Control and Provisioning of Wirelesss Access Points WG (capwap) Monday, August 1 at 1400-1600 ============================= CHAIRS: Mahalingam Mani <> Dorothy Gellert <> AGENDA: 0. Agenda bashing, WG status & Milestones - 5 min 1. IEEE liaison report - 5 min (Dorothy Stanley) 2. Objectives Draft Update: 10 min (Saravanan) 3. Protocol Summary & Update In addition to the protocol and self-evaluation drafts, this presentation is intended as a clear summary & highlights - especially clarifying recent changes made to the protocol drafts to help WG review this against evaluation team's assessments. CTP - 15 min. LWAPP - 15 min. SLAPP - 15 min. WiCOP - 15 min. 4. Evaluation Team summary: 30 min 5. CAPWAP Taxonomy Recommendations draft - 10 min [Presentation materials for 1-3 and 5 to be posted in before the meeting]