University of Vaasa, Finland, MIPS node number
( has a large collection of PD and shareware programs
which are available by anonymous ftp (file transfer program).  This
/pc/pd2/news91a.pd2 file contains selected news and reviews about the
MsDos programs in the /pc directories. 
Prof. Timo Salmi   Co-moderator of news:comp.archives.msdos.announce
Moderating at ftp:// & archives
Department of Accounting and Business Finance  ; University of Vaasa <>  ; FIN-65101,  Finland

     N e w s   o f   1 9 9 1   f r o m   1-Jan to 30-Apr

Tue 30-Apr-91: Acquired from Simtel20 the updates of McAfee's virus

Tue 30-Arp-91: Acquired a simple 8K 640x480x16 .gif outline map of
Finland /pc/gif/suomi.gif.  Just shows borders and elevations.

Sun 28-Apr-91: Acquired from Simtel20 the GeoClock set of World map
day/night terminator graphical display facilities featuring
/pc/astronomy/  Its an excellent program, but its new
user guidance is weak.  To try to figure out what can be done with
the program is veritable detective work, even with a careful perusal
of the manual.  Nevertheless, definitely worth a look. 
   Should you be interested in knowing where the heck Vaasa is,
include the following line into geoclock.dat: 63.06 21.37 Vaasa

Sun 28-Apr-91: Acquired /pc/diskutil/ from Simtel20.  Its
purpose is to replace MsDos diskcopy program which requires several
changes of disks for larger floppies and diskettes.  Useful.  I had
no problems with 1pass when the target disk was already formatted,
but the program couldn't cope with an unformatted 1.2K floppy on my

Thu 25-Apr-91: Acquired /pc/astronomy/ update of the
Skyglobe educational map of the sky by Mark Haney. Definitely
interesting. Skyglobe topped the latest topten list of the PC-SIG
shareware magazine.  And it is quite a program. A simulation of the
sky is, one can say, a natural (pardon the pun) application for
computer graphics.

Thu 25-Apr-91: Got the following files to archives:
/pc/memutil        Grap extra memory, oldish (works?)
/pc/gif    CompuShow GIF viewer v8.24a (w SVGA)
/pc/goldies    CompuShow GIF viewer v8.21b, full features (good)
/pc/printer    A C Standard Printer Interface v1.01 from Frank Hulst
/pc/turbopas    Units to guard a TP program against tampering

Mon 22-Apr-91: All these Turbo Pascal goodies were kindly uploaded
to us by Lincoln Dale ( from his BBS
(FidoNet 3:690/627.0).  My special appreciation to Lincoln for
coming forward, and offering to upload these files to add their
general availability to the common benefit of net users with access
to our archives. 
   I have made them all publicly available from our /pc/turbopas
directory.  Note that there are so many of the packages that I had
to decide not to test them individually before making them
downloadable.       Ctrl-Break handling for TP.      TP6 Code to swap code to EMS/Disk for exec command.        FRTE Forced Runtime Error System for TP.    Generic Turbo Pascal v5.5 TP OOP Objects      Example TP code for creating pop-up windows    Help file for Turbo Pascal      Help file with common questions for TP      Identifies what video card is installed (TP)     Shows how to use Linked Lists in Turbo Pascal.     Screen generator for Turbo Pascal 4.     Charles Falconer's merge sort routines for TP.     Simple multitasking for Turbo Pascal v5.5    Turbo Pascal library of Assembly units     Smarten up your Turbo Pascal source code      Netware Interface Module for Turbo Pascal    Zipping and unzipping routines in Turbo Pascal          Calculate PI to x decimal places - Src TP 3.     Turbo Pascal programmer's game.          QuickTime - TSR code for TP4.      Autosave v2.52 for Turbo Pascal v5.x
 timedate        Time stamping for Turbo Pascal files     Turbo Pascal v4 routines demonstrating TSRs    Trap a wide variety of critical errors in TP    A collection of Turbo Pascal v4/5 routines    Routines to allow you to make your TP resident      Turbo Pascal v5.5 screen drawing routines       Turbo Pascal High Resolution Timer package     3rd Party mouse driver for Turbo Pascal      Turbo Pascal/Novell Netware API Function    Turbo Pascal Self-Check.       Interrupt driven Turbo Pascal RS232C routines.    Mathematical Trig. routines for Turbo Pascal      TSR management programs TP source     Powerful TSR routines for Turbo Pascal 5.5    Convert Pascal Source files to Units    Turbo Pascal 4 code for word wrapping      Turbo Pascal 4 code for X-Modem protocol

Mon 22-Apr-91: The following files are now available also from anonymous ftp archives from directory /pc/turbopas     TechnoJock's Object Toolkit, demo programmes      TechnoJock's Object Toolkit, documentation       TechnoJock's Object Toolkit, Norton Guide      TechnoJock's Object Toolkit, Source

Sun 21-Apr-91: Acquired the Japanese version of LHa .lzh archiving
program version 2.12 from Japan. I used the patch of the author to
include a version with an English help screen into the package.
Since the documents are still in Japanese, I'll call the
self-extracting file I made /pc/arcers/lha212jp.exe, and for the
time being we'll retain also lha211.exe on our archives, since it
has English documentation.

Sun 21-Apr-91: I recently acquired /pc/doc/ for the
lighter side of things. Keith Petersen (thanks Keith) told me that
there is a at Simtel20.  These files are different.
(Mr Murphy caught napping?)

Thu 18-Apr-91: Acquired the following Zmodem 16-Apr-91 updates from

Wed 17-Apr-91: Acquired to from a BBS and Simtel20:
/pc/editor        ShareSpell Text File Spelling Checker v2.3.
                This is a screen oriented spelling cheker, with
                editing capability. It also makes replacement
                suggestions when unknown words are encountered.
/pc/termprog    Boyan v4.01 telecommuniation program    Boyan v4.01 telecommuniation documentation
                One more reputedly good telecommunication program. I
                just tested that it works, but made no actual
                evaluation. Comments for fellow users anyone?

Tue 16-Apr-91: Acquired /pc/games/  This shareware game
of Scramble by Diana Gruber (not to be confused with the encryption
game of Scramble that was recently distributed in the binaries) is a
computer rendition of the well-known letter-board game of Scrabble. 
It suits very well the garbo policy of having educational games
available, although we else try to limit the number of our games. 
This Scrabble (I'll call it that here) is very well done, and a good
exercise of English for us non-English speakers.  I usually do not
care to play computer games myself, but I'll probably be making a
major exception with this one. 
   There is one major catch, which must be made clear here.  The
Scrabble documentation file says: "PC-Sig is the only shareware
distributor [that] is authorized to carry version 1.0 of Scramble in
the United States".  This international FTP distribution system is
making rules like this more than a bit problematic and clearly
obsolete (recall the much discussed case of pkzip encryption). 
Since is situated in Europe, I'll make the file
available or our archives.  But for the record I have to ask the US
users strictly to observe the stated statute, and not to download
this file from us, _or_ whatever the proper legalities dictate over
there.  (What else could I do, than to append this disclaimer!)

Tue 16-Apr-91: Received bug fixed /pc/comm/ from Jeroen
Schipper of his ReadMail mail & news & messages reader.  The bug was
in printing output. 

Tue 16-Apr-91: Obtained /pc/arcers/arc200.exe .arj archiver. 
Supposed to be the tightest, but I haven't tested whether or not so. 

Mon 15-Apr-91: Jeroen Schipper's excellent email & news & message
reader update is now available as /pc/comm/

Sun 14-Apr-91: Since moving from chyde to garbo Harri and I have
been gradually reorganizing our MsDos program collection, which is
located in the /pc directories.  Now the major part of this overhaul
is ready, and we hope to be back on the regular usage.  Among other
information files we have /pc/ and /pc/_files.out.  The
former, giving current months new additions, is naturally of
particular interest to users.  Since we had to create quite a number
of new directories in our overhaul, and move files between them,
this means that for the beginning of the year our and
_files.out information files recorded not only our new and deleted
files, but the moves as well.  Now this situation will be
stabilizing from the beginning of May (we hope :-). 

Sun 14-Apr-91: Acquired the following files from Simtel20, and took
a closer look at them:
/pc/binedit     Binary Editor And Viewer v1.20 by Peter Reilley.
                This is only the second binary editor that I have
                seen that I find satisfactory (the first was
       If you have been using MicroEmacs,
                you'll feel at once at home with beav.exe. - The
                display formats of beav are very flexible. - These
                are hackers' tools.
/pc/dirutil    Directory Size information v1.1 by Keith Ledbetter,
                the author of the excellent SuperSonic Search Tool.
                Dirsize.exe is a free program to give a list of
                directory sizes eg on your harddisk, which can be
                quite useful. I can't refrain mentioning here that I
                have programmed practically the same utility quite
                awhile ago. It is dirinfo.exe, currently in
                tsutlc16.arc at the /pc/ts directory. But different
                realizations of the same idea are naturally both
                commonplace and welcome.
/pc/unix      Unix-like ls list directory for MsDos and OS/2.
                With the number of users and programmers with a
                Unix background it is hardly surprising that
                Unix-like alternatives for MsDos commands abound.
                The most popular Unix rendition has been ls, and
                this is yet another one. This one seems well done
                and quite complete.

Sat 13-Apr-91: Updated the Finnish BBS lists, and changed the naming
at the same time.  It is now /pc/bbs/fi910413.arc. 

Sat 13-Apr-91: The rearrangement of the /pc/pd2 directory is now
complete.  The program packages (which were duplicated in the other
directories even before) are now only in their proper directories. 
The files remaining are information files on our /pc directories. 

Sat 13-Apr-91: I have taken a look at the /pc/games/
word cryptogram game my fellow moderator Harri (
downloaded from the binary postings.  It is a good example how to
build a game with a useful educational flavor.  A good game need not
necessarily be flashy.  The trick is to have a good basic idea, as
this one has.  That's the the hardest part, even if writing the code
may have its challenges, as well.  You are shown simultaneously a
number of simply crypted words, and your task it to decrypt them. 
   Incidentally there exists another, quite different game of
Scramble, which I will be trying to locate for taking a look at it. 
That Scramble is the computer adaptation of a word game better known
as Scrabble.

Fri 12-Apr-91: Acquired from Simtel20 /pc/keyboard/  It
is a utility to produce a click when keys are pressed.  In other
words it is a resident keyclick program.  Unfortunately, on the 386
machines I've tried it, it is pracically inaudible. 

Fri 12-Apr-91: Acquired from Simtel20 /pc/virus/,, and virus fighting facilities from
McAfee.  Also acquired from Simtel20 /pc/arcers/  Jim
Derr's excellent shell for archivers.  My thanks to Keith Petersen
for the pointer to these new versions. 

Thu 11-Apr-91: Acquired the following files from a Finnish BBS:     Zmodem external file transfer protocol 4-Apr-91    Additional documentation on DSZ and Zmodem
 I was a bit worried about one of the packages, so I asked Keith
Petersen and got this reply which settles it:
 "Timo, you asked about this file, recently uploaded to SIMTEL20:
   DSZ404BG.ZIP   Additional background info on DSZ and Zmodem
 This file was obtained from Chuck Forsberg.  He uploaded it to a
national on-line service where *anyone* can download it. 
 This file was previously restricted to registered DSZ users only. 
Apparently Chuck forgot to remove the distribution restrictions from
the file."

Fri 5-Apr-91: The purpose of the /pc/pd2 directory will change.  It
will be a place for selected announcements and reviews on MsDos
acquisitions to our archives. 
   I'll start gradually moving the other (linked) files from the
/pc/pd2 directory.  This means that the /pc/pd2 directory will in
some near future contain only the selected files which do not appear
anywhere else on our archives.  For example, this /pc/pd2/0news-pd2
file, which gives my selected comments on MsDos uploads to our
archives, will be staying in /pc/pd2.  (A similar file for Unix
uploads is /unix/ts/0news-u). 

Fri 5-Apr-91: The weekly download statistics are in
directory /pc/filelist.

Fri 5-Apr-91: /pc/pd2/0post is another FAQ like file I gradually
update.  I post this since some users may not have noticed its
existence along the much more downloaded /pc/ts/tsfaq##.arc FAQ (##
= 19 currently).  It contains mostly my emailed responses to the
questions posed in, and some other
information on archives.  You can browse it
conveniently (also) with Unix elm or /pc/comm/ 

Thu 4-Apr-91: Acquired the new Telix 3.15 package from Simtel20. 
The files,, and are in the
/pc/termprog directory.  The authors state "We are still hard at
work on our next major update of Telix, and most people presently
using Telix 3.12 will not want or need to upgrade to Telix 3.15." I
have looked into it, and I agree.

Wed 3-Apr-91: Got /pc/comm/ ReadMail program directly
from the author Jeroen Schipper.  It is an email and news reader for
the PC.  You can port your Unix mail and/or news to your PC and read
it there.  ReadMail is clearly among the best freeware programs I
have ever seen.  Especially, if you read much Unix mail or follow
the UseNet news, get 
   There is admittedly some figuring out to do for the user in
reading mail if the mail headers are not quite conventional.  I have
discussed this with the author, and he is looking into it. 

Mon 1-Apr-91: I have some new files which I have looked at more
closely at archives:
/pc/dirutil      Go to directories and find files v3.0 Richard Larkin
                This very handy shareware utility comes from the
                binary postings. Absolutely worth a closer look.
                Needs a spell to getting used to, though, but the F1
                help function soon solves that. Configuring the
                advanced options takes some figuring out. Eg I
                wanted to put the auxiliary file go.dtl on my ram
                disk for my testing. It took me quite awhile to find
                out how to achieve this. Simple only in retrospect.
                (Incidentally, if you haven't come to think of it
       Directory Control can also be used for an
                elementary point and shoot changing of directories.
                Go_3_0 and dc106f are not, however, substitutes for
                each other).
/pc/diskutil     Norm Patriquin's fabulous copy program version 9.0.
                Parti-Soft has produced many excellent utilities
                including this multi-purpose copier which now seems
                to have Daniel Collier as co-author. Excellent as
                pcopy is, I feel that the current version has become
                severely bloated. Therefore I'll retain
                on archives. In fact, personally I
                use version 7.87 on my desktop, and version 5.1! on
                my portable. A minor problem in 9.0 was that despite
                the documented claim I did not find any legend on
                the updates in the .doc file.
/pc/fileutil       File and text search from Patri-Soft version 4.4c.
                An excellent menu driven text search with one silly
                bug. The program chrashes if ascii beyond 127 search
                strings are used.
/pc/miscutil     ExtraDOS utilities v 2.02 from Foley Hi-Tech Systems
                A shareware collection of a little less than 30
                utilities. Worth browsing. Contents:
                TURBOBAT.COM   AREA.EXE       BANNER.EXE     BOOT.EXE
                CAL.EXE        CAT.EXE        CURSOR.EXE     CUT.EXE
                DELAY.EXE      DETAB.EXE      EDIT.EXE       EVAL.EXE
                FF.EXE         FS.EXE         FT.EXE         HEX.EXE
                LASER.EXE      LS.EXE         MAZE.EXE       MOVE.EXE
                SA.EXE         TS.EXE         PAUSE.SYS

Sun 31-Mar-91: I have some new files which I have looked at more
closely at archives:
/pc/pd2    Detect various compressed .exe files by John Land.
                Fair, but what I would like as an option is an
                errorlevel for a given file to give the compression
                status (or have I missed something). Else I think
                that /pc/pd2/ makes this program somewhat
/pc/astronomy    Cosmos planetarium simulation 14.11 from Gene Lee.
                This is a package from the binary postings to
                delight astronomy fans. Ega and Vga graphics
                becoming commonplace has set the stage for some nice
                astronomy programs like this one and
                map which I recently acquired from a Finnish BBS. (I
                have seen some compatibility problems being reported
                with the latter). Cosmos being a science program I
                find it a bit strange using miles instead of the
                metric system. (I find miles strange anyway :-).
/pc/comm      Repeatedly dial a list of telephone numbers. I
                haven't tested this one. The author Jouni Leppajarvi
                ( states in a message to me:
                "Dial11.arc contains dial 1.1, a pc-autodialer for
                hayes-modems that operates in background. New
                features (not in dial 1.0) :
                 - can be aborted with a hotkey sequence
                 - pause time between calls can be specified
                 - automatic termination on incoming calls"
/pc/dirutil    Annotate directories v 1.20 PcMag update. This is
                one of the useful utilities to alleviate the effect
                of the severely limited MsDos filename length. There
                is one annoying bug in dirnotes.exe, though. The
                BackSpace key wont work in the insert mode.
/pc/screen      A cross between a screensaver and a demo (286 VGA).
                Be patient when you run. I first thought my 386 had
                crashed but it was only that the program is not a
                fast starter. The author Micael Dahlquist
                ( writes: "Probably would do as
                a screen saver too. But it's not! No, it's some of
                the amusing backgrounds from the game Pong (that I
                am still writing on). Anyway, have fun. I do. To
                make this program work, you need a minimum of 80286
                (processor) and VGA."

Sun 31-Mar-91: Updated the collection of the Finnish BBS lists to be

Mon 25-Mar-91: Someone kindly uploaded /pc/pd2/ to
garbo.  It is Ralf Brown's impressive list of PC interrupts.  A must
for advanced programmers.  The current size of is 352K. 
Consequently the future versions will come in two parts according to
the documentation. 

Fri 22-Mar-91: Obtained the latest file list of Micro Maniacs Opus,  The list has grown drastically, and is 747K in the
zipped form, and almost 2000K in ascii form.  The telephone is
358-0-2983308, but the most important usage if these file lists is
to be able to see what files are in circulation. 

Thu 21-Mar-91: Acquired to archives:
/pc/pd2    The Last Byte MsDos Upper Memory Manager v1.18.
                On the basis of the few experiments I made, and the
                problems that I have had with some other upper
                memory managers, this facility to move drivers and
                tsr programs from the conventional memory looks very
                promising.  I couldn't test its true potential
                though, since it is (too?) strongly a crippleware

Thu 20-Mar-91: Received /pc/turbopas/ update from the
author.  Its description is: TP units (IndexedFiles, Encrypt, Files)
by Thomas Jenkins.

Wed 20-Mar-91: My fellow moderator Harri Valkama obtained Mskermit
version 3.10 files from watsun for the PC.  They are now available
from archives as /pc/termprog/ 

Wed 20-Wed-91.  The /pc/INDEX file list of MsDos
files will from now on be available also in arced form as
/pc/filelist/garboidx.arc.  Since an arced file is smaller than the
original, it will take less resources to transfer. 
   It is made using arc -fi switches for PC eof compatibility, so if
you unarc it on a Unix system, use arc -xi.  (Unix arc is available
as /unix/ts/arc.tar.Z if you need it.)

Tue 19-Mar-91: Acquired to archives:
/pc/stash (until relocated to /pc/printer)    Printer Redirection v6.0 from Allen Creations.
                A per se useful utility that allows you to direct
                output elsewhere instead of the printer.
                Unfortunately belongs to the cases whose first usage
                and installation have been made a test of the user's
                ingenuity and patience.  :-)

Tue 19-Mar-91: Acquired Shez shell update /pc/pd2/ for
handling archives from Simtel20.  A must, if use archives often. 
One of the best programs around. 

Mon 18-Mar-91: Acquired /pc/pd2/ "Supersonic Search
Tool".  It is the former whereis ( from Keith Ledbetter
who has changed the name of his facility.

Mon 18-Mar-91: The alternative weekly statistics,
from Monday to Monday is available as /pc/filelist/ftplog11.lst.  It
is an ascii file.  It is due to our system manager Hannu Hirvonen  
   Contrary to /pc/pd2/dload##.lst /pc/filelist/ftplog##.lst
statistics include all our ftp files (dload##.lst cover only /pc/... 
and /unix/ts directories). 
   I will not separately announce the the download statistics from
now on any more because they are made on a regular basis (Friday and
Monday).  If you wish to see them every week, the most convenient
way is to get them, say, on every Tuesday.  If you prepare a
batchftp script to do the downloading for you, the system becomes
almost automatic, and you dont have to bother much.  (Batchftp is
convenient, and highly recommeded for getting any files).  It is
available as /unix/ts/batchftp102.tar.Z. 

Sat 16-Mar-91: Don't forget the /pc/pd2/0post information file. 
There is more information for you e.g. on shareware and PD MsDos
programs in there. 

Fri 15-Mar-91: Made available the 8-Mar-91 to 15-Mar-91 download
statistics of the most popular files of as
/pc/pd2/dload11.lst.  It is an ascii file. 

Fri 15-Mar-91: Acquired /pc/pd2/ screen capture facility
update from Simtel20.  This patch corrects the undesirable feature
of having trailing blanks in the resulting file. 

Thu 14-Mar-91: Got /pc/pd2/lha211.exe Lha .lzh compression.  My
thanks are due to Keith Petersen for the program.

Thu 14-Mar-91: Acquired to archives from Simtel20:
/pc/stash (until relocated)     Led's Change Directory fast 2.1 by Keith Ledbetter.
                Works by even by name matching so that just a part
                of the directory name is sufficient to take you
                there. Nice and very useful, yes. "One of the best
                10 utilities of 1990", that's overdoing it a bit.

Mon 11-Mar-91: Acquired from a Finnish BBS:
/pc/pd2    Snip the screen into a file, version 2.3. This is no
                doubt one of the most nifty TSR utilities around.
                You can capture text from the screen, and send it to
                the printer, a file, or the keyboard buffer as if
                typed. Version 2.3 is an improvement of Tom
                Kilhken's original that was published in the
                PC-magazine. The update adds Home, End, PgUp, and
                PgDn keys for cursor movement. Very handy. I have
                Snipper in my autoexec.bat, which can be considered
                some kind of an indication of Snipper's usefulness.
/pc/stash (later /pc/bbs)
blt1            Official WorldWide PCBoard Listing as of 16-Feb-91.
                This BBS list is one of the files without a changing
                version number, and it replaces the earlier version
                in /pc/doc with the same name.

Mon 11-Mar-91: The alternative weekly statistics,
from Monday to Monday is available as /pc/pd2/ftplog10.lst.  It is
an ascii file.  It is due to our system manager Hannu Hirvonen  Contrary to /pc/pd2/dload##.lst /pc/pd2/ftplog##.lst
statistics include all our ftp files (dload##.lst cover only /pc/... 
and /unix/ts directories). 

Sat 9-Mar-1991  : Acquired from a Finnish BBS:
/pc/stash (temporary location)    Skyglobe 2.0 educational map of the sky by Mark Haney.
                I think that astronomy hobbyist will find this quite
                interesting, and it makes a nice educational
                graphics demonstration for any user. I can recommend
                closer look.

Sat 9-Mar-91: If you are interested in having your email address
added to the Garbo infolist news accouncements news list you are
welcome to email me an application.  Your application must include
the following line
  YourFirstName YourLastName =
eg mine would be
  Timo Salmi =
Be very careful to get this information right. It is absolutely
Unless we know each other from earlier contacts on the net, you
should also clearly state your status, affiliation, and reasons for
wanting to be on this list, since I cannot make this a completely
open offer.  Eg I would state
  Professor of Accounting and Business Finance
  School of Business Studies, University of Vaasa, Finland
  I want to help in propagation of shareware and PD MsDos programs
  and in order to do that I need information of the new uploads to
  your anonymous ftp archives... (then eg information about my
  computer usage background, etc, etc).

Sat 9-Mar-91: Acquired from Simtel20:
/pc/pd2     Shell for handling any kind of archives by Jim Derr.
                Shez is certainly one of the most useful utilities
                around, especially when you have a lot handling
                archived files. One of my definite favorites.
                Version 60b has some quite useful improvements. It
                can now handle .arj files, it defaults to the
                logically right directly on adjacent disk, and you
                can predefine where the extraction goes. The latter
                two improvements are just small details, but they
                remove behavior which I found a small, but constant
                irritant. Shez is a must for any heavy downloader.
/pc/pd2    Detect compressed .exe files by John Land v. 2.97
see /pc/INDEX    LHa .lzh compression sources
/pc/pd2     Yet another ZModem updated from Omen, 28-Feb-91
/pc/pd2     "Thelist" US BBS February list 

Fri 8-Mar-91: This week's download statistics of is
available as /pc/pd2/dload10.lst.  It is an ascii file.  It contains
the download counts and the descriptions of files that have had at
least 10 downloads from our site during the week.  It is the same
statistics that used to be posted in before I
got fed up with the complaints about the free services we provide to
the net. 
   The weekly Friday to Friday download statistics of the files will
be published as /pc/pd2/dload##.lst.  This version contains the
descriptions of the files.  The second statistics, the Monday to
Monday statistics, will be published as /pc/pd2/ftplog##.lst stating
the coming monday.  This list includes a breakdown by the
downloading sites, and will scan all the directories.
   Likewise, if you are interested in still seeing all the news I
write about files, take a periodic look at the
/pc/pd2/0news-pd2 file.  You may also find /pc/pd2/0post of

Fri 8-Mar-91: Update of the Finnish BBS list /pc/pd2/bx910308.arc.

Thu 7-Mar-91: Downloaded from the binary postings.  It
is a neat little utility to record and play back your keystrokes. 
It will first temporarily be in the /pc/stash directory, and later
in /pc/keyboard. 

Thu 7-Mar-91: Updated Compart BBS file list /pc/pd2/ 
Mind you if you intend to download.  It is over 700K. 

Wed 6-Mar-91: Updated the Micro Maniacs BBS file list

Wed 6-Mar-91: Acquired 
 The former is a shell for pkzip and pkunzip.  It is from PKWare,
and the idea is similar to /pc/pd2/  The latter includes,
among others, mboot for selective configurations at boot time, and
whatcpu2 for processor identification. 

Tue 5-Mar-91: The English documents for LHa .lzh compressor have
come out.  Therefore, I have replaced the earlier, leaner version of
/pc/pd2/lha210e.exe with the version containing the documents.  I
have _not_ altered the name of lha210e.exe to retain compatibility
with what is, and will be on the other sites.  My thanks to Keith
Petersen for pointing me to the version with the documents. 

Tue 5-Mar-91: Update of the Finnish BBS list /pc/pd2/bx910304.arc.

Sun 3-Mar-91: Update of the Finnish BBS list /pc/pd2/bx910302.arc.

Sun 3-Mar-91: Acquired the new version of McAfee's virus scanner
 70033 Feb 27 10:08 /pc/pd2/
Also acquired
 74345 Feb 26 17:13
 56547 Feb 26 18:51
 68765 Feb 26 18:45
which will be in the /pc/virus directory.

Sat 2-Mar-91: Update of Jon Granrose's 1-Mar-91 ftp site list

Wed 27-Feb-91: The official Japanese release 2.10 of LHa (the
successor of LHarc) for .lzh compression has come out.  I took the
liberty of using the author's patches to convert it into a version
with English user interface, and thus LHa 2.10 is now available as
self-extracting /pc/pd2/lha210e.exe from our site.  The only file in
the self-extracting archive is lha_e.exe. 

Wed 20-Feb-91: Update /pc/pd2/bx910219.arc of the collection of the
Finnish BBS lists.

Tue 19-Feb-91: Update /pc/pd2/ of the huge file list of
Compart BBS to show and example of what can be available in BBSes. 

Mon 18-Feb-91: Update /pc/pd2/ of McAfee's virus
scanner, the definite must.

Mon 18-Feb-91: Update /pc/pd2/ of PcMagazine's ansi.sys
replacement.  Update /pc/pd2/ of Andrew Rossmann's
InfoPlus system information program, and /pc/pd2/ which
contains its Turbo Pascal and asm sources. 

Fri 15-Feb-91: Update of the environment programming
language by Ron Bemis.

Thu 14-Feb-91: Acquired /pc/pd2/arc100.exe .arj archiver update.

Mon 11-Feb-91: Acquired /pc/pd2/lha205.exe update of LHa .lzh test
version with a patch /pc/pd2/bdiff.lzh to impose an English user
interface.  (Apply lha_e.bat to patch).  Unfortunately there already
was a different version of lha205.exe in the /pc/pd2 directory (with
some English documentation).  Therefore I'll take the liberty of
renaming this new arrival as lha205j.exe. 

Sun 10-Feb-91: Got hold of lha205.exe.  It is .lzh file compression
beta test version from Haruyasu Yoshizaki _in_ Japanese.  Download
at your own risk.  (Actually, you always do, but be aware that I
found this one in the self-extracting .exe format lying around in a
Finnish BBS).  The compression rate is even better than before. 

Sun 10-Feb-91: Acquired the following packages to
see /pc/INDEX    String functions for Turbo Pascal by Richard Winkel.
                Replaces The author says: "STRINGS.TPU
                is a Turbo Pascal unit containing 30 string
                functions implemented in assembler.  These routines
                are fast (check out the benchmark program) and
                powerful.  IBM mainframe users will notice that this
                package is substantially equivalent to the string
                routines available in IBM's Rexx language."
see /pc/INDEX     A collection of "system-completing" utilities by Don
                Branson. A definitely useful set. It's featuring
                program is eventman event manager, which is nice,
                but didn't attract me personally. But dabutil also
                includes some general MsDos utilities that that make
                a very good complement to any utilities set you
                already have. The directory manager and
                sort current directory seem particularly
                worth their while.

Thu 7-Feb-91: Obtained the latest file list of Micro Maniacs Opus,  Micro Maniacs Opus has moved to tel 358-0-2983308. 

Wed 6-Feb-91: Received TeleReplica 3.9 update directly
from the author Doug Thomson.

Mon 4-Feb-91: Acquired the following updates to
from a Compart BBS in Finland.
/pc/pd2       Has an .exe file been compressed with lzexe or pklite.
                This is an update of an earlier version (1.2) which
                only identified lzexe-compressed executables. Else
                moderate, but annoyingly looses the cursor, and you
                have to reset with the mode, or a similar command.
                See /pc/pd2/ for a much better alternative.
/pc/sysutil     Command Line Editor/Enhancer with a menu system.
                This seems quite a useful addition to the collection
                of MsDos command line recall programs like ced and
                dos-edit. The neat trick in this one is that you can
                invoke the stacked commands into a pop-up window and
                recall the commands from there. You can also assign
                commands to the functions keys. The usage of stack26
                takes some figuring out, though. You may already
                have your favorite command line editor, as I do, but
                this one is definitely worth a second look. Besides,
                if you know how to utilize mark-release, you can
                even toggle stack26 with your customary command line

Sun 3-Feb-91: There are several, partly overlapping utility file
collections in the /pc/pd2 directory at archives.  I
have collected the contents of five of them in /pc/pd2/utillist.txt,
so that one does not have to download each one to see what is in

Sat 2-Feb-91: Updated the Finnish BBS lists bx910202.arc.

Sat 2-Feb-91: Acquired the following updates to
archives from Simtel20, and took a closer look at them. 
see /pc/INDEX (or /pc/stash)     A Virus Search Program by H+BEDV Datentechnik GmbH
                Obviously a useful addition to any collection of
                virus scanners. This one comes from Germany.
see /pc/INDEX    Dickford Cohn review of executable compression progs
                Makes interesting reading for users of the various
                programs for compressing executable files. It is a
                pity that the text lines are awkwardly long.
see /pc/INDEX       A Window Into Your PC Memory from RolySoft, Denmark.
                It is specialized, but nicely done. I like this one.
                The documentation says: "CoreView is a small but
                fast memory viewer. With help of CoreView you may
                look through the memory of your computer. CoreView
                also has facilities for searching memory for
                specific strings or BIOS extensions."
see /pc/INDEX    Fastsystem plus for autoexec and config management.
                The documentation says: "This software is designed
                to give you total and almost instant control of
                your AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS files. fastsystem
                allows you to create/edit/save up to nine different
                AUTOEXEC.BAT or CONFIG.SYS files and at any time
                install either one of them and reboot your system."
see /pc/INDEX        A terminate and stay resident playback of keystrokes
                Don't you just hate it when using a potentially very
                useful utility has been made a riddle. Recall my ten
                minute rule: If an experienced user is still
                completely stuck after the first ten minutes, a
                shareware product is badly done.

Sat 2-Feb-91: Micro Maniacs Opus (the file list is
moving, and it's old telephone number is no longer valid.  I don't
know the new number yet.

Fri 1-Feb-91: Acquired the following updates to
bx910201.arc    Finnish BBS lists
see /pc/INDEX    File Name Completion by Richard Miller.
                Didn't test this one. The documentation says: FILEC
                is Terminate and Stay Resident (TSR)  utility that
                reduces the number of keystrokes needed to enter
                long filenames. When the HOTKEY is pressed FILEC
                reads a partial filename as typed by  the user  and
                attempts  to  complete the filename  by  searching
                the appropriate  directory.  The completed filename
                is then pasted by FILEC, as if the user had typed
see /pc/INDEX    Supersearch file and text finder by Thomas Price.
                Even with the many other file finders around, this
                one is worth a look because of its text finding
see /pc/INDEX     Expanded, extended etc memory management for 386. A
                very useful and interesting concept. Unfortunately
                prohibitively difficult to figure out and configure
                individually. But perhaps you'll have a better
                success than I did in experimenting with loading my
                device drivers and tsrs into the high memory with
                this system.

Mon 28-Jan-91: Acquired the following updates to
archives from Simtel20.
/pc/pd2/     Shell for compressed executables, very good. This
                version seems to add some pull-down menus.
/pc/pd2     A fast file finder. This one is by Bruce Gavin.
see /pc/INDEX       A fast file finder from Jim Derr. Confusingly there
                is another fast file finder with almost the same
                name. It is /pc/pd2/ by Don Williams.
                Don's fff includes source code.
see /pc/INDEX    A disk editor by Keith Chuvala. Colorful interface.
                The author says: "ZipZap 7.0 allows you to view
                and/or modify a file or disk sector by sector.  The
                data from the file or disk sector is displayed in
                two different formats: hexadecimal numbers and ASCII
see /pc/INDEX    An executable file compressor alike lzexe and pklite
                but the compression compares unfavorably. The help
                screen could be more informative, and the program
                should give a warning when a file is not found. I
                didn't have the patience to find out whether
                tinyprog can decompress files. The documentation
                states: "Makes EXE or COM file programs smaller.
                Stops corrupted or patched programs from running.
                Makes EXE files as easy to self-configure as COM
                files. Encrypts programs to make internal text

Mon 28-Jan-91: Update /pc/pd2/ of 'thelist' of US BBSes.

Sun 27-Jan-91: New files at archives:
see /pc/INDEX      Disk manager by Dennis Moon & Scott Leonard
                One of the many of the kind, although the layout of
                the screen makes a change. Dis323 is menu driven
                system to perform various disk operations. Worth
                looking at.
/pc/pcmag     Includes ALIAS by Douglas Boling & Jeff Prosise 
                The authors say: "A TSR utility that enables DOS
                command-line editing and recall of previously issued
                commands and that permits assignment of long
                commands and environment strings to short synonyms
                ("aliases") or function keys."
   A general note: If the directory of a file is not
given in the announcement, take a look at /pc/INDEX for the list of
files.  Also you may want to take a look at /pc/stash where we
occasionally store files before my fellow moderator Harri Valkama has reallocated the files to their proper directories. 

Mon 21-Jan-91: Acquired update /pc/pd2/zzap62a.arc of the universal
archive conversion program.  If you need to convert from many
different kind of archives into any other archive format, this one
will certainly be useful. 

Sun 20-Jan-91: Obtained /pc/pd2/, DirX-Directory of
eXecutables, Version 1.00, 01/11/91, rtk.  I like the concept and
the realization of it.  This program has all the makings of being
able to become "the Shez" of executable compression. 

Sat 19-Jan-91: Here are some new files from Simtel20 brought to archives.
/pc/pd2    A sporadic list of international 9600bps BBSes. I
                have to call it sporadic since one trick is to look
                at one's own country, and there is no current
                information on Finnish 9600 BBSes.
/pc/pd2    Detect compressed .exe files by John Land. Version
                2.60. Author says: "Shows which .EXE & .COM files
                have been compressed by PKLITE, LZEXE, DIET, AXE,
                LEXEM, TINYPROG, or SHRINK, plus misnamed .EXE &.
                COM files.  Output sortable by size, name,
                date/time, & is redirectable. Subdirectories can be
/pc/pd2      List and handle compressed executables. Definitely
                useful. Author says: "DirX 0.99 - Directory of
                eXecutables. Files compressed with AXE, DIET,
                are displayed in the left window.  Uncompressed
                COM/EXE files are displayed in the right window.
                "Move" individual and groups of files between the
                Compressed and Uncompressed windows. Navigate
                between drives/directories by pointing and shooting.
                New: Override default compressor from within
                program. Also fixes a few bugs."
/pc/pd2     Fast file finder. Author says: "FIND is an ultra
                high speed file finding program. It searches the
                disk drive(s) for the specified files using the
                standard DOS drive, filename and wildcard structure.
                The current version will optionally search ZIP (tm)
                files. The current version FIND does not support
                network drives."
/pc/pd2     Darwin's U.S. BBS list 1-Jan-91
/pc/pd2     ZIP/ZOO/ARC/PAK Converter by Ross Wentworth. This
                one is definitely useful. The only minor gripe that
                I have is that the warnings on configuration do not
                stay on the screen. They are extremely difficult to
                capture. Author says: "Automated conversion between
                the most common archive types (ARC, DWC, ICE, LBR,
                LZH, MD, PAK, SDN, ZIP, and ZOO), etc."
see /pc/INDEX    In index of PC-Magazine's utilities. This one is
                definitely useful. Includes an alphabetical as well
                as a list by issues.

Thu 10-Jan-90: I added a file list of another Finnish BBS to the
files available from, Vaasa, Finland, anonymous ftp
archives.  The list is /pc/pd2/ from Compart BBS
358-0-5063329.  The list is not organized in the best possible way,
there are many misclassifications, and many undeleted older version. 
On the other hand the list is huge, about 1.6Mb.  This list, along
with /pc/pd2/ (Micro Maniacs Opus, 358-0-463636) are
useful to show what programs can be available for the PC even if you
wouldn't ever intend to call these particular boards. 

Sun 6-Jan-91: Update arj020.exe of .arc archiver, and
of the whereis filefinder.

Sun 6-Jan-91: My fellow moderator Harri Valkama (
got the update /pc/pd2/ of Ralf Brown's impressive
interrupt list. 

Sun 6-Jan-91: Put up Duncan Murdoch's message on pklte103 bugs as
pkltebug.txt, with Duncan's kind permission.

Sat 5-Jan-91: Updated the list of Finnish BBSes to be 

Thu 3-Jan-91: I received /pc/pd2/ directly from the
author, Duncan Murdoch.  This is one of my shareware favorites.  It
shows a map of the disk.  How the files are located, what is in
them, and so on.  You can even see what is in deleted, or unused
parts of the disk.  (Coupled with a screen capture program you might
even retrieve e.g. lost text).  You see the state of the disk's
fragmentation, and can assess the results of defragmentators.  And
so on.  A very powerful and versatile program. 

Tue 1-Jan-91: I have obtained the following files from Simtel20 to archives /pc/pd2 directory, and taken a closer look at
them. Detect lzexe compressed .exe files by John Land. The
             package was previously called and the name
             of the program seems to have been renamed to chk4comp
             from chk4lze. An extract from the documentation:
             Utility to show which .EXE & .COM files have been
             compressed by PKLITE, LZEXE, (version 0.90 and 0.91),
             or TINYPROG. Also can show misnamed .EXE or .COM files.
             Output is sortable by size (default) or name, and is
             redirectable. Subdirectories can be processed.  Public
             Domain.   Duplicate File Locator Program Version 1.50. This
             facility to find the duplicate files on your hard disk
             has quite many bells and whistles and sports a very
             nice user interface. Works in two modes, names and
             exact, which should be self-explanatory. There are
             already other duplicate finders around, but this one
             certainly has many features the others don't. The
             others include finddupe (which crashes my PC),
             /pc/pd2/ (which has duplicate finding as an
             extra option), and doubles.exe in /pc/ts/tsutlc16.arc
             (which has an intermediate mode the other lack for
             faster finding of "exact" duplicates by name, size,
             and date).   List executables and compression method by Raymond
             Kaya. Screen divided in two. This one shows a lot of
             promise as an evolving shell, and is in my opinion
             already the best utility at the moment for identifying
             compressed executables. An extract from the
             documentation: DirX 0.94 - Directory of eXecutables.
             Files compressed with AXE, DIET, LEXEM, LZEXE, PKLITE
             and TINYPROG are displayed in the left window.
             Uncompressed COM and EXE files are displayed in the
             right window.  New: Wildcard tagging has been added.
             "Move" individual and groups of files between the
             Compressed and Uncompressed windows using the
             compressor and uncompressors of your choice.

Tue 1-Jan-91: Acquired PKWare's .com and .exe runtime compressor
update and bug fix /pc/pd2/pklte103.exe to archives. 
   Also acquired which will be in the /pc/programming
directory as soon as my fellow moderator logs in. It includes Kent
Porter's code for handling huge (> 64Kb) arrays in Turbo Pascal from
Doctor Dobb's March 1988 issue. (There is a reference to this code
in /pc/ts/tsfaq15.arc in the answer concerning huge arrays. This is
why I acquired this "back issue".)

Tue 1-Jan-91: The 1990's news concerning the files in the
/pc/pd2 directory (the directory for assorted utilities) has been
moved to 0news90.pd2.  The news of 1989 is in 0dir89.pd2.  The new
news will be in /pc/pd2/0news-pd2, as before.