Editor's Note:  These minutes have not been edited.

Minutes of the Internet School Networking WG (ISN)
Monday, April 7, 1997

The ISN working group was called to order by Jodi Ito and Sepideh Boroumand,
cochairs of ISN at 3 p.m.  The following agenda was approved by attendees.

1) Introductions
2) Web Site Re-design/Conceptualization
3) Discussion of ISN II doc - the "what next after I'm connected?"
4) Help Desk document outline
5) Common Pitfalls document outline
6) AOB

Attendees were invited to introduce themselves and briefly describe their
interests in ISN.

Next, comments and feed back were made as to the content development necessary
for the ISN web pages and how it should be setup.  There is currently a web
page which needs to be updated.  It was decided that the main web pages
will be divided into three parts as follows:

**  Technical How To's.  This will have links to other technical resources on
    the web.
    Suggested links are:

    --  Connect your school (wireless, ISDN, Frame Relay, XDSL, and Cable
    --  Use the Net
    --  Topologies (How to connect your PC to the LAN, the LAN to server, etc.)
    --  Setup server for mail service
    --  What equipment and softwares you need for students
    --  Configure popular PCs
    --  Setup if all things were equal

**2.  Things You Should Know.  This like the above will have links to
      non-technical resources on the Web.  Suggested links are:

      --  Legal issues
      --  Funding Opportunites (e.g. Quest at Ames Research Center, DOE,
      --  About AUPs
      --  Protecting Children
      --  Common Pitfalls
      --  Success Stories (e.g. Smart Valley)
      --  Copyright issues
      --  "It's not just about Technology" - Classrooms that are conducive
	  to having PCs in them

**3.  National Projects around the world
**4.  Resources; Commercial and non-commercial

These webpages will also have a search engine and a registration for
resources.  There was a concern that there may be authencity problems with
this method and it'll be a problem to constantly moderate the pages.  It was
suggested to have a mild moderation.

We next moved to the Discussion of ISN II doc - the "what next after I'm
connected?"  This document was suggested at the last ISN in San Jose.  The
concensus on this paper was that this might have been useful three years ago.
Most teachers get Internet in connection with an educational project so they
will learn through that project on what to do next.  It was agreed not to go
on with this document.

The help desk outline was discussed next.  A copy of the outline will be
mailed to all the Memphis attendees for comments.

Next on the Agenda was a brain storming session on the need for a possible
paper, potentially called "Common Pitfalls for K-12 General Community". The
need for this paper was suggested at IETF 37 in San Jose.
Chris Rapier kindly forwarded major points to keep in mind when writing this
paper through an email prior to the meeting.

We listed his major points and opened them to suggestions and additions.
Altogether 6 major issues were suggested.

**  Technology Wasted
    --  Lack of Support/administration/training/peer support/funding
    --  Administration (how do you leverage remote administration).  What
	tools will you choose and have rules/policies and procedures.)
	Keep TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) in mind.

**  Modem pools & any other related modem issues
    --  Using an ISP rather than having your own modem pool (this is not cost
    --  Buying good desktop modems as to paying for cheap ones.  You get
	what you pay for.

**  Not enough planning with changing of providers (ISPs)
    --  Get your own domain name (e.g. school.k12.state.us)
    --  Run DHCP
    --  Rent/leasing vs. purchasing/taking out a loan

**  Lack of Technology Planning
    --  Electricity consideration
    --  Heat
    --  Asbestos
    --  Before you take the plunge (learn how to setup if all things were
    --  Classrom Setup

**  Importance of Commercial support
    --  Pay now vs. pay later
    --  Service maintance (save in the long run)
    --  Cost of training/spares/hardware

**  Security
    --  Protect Infrustructure
    --  Anything that demands privacy (e.g. teachers sending grades
	to students)
    --  Appropriate Material - filter Usenet
    --  Your students cracking from the school server
    --  If your student is cracking what to do?
    --  Have an AUP/ monitor the systems

It was also suggested to find school technical specialists to look at the
above mentioned suggestions for input.

Meeting was adjourned at 4 p.m.

inutes of the Internet School Networking II BOF WG (ISN II)
Monday, April 7, 1997

The ISN II BOF was called to order by Jodi Ito and Sepideh Boroumand
cochairs of ISN at 7:30 p.m.  The following agenda was approved by

1) Introductions
2) Web Site-Redesign/Conceptualization
3) Discussion of ISN II doc - the "what next after I'm connected?"
4) Help desk document outline
5) Common Pitfalls document outline
6) AOB

Attendees were invited to introduce themselves and briefly describe their
interests in ISN.

The purpose of this meeting was to get educators input on ISN discussions
made earlier in the day and in general get their feedback on ISN's direction.

The meeting was very successful.  T. Schieffer of Wooddale High School in
Memphis informed us that it is Spring Break in Memphis, otherwise the
turnout would have been higher.

Input and suggestions for the Web-Site redesign are as follows:

** Technical How-to's:
   -- Topologies (include different models of lab)
   -- Different kinds of machine management

** Things you should know:
   -- Curriculum Projects (Global Schoolhouse, NASA)
   -- Tools projection system

** National Projects around the world.
It was suggested that the topic be changed to Regional and National Projects
around the world.
   -- Self registration with categorization and experation date

** Resources; Commercial and non-commercial
   -- ThinkQuest
   -- AT&T
   -- NewMasst
   -- Tom Snyder
   -- PBS
   -- NASA Classroom of the Future
   -- Global Schoolhouse/Cisco
   -- IBM
   -- MayaQuest

Next, the following were suggested for the "Common Pitfalls for K-12 General
Community", a suggested document.

-- Different kinds of machine management.

** Technology Wasted
   -- The change of teacher's role from "I" to "We"

** Modem pools

** Not enough planning

** Lack of Technology Planning
   -- OSHA requirements
   -- Education requirements, quick exit from the classroom, how many students
      per machine, what kind of classroom

** Importance of commercial support

** Security

Finally, the group discussed ways to reach educators and the following were

-- Send ISN documents to Department of education in each state
-- Many states now have a central mailing list to send information to.  In
   Tenessee it is postmaster@ten-nash.ten.k12.tn.us
-- Send information to: ThinkQuest, CCA, NECC, TelEd, CoSN, Classroom Connect

Meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m.

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