : TImage );
 Load the page to an TImage. TImage.stretch must be true;

function GetPageLineCount(page : Integer): Integer;
 pagelinecount of the page


Component is tested with Delphi 3,  I do not see any problem to do
   this with Delphi 4 or C++ Builder. Is does not run with D2.

Componente is tested only with  printer  NEC P6 and Lexmark 1020.

This ist

          FFFFF  RRRR   EEEEE EEEEE  W   W    A    RRRR   EEEEE  !
          F      R   R  E     E      W   W   A A   R   R  E     !!!
          FFF    RRRR   EEE   EEE    W   W  A   A  RRRR   EEE    !
          F      R   R  E     E      W W W  AAAAA  R   R  E
          F      R   R  EEEEE EEEEE   W W   A   A  R   R  EEEEE  !


these  component is freeware, you can use them in all of your applications
(freeware,commercial or whatsoever) without my permission (any credits are welcome).
if you modify the code, please send a copy to me.
they are distributed "as is" (whatever this means, but i read it quite often ;))
i will give no guaranties at all, for nothing neither anything, you have to use this
stuff on your own risk.

for bug reports, suggestions, thanx, flames ...(but not for spammings >( ):


 tel   049 422120685  Germany

 Erik Brunn
 Annenweg 130
 27755 Delmenhorst