Unit        : verslab.pas
Version     : 1.03, 29 July 1997
Status      : Freeware
Contact     : Marc Evans, marc@leviathn.demon.co.uk

Description:    TVersionLabel is a visual component that displays the
                information available through the Win32 file information

Requirements:   Delphi 3.x, any edition

Installation:   Place the file verslab.pas with all your other installable
                components, and add it to the delphi palette as usual.

To Use:         Ensure the the Delphi 3 compiler is set to produce version
                information (Project/Options/VersionInfo tab) and place this
                component on the form to display the information at run time.

Licence:        Freeware code, do with it what you will. Just let me know if
                you find any bugs or you like it (or you don't like it!), or
                anything else really.

    v1.01   : fixed bug stopping LangCharSet from actually doing anything
                at all on a non-UK system.

    v1.02   : Fixed resource leak bug. (surely there can't be any more? It's
                only 6K!) Thanks to Peter Stromblad for finding it!
                1 July 1997

    v1.03   : Added display of flags, tidied up code. Made LangCharSet
                autodetect. Thanks to Fabrice Marguerie
                (FabriceM@compuserve.com) for the flags code.
                29 July 1997