misc :          Warehouse
00index.txt     Descriptions of the files in the misc directory
16550_10.zip    Ignore the FIFO enable bits in the 16550A IIR
16euro96.zip    Win 3.x for European Championship soccer 1996
1cffw52.zip     College Funding Finder, J. Theberge
32euro96.zip    Win 95 for European Championship soccer 1996
ahandy15.zip    30 utilities, games etc. in one single program, nag
arch308.zip     Archives v3.08; the compressed file manager
ayli12.zip      As You Like It Windows E-book reader
catbk310.zip    Organize your book collection
ccizip20.zip    CCiZip v2.0 archive file manager (good)
ccwin31.zip     Crossword Compiler for Windows, A.Lewis
cdprow.zip      Windows database system for CDs and tapes (req's vbrun300.dll)
cfw10.zip       Makes a picture COLLAGE from .BMP files (with music)
color12.zip     Color My World - multimedia tutor abt colors for children
ctrax251.zip    Organize your music collection
cvids210.zip    Organize your video collection, F.Nordbakke
dvimswin.arc    TeX .dvi previewer for MS-Windows v1.03+ (req's win87em)
elana11.zip     Elana v1.1 sys config tool
enigma11.zip    Enigma v1.1 (german version) encrypt/decrypt
fbclck47.zip    Display NFL team logos on analog clock face
fixgrp.zip      FixGroup; fix group files when moving
freemem.zip     Freemem v1.0 show amount of free memory
ftplis10.zip    Anonomous FTP Site List in searchable Help format.
fundmn83.zip    Portfolio management with graphs and reports
gander10.zip    GANDER v1.0 text and binary file viewer (ASCII + HEX)
glstore1.zip    Double Entry General Ledger
grmslm11.zip    Windows Online Help for English Grammar, J.Blair
hulbert1.zip    Hulbert teaches you to upgrade your computer
infodisk.zip    InfoDisk contains various data and contact lists
kabooa10.zip    Web Page Backgrounds
kaboob10.zip    Web Page Graphics
keys20.zip      For businesses to track keys issued to employees
lifepl11.zip    LifePlan for maintaining your personal goals
mod1.zip        Delrina's (Winfax Pro) beta release of mod.exe V.32bis
morecn.zip      More Control v1.1 Control Panel enhancement (good)
mortge11.zip    Comprehensive mortgage program, W. Odlum
mpme21a.zip     Equipment maintenance program, B. Kyrklund
netquot1.zip    NetWorld Book of Quotations for Windows
netsct11.zip    Offline Internet resource locator, B.Kochem
para21sw.zip    Paramind, configurable brainstorming program
pmpfl201.zip    PredMan - Pro Football 2.01 office pool manager
pmscr101.zip    PredMan - Stock Car 1.01 office pool manager
poemwin1.zip    NetWorld Poetry Anthology for Windows
pp30wi.zip      Software guided anti-RSI stretch breaks, T.Hoff
qnzip21.zip     QuinZip v2.1 Windows Zip/UnZip util
stmpc310.zip    CATalog your stamp collection
strack12.zip    SofTrack - software/hardware inventory database
telept10.zip    Trick to amaze others with your "Telepathic" ability
thm_100.zip     Humor Mill; joke, pun, limerick, humorous story teller
tm.zip          Taskman v1.0 replace Windows task manager
tpp152.zip      Tasks, Projects and People PIM, N.Patriquin
tv3e100a.zip    TvText Telextext Viewer v1.00 for Windows, M.Hughes
twoto180.zip    Two Touch glucometer data application, K.Uusitalo
typmas16.zip    Typing tutorial w Revision Wizard, crippled, T.Utriainen
ucook10.zip     The USENET Cookbook in WinHelp format
vidlist2.zip    Prints reports on your Videotape Inventory, S. Lowers (great)
wexit12e.zip    Windows Exit Button v1.2 (good)
wfclck11.zip    World Flag Clock, T. Hirtle
winzoo21.zip    Zoo v2.1 for Windows
wmnia20a.zip    WebMania! 2.0 - HTML editor and forms generator!
wnspd.zip       Winspeed v1.0 Windows 3.0 performance anal tool
wotd_201.zip    What happened on this day (historical database)
wtclck21.zip    World time clock, T. Hirtle
wuna222.zip     Windows Unarchive v2.22 (ZIP ARJ)
wunz20x.zip     Freeware windows unzipper version 2.0 (good)
zipex110.zip    Zip Express v1.1 Zip Code Look Up; Auto Paste