Hi, time for yet another update .

EDIT 0.6d on
http://www.coli.uni-sb.de/~eric/stuff/soft/by-others/ edit06d.zip
now has some "classic" keys again, and better error checking.

(by the way, remember me writing about a switch/case bug? That was
 in editbox.c, KeyboardMsg()... not, as stated then, in messages.c)

So... what do we have?
I found some TAB expand/collapse functions idling around. If you
want to re-plug them, please provide a patch. But see below.

When you write a file, you are now warned if an error occurs.
Accidentally saving your file to CON or NUL or MORE$ is not trapped
(tell me how, if you want this). Handling of non-existent drives
seems to be a bit strange in that context.
You are asked whether you want to re-try on a write error, BUT if
you answer NO to the re-try, and the write would have happened
because you are leaving EDIT, EDIT will leave without saving! Feel
free to plug some "did save actually work?" code into the save-at-exit
code and send a patch.

When you read a file (or edit.hlp or edit.cfg), errors are detected
but not displayed explicitly. By the way, edit.cfg is deleted when
EDIT tries to open it but detects the wrong magic version header.

When you read a file and TAB chars are found, you are asked whether
you want to expand them (at current tab-width, so you may want to
adjust that before opening the file) now . Possible tab widths
are now ZERO, 2, 4, 6 and 8 chars. The ZERO thing is the "tab is just
any other char" mode (new!). You can imagine how to use it.
Tabs are not compressed when you save the file. Feel free to provide
a patch for this (not using ExpandTabs / CollapseTabs, because those
two would use chars 0x89 (0x80+\t) and 0x8c (0x80+\f) to represent
the expanded tabs as tab-substitute plus special-tabby-spaces...).

You can now use ^C copy, ^V paste, ^X cut, ^Z undo, as well as
bothshifts-ins copy (sorry, ^ins would need an int 15.4f handler!),
shift-ins paste and shift-del cut. Note that alt-backspace for undo
would need an int 15.4f handler, too, so it is not supported either.
I think I am pretty close to "you can use classic hotkeys, too" with
this. If you need EDIT to get even closer, please send a patch.

You can now use Ctrl-leftarrow as alias to the classic Ctrl-Backspace
(for "jump to previous word") and Ctrl-rightarrow (for "jump to next
word") works again, too.

Strange, but Shift-Backspace crashes DOSEMU...

>> Nope REP F3,CSP = 0x00a5
>> ERROR: general protection at 0x25e69: f3

If you find that bug, tell it to go away. Or better, send a patch.

Everything pretty okay now, I think (did I mention that the AltGr
bug has been fixed properly this time in 0.6b?). Note that EDIT opens
files in "text" mode for some reason, so probably only DOS style line
breaks are supported both on reading and on writing files. If you want,
try to change this.

I hope I did not mention "if ... send a patch" too often. But after
all those 0.6b/c/d updates I am a bit "out of creativity" on further
improvements, and I want to get back on the FORMAT bugs soon.

Still chances are good that you will find 0.6d to be yet another
improvement... Have fun with it .
