SKFPNO.TXT December 13,1996 Copyright 1996 Compaq Computer Corp. All rights reserved. ========================================================= Instructions for SKFPNO.OS2, an OS/2 NDIS MAC driver used with the Compaq Netelligent 100 FDDI PCI Controller CONTENTS ======== 1 Overview 2 Driver Installation 3 Driver Configuration 3.1 Common Driver Configuration 3.2 Driver Configuration for TCP/IP 3.3 Driver Configuration for IBM NetWare Requester Support 4 Driver Parameters 4.1 General Driver Parameters 4.2 Advanced Driver Parameters 5 Startup Error Messages 5.1 Overview 5.2 List of Error Messages ============================================================================= (1) OVERVIEW ============ SKFPNO.OS2 is an OS/2 NDIS MAC driver which is intended to operate with Compaq Netelligent 100 FDDI PCI Controller on OS/2 Warp v3.0, Warp Connect, and Warp v4.0. You can install up to two controllers in an OS/2 station as long as their settings do not conflict. The driver complies to the NDIS specification v2.0.1. This documentation gives useful hints on the installation and configuration of this driver on IBM LAN Server 4.0 and Warp Server. *** (2) DRIVER INSTALLATION ======================= The first step is the installation of the Compaq Netelligent 100 FDDI PCI Controller hardware in your workstation. For more information about this installation and configuration, refer to the controller's manual. When the hardware installation is completed, boot your system. Installing and configuring the driver software will be done by using the Multi Protocol Transport Services (MPTS), if IBM LAN Server 4.0 or Warp Server is installed or the LAN Adapter and Protocol Support (LAPS), if IBM LAN Server 3.0 is installed. Step 1) Start MPTS or LAPS on your system. The main menu will appear. Step 2) Choose . The window <> appears. Step 3) Insert the Driver Installation disk which contains the OS/2 NDIS MAC driver into drive A:. Step 4) The program asks you to enter the path where the Network driver files reside on the driver installation disk. Type a:\lanservr\os2 and choose to confirm. Step 5) The driver files will be copied to your hard disk. When the installation is finished the <> appears. Choose to return to the main menu. Now you have to configure the OS/2 NDIS MAC driver. Please continue with chapter 3 "Driver Configuration". *** (3) DRIVER CONFIGURATION ======================== (3.1) COMMON DRIVER CONFIGURATION Before the Compaq Netelligent 100 FDDI PCI Controller device driver can be used, it must be configured and bound to at least one protocol stack. Step 1) From the main menu of MPTS or LAPS choose . The configuration options will be displayed in the next screen. Step 2) If the MPTS (LAN Server 4.0 or Warp Server) utility is used, select and press . If the LAPS (LAN Server 3.0) utility is used, select and press . The <> screen appears. Step 3) Select the SK-NET FDDI PCI in the <> window and add it to the current configuration. For each protocol you want to work with, select it from the <> and add it to the <>. Step 4) If you have installed more than one Compaq Netelligent 100 FDDI PCI Controller in your workstation, you have to specify the parameter Slot Number. If you have only one controller installed, the configuration is complete, please continue with step 5. o Select the Compaq Netelligent 100 FDDI PCI Controller in the <> window. o Choose the option and update the required parameters. o To get the valid values or valid range for a parameter, select the paramter and choose the option. o To get the online help for a parameter, select the parameter and press F1. o Choose to confirm the changes. Parameter Default Value Accepted Values ----------------------------------------------- Slot Number none 1, 2 NOTE: For PCI devices the parameter Slot Number does not represent the fixed slot where the adpater is plugged into. It is rather an index which is used during the driver configuration to find the specified controller. The FDDI PCI controller found first is the controller with the 'Slot Number' one, but it may be plugged into any physical slot other than one. Step 5) Choose to save the configuration and to come back to the main menu. Now choose and leave the configuration utility. MPTS / LAPS will create a PROTOCOL.INI file and update your CONFIG.SYS to match the current configuration you just defined. Reboot your workstation to establish the changes. (3.2) DRIVER CONFIGURATION FOR TCP/IP There are three ways for configurating the TCP/IP together with the Compaq Netelligent 100 FDDI PCI Controller. The TCP/IP parameter 'Canonical Address' can be modified in the TCP/IP Network Interface Parameters configuration section. Configuration 1 2 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Emulate Topology TokenRing TokenRing Ethernet TCPIP on Token Ring Support YES NO don't care TCP/IP Parameter: Canonical Address disabled enabled disabled ------------------------------------------------------------------------ NOTE: The driver does not support Source Routing for TCP/IP. If you are using OS/2 Warp Connect, Warp v4.0 or Warp Server the TCP/IP is placed under the icon on the Workplace Shell and not in the MPTS anymore. (3.3) DRIVER CONFIGURATION FOR IBM NETWARE REQUESTER SUPPORT This procedure assumes that your Compaq Netelligent 100 FDDI PCI Controller is already installed and that you have the IBM NetWare Requester protocol loaded, and you wish to use the burned-in address for the adapter. Step 1) From the LAPS Configuration window select SK-NET FDDI PCI Adapter from the Current Configuration list box. Step 2) Click the Edit button and change the Emulate Topology field from Token Ring to Ethernet. Select OK. Step 3) From the Current Configuration list box, select IBM NetWare Requester Support, and click Edit. Step 4) Change the Ethernet_802.2 Frame Header field to YES and specify NO for all other Frame Header fields. Select OK, save the LAPS configuration, and reboot. Step 5) After the machine reboots, view the LANTRAN.LOG file in the IBMCOM subdirectory. Record the hexidecimal twelve character Universal Node Address. NOTE: Do not record the Token Ring Format address, which may also be seen in the LANTRAN.LOG file. Step 6) Return to the LAPS configuration screen and select IBM NetWare Requester Support from the Current Configuration list box. Step 7) Enter the Universal Node Address (recorded in Step 5) into the Network Adapter Address field. Select OK, save the LAPS configuration, and reboot. Installation is now complete. *** (4) DRIVER PARAMETERS ===================== Specifying or changing driver parameters should be done by using the installation and configuration utilities MPTS or LAPS. These tools will change the PROTOCOL.INI file (needed at system startup) and/or the CONFIG.SYS file. Do not modify the PROTOCOL.INI file with an editor. You may get configuration errors at boot time. For specifying the driver parameters go to the <> screen of MPTS / LAPS. Select the SK-NET FDDI PCI controller in the <> window. Choose the option and update the necessary parameters. You can get the valid range or valid values for each parameter by selecting the paramter and choosing the option. To get the online help for a parameter, select it and press F1. (4.1) GENERAL DRIVER PARAMETERS This section will give you a description of the driver parameters supported by the OS/2 NDIS MAC driver. These parameters are used to configure the Compaq Netellligent 100 FDDI PCI Controller hardware or the driver's interface to the NDIS protocol stack. Network Controller Address Description: Overwrites the network controller's node address Help: With this parameter, you can overwrite the default node address. In a network, every controller must have its own and unique node address. A node address consists of 12 hexadecimal bytes. If the parameter Emulate Topology is set to 'TokenRing' you have to specify the node address in non-canonical format. If the parameter Emulate Topology is set to 'Ethernet' you have to specify the node address in canonical format. NOTE: Do not specify multicast or broadcast addresses for this parameter. NOTE: Do not assign the same local address to more than one controller. NOTE: The Locally Administrated Bit of your specified node address should be set. This bit is in the first byte of the node address. It is bit 6 if the driver emulates Token-Ring and bit 1 if the driver emulates Ethernet. Syntax: non-canonical format for emulating Token-Ring Network Controller Address 40005a02482C Syntax: The same address, but in canonical format for emulating Ethernet Network Controller Address 02005a401234 Slot Number Description: Defines the slot in which the controller is installed. Help: If you do not specify a slot number, the driver scans automatically for an Compaq Netellligent 100 FDDI PCI Controller. The valid range for this parameter reaches from 1 to 2. NOTE: Specifying the parameter Slot Number is mandatory if more than one Compaq Netellligent 100 FDDI PCI Controller is installed in the same computer. NOTE: For PCI devices the parameter Slot Number does not represent the fixed slot where the adpater is plugged into. It is rather an index which is used during the driver configuration to find the specified controller. The FDDI PCI controller found first is the controller with the 'Slot Number' one, but it may be plugged into any physical slot other than one. Emulate Topology Description: The type of network topology the driver currently emulates. Help: Because the FDDI topology is not implemented in the NDIS protocol stacks the driver has to emulate either Token-Ring or Ethernet. The default value for this parameter is 'TokenRing'. NOTE: Do not mix the Emulate Topologies of the controllers in your network. It is not possible to get connection to a controller which does not emulate the same Topology. NOTE: Emulating Ethernet may decrease the performance of the driver, because the driver is forced to use the smaller Ethernet frame size of 1514 bytes. IBM Source Routing Support Description: Enables or disables the IBM Source Routing Support. Help: The possible values for this parameter are 'YES' and 'NO'. If the IBM Source Routing Support is set to 'NO', in all sent packets the IBM Source Routing field is cut by the driver. The default value is 'YES'. NOTE: Specifying this parameter has only an effect, if the parameter Emulate Topology is set to 'TokenRing'. TCPIP on Token Ring Support Description: Enables or disables the TCPIP on Token Ring Support. Help: The possible values for this parameter are 'YES' and 'NO'. If this parameter is set to 'YES', in all IP and ARP packets, the IBM Source Routing field is cut by the MAC driver and in all ARP packets the sender host address and the target host address are converted from non-canonical to canonical format during transmission. The sender host address and the target host address in a received ARP packet are converted from canonical to non-canonical format by the MAC driver, too. Ring Status Mask Description: The ring status delivered to the protocol driver is masked using the value of this parameter. Help: The OS/2 NDIS MAC driver indicates the ring status and ring errors to the NDIS protocol stack. With this paramter it is possible to fade out some indication bits. For more information about the ring status indication bits please refer to the IBM Token-Ring Technical Reference Manual. PCI Fix Parameter Description: This parameter is reserved for fixing configuration problems between the PCI BIOS and the controller. It is reserved for future use. *** (4.2) ADVANCED DRIVER PARAMETERS This section will give you a list of the advanced parameters supported by the OS/2 NDIS MAC driver. These parameters will give access to the FDDI Station Management (SMT). The SMT parameters are divided into three groups: - General SMT parameters - Synchronous Bandwith Allocator (SBA) parameters for configuring the SBA - End Station Support (ESS) parameters for using synchronous bandwidth A detailed description of each parameter is given in the SMTDOCU.TXT file in the root of the first installation diskette. But this documentation uses the short names for the SMT parameters. The following table holds the supported SMT parameters and the corresponding short names. General SMT parameters supported by this driver: SMT parameter SMT parameter short name ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Password for PMF Requests PmfPassWd SMT User Data UserData SMT LER Cutoff attribute Port A LerCutOffA SMT LER Cutoff attribute Port B LerCutOffB SMT LER Alarm attribute Port A LerAlarmA SMT LER Alarm attribute Port B LerAlarmB SMT T-Min attribute TMin SMT T-Max attribute TMax SMT T-Req attribute TReq SMT TVX attribute TVX ------------------------------------------------------------------------- For the SBA and ESS parameters the short names are used in the MPTS / LAPS configuration. Therefore a list and a short description for each supported parameter follows. SBA parameters supported by this driver: Parameter Short description ------------------------------------------------------------------------- SbaCommand command to start or stop the SBA SbaAvailable amount of bandwidth the SBA can assign for synchronous transmission ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ESS parameters supported by this driver: Parameter Short description ------------------------------------------------------------------------- SbaPayLoad synchronous bandwidth requested for static allocation SbaOverHead overhead requested for static allocation MaxTNeg maximum token rotation time delay MinSegmentSize minimum synchronous segmentation size SbaCategory session ID for static allocation SynchTxMode synchronous transmission mode ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *** (5) STARTUP ERROR MESSAGES ========================== (5.1) OVERVIEW If an initialization error occurs at driver startup, the driver will be unloaded by the system and this system message is displayed: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- SYS1201: The device driver C:\IBMCOM\MACS\SKFPNO.OS2 specified in the DEVICE command on line of the config.sys file was not installed. Line is ignored. Press Enter to continue ------------------------------------------------------------------------- After is pressed, the system continues to load the other device drivers. After all device drivers are loaded, a separate screen is opened and the error message generated by the OS/2 NDIS MAC driver is displayed. For example, ------------------------------------------------------------------------- SKP0011: There is no Compaq Netellligent 100 FDDI PCI Controller installed in this computer. ->Press Enter to continue ------------------------------------------------------------------------- After pressing some more error messages from other device drivers may be printed out. To get some more information about the error message open an OS/2 window and type Syntax: help Example: To get help about the above error message please type help SKP0011 *** (5.2) LIST OF ERROR MESSAGES The following list holds the error messages that may occur at SKFPNO.OS2 driver startup. If one of these errors occurs, take a look at this description for error detection and problem fixing: Message: There is no Compaq Netellligent 100 FDDI PCI Controller installed in this computer. Reason: The driver did not find an Compaq Netellligent 100 FDDI PCI Controller which it was able to use. Perhaps you have specified a wrong Slot Number? Help: Check the hardware configuration (system configuration). Refer to sections (3) and (4) for hints about specifying the Slot Number. Message: There is more than one Compaq Netellligent 100 FDDI PCI Controller installed in this computer. Reason: The driver found more than one Compaq Netellligent 100 FDDI PCI Controller while scanning the slots. Thus, the driver could not decide which one to use. Help: Select one of the controllers by specifying a Slot Number. Message: CFG_CARD_EN bit of the Compaq Netellligent 100 FDDI PCI Controller is not set. Reason: The Compaq Netellligent 100 FDDI PCI Controller was not properly installed by the system configuration program. The present configuration of your controller is void. Help: Start the diagnostic tool to solve the problem. Message: The selected IRQ for the Compaq Netellligent 100 FDDI PCI Controller is already in use. Reason: The configured hardware interrupt is already used by some other hardware and cannot be shared. Help: Run a system configuration utility and solve the interrupt conflict. Message: The required parameter EMULATE was not found in the PROTOCOL.INI file. Reason: The parameter Emulate Topology was not specified in the driver configuration section. But this parameter is mandatory. Help: Start MPTS or LAPS and configure Emulate Topology either to 'TokenRing' or to 'Ethernet'. Message: The SK-NET FDDI PCI device driver could not open the NDIS protocol manager. Reason: An error occurred when the driver tried to open the protocol manager. Perhaps the protocol manager has not been loaded or the OS/2 NDIS MAC driver is loaded to early. Help: You have a serious problem with your LAN Server installation. Please delete the SKFPNO.OS2 statement in your CONFIG.SYS file. Start MPTS or LAPS and configure the driver again. Reboot the workstation. Message: The SK-NET FDDI PCI device driver could not get the protocol manager linkage. Reason: An error occurred when the GetProtocolManagerLinkage function of the protocol manager was called. Message: The SK-NET FDDI PCI NDIS device driver could not get the protocol manager info. Reason: An error occurred when the GetProtocolManagerInfo function of the protocol manager was called. Message: The SK-NET FDDI PCI NDIS device driver could not register with the protocol manager. Reason: An error occurred when the RegisterModule function of the protocol manager was called. Message: Invalid Node Address Override, Group Address bit was set now reset. Reason: The node address specified in the PROTOCOL.INI file is a Group or Multicast address. The driver has reset the Multicast bit of the node address. Message: Invalid Node Address Override, Local Administrated bit was reset now set. Reason: The Local Administrated bit of the node address which is specified in the PROTOCOL.INI file is not set. To mark the node address as Local Administrated address, this bit should be set. The driver has set this bit for you. Message: Invalid Node Address Override, the specified node address was ignored. Reason: The node address specified in the PROTOCOL.INI file is invalid, because it is a broadcast address. It is not possible to specify a broadcast address for the station's node address. ***