Abstracts from files in info-mac/dev/lib as of Sun 20 Mar 2005

#### BINHEX     3d-class-library-10d0.hqx   ****

From: demos@xmission.com (Dmitry Boldyrev)
Subject: 3D Class Library

3D Class Library v1.0d0


        3D Class Library, is a freeware C++ class library (please read terms of
        the license agreement) that allows you to make simple real-time 3d
        graphics applications. The logical and easy-to-use interface provides
        powerful features:

        - Gouraud shading
        - Free texture mapping
        - Fast radix z-plane sorting
        - Arbitrary light source positioning
        - V3D/ASC file import
        - Load/Save from/into .obj very simple internal format
        - Real-time rotations/transformations
        - Clipping

        with more features to come!

Contacting Xilex group

        E-mail:         demos@xmission.com or demos@amug.org
        Interests:      real-time 3D graphics,
                        music synthesis
        Phone:          (801) 581-5465 (please ask for Dmitry)


        Development:    Dmitry Boldyrev/Demos
        Ideas and help: OTM, DarkShade, GooRoo, Volt, Nate Robins

Demos <demos@xmission.com>

#### BINHEX     a-box-18.hqx   ****

Date: Wed, 5 Jul 1995 09:37:01 -0600
From: g.tempel@xpedite.com (George (ty) Tempel)
Subject: ABox 1.8

Hi all...

The 'collective' of TopSoft Inc., a not-for-profit software programming
group, is proud to announce the first public release of the ABox, also
known as TSAbout, available for use within your non-commercial applications
(be sure to read the license that comes with the ABox software, and all
other TopSoft software packages).

We wanted to come up with something that no-one had ever really seen or
done before, much like our guiding principle for the FilterTop software,
and release it as part of the FilterTop package as well as its own package.
The ABox supports nearly all of the way-cool-nifty-gee-i-gotta-have
features that Apple has been cranking out for System 7 and beyond. It
supports QuickTime, the Text-to-Speech Manager, Drag-and-Drop, the
Asynchronous Sound Manager, the old Threads Package, the new Threads
Manager, is PowerPC capable via UPP's instead of ProcPtr's...you get the

The ABox is really just a set of C++ classes that have a rather API for
client software, based mainly upon the early documentation regarding
Apple's Speech Recognition Manager; the ABox has an object-oriented
"properties" driven API, where instead of providing lots of methods to do
lots of things, there are a handful of methods to do lots of things. Most
importantly, all client-adjustable features of the ABox are driven through
a pair of easy to use methods that are documented in the ABox demo
application and the web pages.

Most importantly, the ABox can be used to display a set of Topics and
Slides, which makes it useful for tasks such as enhanced about boxes,
online reference, help, etc. Topics are really just files within a
folder-tree, where each file is either a QuickTime movie, a text file
(normal TEXT and SimpleText 'ttro'), a PICT file, or a file that contains a
'TSAb' resource which instructs the ABox which resources should be grouped
together as Slides within the Topic (much like icon families...a group of
resources that share the same ID). By pointing the ABox at the root of some
folder tree containing files with 'TSAb' resources, you can make the ABox
display a hierarchical list of topics that the user can then browse

Oh, by the way...adding the ABox to your projects will add about 49K (even
less when compiled and built with the latest Metrowerks CodeWarrior

And now, some current news about the ABox...

Web Stuff:

The _new_ ABox web pages are installed and available on the TS-Mac, so
point your web surfers at:


to see the TopSoft Home Page, which has a link to the ABox pages, or you
can go directly to the ABox pages via


Current Versions:

The current verion of the ABox software is v1.8, and is available as part
of the FilterTop software release or as the ABox source & demo release,
available via anonymous ftp to the TS-Mac (ftp.topsoft.org) or atlas


Please, take some time out during your web surfing and check out TopSoft's
home page, and while you're at it grab a copy of the ABox for a test drive.

thanks in advance
george (ty) tempel

#### BINHEX     advanced-io-cpp.hqx   ****

From: oleg@ponder.csci.unt.edu (Kiselyov Oleg)
Subject: c++advio: Advanced i/o & arithmetic compression classlib

Attached is an updated version of c++advio, an advanced i/o &
arithmetic compression classlib, Mac distribution. Please replace an
old version
which you currently have. The most significant change is a 4-line
tweak with sharing of an i/o buffer (which became necessary as CW8 has
changed the way virtual classes are destroyed). The current
implementation hopefully gets rid of these specific dependencies for
good. All projects and the library are recompiled with CW8. For the
first time it became possible to use PowerPC alignment of structures
in the CW projects that use C++ streams (it crashed before).

c++advio:   Various advanced i/o codings of streams of integers
Keywords: arithmetic coding, start-stop coding, endian i/o, compression
Hot points:
        - variable-bit coding of sequences of integers
          (including the Arithmetic compression)
        - explicit endian specification in dealing with integer streams
        - a trick of sharing a stream buffer (a "file") among several streams
        - with a validation code to verify everything
        - with a commented source and CW8 projects
Please see a README file for more details.

#### BINHEX     ag-menu-10.hqx   ****

From: tree@apple.com (Tom Emerson)
Subject: AGMenu 1.0: Enhanced Guide Menu management

AGMenu is a small library which manages the Guide (or Help, or Balloon 
Help, or Question) Menu for you, letting you stash your application's 
Apple guides in their own folder, out of the way of inquisitive users. 
AGMenu places your guides in the correct locations in the menu, and uses 
the same criteria that Apple Guide 2.0 uses when decided which guides 
should be included. Integrating AGMenu into your application is trivial 
and can often be done in less than an hour.

Further information can be found at


NB: AGMenu is not an Apple supported product.



Tom Emerson                                                 Cambridge R&D
Senior Software Engineer                             Apple Computer, Inc.
<mailto:tree@apple.com>                  <http://www.tiac.net/users/tree>

#### BINHEX     aga-slider-12-src.hqx   ****

From: jennings@halcyon.com (James Jennings)
Subject: AGASlider 1.2, Source for a PowerPlant Control

AGA Slider v 1.2:     A demo of an Apple Grayscale Appearance class.

AGA Slider is a Codewarrior 9/PowerPlant project for demonstrating the
CAGASlider class. It also includes "group box" and "bevel" attachment

CAGASlider is a PowerPlant LControl that looks like a slider from
the Apple Grayscale Appearance for System 7. It is not a CDEF.

Apple's docs on the AGA show you what things look like to the pixel,
but, alas, they don't explain behaviors. I had to guess, mostly by
imitating the sliders in the system control panels.

Note that, while Codewarrior 10 comes with it's own AGA classes, it does
not yet have a slider class.

Key Features:
  The kind of slider (the direction of the point on the indicator)
    is set via a pop-up menu in Constructor.
  The number of tick marks, if any, can all be set in constructor.
  Uses offscreen GWorlds for flicker-free tracking.
  Reasonable black and white appearance, even when split across
    multiple screens.

New in this version:
  Reflects Apple's "flatter" disabled appearance (as of September 1996)
  The direction of increasing values can be set in Constructor.

James Jennings

I give permission for contents of this archive to be included on the
Info-Mac CD-ROM.

#### BINHEX     appe-windows-203-c.hqx   ****

From: fprefect@umich.edu (Matt Slot)
Subject: AppeWindows 2.03

If you have seen the Speech Manager, then you know that a background
only application can put a window onto the screen (contrary to popular
belief). The new Text Services Manager in System 7.1 offers documented
hooks for creating, disposing, and handling floating windows. These
windows are layer independent (they are floating above all programs and
windows), and can work without patching traps (well, a quick jGNEFilter,
but no traps).

This program demonstrates a shell application that puts a TSM window onto
the screen, and intercepts update, click, and key events. If you don't
care to look behind the scenes, you simply write the handlers from the
templates. If you want to see how it really works, you can lift the
curtains and look in the other functions for yourself.

Other programs that use this shell include: ObiWan, Extensions Strip,
HoverBar, Virtual, and NotifyMail. Note: that Apple software uses the
layer manager in undocumented ways to get the same effect for software
such as AppleGuide, Control Strip, and the Speech Manager.

Bug Fixes/Changes

2.01 -> 2.03  (2.02 was not released to the public)
        * Updated the TestScreenSaver() function to count to 3 before
          hiding/showing the window, which reduces flicker and stops
          the window from acting strangely during PopupMenuSelect().
        * The jGNEFilter helper sets the current app's A5-world (not
          ours) so that it can call FindServiceWindow(), and we don't
          need to repeatedly test PtInRgn().
        * Replaced the Fat WDEF with 68K and PPC parts to reduce footprint.
        * Fixed a memory leak with RmveResource() in Prefs code.
        * The sample drag handlers now setup and restore our A5-world.
        * Updated the process description for creating a Fat Binary.
        * Dropped the Symantec C code duplication for archive size.
          If you need help porting AppeWin, drop me a line.
        * Updated the bundled TSM Fix from 1.02 to 1.03. See the associated
          ReadMe file for relevant changes.
        * Updated documentation and comments.

Its yours if you like it. This shell is free for you to modify and
expand upon.

Matt Slot, fprefect@umich.edu

#### BINHEX     async-video-framework-11.hqx   ****

From: plang@com.mcnet.ch (Philippe Lang)
Subject: AVF 1.1 - Asynchronous Video Framework 1.1

This pack contains a free C++ CW10 library that allows you to grab frames
asynchronously from your QuickCam or from Apple Digitizer.

The pack contains the PPC library, the headers, and examples.

Philippe Lang

#### BINHEX     audio-time-scale-lib-11.hqx   ****

From: ukjb@rz.uni-karlsruhe.de
Subject: AudioTimeScaleLib1.1.hqx

High quality audio time scaling PowerMac native DSP library for 
use with Metrowerks CodeWarrior. Allows changing the length of 
a soundfile without affecting pitch. Highly optimized coding of 
S.Sprenger's 'TIDE' algorithm.

Version 1.1

#### BINHEX     auto-pay-demo-21.hqx   ****

Date: 14 Aug 1995 17:46:08 -0800
From: "Klein Matthew" <klein_matthew@gsb.stanford.edu>
Subject: AutoPay Demo

Enclosed please find our submission for the archives. You have our permission
to distribute this on CD-ROM as well.

AutoPay is a small module that software developers can integrate into their
programs. It allows computer users to pay for software electronically by
modem. If the user doesn't have a modem, AutoPay allows the user to pay by
phone (toll-free) or by mail. 

There are no up-front charges for using AutoPay in your software. Instead
Digital Money, Inc. charges a small fee for each transaction. You don't need
a credit card merchant account. Digital Money, Inc. runs the 24-hour modem
dial-in network, the 24-hour voice operator lines, and a mail-processing
center for handling all customer payments.

#### BINHEX     auto-pay-dev-kit-65.hqx   ****

Date: 14 Aug 1995 17:26:51 -0800
From: "Klein Matthew" <klein_matthew@gsb.stanford.edu>
Subject: AutoPay Developer's Kit

Enclosed please find our submission for the archive. You have our permission
to distribute this on CD-ROM as well.

AutoPay is a small module that software developers can integrate into their
programs. It allows computer users to pay for software electronically by
modem. If the user doesn't have a modem, AutoPay allows the user to pay by
phone (toll-free) or by mail. 

There are no up-front charges for using AutoPay in your software. Instead
Digital Money, Inc. charges a small fee for each transaction. You don't need
a credit card merchant account. Digital Money, Inc. runs the 24-hour modem
dial-in network, the 24-hour voice operator lines, and a mail-processing
center for handling all customer payments.

AutoPay also supports software "locking": if a customer pays for your program
and then passes it to a friend, your software drops back into "demo" mode.

This is a fully functional Developer's Kit, not a demo, and contains complete
documentation. AutoPay supports virtually all development environments. If
you are interested in the Windows version, please contact Digital Money, Inc.
at (415) 833-0200.

#### BINHEX     beach-gear-dev-kit.hqx   ****

Date: Tue, 4 Jul 1995 15:28:20 +0900
From: nari@sgs.co.jp (Naritomo Mizutani)
Subject: BeachText 2.0

BeachText 2.0 is High-Performance text editor that is supported
2-Byte Character.(test only Japanese)

character is...

In pursuit of the High-Speed. We keep the speed-down to a minimum
resulting from the High-grade functions.
BeachText is most suitable for use on Power Macintosh. 
BeachText is especially good performance on Power Macintosh.

-For the new functions of Mac OS-
Not to mention for Inline Input by System 7.1,for Drag&Drop
and QuickDraw GX printing.

-User interface-
BeachText is more useful because of acquiring a work palette.

-A substantial search function-
Multi-File Search and Multi Nested Folders Search.

"Plug In Module" is used in BeachText  for easy to use the additional 
functions. So you can use a extending function, just put in BeachGEAR. 
In addition,you can construct your original "GEAR" because of open the
interface of "GEAR" to the public.

You can paste picture on the document and open a picture document. 
BeachText can save the additional information about the document,
you can resume editing of your document in the last condition.

Multi Window
Wrap Line
Paste picture
Prepare document of the TeachText,etc.


BeachText need to run...

1) Macintosh Plus and later
2) System 6.0.7 and later (If you use KanjiTalk 6.0.7,
    BeachText changed into the English environment)
3) More 640KB free memory. (If you are using 68K version,more 384KB
    free memory)
4) HardDisk 

#### BINHEX     bitmap-libraries-30-c.hqx   ****

From: (John Montbriand) tinyjohn@sk.sympatico.ca
Subject: BitMap Libraries 3.0

3.0 replaces 2.0, 1.1 and 1.0.

now includes PowerPC interfaces for Macintosh Common Lisp.

Routines for drawing with bitmaps.

    - routines for creating bitmap structures in memory.
    - rotate functions for rotating bitmaps 90 degrees left and right,
    - flip functions for flipping bitmap data both vertically
    and horizontally,
    - a trace edges routine for tracing the edges of an image,
    - a rotation routine for rotating a bitmap to a particular angle,
    - a routine for duplicating bitmaps,
    - a routine for comparing bitmaps,
    - routines providing the painbucket tool and lasso tool effects,
    - transfer routines for transfering bitmap data to and from the
    PICT format,
    - a complete set of logical operations on bitmaps,
    - a complete set of pixel oriented routines for testing, setting,
    clearing, and toggling individual pixels in bitmaps,
    - routines and a macro allowing you to quickly and easily draw
    into bitmaps,
    - routines for copying bitmap images to the current grafport,

Full C source code, source code examples, tons of documentation,
and a 411 help file.

These libraries are for free.

Copyright (C) 1996 by John Montbriand.  All Rights Reserved.

#### BINHEX     blue-library-pack-1-10-demo.hqx   ****

From: (Christophe Causer) ccauser@ifhamy.insa-lyon.fr
Subject: BlueLibraryPack1 v1.0

'BlueLibrary Pack1' is a set of 5 libraries for the PowerPlant
framework by Metrowerks. They are designed to work with
PowerPlant 1.3 and 1.4

The best one is CPreferenceDialog, just get it and you'll see...
that this class is design for creating a preferences dialog box
a la the CodeWarrior IDE with panels attached to icons
and that you can create it using Constructor v2.x.

You can copy this package, distribute it where you want but it
must remain in its unmodified entirety it can be put on disks,
CD-ROMs and magazines that charge a reasonable fee for the cost
of distributing it. I would appreciate a copy each of any such
support of distribution. It can be put also on BBS, Compuserve,

The latest version of 'BlueLibrary Pack1 v1.0' is available at
this internet www location:


#### BINHEX     box-maker-15-cpp.hqx   ****

From: reinder@neuretp.biol.ruu.nl (Reinder Verlinde)
Subject: BoxMaker++ 1.5

BoxMaker++ is a freeware C++ shell for the creation of dropboxes
(programs which are mainly used by dropping files onto them.
 The files are then processed by the dropbox). It comes with
 C++ complete source code, CodeWarrior and Symantec projects,
 and some example dropboxes for locking/unlocking files,
 changing creator and type, for generating a directory listing,
 and with full source code to uZak, a program to play back the
 sound tracks of QuickTime movies. If you are only interested
 in getting a copy of uZak: this is uploaded separately.

#### BINHEX     bsp-tree-demo-15.hqx   ****

From: (Bretton Wade) bwade@qualia.com
Subject: BSP Tree Demo 1.5

This file is a demonstration program of how to use Binary Space
Partitioning Trees to perform hidden surface removal for 3D rendering. It
is primarily intended as reference material for programmers.

The "BSP Tree Demo" application is an example of how Binary Space
Partitioning trees can be used to solve the hidden surface problem in 3D
rendering. BSP trees are used extensively in games like Doom and Quake, as
well as for more scientific applications such as solid modelling and ray

Complete source is provided for this application in Metrowerks CodeWarrior
9 format. This includes:

        - A simple widget set used to implement the user interface on an
          Apple Macintosh computer.
        - A modest library of 3D graphics code, including camera
          control, transformations, Ken Shoemake's ArcBall controller,
          Polygons, points, vectors, planes, and other useful code primitives.
        - An example of how to use these primitives to build a working
          object viewer.

The Demo is a "fat" application. It requires System 7.0, and a minimum of
68020 with FPU to run. The source could be recompiled without the 68020 and
FPU code options to allow execution on lesser machines.

For more information about BSP trees, see the Binary Space Partitioning
Tree FAQ located at:


I give permission for my program to be included on the Info-Mac CD-ROM.


#### BINHEX     buggy-soft-depth-lib-104.hqx   ****

From: poot@home.com
Subject: BuggySoft DepthLib v1.0.4

BuggySoft DepthLib v1.0.4
BuggySoft - Scott Dunbar
© 1996-1998.

email:	poot@home.com

BuggySoft OffscreenLib is a CodeWarrior Pro library. You may use it free of

This library will make it a little easier to change the depth of any monitor
connected to the Macintosh.

You may redistribute this library with your magazine or other publication
(if you've got one,
that is) freely, but I ask that you email me first so that I know about it
and perhaps even
send me a free copy :)

Check out the header, "BuggySoft DepthLib.h," for more info on them.

    - Scott Dunbar

#### BINHEX     buggysoft-menubar-lib-103.hqx   ****

From: poot@home.com
Subject: BuggySoft MenubarLib v1.0.3

BuggySoft MenubarLib v1.0.3
BuggySoft - Scott Dunbar
© 1996-1998.

email:  poot@home.com

This CodeWarrior Pro library is just a few commonly used routines for
hiding and showing the
menubar, lower corners of the screen and control stip. I use it for most
things from
games to example applications. I don't really take credit for the guts of
the routines
themselves, just the for putting them into this one library.

    Check out the 'examples' folder for a working example of this library.

E-mail me or check the ftp site for updates.

    - Scott Dunbar

#### BINHEX     buggysoft-off-screenlib-107.hqx   ****

From: poot@home.com
Subject: BuggySoft OffscreenLib v1.0.7

BuggySoft OffscreenLib v1.0.7
BuggySoft - Scott Dunbar
© 1996-1998.

email:  poot@home.com

BuggySoft OffscreenLib is a CodeWarrior Pro library. You may use it free of

All this library is, basicly, is a simpler method of using CopyBits and
GWorld related routines.
I've included the source code for beginning MacOS programmers to look over
and see how things
work. I just wish there was something like this out there when I was
starting out.

You may redistribute this library with your magazine or other publication
(if you've got one,
that is) freely, but I ask that you email me first so that I know about it
and perhaps even
send me a free copy :)

Check out the header, "BuggySoft OffscreenLib.h," for a complete list of
the routines.
Take a look at the example, "BuggySoft OffscreenApp," that I've included
for a somewhat
more detailed use of this library.

Thanks for choosing BuggySoft!
    - Scott Dunbar

#### BINHEX     buggysoft-picturelib-104.hqx   ****

From: poot@home.com
Subject: BuggySoft PictureLib v1.0.4

BuggySoft PictureLib v1.0.4
BuggySoft - Scott Dunbar
© 1996-1998.

email:  poot@home.com

BuggySoft PictureLib is a CodeWarrior Pro library that will allow you to,
very easily, read
and write MacOS Picture data files.

Check out the header, "BuggySoft PictureLib.h," for more info on them.

    - Scott Dunbar

#### BINHEX     buggysoft-soundlib-104.hqx   ****

From: poot@home.com
Subject: BuggySoft SoundLib v1.0.4

BuggySoft SoundLib v1.0.4
BuggySoft - Scott Dunbar
© 1997-1998

email:  poot@home.com

BuggySoft SoundLib is a CodeWarrior Pro library that you can use, free of
charge, to add basic
Macintosh sound routines to your applications and games.

Included in this library are routines which allow you to easily have
asynchrous sound play-back
on multiple channels (RAM permitting) and do some cool stereo panning as
well as have
background music. In my opinion, this is the easiest set of sound routines
to use ever.

For working examples of the library in use, check in the 'examples' folder
contained in this archive.

E-mail me or check the ftp site for updates.

    - Scott Dunbar

#### BINHEX     c-advio.hqx   ****

From: oleg@pobox.com
Subject: Advanced i/o & arithmetic compression 

Attached is an updated version of c++advio, an advanced i/o &
arithmetic compression classlib, Mac distribution. 

The new version is more portable: besides a Mac, the source code
compiles and correctly runs on various UNIX boxes (Sun/Solaris, HP
9000/7xx, FreeBSD, DEC Alpha), and even <gasp> Win95/WinNT. The
package pulls off a few tricks (like accessing a single file buffer
from several (byte/bit/compression) streams, or substituting a base
class in a compiled hierarchy). Yet the package compiles and correctly
works with both GNU (libg++) and a template-based Modena C++ stream
libraries (in CodeWarrior's Metrowerks Standard Library, MSL C++). For
the first time, this release of c++advio includes a Vocabulary
package, (poly/homo)morphic dictionaries with a dynamic "inheritance"
path. The new version also adds a few utility C++ functions, and code
to validate them.

c++advio:   Various advanced i/o codings of streams of integers
Keywords: arithmetic coding, start-stop coding, endian i/o,
	  compression, fall-back
Hot points:
        - variable-bit coding of sequences of integers
          (including the Arithmetic compression)
        - explicit endian specification in dealing with integer streams
        - a trick of sharing a stream buffer (a "file") among several streams
        - with a validation code to verify everything
	- simple database service (vocabulary) featuring polymorphism,
	  late binding, and dynamic inheritance
        - with a commented source and CW11 projects
Please see a README file for more details.

  README        - tells what this is all about and how to use it
  c++serv.dr	- tells what the other files are for
  libserv.a	- compiled PowerMac library
  libserv.pi	- project to make it
  *.h, *.cc	- source code
  v*.cc		- verification code (test cases)
  test suite.stat - stationary for validation projects
  Run Validation Tests - AppleScript applet to run them
  ANSI #includes addenda - portability extensions (for non-gcc compilers)

Language: C++, CodeWarrior11
System: System 7.x (7.5.5) but probably 6.x is OK, too.
Comments to: oleg@pobox.com or oleg@acm.org
Version 2.3, Mar 1997

#### BINHEX     c-bitmap-window-tcl-p.hqx   ****

From: Patrick C Hew <phew@tartarus.uwa.edu.au>
Subject: CBitmapWindow-P.sit.hqx uploaded to TCL archive

CLASS: CBitmapWindow
LANGUAGE: Pascal (THINK Pascal)
TCL VERSION: TCL 1.1.2 Pascal
COPYRIGHT: Original C++ version by David Dunham.
           Pascal translation by Patrick Hew.

CBitmapWindow is a window class which does it's
drawing via an offscreen bitmap.

#### BINHEX     c-date-time-control-cpp.hqx   ****

From: kamprath@kagi.com (Michael F. Kamprath)
Subject: CDateTimeControl, A Power Plant Class

CTimeDateControl is a drop in module to give your Power Plant based 
application an easy to use, graphical time and/or date picker. The user 
interface of CTimeDateControl allows a user to click on a portion of a 
date and/or time string, and then change it's value by clicking on an 
arrow or with the arrow keys.

                      Michael F. Kamprath
 mailto:kamprath@kagi.com | http://www.leonardo.net/kamprath/
 mailto:kamprath@bunt.com |     

#### BINHEX     c-modal-dialog-cpp.hqx   ****

Subject: CModalDialog C++ Class
From: "Michael F. Kamprath" <kamprat@leonardo.net>

Enclosed is my implementation of a modal dialog C++ class. It is fairly 
easy to use and removes most of a dialog's implementation details from 
you. You can easily create sub classes to customize behavior for 
particular types of modal dialogs (a dialog with a Text Edit text box 
example is supplied). This code is designed to be "stand alone" and does 
not depend on any "Class Archive" for use. Can be used in C code to make 
dialog handling more standardized (of course, turn on the C++ compiler 
for the source it is used in).

#### BINHEX     c-tcp-network-cpp.hqx   ****

From: lockheimer@twics.com (Hiroshi Lockheimer)
Subject: CTCPNetwork 1.0; Asynchronous MacTCP Class

©1995 Hiroshi Lockheimer

CTCPNetwork is a minimalist's approach to asynchronous MacTCP connections.
I've stolen many of CTCPNetwork's ideas from various code floating around
the net, namely: PowerTCP by Dmitry Boldyrev, the NewsWatcher source by
John Norstad, and Peter Lewis' stuff in Pascal.  CTCPNetwork is quite
similar to PowerTCP, but one of my objectives in writing CTCPNetwork was to
improve on the error handling.

You are free to use CTCPNetwork, no strings attached, although I would
appreciate some credit in your about box or wherever appropriate.  Oh, and
CTCPNetwork is most likely NOT bug free.  :-)  Use at your own risk.

Anyway, please send bugs/comments/whatever to:

Hiroshi Lockheimer

#### BINHEX     c3d-appearance.hqx   ****

From: Jeff Beeghly <sd@connectexpress.comn>
Subject: C3DAppearance 1.0.0

This archive should be placed within the _Development/_Library directory.

C3DAppearance ia a PowerPlant class (and methodology) to add a simple 3D 
appearance to your PowerPlant applications without clobbering the 
Appearance Manager.  With PowerPlant 1.9.3 (CodeWarrior Pro 5), if your 
application uses PowerPlant's 3D appearance classes, you are not only 
using PowerPlant's wrapper classes for the Appearance Manager, but the 
Grayscale library as well (in case the Appearance Manager isn't present). 
What a waste! If you have a simple application (one that only uses push 
button, check box, and radio button controls) - use C3DAppearance 
instead.  For more information, go to 

#### BINHEX     caveman-sound-system-111.hqx   ****

From: hay@Colorado.EDU
Subject: caveman-sound-111.sit.hqx

This is version 1.1.1 of the Caveman Sound system.  It should replace previous
versions of the library (caveman-sound-11.sit.hqx).  This version fixes a
minor bug that would cause havoc if sounds were removed from the sound system
and new sounds were loaded.  It also plugs a few memory leaks.

What is The Caveman Sound System?

The Caveman Sound System is a high-level library of C routines for playing
sound on the Macintosh.  These routines were designed with games in mind,
but could be used for other purposes as well.  They have been included in
my own products such as PowerPong, and I indend to use them in future

#### BINHEX     cdef-debugger-202-c.hqx   ****

From: Doug Jones <LLStudio@eWorld.com>
Subject: CDEF-DeBugger (Update)

This is the updated version of CDEF-DeBugger.

CDEF-DeBugger 2.0.2  A handy way to debug your controls from within you 
application. No longer do you have to create code resources, compile 
them and then insert them into your application to determine if they 
work.  All you need to do is insert your control into this Think C 
template and debug away! Currently it is a Think C 7.x project, but 
easily could be ported to other C Compilers. Also could be used to debug 
other code resource like MDEF's and LDEF's. Version 2.0.2 is now PowerPC 

#### BINHEX     cgi-shell-13-forth.hqx   ****

From: (Ronald T Kneusel) rkneusel@post.its.mcw.edu
Subject: CGI shell version 1.3

This is version 1.3 of my CGI shell for WebSTAR/MacHTTP.  It
is Forth based and includes Pocket Forth 6.5 plus manual and

- Ron Kneusel

#### BINHEX     color-gamma-10-c.hqx   ****

From: athaler@umich.edu (Drew Thaler)
Subject: ColorGamma - public domain gamma fading library w/source

ColorGamma 1.0 is a public domain library -- with full C source code and an
example project included -- to perform gamma fades to a color.  Gamma
fades are typically faster than clut fades, and work in all color modes,
from 1-bit to 24-bit, unlike clut fades.  It's a great effect for games;
Marathon II is probably the most popular example, in the underwater
scenes.  Both a high-level API and a more flexible low-level API are

This library and corresponding source are public domain.  Enjoy!

Drew Thaler

#### BINHEX     color-picker-mdef.hqx   ****

From: jordanz@altura.com (Jordan Zimmerman)
Subject: Color Picker MDEF

By Jordan Zimmerman
(c)1995 by Jordan Zimmerman

This code implements a Macintosh MDEF for selecting a color. The user is
presented with a matrix of color chips to select from.

Each menu item represents a color to be displayed. It should be a 12 byte
string of the form:
where RRRR, GGGG, and BBBB are hex numbers (as ASCII text).

So, the color black would be:

the color green would be:

The current color is, by definition, the menu item that has a mark. So, you
should only set a mark (any value) for one item at time.

Reference the sample app for an example usage.

Unlimited use is hereby granted without restriction.  However, the author
would appreciate credit if possible.

Comments, questions, bugs, etc. should be sent to me:

#### BINHEX     colour-block-cdef-11-c.hqx   ****

From: ccaadfg <ccaadfg@ucl.ac.uk>
Date: Wed, 14 Jun 1995 16:23:30 +0100
Subject: ColourBlock CDEF 1.1

ColourBlock CDEF is a CDEF for obtaining and displaying a block
of colour from the user. To look at, it's a cross between the
Colour and Labels Control Panels.

Metrowerks CodeWarrior source and a compiled version are included
in this archive.


#### BINHEX     cwaste-11r16-cpp.hqx   ****

From: dan@rhino.harvard.edu (Dan Crevier)
Subject: CWASTE 1.1r16

        CWASTE 1.1 is a C port of Marco Piovanelli's TextEdit replacement
WASTE 1.1.  For more information on WASTE, see

#### BINHEX     depth-lib-10.hqx   ****

From: MarkWomack@aol.com
Subject: depth_lib 1.0

This is library of routines that let you get the depth of a monitor and 
set the depth of a monitor.  Sometimes when writing games you want to 
force the monitor to 256 colors or you want to make sure you have at 
least 16 colors.  This library has routines to do just that.

All of these routines come almost directly from Kenneth Worley's "Monitor 
Tricks in C++ 1.51".  I wanted a C version instead, but if you use C++ 
you will probably want to pick up Ken's package.  Monitor Tricks also has 
some other neat features as well.  It's available on AOL or you can 
contact Kenneth directly at: AOL: KNEWorley, Internet: KNEWorley@aol.com.

A Pascal version would be nice.  If there is an industrious Pascal soul 
out there that would like to convert these routines, let me know.  It 
shouldn't be too difficult.  I'll add it to the next release and give due 

#### BINHEX     digital-snd-machine-api-10.hqx   ****

From: demos@komkon.org (Dmitry Boldyrev)
Subject: DSM API v1.0

Welcome to the world of digital music. Digital Sound Machine
(further referred to as DSM) is a musical system that allows
you to add music to your software such as games, demos, etc.

DSM is distributed as FREEWARE, although, you should read the
LICENSE provided with the package before using it.

Although, no documentation is provided, the examples provided
with the package are very self-explanatory. If you are still
having troubles understanding the contents, please feel free
to e-mail me directly at: demos@komkon.org

I will be more than happy to help you with your problem.

This is the first official public release of the library v1.0,
and thus, may not support some of the features that you would
like to use, therefore, I am begging you to notify me what
features you would like to see in the further releases.

DSM API v1.0 features include:

o 44/33/22/11 kHz mixing mode
o SmartMix for better task scheduling
o Linear Interpolation (lerping) for better sound quality
o Surround Sound
o 256-position panning
o Two separate software and hardware volume controls
o 32-Bit mixer
o S3M/MTM/MOD/669/FAR format support
o Intuitive C++ API

I would like to thank Leviathan and Kosmic for providing high-
quality music to our community. I included a sample song from
him called 'JOURNEY'.

Thank you for your interest in DSM, I hope you will enjoy the

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Dmitry Boldyrev

#### BINHEX     dlog-manager-102.hqx   ****

From: cadili@skylink.it (cadili)
Subject: DLOG Manager 1.02

DLOG Manager is a library that can help in handle a DLOG structure. You define
the DLOGs item in a Template structure 'EdF2'. It includes different feature that
apple DLOG manager dosn't support.
a)	uses styl Text Edit for input and output.
b)	uses  trumbs to manage greater text.
c)	uses multi-level pop-ups.
d)	uses input field with pop-ups.

I raccomand you to try the program for a cupple of week and the decide to
register it or to delete it. You can obtain more information typist Cmd-Opt-I in
the main window (the one that appare after you type Cmd-N).

The package contains two 68K version, one for the MPW 3.3.1 and one for THINK C
7.07. The two folder contain a program DLOGManagerSample 1.02 that swhow the
management capacity of the library.

DLOG Manager is a shareware you can use for 60 days, after those you have to pay
your share fee.
You can include the library in your code if you pay the fee:
        $15	for a student use (non-commercial use).
        $50	for a commercial use.

#### BINHEX     dots-and-pixels-cpp.hqx   ****

Subject: Dots & Pixels
From: Reinder Verlinde <reinder@neuretp.biol.ruu.nl>
Dots & Pixels is a C++ library for the display of
random dot displays (say 500 white dots on a black background) and
random pixel arrays (say 256x256 pixels, 50% of which is black).
The random dot display part is extended with classes which make
it easy to show first order optic flow patterns. Freeware.
Needs: System 7, color display, Symantec C++ 7 or later,
CW 6 or later. PowerMac compatible.

Target audience: visual perception researchers

Reinder Verlinde

#### BINHEX     drag-and-drop-cpp.hqx   ****

From: jrrk@camcon.co.uk (Jonathan Kimmitt)
Subject: drag and drop C++

Have you ever wished the barrier to entry to programming on the mac was not so
high? Did you ever sit down and hack for hours just to get a simple utility such
as a file filter going on the mac ? If so, drag and drop C++ is for you.

The basic idea is that files you drag and drop onto your application are
immediately available as files which you can use standard C and C++ functions to
operate on.

The clever bit is that the C/C++ compiler itself is also a drag-and-drop file
filter, so to generate your new application, you just drop the source code on the
'gcc' application !

Be sure to read the file INSTALLATION and the file COPYING (especially the
section NO WARRANTY) before using this program.

#### BINHEX     drill-designer-11.hqx   ****

Date: Fri, 21 Jul 1995 02:04:43 -0500
From: steve-alessi@uiowa.edu (Steve Alessi)
Subject: drill designer 1.1 (development directory), a drill design utility

   Drill Designer 1.1  for the Macintosh is a package of HyperCard
XCMD's and Think C functions for creating instructional drill programs
in HyperCard, Authorware, or Think C.  These commands facilitate the
creation of a queue of items and the subsequent modification of that queue
based on correct and incorrect responses from a student.  The primary
feature of item queuing with Drill Designer 1.1 is that it keeps track of
performance on each item and provides more practice with those
items answered incorrectly, thereby increasing the drill's efficiency.
   Drill Designer 1.1 commands do not do any presentation to or input
from the student --  your own code must do that.  Drill Designer 1.1
keeps track of the item queue, permits automatic or manual
modification of the queue, and provides disk storage and retrieval of
student performance and progress.
   The instructional theory underlying Drill Designer 1.1 is described in
Chapter 3 of Computer-Based Instruction: Methods and Development,
by Steve Alessi and Stan Trollip, published by Allyn & Bacon.
   Drill authors should have a good working knowledge of either
HyperCard, Authorware, or Think C, whichever will be used to produce
   Hardware Requirements:  Macintosh Centris or higher.
   Software Requirements - Macintosh System 7 or later and one of
the following:  HyperCard (version 2.0 or later), Authorware
Professional (version 2.2 or later), or Think C (4.0 or later).
   Manuals and shareware registration forms are included in both
TeachText and Microsoft Word formats.
   The package is a binhex'ed and self-expanding Stuffit archive.
   There is a $30 shareware fee if you choose to use Drill Designer 1.1
for creating and distributing your own drill programs.
   This software package may be freely distributed in its entirety, and
may be included on other software archives and CD's.
   A similar package for DOS and Windows is also available in the
SimTel archive.

Stephen M. Alessi
The University of Iowa

#### BINHEX     drop-unix-13.hqx   ****

From: zss@ZenSpider.com
Subject: DropUNIX1.3

DropUNIX is a drop-in library and one-line header file for Macintosh
programmers to give UNIX and DOS command line application ports a full
Macintosh GUI interface including drag and drop capabilities. It requires
one line of code to be added to one file, no other source modifications are
necessary. Works for all MacOS versions that support AppleEvents (7+).

The latest version is always available at http://www.ZenSpider.com/
           Ryan Davis         -=-    Zen Spider Software
 -=- mailto:zss@ZenSpider.com -=- http://www.ZenSpider.com/ -=-
I know that you believe you understand what you think I said but,
I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.

#### BINHEX     easy-dialog-lists.hqx   ****

From: "support@atoznet.com" <support@atoznet.com>
Subject: EasyDialogLists.sit.hqx - Makes dialog lists easy

Totally Freeware-

Here's a little demo library and source code to get your dialog lists up
and running in about two minutes. We use it at AtoZnet.com for quick
turn around where fancier Dialog Lists aren't called for, and now you
can too!

There are only three functions for you to call in the whole library, but
that's everything you need to do fast, working, and attractive dialog lists.

The source code is fully commented, so I guarantee that even the most
novice programmer will benefit from it's use.


#### BINHEX     equation-evaluator-c.hqx   ****

From: rdouglas@mckellar.com (Rob Douglas)
Subject: Equation Evaluator

This package is a port of C routines posted several years ago to a DOS
archive by Mark Morley. The Equation Evaluator takes an equation in the
form of a text string and returns a value.  Having tried a couple
of small C interpreters it was a relief to find something I could
understand and which handled floating point numbers.

There are two folders.   The EE folder contains the port and the original
documentation. In the CEquation folder I've reorganized the code as a C++

You will need CodeWarrior as I've used the exception macros provided by
Power Plant.

I haven't been able to contact Mark, but he does give permission to "do
anything you desire with this code, as long as you give credit".

#### BINHEX     extension-shell-15.hqx   ****

From: dair@dircon.co.uk
Subject: Extension Shell 1.5

Enclosed is version 1.5 of Extension Shell, a framework for writing 
System 7 Extensions.

Extension Shell reduces the amount of work needed to write Extensions, 
and modularises the code you do have to write. 

It comes with several sample Extensions, and full source code. It 
requires System 7, and Metrowerks CodeWarrior.

This update includes:
    - No longer requires Colour QuickDraw
    - Version checking for address tables
    - Includes the INIT Writing FAQ
    - Notes on using Extension Shell with THINK C


#### BINHEX     fft-library-11-ppc-cpp.hqx   ****

From: green_jt@VSDEC.NL.NUWC.NAVY.MIL (John Green)
Subject: FFT for RISC 1.1

Enclosed is a stuffit archive of version 1.1 of my fft 'C' source code.
Now includes an already compiled shared library in case your compiler
doesn't like my code.
Revisions version 1.1:
       Re-arranged to put fft routines in a shared library and changed
source file name to fftlib.c.
       Removed some ugly optimizations that are no longer needed for

        Fast Fourier Transform routines.  Routines are provided for the
complex forward and inverse transforms as well as for a real forward
transform.  I coded these to optimize execution speed on a PowerPC
processor.  Also included are some simple test programs which time the
FFTs. Compiled with Metrowerk's Codewarrier 7/8, my PowerMac 8100/80
executes a 2048 point real transform in about one millisecond.  I would
definitly like to know the timing results with other compilers and
computers. Warning- treat this code as untested. Before you use these
routines in a program, be sure to test them for latent bugs!

This code is public domain, do anything you want to with it.

1024 Point complex FFT timings with best optimization:
        0.8 ms.         Powermac 8100/80, CodeWarrier.
        0.36 ms.       Powermac 9500/chipped to 150, CodeWarrier  (thanks
to Robert Kay.)
        2.7 ms          Intel Plato 2 with Pentium P90, Visual C++
compiler, Windows 95.
        1.7 ms          Intel Plato 2 with Pentium P90, Intel's Native
Signal Processing FFT routine, Windows 95.

#### BINHEX     flight-stability-tcl-p.hqx   ****

From: Patrick C Hew <phew@tartarus.uwa.edu.au>
Subject: FlightStability

by Patrick Hew

Flight Stability is a THINK Pascal project, using
the THINK Class Library 1.1.2. It demonstrates that
it is indeed possible to write an arcade-type game
using TCL, albeit one that will only execute well on
machines with a 68030 or better.

Flight Stability was developed for the 1995 Faculty
of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences Open Day,
at the University of Western Australia. It shows how
stability is a design objective. The aircraft is
flown with the mouse, in various modes of stability.
Flight Stability is not a full flight simulator, and
in fact the control response is patently wrong in
some respects.

For flicker free animation, Flight Stability uses
the CBitmapWindow class. For completeness, this is
included in this project archive.

Flight Stability was produced quite rapidly during
my mid-year break, when I was supposed to be working
on my Honours project. As such, it is a hack, though
hopefully a well-engineered one. The aircraft is not
represented as an object; instead I developed a pane
to draw the aircraft from a certain viewpoint, the
pane storing the aircraft as an array of points.

I only developed enough 3-d graphics to make it
work, and didn¹t have the time and effort to use
FixMath. I was pleasantly surprised to see how well
it executed on a PowerMac. A week after I finished
writing Flight Stability, I started seeing all these
announcements about the availability of 3-d graphics
engines, and I'¹m sure that one of these will yield
a better product.

Feel free to inspect and use the code, and adopt
whatever lessons you feel are appropriate. Please do
not distribute modified copies of this archive.

#### BINHEX     floating-c.hqx   ****

From: jdeweese@sytex.net (John DeWeese)
Subject: floating.c - C code for multiple floating windoids

These routines will help you easily manage floating windoids in your
program. I'm using this in a neat application shell I am creating called
Frame. So far (with some of my own editing and from help of Steve Bushell),
I have used these routines without crash or burn. I will also send a demo
application (my frame in its developement stages) if you would like, which
uses floating.c. Tell me if you like.

John DeWeese

#### BINHEX     gamma-fading-lib-12.hqx   ****

From: fprefect@engin.umich.edu (Matt Slot)
Subject: Gamma Fader 1.2 - C *and* Pascal source

This library is intended as a general tool for manipulating the Gamma Tables
    of Graphics Devices, to ramp them up or down in order to achieve smooth
    screen fades. The source is included for programmers who want to convert
    the library to A4-based, but it is not commented for public consumption.
Several popular games and multimedia tools use the Gamma Fade to make
    smooth transitions between images. Gamma fades work at any depth and
    while adjusting color tables.
Please use the listed functions to see if you can use this code before you set
    it up. As usual, this stuff is not warranteed, guaranteed, or anything --
    use it at your own risk. It is not Apple-recommended for anything, but it
    worked for me, so there!
This library is made possible by the hard work of Matt Slot (fprefect@umich.edu)
    and Matt Mora (mxmora@apple.com), and all the others who have made
    suggestions and bug reports. Your feedback is appreciated -- really!

Updated:  9/24/95, MJS   (v1.2)
          *> Declared each function as Pascal
          *> Renamed some variable and structs
          *> Converted source and tester to Metrowerks 6
          *> Bundled MJS's C and MXM's Pascal projects

Oh yeah, this stuff is free to anyone interested in it.

Matt Slot (fprefect@umich.edu) - 9/24/95

#### BINHEX     gd-library-12.hqx   ****

From: SPantke@NetzService.de (Stefan W. Pantke)
Subject: gd gif-manipulating library, version 1.2

Tom Boutell's original abstract on his GD library:

  This is the gd gif-manipulating library, version 1.2. It was
  created to allow graphs, charts and the like to be generated on the
  fly for use on the World wide Web, but is useful for any
  application in which custom .GIFs are useful. It is not a paint
  program; it is a library.

  GD's homepage: http://sunsite.unc.edu/boutell/index.html

I adapted the program for CW 9, which was pretty easy due to
Tom's fine use of ANSI C.

"Stefan Pantke" <SPantke@NetzService.DE>


Stefan Pantke
EMail:	SPantke@NetzService.DE

#### BINHEX     gnu-string-regex-cpp-cw6.hqx   ****

Date: Fri, 7 Jul 1995 17:50:37 -0700
From: ward@cyno.com (Ward Willats)
Subject: gnu_str_regx_class_4cw6.sit.hqx

Port for CodeWarrior 6 of the GNU C++ string and regular expression classes
from libg++ 2.3.1. C++ source code and README file.

#### BINHEX     grants-cgi-framework-10b16.hqx   ****

From: gneufeld@ccs.carleton.ca (Grant Neufeld)
Subject: Grant's CGI Framework 1.0b16

Grant's CGI Framework
Version 1.0 beta 16

New in 1.0b16:
 * Improved WSAPI (WebSTAR Plug-In) Support
 * Preferences file and very basic dialog
 * Balloon Help
 * Improved C++ support
 * Bug fixes

 * 68K and PowerPC native support
 * WebSTAR API Plug-Ins (WSAPI) (Metrowerks only)
 * Multi-Threading (requires Apple's Thread Manager)
 * Automatic html form parsing with easy function access to individual
   data fields
 * Asynchronus CGI (ACGI) support
 * ListSTAR trigger and action events
 * AppleScriptable for testing without a server or network
 * Optional compile as faceless background-only application
 * Numerous configuration options for optimizing to your specific needs
 * Optional self-quitting after specified idle time
 * Significant performance increase over scripts such as those in
   AppleScript and Perl
 * Full source code included
 * Metrowerks and Symantec project files
 * If you use it to write free applications, it's free to use.
   Others pay royalty or other license fee (negotiable)

Further Information:

#### BINHEX     graph-lib-c.hqx   ****

From: kenlong@netcom.com (Ken Long)
Subject: GraphLib(tm)

    Purpose:    Graphing utility routines
    Written:    Masters Publishing
    Copyright:    (C) 1991,1992 by Masters Publishing, 
                 All rights reserved
    Masters Publishing
    PO Box 1940
    Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106
    (313) 996-8108
    Purpose:    Library for bar, line, pie and sine graphs.
    Compiler:   THINK C 5.0.4
    Target:     Macintosh Operating System
    Status:     "ShareSource"
    Includes:   C source, project, library and examples.

#### BINHEX     graphic-elements-r3-c.hqx   ****

From: Al Evans <al@powertools.com>
Subject: Graphic Elements release 3

This is the latest version of Graphic Elements, a high-performance graphics
subsystem for the Macintosh. Example source and linkable libraries for
68K (THINK C and MW CodeWarrior) and PowerMac (MW Codewarrior). Requires
68020 or better, color QuickDraw, System 7.

#### BINHEX     gray-image-23-cpp.hqx   ****

From: oleg@pobox.com
Subject: farther _enhanced_ grayscale image processing classlib

Attached is a Mac distribution of a new, 2.3, version of grayimage - a
grayscale image processing class library and verification code

The new version is more portable: besides a Mac, the source code
compiles and correctly runs on various UNIX boxes (Sun/Solaris, HP
9000/7xx, FreeBSD), a BeBox, and even <gasp> Win95/WinNT.

Besides portability and safety embellishments, there are more
substantial enhancements:
  - non-separable (truly 2D) 3x3 convolutions (very optimized and very fast)
  - much improved handling of TIFF files
  - non-deterministic filtration
  - a cuter algorithm for generating fractal clouds.
Now, you may easily add your own private (non-obligatory) tags to a
TIFF file, and/or look them up. BTW, the code that writes TIFF files
shows off an important concept of a safe, one-purpose pointer: a
pointer that _physically_ cannot be misused (miscast, left dangling,
etc), yet just as efficient as a regular, unprotected C pointer.

What:	A C++ class library to do many boring and exciting things
	with grayscale images
	image arithmetics, median filtration, morphological filtration,
	convolution, lazy image, TIFF, plasma fractals,
	nondeterministic filter, C++, class library
Hot points:
	- all standard algebra/arithmetics on an image/image slices
	- LazyImages, and PixelAction iterators, and image streams for
	  fast sweeping actions;
        - very *fast* convolutions, median filtration, and lookup
          table substitutions
        - morphological filtration
        - assigning an image of _really_ any size to another image _to fit_
        - Fractal clouds generator (as an example of a Lazy Image)
	   - non-deterministic filtration (averaging)
	- reading/writing XWD/PGM/grayscale_TIFF files with automatic
          input file format recognition
	  The user may now add/look up private and other non-mandatory tags,
	  and iterate over/clone TIFF IFD entries
        - with a validation code to verify everything
        - with a commented source and CW9 projects
A README file gives more details.

#### BINHEX     gx-extension-shell-cw7.hqx   ****

From: dmaclach@csc.uvic.ca (Dave MacLachlan)
Subject: GXExtensionShell For Codewarrior

Here's the DTS GXExtension Shell sample code. I converted the code over so
it could be compiled using CodeWarrior 7. Hopefully this will increase the
number of GXPrint Extensions out there....

If there's any questions, please mail:

dmaclach@csc.uvic.ca    or      nightfall@eWorld.com

Dave MacLachlan
Binary Composer
NightFall Software Inc.

#### BINHEX     hyper-mad-lib-hc.hqx   ****

From: Mike Frager <mfrager@tlcnet.muohio.edu>
Subject: Hyper Mad Libs

Hyper Mad Libs is a HyperCard stack that I made just for fun. It comes 
with a couple of Mad Libs files but also has a system to make your own. 
It can also print the final paragraph.

It only requires at least a 2.0 or greater HyperCard Player.

I hope you like this stack.

#### BINHEX     ic-app-source-kit-14.hqx   ****

From: quinn@quinn.echidna.id.au
Subject: ic-app-source-kit-14

Internet Config is an application that allows you to set Internet
preferences in one place and have them read my any other "IC aware"
application.  Internet Config is supported by many Mac OS Internet
applications, including NewsWatcher, Anarchie, Fetch, and Internet

It is my pleasure to announce the release of Internet Config 1.4.  This
version has a few new features but, more importantly, it offers significant
reliability improvements over previous versions.  Specific enhancements

o The IC application now supports "Get URL" AppleEvents, routing them to
the appropriate helper application.

o The extension now holds the default preferences, so you get default
preferences regardless of which application first uses IC.

o The extension now sanity checks preference files before opening them. It
also keeps a copy of the most recent preferences in the data fork of the
preference file, so it can revert to that backup.

Attached are three archives:

1. InternetConfig1.4.sit -- The standard user distribution.
2. ICProgKit1.4.sit -- The SDK for developers.
3. ICAppSourceKit1.4.sit -- The source code for the IC application.

In addition, the documentation and FAQ are available online:


Share and Enjoy.

Peter N Lewis
Quinn "The Eskimo!"

We are...

  Late Night Silly Software

#### BINHEX     ic-plus-plus-10b2.hqx   ****

From: (Dan Crevier) dan@rhino.harvard.edu
Subject: IC++ 1.0b2

IC++ is a freeware C++ class for interfacing with Internet Config.

Dan Crevier

#### BINHEX     ic-prog-kit-14.hqx   ****

From: quinn@quinn.echidna.id.au
Subject: ic-prog-kit-14

Internet Config is an application that allows you to set Internet
preferences in one place and have them read my any other "IC aware"
application.  Internet Config is supported by many Mac OS Internet
applications, including NewsWatcher, Anarchie, Fetch, and Internet

It is my pleasure to announce the release of Internet Config 1.4.  This
version has a few new features but, more importantly, it offers significant
reliability improvements over previous versions.  Specific enhancements

o The IC application now supports "Get URL" AppleEvents, routing them to
the appropriate helper application.

o The extension now holds the default preferences, so you get default
preferences regardless of which application first uses IC.

o The extension now sanity checks preference files before opening them. It
also keeps a copy of the most recent preferences in the data fork of the
preference file, so it can revert to that backup.

Attached are three archives:

1. InternetConfig1.4.sit -- The standard user distribution.
2. ICProgKit1.4.sit -- The SDK for developers.
3. ICAppSourceKit1.4.sit -- The source code for the IC application.

In addition, the documentation and FAQ are available online:


Share and Enjoy.

Peter N Lewis
Quinn "The Eskimo!"

We are...

  Late Night Silly Software

#### BINHEX     ingis-wdef-11-p.hqx   ****

From: Ingemar Ragnemalm <ingemar@lysator.liu.se>
Subject: IngisWDEF 1.1

Ever wanted to make a circular window? A triangular one? One shaped as an
apple? One with a hole in the middle? Did you only find demos for rectangular

This is a shell for making custom WDEFs (window definitions) in Pascal.
I find it quite easy to use it for making oddly shaped windows. I used it
for making the hexagonal window in Hexmines, and for the circular window
in NewWatch (posted in alt.sources.mac a while back). Three demos are included.

Free of charge. All I ask for is credits in applications using WDEFs
made with IngisWDEF.

This version supports CodeWarrior (68k) as well as Think Pascal.

/Ingemar Ragnemalm

#### BINHEX     inside-grayscale-kitchen-10.hqx   ****

From: (Jeremy Vineyard) jeremyv@viperware.com
Subject: Inside Grayscale Kitchen 1.0

Inside Grayscale Kitchen (IGK) is the definitive collection of source 
code that enables Mac developers to use Apple's new Grayscale Appearance 
in their software.  IGK consists of hundreds of C++ classes that help Mac 
developers in the transition to the future of the Mac OS.

Web Site: http://www.viperware.com/grayscale_kitchen/inside.html

Contact info: jeremyv@viperware.com
Company Web: http://www.viperware.com

#### BINHEX     jims-cdefs-15.hqx   ****

From: jims@wrq.com (Jim Stout)
Subject: Jim's CDEFs v1.50


This is version 1.50 of my CDEF package, the sixth posting of these CDEFs.
It is a replacement for my earlier postings of "jims-demoCDEF-v1xx".

Complete source code is included with this posting.

Jim Stout - November, 1995

This package is a collection of 14 CDEF (Control Definition) resources, full
source and Think 7, Symantec & Metrowerks projects for all CDEFs.  68K, PPC
or FAT CDEFs can be built (and are included).

ID      Name            Function
---     -----------     ----------------------------------------------------
0       3DˆButton       A 3D Button (1107) variant with a "real" checkmark
1100    GroupBox        Titled box, text in upperleft
1101    PopUp Menu      System 7 style popup menu control
1102    Spinner         A "little arrows" control
1103    Date & Time     Date & Time control using "little arrows"
1104    Tog Button      New type of "one or many" control
1105    HSlider         Horizontal slider control
1106    VSlider         Vertical slider control
1107    3D Buttons      3d replacement for the standard button CDEF
1108    Progress Bar    A "thermometer" or "barber pole" progress indicator
1109    TabPanel        A "Tab Panel" control as in MSWord
1110    Slider          A horizontal or vertical 3D slider.
1111    3DRect Button   A rectangular variant of 3D Buttons
1112    3DGray Button   A Gray variant of 3D Buttons
Changes in v150 are:

    - this is primarily a maintenance release, no new CDEFs and only minor
    changes in functionality.
    - 3D Button works in Alerts with no 'actb' resouces and uses standard
    'tinge' colors.
    - all now draw correctly on patterned backgrounds (and some on a PICT
    - memory leaks in 3 CDEFs (TabPanel, PopUp & Spinner) have been fixed.
    - memory footprint for 5 CDEFs that use GWorlds (Spinner, DateTime &
    sliders) has been dramatically reduced.
    - spinner arrows now "dim" when at minimum or maximum.
    - fixed mouse tracking errors in DateTime & TabPanel.
    - Progress Bar now switches dynamically to the "barber pole" variant
    if min and max are set to the same value.

#### BINHEX     jims-cdefs-151-updt.hqx   ****

From: jims@wrq.com (Jim Stout)
Subject: Jim's CDEFs update


Enclosed is a small update to my package of CDEFs.  It turned out that I
still had a couple of memory leaks.

This archive contains six source files to be added to the previously posted
"Jims CDEFs v1.50" package. It does not replace that package and you will
have to rebuild the affected CDEFs.

If anyone needs the CDEF binaries, drop me a note and I'll be happy to send

Jim Stout

#### BINHEX     jpeg-6-c.hqx   ****

From: Peter Hull <pwhull@crl.com>
Subject: jpeg-6.sea.hqx - C source for JPEG compression/decompression

This file is a Macintosh-ized version of the Independent JPEG
Group's source code for using JPEG images.  It is unchanged
from their canonical version except that the files are set to
appropriate types (C source files are set for the Metrowerks
C/C++ compiler, text files to BBEdit, etc.) and the upload is
a self-extracting Compact Pro archive.

The original version of the source archive was obtained at


on 25 September 1995, but that site is extremely congested and
hard to access, and the file is in a non-Macintosh format, so
I thought this would be easier for Macintosh users to get at and

(Submitted by Peter Hull <pwhull@crl.com> - I am not the author and
disavow any responsibility for the correctness or mangledness of the
enclosed files.  Use them at your own risk.)

#### BINHEX     l-about-box-cpp.hqx   ****

Date: Mon, 28 Aug 1995 23:07:19 -0500
Subject: PowerPlant classes
From: Éric Forget <forgete@Vir.com>


Each enclosure should become 1 file on the site... Each one are "classes" 
for the framework PowerPlant from the Metrowerks' CodeWarrior.

If you have any question, send me an email to any of the addresses below.


#### BINHEX     l-control-panel-10d1-cpp.hqx   ****

Date: Thu, 22 Jun 1995 22:04:14 -0800
From: ckt@best.com (Chris Thomas)
Subject: LControlPanel & Friends

LControlPanel & Friends
A delightful controll panle;
mix with equill tonnage of PowerPlant
)1995 Chris K. Thomas.  All Rights Reserved.
Reach me at ckt@best.com

Version 1.0d1

This is a preliminary release of LControlPanel & Friends, a very small 
set of classes which enables the use of PowerPlant LPane subclasses 
(including, of course, LViews) in System 7 Control Panels.  Your LPanes 
require no modification to work with LControlPanel & Friends.  (Yeeha!)

There are two advantages to this approach:

1.  Copland will require control panels to be applications of a special 
type.  The same LPanes you use in your LControlPanel will work just fine 
in your LControlPanelApplication at some later point (sooner than you 
think! yeeha!  On Schedule!).

2.  Control Panels are incredibly annoying to write under normal 
circumstances.  PowerPlant soothes the pain and increases the power.

#### BINHEX     l-delayed-task-cpp.hqx   ****

Date: Mon, 28 Aug 1995 23:07:19 -0500
Subject: PowerPlant classes
From: Éric Forget <forgete@Vir.com>


Each enclosure should become 1 file on the site... Each one are "classes" 
for the framework PowerPlant from the Metrowerks' CodeWarrior.

If you have any question, send me an email to any of the addresses below.


#### BINHEX     l-folder-watcher-cpp.hqx   ****

Date: Mon, 28 Aug 1995 23:07:19 -0500
Subject: PowerPlant classes
From: Éric Forget <forgete@Vir.com>


Each enclosure should become 1 file on the site... Each one are "classes" 
for the framework PowerPlant from the Metrowerks' CodeWarrior.

If you have any question, send me an email to any of the addresses below.


#### BINHEX     l-fsspec-comparator-cpp.hqx   ****

Date: Mon, 28 Aug 1995 23:07:19 -0500
Subject: PowerPlant classes
From: Éric Forget <forgete@Vir.com>


Each enclosure should become 1 file on the site... Each one are "classes" 
for the framework PowerPlant from the Metrowerks' CodeWarrior.

If you have any question, send me an email to any of the addresses below.


#### BINHEX     l-notification-task-cpp.hqx   ****

Date: Mon, 28 Aug 1995 23:07:19 -0500
Subject: PowerPlant classes
From: Éric Forget <forgete@Vir.com>


Each enclosure should become 1 file on the site... Each one are "classes" 
for the framework PowerPlant from the Metrowerks' CodeWarrior.

If you have any question, send me an email to any of the addresses below.


#### BINHEX     l-password-field-cpp-pp.hqx   ****

From: ccaadfg <ccaadfg@ucl.ac.uk>
Date: Wed, 14 Jun 1995 16:40:57 +0100
Subject: LPassword Field.cp

LPasswordField is a PowerPlant class for handling password-style
entry fields in panes.

It functions exactly like an LEditField, except characters are
always displayed on screen as the bullet character of your

Requires MetroWerks PowerPlant.


#### BINHEX     l-ppob-view-cpp.hqx   ****

Date: Mon, 28 Aug 1995 23:07:19 -0500
Subject: PowerPlant classes
From: Éric Forget <forgete@Vir.com>


Each enclosure should become 1 file on the site... Each one are "classes" 
for the framework PowerPlant from the Metrowerks' CodeWarrior.

If you have any question, send me an email to any of the addresses below.


#### BINHEX     l-progress-indicator-21-cpp.hqx   ****

From: (Chris Thomas) ckt@best.com
Subject: LProgressIndicator & Friends 2.1

What's new in 2.1?

- Features!
    * Added LProgressIndicatorProxy.
    * Added LProgressDialog.
    * Added LCursor (with color cursor support!) and fixed LAnimateCursor.
    * Updated test app to test all of the new features.

LProgressIndicator & Friends is a progress feedback framework for
PowerPlant apps.  Included classes:

Abstract base class.  Intended to be used to abstract the actual concrete
visual feedback from the component wishing to indicate progress.  Using
this class in your libraries allows you to change the visual representation
of progress in your applications, without changing library code.  Supports
infinite- and finite-length tasks.

Finder-like progress bar LPane and LProgressIndicator subclass.  Uses the
user's window tinge colors, as specified in the Color control panel. For
infinite-length tasks, displays a "barberpole" pattern in those colors.

Base class representing the mouse cursor.

Subclass of LCursor and LProgressIndicator. Supports cursor animation in
black & white & color.

Simple Finder "Copy"-like progress dialog using LThermometerPane.

Subclass of LProgressIndicator which forwards all method calls to a
different caller-specified LProgressIndicator subclass instance.

#### BINHEX     l-resumer-suspender-cpp.hqx   ****

Date: Mon, 28 Aug 1995 23:07:19 -0500
Subject: PowerPlant classes
From: Éric Forget <forgete@Vir.com>


Each enclosure should become 1 file on the site... Each one are "classes" 
for the framework PowerPlant from the Metrowerks' CodeWarrior.

If you have any question, send me an email to any of the addresses below.


#### BINHEX     l-time-date-control-pp.hqx   ****

Subject: LTimeDateControl - A Power Plant control class
From: "Michael F. Kamprath" <kamprat@leonardo.net>

by Michael F. Kamprath

LTimeDateControl is a drop in module to give your Power Plant based 
application an
easy to use, graphical time and/or date picker. The user interface of 
allows a user to click on a portion of a date and/or time string, and 
then change it's
value by clicking on an arrow or with the arrow keys.

Requires Metrowerk's Power Plant for use.

#### BINHEX     l-timer-task-cpp.hqx   ****

Date: Mon, 28 Aug 1995 23:07:19 -0500
Subject: PowerPlant classes
From: Éric Forget <forgete@Vir.com>


Each enclosure should become 1 file on the site... Each one are "classes" 
for the framework PowerPlant from the Metrowerks' CodeWarrior.

If you have any question, send me an email to any of the addresses below.


#### BINHEX     l-vertical-retrace-task-cpp.hqx   ****

Date: Mon, 28 Aug 1995 23:07:19 -0500
Subject: PowerPlant classes
From: Éric Forget <forgete@Vir.com>


Each enclosure should become 1 file on the site... Each one are "classes" 
for the framework PowerPlant from the Metrowerks' CodeWarrior.

If you have any question, send me an email to any of the addresses below.


#### BINHEX     lin-alg-cpp.hqx   ****

From: oleg@ponder.csci.unt.edu (Kiselyov Oleg)
Subject: LinAlg - a Linear Algebra classlib

Keywords: BLAS, Linear Algebra, optimization, interpolation, SVD,
        lazy image, vector promise, pseudoinverse, regularization,
        C++, class library
Hot points:
        - _efficient_ and _fool-proof_ implementations of level 1 and
2 "BLAS" (element-wise operations + various multiplications)
        - transpositions and determinant evaluation/inversion
        - operations on a single row/col/diagonal of a matrix
        - Lazy vector and Matrices (promises) , and ElementAction
iterators for fast sweeping actions
        - Hooks-Jeevse multidimensional optimization
        - Aitken-Lagrange interpolation over a grid of uniform or
arbitrary mesh
        - *Singular Value Decomposition* of a rectangular matrix, with
an application to solve Ax=b, where A does not have to be square, and
b does not have to be a vector. In a case of a rectangular matrix A,
this effectively solves a least-squares problem.
        - Brent's efficient univariate optimization and root finding
(with a guaranteed conversion)
        - with a validation code to verify everything
        - with a rather commented source and CW8 projects
        README          - not just a plain README file
        libla.pi        - CW8 project to make a library, libla.a
        libla.a         - compiled library for a PowerMac
        v*.pi           - projects to run a validation code
        v*.dat          - output produced by the validation code
                        (for verification and asserting accuracy) 
        NumMath.dr      - tells what the other files are for
        *.h, *.cc       - source code files
Language: C++, CodeWarrior 7/8
System: System 7.5
Note:   the code is equivalent to that submitted to netlib:
        this is because exactly the same code compiles both on a Mac and
        under UNIX (Solaris 2.4). However, the present submission has the
        code neatly arranged into CW projects. It also includes the
        compiled PowerMac library.
Comments-to: oleg@ponder.csci.unt.edu, oleg@unt.edu

I'll really appreciate any comment/question etc if any.

        Thank you for your consideration indeed,

#### BINHEX     mallocfree-101-c.hqx   ****

From: gspnx@di.unito.it (Fabrizio Oddone)
Subject: mallocfree 1.0.1; C substitutes for the standard libraries

mallocfree is meant to be used by programmers instead of the usual ANSI
memory manager. It includes malloc, free, realloc, calloc, and as
additional goodies getallocsize (works like _GetPtrSize/_GetHandleSize on a
mallocated block; the ANSI libraries miss this routine) and ffcalloc (you
pass a single parameter instead of the two parameters you are forced to
give to the standard calloc; this lets you avoid a multiplication at

C source code is included.

mallocfree can be used with any Mac under any System.

New since 1.0:
Fixed the incredible bug that prevented the memory manager to work
with the application's own heap (as opposed to temporary memory).

#### BINHEX     mesa-24.hqx   ****

From: boga@caesar.elte.hu
Subject: Mac Mesa 2.4 - Free 3D graphics library, with OpenGL API.

Mesa is a 3-D graphics library with an API which is very similar to that 
of OpenGL*, with full source code. It allows people without OpenGL to
write and use OpenGL-style applications. It is binary compatible with 
Conix's OpenGL for MacOS. A GLUT implementation is also included. 

What is OpenGL? 
The premiere software interface that allows graphics programmers to
produce high-quality color images of 3D objects.  The functions in the
OpenGL library enable programmers to build geometric models, view models
interactively in 3D space, control color and lighting, manipulate pixels, 
and perform such tasks as alpha blending, anti-aliasing, depth cueing, and
texture mapping. OpenGL is available on all major computer platforms.This 
makes OpenGL code portable to more computer platforms than any other
graphics library.

For more information about OpenGL see http://www.conix3d.com.
For information about Mac-Mesa see http://www.elte.hu/~boga/Mesa.html.
For information about Mesa see http://www.ssec.wisc.edu/~brianp/Mesa.html.

Mesa was written by Brian Paul, and many contributors, distributed under 
the terms of the GNU library copyright.

System requirement:
* Any CFM aware C compiler. Projects for only CW Pro1 is included.
* System 7.0 or older.
* Power Macintosh at least 16 MB of RAM.
* 20 MB of hard drive space.
* CFM68K Macintosh is so-so supported.

For more information, please read the Read Me file enclosed, or visit my
Web page, http://www.elte.hu/~boga/Mesa.html

Miklos Fazekas.

#### BINHEX     mt2-tool-kit-p.hqx   ****

From: mtrofimov@glas.apc.org (Michael Trofimov)
Subject: MT2ToolKit

MT2ToolKit version 1.0b1 is tool kit for MPW Pascal programmers. It makes easier
a variety of permanent programming jobs to save user's time and efforts, and to
preserve against some simple, but wide-distributed bugs. This version of the kit
supports checking up and marking Pascal sources, additional opportunities for
navigation within the source, and even  automatical-writing a program from
scratch! MT2ToolKit is completely documented : Read.me and About files, MPW Help
file, Commando boxes, examples. All commands  are allowed from added menu items
to MPW Shell's menu bar.

Michael Trofimov,

#### BINHEX     multi-win-101-c-updt.hqx   ****

From: Eric Long <72764.1072@compuserve.com>
Subject: MultiWin TE/Undo/S_H-101(update only).hqx 

#### BINHEX     multi-win-101-c.hqx   ****

From: Eric Long <72764.1072@compuserve.com>
Subject: MultiWin TE/Undo/S_H Demo-101.hqx 

#### BINHEX     my-speech-cpp.hqx   ****

From: info@qed-online.com
Subject: MySpeechCpp Library

MySpeechCpp Library is a code library that makes adding speech to your
CodeWarrior application child's play! Believe me, it doesn't come much
easier than this - use a handful of very simple functions to make
asynchronous and non-asynchrous speech at any point in your application.
A small sample application and full instructions are included.

#### BINHEX     n-game-library-200-demo.hqx   ****

From: (Noriyuki Higa) nori-hi@ba2.so-net.or.jp
Subject: NGL2.0.0(E)Demo

We have been receiving a lot of great responses for our N GAME LIBRARY
1.x.x and we have obtained more members than we expected. Thank you.

N Game Library is a very useful library for the Mac-Game-developer.
N Game Library is designed to save you time and effort during the
programming of Mac Games dealing with visual images and sounds.
It makes it easy program arcade type games.
It is now possible to creat faster and more intense action games using
our own super high speed display routine.
A full set of N Game Library contains all C language and assembly
language source codes for CodeWarrior.

This new version is much improved in availability and speed.
It also supports multi window interface.
Using this new Multiwindow mode,  you can switch the target windows
just by entering the window numbers.
We have several interesting samples, so please try it once to see
if it would work well for you.
We are very confident that it will satisfy you.

The system requirements:
-'040 or faster (Full native PowerPC support.) 
-System 7 or later.
-13"(640x480) or higher monitor in 256 colors mode.
-Sound Manager 3.1 or later


#### BINHEX     object-daemon-shell-12.hqx   ****

From: (Mason Loring Bliss) mason@acheron.middleboro.ma.us
Subject: ObjectDaemonShell (ODS) 1.2

Hi! Enclosed is ObjectDaemonShell 1.2, a tiny, freeware C++ shell for
writing Background Only Applications.

Version 1.2 is the first public release of ODS. I used 1.0 and 1.1
privately for my own projects.

The Read Me file includes licensing information. Have fun!

    Mason Loring Bliss   /\   mason@acheron.middleboro.ma.us
  PGPKeyID: 0x25B3D5B5  /()\  http://www.four.net/~mason
 1:109/370.6 @ FidoNet /    \ Squeak to me of love!

#### BINHEX     open-dialog-demo.hqx   ****

Date: Wed, 5 Jul 1995 11:12:23 -0400
From: meadowsr@fgm.com (Randall Meadows)
Subject: OpenDialog DEMO

Attached you will find a binhexed self-extracting archive, "OpenDialog
Demo.sea", demonstrating OpenDialog, a new development tool from FGM, Inc.
In a nutshell, OpenDialog is a set of libraries for handling the user
interface.  Included in this archive is a demo application, plus the source
code (for the demo) showing how to use OpenDialog, as well as a fact sheet
that lists the features and benefits.

For more info, run the demo, or contact:


    (703) 478-9881 (voice)
    (703) 478-9883 (fax)

    FGM, Inc.
    131 Elden Street, Suite 308
    Herndon, VA  22070

#### BINHEX     pancake-dev-package-10.hqx   ****

From: ferrari@netaxs.com (Darrell Turner)
Subject: Pancake Dev Package 1.0

This Package is used to write externals for the Pancake BBS System.  It is
used with the newest version of Pancake 1.0.

#### BINHEX     parser-125.hqx   ****

From: iano@cco.caltech.edu
Subject: Parser 1.2.5

The Mathematical Expression Parser (a C++ library with full source code
and stand alone test app) can parse numerical expressions or functions
such as "sqrt( sin( 1.2e-3) - 2*y)", containing variables with arbitrary
names. It is written with function plotters, spreadsheets and curve
fitters in mind -- programs that need to very quickly evaluate the same
function many times, changing the values of variables in between.
Evaluation speeds are typically 30-90% as fast as directly compiled code.
(The included test application allows you to check this claim for
yourself.) Thus, this is among the fastest parsers available, yet safe
since it checks for error conditions such as division by zero before
conducting these operations.

Supports: +, -, *, /, %, ^ (power), -(unary), !, &&, ||, ==, !=, <=, >=,
<. >, ?: (for piecewise continuous functions), &, |, !& (XOR), ~, exp, ln,
log, abs, sqrt, ceil, floor, rand, sin, cos, tan, sec, csc, cot, asin,
acos, atan, asec, acsc, acot, sinh, cosh, tanh, sech, csch, coth, and the
following predefined constants: e, pi, true and false. Variables may have
any name and are not limited in number. Parenthesis are handled to
arbitrary depths. The library also does symbolic math and can take partial
derivatives. You can scrap the numerical methods and use this library to
directly evaluate derivatives at near compiled speeds! All calculations
(except bitwise operations) are done with double precision floating point
math.  The included project file requires CW Pro 5, but the code base
should compile on pretty much anything on any system.

This code base is shareware, but is free for deployment in freeware


				Ian Ollmann

#### BINHEX     picon-services-11.hqx   ****

From: ogorman@kagi.com
Subject: PIconServices 1.1

PIconServices 1.1
PIconServices is a library for developers of MacOS applications. 
Source code is included (Code Warrior project), distributed under the 
GNU library license.

What is does:
If you want to write an application/plugin using Apples new 
IconServicesLib, you will normally also need to add a lot of code to 
deal with older Systems. PIconServices gives you ref-counted icons 
all the way back to System 7.5.3. See the following code for an 


These calls will use IconServices if it is available and will also 
work on older systems. Libraries are available for CFM and PPC. Will 
also work with classic code if CFM is installed.

New version 1.1 fixes some bugs, makes it faster, a lot of silly code 
has been changed/removed.
You can even set the compile options to use icns resources do you 
only have to package your resources once (excluding BNDL stuff of 
course :-) ).


#### BINHEX     pict-button-cdef-13-c.hqx   ****

From: Paul Celestin, celestin@celestin.com
Subject: PICTButton CDEF 1.3

PICTButton is a CDEF (control definition) that allows you to use PICT
resources as buttons instead of the drab black and white buttons that you
are used to. You can use it just about anywhere. It has been tested on
various machines and includes a small application demonstrating its use.
Please remove all previous versions of PICTButton from your archives.
Celestin Company, Inc., 1152 Hastings Avenue, Port Townsend, WA  98368
Telephone 360 385 3767 -- Fax 360 385 3586 -- http://www.celestin.com/
send a blank message to info@celestin.com for an index of our products

#### BINHEX     pixar-showplace-20-kit.hqx   ****

From "murdock@pixar.com (Mike Murdock)" Tue Aug 24 23:07:29 1993
Date: Mon, 23 Aug 93 07:17 PST
From: murdock@pixar.com (Mike Murdock)
Subject: ribplugindevkit.hqx

This file contains the Pixar Showplace 2.0 RIB Plug-in Developer's Kit.
You will need Think 5.04 or later for use with this file. This will allow
you to develop RenderMan Interface Bytestream Plug-in Modules for use with
Showplace 2.0 from Pixar. Like Photoshop, Plug-ins offer users the ability to
have additional functionality added to a program by people that like to code!

We believe that this will increase the popularity of Showplace, and bring more
realistic pictures to the industry. America Online users have already downloaded
this kit, and begun development efforts on many types of plug-ins.

The purpose of these plug-ins is to generate geometry in an otherwise non-modeling
type of program. Showplace does not allow you to model in 3D, but rather to import
objects that have been designed in a modeler. Now with the plug-ins you can 
make your own geometry.

This kit does ship with Showplace, but if you do not have Showplace 2.0, then
you can use this to develop without it.

Mike Murdock

#### BINHEX     pnet-101-demo.hqx   ****

From: (Peter Bierman) lunatic@cs.wisc.edu
Subject: pNet demo

pNet is a libary of functions that impement a rough interface to MacTCP.
The code is all currently Synchronus MacTCP based. This code is NOT feature
complete. There are things that don't work. It might require some tweaking
in your application. Error checking is mostly horrible. Use in anything
other than prototyping is NOT SUGGESTED.

Includes an example 20 line program that connects to a webserver and
retrieves an HTML file. Can be modified to be a quick and dirty internet
client of almost any protocol.

CodeWarrior 9 project file included.

-Peter Bierman

#### BINHEX     png-10-c.hqx   ****

From: Mark Fleming, markf@knot.queensu.ca
Subject: MacPNG converters Src

This is the source to the following applications and is the result of my
port of PNG libraries and PNG utilities, the original source is from
Portable Network Graphics Group.

It contains Codewarrier DR8 project file and libraries for reading and
writing PNG files.

Comments can be directed to:
        Mark Fleming <Markf@post.queensu.ca>,
For updates and other program: http://ccsamcinfo.ccs.queensu.ca/Mark/

Compiled 68K applications:

pngCheck - test to see if file is a correct PNG file.
pngtest - test png library, requires "pngtest.png" file in the same folder
as this application.

Compiled 68K & PPC applications:

PNG to TIFF converter

Description: convert PNG file to TIFF files.


Description: convert GIF files to PNG files. Supports Drag and Drop and
AppleScript via Drop Shell V2.0.

#### BINHEX     png-utilities-c.hqx   ****

From: Mark Fleming, markf@knot.queensu.ca
Subject: MacPNG converters

These applications are a result of my port of PNG libraries and PNG
utilities, the original source is from Portable Network Graphics Group.

Comments can be directed to:
        Mark Fleming <Markf@post.queensu.ca>,

For updates and other program: http://ccsamcinfo.ccs.queensu.ca/Mark/

Compiled 68K applications:

pngCheck - test to see if file is a correct PNG file.
pngtest - test png library, requires "pngtest.png" file in the same folder
as this application.

Compiled 68K & PPC applications:

PNG to TIFF converter
Description: convert PNG file to TIFF files.

Description: convert GIF files to PNG files. Supports Drag and Drop and
AppleScript via Drop Shell V2.0.

#### BINHEX     ppp-interfaces-12-cpp.hqx   ****

From: Richard Buckle <richardb@cocytus.demon.co.uk>
Subject: PPP interfaces 1.2

Two Metrowerks C/C++ libraries to allow you to connect and disconnect
MacPPP and FreePPP programmatically, and find out whether it's currently

Requires CodeWarrior 7. At the time of writing they are compatible with all
versions of MacPPP and FreePPP, even under Open Transport.

Permission granted to distribute on the info-mac CD-ROMs.


#### BINHEX     presentation-lib.hqx   ****

Date: Mon, 17 Apr 1995 04:02:02 -0500 (EST)
From: "Chris Thomas, ICONtact Developer Database Librarian" <THUNDERONE@delphi.com>
Subject: PresentationLib; shared library for graphics...

Copyright 1995 Chris K. Thomas.  All Rights Reserved.
I'm at thunderone@delphi.com

PresentationLib is a library (shared on PowerMac, Metrowerks 68k on 
SlowerMac) which handles two functions commonly needed by graphics 
utilities and games: Switching the screen depth and controlling the 
visibility of the menu bar.  Apple decided to make this much harder than 
it needs to be, causing many application developers to write bad 
implementations of the same code over and over again, hence 

The *unmodified* shared library and 68k version of PresentationLib may 
be distributed free of charge to end users, but must be accompanied by 
your product.

#### BINHEX     qv.hqx   ****

Date: Sat, 8 Jul 1995 04:18:16 -0800
From: ckt@best.com (Chris Thomas)
Subject: QvLib/Mac release 1; VRML parsing library

This is a straightforward port of QV, a Virtual Reality
Modeling Language parsing library to PowerMac. Should
compile under 68k as well.

Comments to ckt@best.com.

#### BINHEX     random-number-lib.hqx   ****

From: Michael P. McLaughlin, mpmcl@mitre.org
Subject: RandomNumberLib

UltraLibU  --  A pseudo-random-number library for Macintosh platforms

This library is a new C/Assembly implementation of the Ultra PRNG developed
by Marsaglia, et al. (see leading reference in source).  It is designed
primarily for Macintosh platforms and replaces an earlier (non-PPC)
library, by this author, that is currently available in a number of public

UltraLibU contains one low-level assembly routine, in a
conditional-compilation block, for MC68020 (and higher) or PowerPC
processors.  (Note: Pure C source for this routine is already available in
the usual Internet archives.)  The assembly syntax is that of Metrowerks'
CodeWarrior<TM> but adaptation to other compilers should be trivial.

The library contains 14 functions returning random numbers in various
formats, from Booleans to Gaussians, as well as ancillary functions to
initialize the PRNG and to save/restore its context (to reproduce a
sequence exactly).

This PRNG is HIGHLY RANDOM, even at the bit level, VERY FAST and has an
extremely long period (> 10^356).

#### BINHEX     roll-play.hqx   ****

From: lward@flashpt.com (Les Ward)
Subject: RollPlay 1.0

The RollPlay Dice library is a multi-platform C Application Programming Interface
which performs dice rolling services. RollPlay provides:

· Parsing of complex role-playing style dice descriptions
· Open-ended rolls
· Collective dice tests, for games like Shadowrun, Earthdawn, the Storyteller
system, et. al.
· Multiple algorithms for random number generation
· Roll statistic tracking
· Rolls against set target numbers

See the index.htm file in the Doc folder for more information about how to
install and use RollPlay.

This package is the RollPlay Development Kit for Macintosh. It contains headers
and documentation. For the RollPlay is a shared library on the PowerPC and a
Metrowerks staic library for 68K.

RollPlay is freeware and may be included without restriction in other freeware.
RollPlay we b distributed with any product distributed entirely via the internet
on the condition one copy of said product be given to DivNull Software free of
charge. All other distribution of RollPlay is prohibited without permission of
DivNull Software.

Distribution inquires, bug reports, advice and other correspondence to DivNull
Software may be sent to divnull@pobox.com.

DivNull Software

#### BINHEX     round-window-21.hqx   ****

From: mattias.ellert@tsl.uu.se
Subject: Round Window 2.1

Round Window WDEF by Mattias Ellert

3Round Window WDEF2 is a window definition function that makes it possible
for you to use round windows on your Macintosh.

Version 2.1 corrects a linking error that made the previous version crash on
PPC systems without the Appearance manager installed.

See the Read Me file for more information

Mattias Ellert
Botvidsgatan 4 A, 2 tr
753 29  UPPSALA


#### BINHEX     scripting-cpp.hqx   ****

Subject: Scripting.sit.hqx is the source for a c++ regular expression ba
From: Steve Israelson <steve_israelson@mindlink.net>

A regular expression scripting system by Steve Israelson.


In the July/August Issue of DrDobb's SourceBook there is an article on a 
Generic Parsing Engine in C++.  This is a very interesting article by 
Todd Esposito and Adrew Johnson.  This article presents and excellent way 
to implement a scripting system.  The only problems I had with the 
scripting system presented there were that it was incomplete, it was not 
made specifically for the Mac, and it was too slow.  Here you will find 
my implementation of the concepts presented in the magazine.  I re-wrote 
everything from scratch and I think I have come up with a faster, more 
powerful solution, although when re-reading the article, some aspects are 
quite similar.

This code requires PowerPlant and CodeWarrior.  This is because I make 
use of its LList class to handle lists.  You could easily modify the code 
to work with any class that handles lists.

You are free to use this code in any applications you like.  You however 
can not sell the source code.  If the source code is included in source 
code collections (Cd-Roms etc), it is ok provided I get a complimentary copy.

This scripting system is being used in my free-ware product called 
Pfhorte.  Pfhorte allows you to edit Bungies Marathon map files.

If you have any comments or questions feel free to e-mail me at 

Steve I.

#### BINHEX     search-script-30-sc.hqx   ****

From: flco@macline.co.uk (Hugh Senior)
Subject: SearchScript 3.0

A powerful SuperCard utility which performs customised searches on
nominated scripts, graphics, text contents and menus including an optional
Find and Replace feature. It provides direct access to both scripts and
windows of the nominated project, and can be used with open projects or as
a stand-alone to probe closed projects.

#### BINHEX     show-init-and-name.hqx   ****

From: lnp@inxpress.net (Dave Friedman)
Subject: ShowInitAndName

This is a complete package with everything you need to show icons at
startup and join the next generation of inits! The entire, fully documented
source code is included -- and is free to any programmer who wants it.

This next generation of inits display their filenames beneath their icon,
and are highlighted while they are active. Best of all, the operating
system can override their behavior, so your inits will remain current for
years to come.

*** BE WARNED! Many old inits rely on obsolete and incompatible code. There
are over a dozen different sources for displaying icons at startup, and
even Apple uses four different methods in System 7.5.2. The incompatibility
among these old inits is especially apparent with the next generation --
but the effect is only a visual nuisance.

There's no reason why everyone can't update their inits, especially since
the enclosed source code:

* Is compilable on both 680x0 and PowerPC
* Contains no hacks or assembly language
* Is compatible with System 6.0 to the present (7.5.2)
* Runs on Mac Plus to the present (Power Macintosh w/PCI)
* Includes sample projects for both Code Warrior and Think C

Please read the ShowInitAndName.h header file for complete details,
including a bibliography!


David Cook
Storm Impact, Inc.

#### BINHEX     simple-sockets-11-c.hqx   ****

From: mtrent@msn.fullfeed.com (Michael Trent)
Subject: simple-sockets-11

        Simple Sockets is a small, relatively simple C code library for
approximating BSD UNIX socket calls with MacTCP.  Simple Sockets
doesn't provide 100% faithful BSD port, rather it is a quick and easy
way to "get the job done".  This is a work in progress;  BSD support
should improve in time.   I welcome suggestions and criticisms of the
source code.

                All sample applications are "fat binaries" compiled with
CodeWarrior.  Simple Sockets should still work with older compilers, provided
proper MacTCP headers can be found.

        Simple Sockets is public domain; I ask only that it be distributed
in its original archive form.  It may be included on Info-Mac CDRoms.

Changes since 1.0.1:
- Updated code and projects for Metrowerks CodeWarrior 7.
- Added #ifdefs to allow Simple Sockets to jive with older headers w/o
  extra modification.
- More documentation changes.
- A nifty new version of the manual "HTML-ified" by Chris Hanson
- Renewed commitment to keep this library in the public domain.

Changes since 1.0:

- Updated code and projects for Metrowerks CodeWarrior 6.
- Minor modifications to select(), recvfrom(), and maybe others.
- Select() has been added to the manual.
- Some additions to this file, including my new e-mail address.
- Added MacTCP header files (for those without them), and added a
  "fixed" dnr.c file.

#### BINHEX     spect-fft-960312.hqx   ****

From: Masafumi Ueda, hajime@singnet.com.sg
Subject: SpectFFT 960312 - Integer FFT Library

SpectFFT is a library for performing integer FFT. It is made from
SoundVision FFT, and is almost identical to SoundVision FFT. It is real
fast (take a look at SoundVision and you see its speed), and real easy to

SpectFFT is intended to be used with Metrowerks CodeWarrior. 
A 68K sample project is included.

SHAREWARE. License fee depends on your usage.

Masafumi Ueda

#### BINHEX     sprite-anim-toolkit-238.hqx   ****

From: (Ingemar Ragnemalm) ingemar@lysator.liu.se
Subject: Sprite Animation Toolkit 2.3.8 libs & doc

This is the latest version (2.3.8) of Sprite Animation Toolkit, my
game-making programming library which has been used in *dozens* of
released games, including games like Bachman, Ingemar's Skiing Game,
Missions Of The Realiant, Asterax, Escape Velocity etc.

Both Think and CodeWarrior are supported. You need CodeWarrior for
PowerMac native code.

SAT is free of charge, demanding only credits and a free copy.

SAT is archived in two parts: one with libraries and documentation,
and one part with the demo programs.

Ingemar Ragnemalm

#### BINHEX     sprite-anim-toolkit-demos.hqx   ****

From: (Ingemar Ragnemalm) ingemar@lysator.liu.se
Subject: Sprite Animation Toolkit 2.3.8 demos

This archive holds the demo programs for Sprite Animation Toolkit
version 2.3.8 (programming library for games and animations). See
the lib&doc submission for more info.

Ingemar Ragnemalm

#### BINHEX     standard-get-folder-20-c.hqx   ****

Date: Mon, 28 Aug 1995 08:03:09 -0700 (PDT)
From: Chris Larson <larson@BASE.CS.UCLA.EDU>
Subject: StandardGetFolder v2.0 -- folder selection via standard file

StandardGetFolder is a library which allows user selection of folders 
through the Standard File Package.

Version 2 adds a "New Folder" button for creation of folders, allows 
selection of folders based upon access priveleges, provides more robust 
error checking and includes dramatically imporved documentation.

Complete source code for Metrowerks CodeWarrior (version 6) is included 
(although the routines should compile with other compilers).

 o Please feel free to include this package on any CD-ROM you see fit.


#### BINHEX     str-list-20-c.hqx   ****

From: tinyjohn@harrier.sasknet.sk.ca (tinyjohn)
Subject: StrList-2

Routines for creating, manipulating, and using string
lists (the STR# resource type) in your C/C++ programs.

NEW: facilities for high speed string lookup in string lists,
and routines using string lists as sets of strings included.

Includes text and 411 help documentation.

#### BINHEX     string-io-lib-109.hqx   ****

From: doug@apple.com (Douglas Turner)
Subject: String I/O Lib

Routines for importing and exporting longer than 255 C string to and 
from resources.

Simply declare your string, and when you want to write it to disk, call:

OSErr WriteStrToResource(const char theString[], short ResID);

When you want to read a string into memory, you just need to call:

OSErr ReadStrFromResource(char outStr[],	short ResID);

If you have any question or problems, you can email me at dturner@best.com

Douglas Turner
Email address: dturner@best.com

#### BINHEX     stulib.hqx   ****

From: ssnaddon@telsci.co.uk
Subject: StuLib-v2.6.hqx

StuLib v2.6 (StuLib-v2.6.hqx)

To cut a long story short, StuLib is a set of libraries for mac programming
which takes a lot of the work out of programming the interface of mac
applications. Widgets like docking toolbars, icon bars, intelligent
controls, and much more, are supported. Full source code and descriptions
are included.

This package is freeware for non-commercial applications. See included docs
for complete Licencing Details.

Comments/Suggestions: 	snaddosg@kagi.com
Updates: 			http://www.dcs.gla.ac.uk/~snaddosg/creations.html

#### BINHEX     t-str255-cpp.hqx   ****

From: Andrew Nemeth <aznemeng@zeta.org.au>
Subject: TStr255 class; a C++ class to replace the pascal Str255 string type.

Why bother?  Because I'm sick of horsing around with
utility string functions for simple things like string
assignment and concatenation, either with pascal or
C strings.

The class has been designed to be as transparent a
'drop-in' as possilbe, and use of inline functions
mean you don't have to pay any speed penalty for 
using it.

A small metrowerks project has been included to show
what the class is capable of.  Step through the
project's code in a debugger to see the strings 
chop and change.

Andrew thinks: "Shouldn't Apple be doing this?"

Small CW7 project included

Andrew Nemeth
24 Oct 1995
Blue Mountains, Sydney Australia

#### BINHEX     tasks-toolkit-package.hqx   ****

Date: Mon, 28 Aug 1995 23:07:19 -0500
Subject: PowerPlant classes
From: Éric Forget <forgete@Vir.com>


Each enclosure should become 1 file on the site... Each one are "classes" 
for the framework PowerPlant from the Metrowerks' CodeWarrior.

If you have any question, send me an email to any of the addresses below.


#### BINHEX     tesla-game-kit.hqx   ****

From: ckt@best.com (Chris Thomas)
Subject: Tesla Game Kit & Stuff

The Tesla Game Kit
Copyright 1994-1995 Chris K. Thomas.  All Rights Reserved.
I'm at ckt@best.com.

Well, I've been going through my old archives, and I found this.  It's a
demo game creation source code kit I wrote as a demo for MacPlay over a
year ago.  It includes:

* a sprite toolkit optimized for sidescrolling arcade games, PixelBlizzard
* a sound engine capable of rudimentary music and sound effects, SSE
* a polygon hit testing engine to be used with the sprite toolkit, PolyMan
* a sample game using the C++ application psuedo-framework I was also using
  for Misebirakasu at the time, MITORI Warrior
* some amusing fps estimates (1500 fps!  yow!) and a wildly inaccurate fps

I was still learning C++ at this time, so wierdness in the framework is
likely.  Project file for CodeWarrior 68k (probably DR/2, before the new
data-fork based file format!) included.  It was written, as I recall, over
a period of two weeks, and is slightly incomplete as a result.

Freeware, on the condition that you give me credit in your about box if
you do use this for anything.  I have no plans to update this stuff, as
I'm building a C++ game framework, completely unrelated to this project.

#### BINHEX     thunder-draw-10.hqx   ****

Subject: ThunderDraw
From: (Paolo Bertani) paolo@pianeta.it


version 1.0

by Paolo Bertani,
1996, ThunderSoft.

ThunderDraw is a PowerMacintosh shareware library that let
you create sprite animations for games, multimedia software,
graphic presentations, etc...

ThunderDraw has UNIQUE FEATURES (Apple Draw Sprocket
compatibility, trajectory management, special blitters for
translucent, shadow, light effects,...........),
is FULL DOCUMENTED (in Acrobat pdf) and comes with several
TUTORIAL projects, DEMOS and TOOLS for creating sprites,
trajectories and color tables.

Visit ThunderDraw's home page at

PPC only
System 7.5.3 or later
Apple Draw Sprocket 1.1 or later (DrawSprocketLib)
Symantec C++, Metrowerks CodeWarrior or MPW.

Paolo Bertani

#### BINHEX     tools-plus-32-demo.hqx   ****

From: WaterEdgSW@aol.com (Water's Edge Software)
Subject: Tools Plus 3.2

Tools Plus 3.2 libraries and application framework let you easily create 
professional looking apps and plug-ins with automated dialogs, menus, 
events, etc. Create integrated, working GUI elements with 1 line of code 
(i.e., create an Edit menu and it edits!) Includes many extras such as 
tool bars, floating palettes, the best picture buttons, sliders, tabs, 
complete 3D gray-scale look, plus much more! Easy to learn and use. 
Dramatically reduces code volume and complexity. Rated 4 stars by 

 For all Macs, PowerMacs and MacOS compatibles
 System 7 or higher recommended (System 6 minimum)

Water's Edge Software           :     Voice: 1-416-219-5628
2441 Lakeshore Rd. West #70022  :       Fax: 1-905-847-1638
Oakville, Ontario               :  Internet: WaterEdgSW@aol.com
Canada, L6L 6M9                 :       CIS: 73424,2507

Visit our developer web site at http://www.interlog.com/~wateredg

#### BINHEX     u-sound-player-cpp.hqx   ****

Date: Mon, 28 Aug 1995 23:07:19 -0500
Subject: PowerPlant classes
From: Éric Forget <forgete@Vir.com>


Each enclosure should become 1 file on the site... Each one are "classes" 
for the framework PowerPlant from the Metrowerks' CodeWarrior.

If you have any question, send me an email to any of the addresses below.


#### BINHEX     u-sub-folder-finder-cpp.hqx   ****

Date: Mon, 28 Aug 1995 23:07:19 -0500
Subject: PowerPlant classes
From: Éric Forget <forgete@Vir.com>


Each enclosure should become 1 file on the site... Each one are "classes" 
for the framework PowerPlant from the Metrowerks' CodeWarrior.

If you have any question, send me an email to any of the addresses below.


#### BINHEX     u-virus-check-cpp.hqx   ****

Date: Mon, 28 Aug 1995 23:07:19 -0500
Subject: PowerPlant classes
From: Éric Forget <forgete@Vir.com>


Each enclosure should become 1 file on the site... Each one are "classes" 
for the framework PowerPlant from the Metrowerks' CodeWarrior.

If you have any question, send me an email to any of the addresses below.


#### BINHEX     u-visual-effect-cpp.hqx   ****

Date: Mon, 28 Aug 1995 23:07:19 -0500
Subject: PowerPlant classes
From: Éric Forget <forgete@Vir.com>


Each enclosure should become 1 file on the site... Each one are "classes" 
for the framework PowerPlant from the Metrowerks' CodeWarrior.

If you have any question, send me an email to any of the addresses below.


#### BINHEX     u-window-usher-11-cpp.hqx   ****

Date: Mon, 28 Aug 1995 23:07:19 -0500
Subject: PowerPlant classes
From: Éric Forget <forgete@Vir.com>


Each enclosure should become 1 file on the site... Each one are "classes" 
for the framework PowerPlant from the Metrowerks' CodeWarrior.

If you have any question, send me an email to any of the addresses below.


#### BINHEX     video-toolbox-97-07-01-c.hqx   ****

From: denis@cns.nyu.edu
Subject: video-toolbox-97-07-01-c.sit

The VideoToolbox is a collection of two hundred C subroutines and several 
demo and utility programs that I and others have written to do visual 
psychophysics with Macintosh computers. It is fully compatible with 680x0 
and PowerPC Macs and with Metrowerks CodeWarrior and Symantec C 
compilers. It's free and may not be sold without permission. It should be 
useful to anyone who wants to present accurately specified visual stimuli 
or use the Mac for psychometric experiments. The text file "Video synch" 
discusses all the ways of synchronizing programs to video displays and 
the many pitfalls to avoid. The TimeVideo application checks out the 
timing of all video devices in anticipation of their use in critical 
real-time applications, e.g. movies or lookup table animation. "Video 
bugs" reports all known bugs uncovered by TimeVideo's testing of 56 video 
cards and drivers. Low-level routines control video timing and lookup 
tables, display real-time movies, and implement the luminance-control 
algorithms suggested by Pelli and Zhang (1991). In particular, 
CopyWindows (or CopyBitsQuickly) faithfully copies between on-screen and 
off-screen windows (or bit/pixmaps), WindowToEPS saves an image to disk 
as encapsulated PostScript, for later printing or incorporation into a 
document, and SetEntriesQuickly and GDSetEntries load the screen's color 
lookup table, all without any of QuickDraw's color translations. 
NoisePdfFill.c quickly generates visual noise images whose pixels are 
samples from a specified probability density function. High-level 
routines help analyze psychophysical experiments (e.g. maximum-likelihood 
fitting and graphing of psychometric data). Assign.c is a runtime C 
interpreter for C assignment statements, which is useful for controlling 
experiments and sharing calibration data. This collection has been 
continually updated since 1991. More that one hundred colleagues 
subscribe to the email distribution (see below), and have indicated that 
they are using the software in their labs. Documentation is in the source 
files themselves. Many of the routines are Mac-specific, but some very 
useful routines, e.g. the luminance-control, statistics, 
maximum-likelihood fitting algorithms, and the runtime interpreter are 
written in Standard C and will work on any computer. Those wishing to 
acknowledge use of the VideoToolbox software might cite:
Pelli, D. G. and Zhang, L. (1991) Accurate control of contrast on 
microcomputer displays. Vision Research, 31, 1337-1350. Reprints are 
Pelli, D.G. (1997) The VideoToolbox software for visual psychophysics: 
Transforming numbers into movies. Spatial Vision 10(4):437-442
Denis Pelli Professor of Psychology and Neural Science New York
University 6 Washington Place New York, NY 10003 denis@psych.nyu.edu

#### BINHEX     waste-13.hqx   ****

From: marco.piovanelli@pobox.com
Subject: WASTE 1.3; a text editing library

WASTE 1.3 is a text editing library with the following features:

*	Compatible with styled TextEdit.
*	Text size is limited only by memory (no 32k barrier).
*	Full WorldScript support, including inline input and
  bidirectional scripts.
*	Built-in undo.
*	Drag and drop text editing.
*	Embedded objects.
*	Real tabs.
*	Fully justified text.
*	Internet Config
*	Customizable low-level hooks for drawing, measuring text,
  and more.

The WASTE 1.3 Distribution includes:

* The WASTELib shared library for PowerPC and CFM68K applications.
* Documentation in Acrobat format.
* A demo application.
* Full C source code.
* CodeWarrior Pro 2 project files.

#### BINHEX     word-services-sdk-106.hqx   ****

From: crawford@scruznet.com (Michael D. Crawford)
Subject: Word Services SDK 1.0.6

I am pleased to announce the release of the Word Services Software
Development Kit version 1.0.6, as well as the Word Services World Wide Web

The Word Services Apple Event Suite is a public protocol for Macintosh
computers that allows any application to link to a speller or other text
service as if it was a built-in menu item. It is probably the simplest
useful thing that a developer can do with Apple Events.

Word Services is free - no license fee or nondisclosure agreement is
required to use it. You can download the protocol specification, and you
can get the complete source code to Writeswell Jr., a simple Word Services
word processor. You may redistribute Writeswell Jr. on your own product
disks to open Read Me files.

The latest SDK will compile using current versions of ThinkC and
CodeWarrior with Universal Headers.  You may choose to build 68k or Native
PowerPC versions.  All of the formatted word processor documents are
provided as compact self-viewing Common Ground documents so that you do
not need a particular word processor to view or print them.

The Word Services Apple Event Suite home page provides:

- documentation for the suite
- links to the publishers of the client and server applications,
- instructions for using Word Services in some of the applications,
- the Word Services SDK.

The home page is at:


The Word Services Software Development Kit may be downloaded via anonymous
FTP from:


The binhexed self-extracting archive is 945 kilobytes.

Word Services was originally developed by Working Software in cooperation
with their competitors in the spellchecking business, as well as several
grammar checker and word processor publishers, and Apple Computer, Inc.
Working Software also has Word Services information on the Web c/o:


I will also be uploading the Word Services kit to MacGifts, America Online
(keyword WorkingSW), Compuserve (GO MACDEV) and eWorld.  I encourage
source code CDROM vendors to include the Word Services SDK on their CD's.

Michael D. Crawford