Abort99 -- Results

Name                         Group                       Points
Surprise                     (Anzee/Septic)              (234)
Twilight Animation           (Crazy & Max/Twil           (194)
Linomatic Trailer            (GhostHack/Perces)          (162)
Resitev mira                 (Polz/Sloveniank Team)      (149)
Bubble                       (Valery KritscNONE)         (109)
Shell                        (Urban VelkavNE)            (105)

Name                         Group                       Points
Static                       (Twilight/Twilight)         (181)
Ramsak                       (Ziga/NONE)                 (159)
Distant Worlds               (Conrad/Tomysoftw           (137)
Milennium countup            (DEXTER_H8, OLER/Psycho ent.)(41)

Name                         Group                           Points
Stepback                     (Matej Jenko/NONE)              (208)
The meditation of the ninja  (Zobo/SPi)                      (205)
SOS 4 love                   (PePsi/CyberBabes)              (173)
Fish                         (e-spy/LDG)                     (163)
Dreaming of...               (Pegasus/none)                  (155)
Waiting                      (Mikka/LDG)                     (153)
Mech                         (Strawinski/IB)                 (144)
Panic?                       (BigWhale/none)                 (144)
Who controls the world?      (RaceBoy/IB)                    (143)
Flour                        (DEXTER_H8/none)                (142)
Spiel es doch noch mal       (Lenka/none)                    (137)
Manga                        (PiPsi/TWi)                     (135)
Night rider                  (ufo-girl/CyberBabes)           (134)
Pussy                        (GABY/CyberBabes)               (132)
disco 3000                   (zhiiga/SWk)                    (117)

Name                         Group                           Points
Fishie                       (Smile/none)                    (279)
Laboratory                   (unicron/DI)                    (252)
Plaza                        (Ace/x.seed)                    (205)
Underground                  (gRAVE/UFO)                     (191)
Warehouse                    (JuNkY^ThC/SPi)                 (170)
Sweep                        (Urban Velkavrh/none)           (155)
Manta                        (Anzee/SPi)                     (148)

Name                         Group                           Points
One's Life                   (Demmas/x.seed)                 (147)
The Pathfinder               (Gerchy/x.seed)                 (139)
Nuke your destiny            (Strawinski/ib)                 (120)
The kings dream              (Krokar/NONE)                   (113)
Ambasada                     (LordAlec/Heretic999)           (107)
Beavis & Butthead            (Gofljac/Gofljac)               (107)
Neurotoxic                   (Stryk/Digital Illusion)        (104)
Electro music                (Dj Nova/HHex)                   (96)
Fight for what you believe   (ROM/ROM)                        (85)

Name                         Group                           Points
Dreamz                       (Arty/x.seed)                   (163)
Yugo                         (Krokar/Twilight)               (157)
Die Kleine Seejungfrau       (Gerchy/x.seed)                 (151)
I Want Her Gone              (Demmas/x.seed)                 (144)
Can Ever Be Like Before      (Arnola/MoP)                    (141)
The Flight Of Plus 7         (Chip/x.seed)                   (140)
Capac                        (BlackHole/BlackHole)           (135)
Matrix                       (Crni/Members of progress)      (133)
Gassh                        (Gassh/Twilight)                (130)
Three seasons a year         (Dixan/Spinning kids)           (122)
Don't stop                   (Toodeloo/YESCREW)              (121)
Useless                      (Dustbin/Japotek)               (118)
Reality                      (AIRMAN/Digital Illusion)       (116)
Heart Beat                   (ufo-girl/Cyberbabes)           (112)
Special                      (Wini/ib)                       (112)
Nature guardian              (Yost/Digital Illusion)         (110)
Gordon na Soldatovem vrhu    (Sofia/NONE)                     (90)

Name                         Group                           Points
Rebirth                      (Pegasus/none)                  (187)
nimam pojma...               (Vido/YEScrew)                  (183)

Name                         Group                           Points
Soccer                       (Chip/x.seed)                   (234)
Linomatic Alpha              (luka igor ziva/perceptions)    (168)
K4 za zmeri                  (SideWalk crew/SideWalk :))     (140)
Brownian motion simulator    (Mirko Stancic/NONE)            (138)
Neurohitmaker                (Martin Ocko/NONE)               (80)

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                  0211  0203  02135  02054  02129  02056
                  0208  0202  02103  02105  02150  02159
                              02104  02101  02107  02051
                              02131  02052  02053  02058

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