Abstracts from files in info-mac/dev/src as of Sun 20 Mar 2005 #### BINHEX ad-invert-shapes-101-c.hqx **** From: joe@clipper.cb.att.com Date: Sat, 9 Oct 93 15:44:10 EDT Subject: InvertShapes 1.0.1 This is version 1.0.1 of the InvertShapes AfterDark screensaver module. This version corrects the "random" feature and the credit string. Source code is included. - j.t.judge #### BINHEX adobe-premiere-developer-c.hqx **** Date: Tue, 5 May 92 14:39 +1200 From: "Lawrence D'Oliveiro, Waikato University, Hamilton, NZ" Subject: info-mac/tech/adobe-premiere-developer.hqx The following archive includes information and sample code (in MPW C and assembler) for writing your own add-ons for Adobe Premiere. You can create custom visual transition effects, video filters, and audio filters. I found this originally posted on AppleLink by Randy Ubillos, author of Premiere. Lawrence D'Oliveiro, Waikato University, Hamilton, New Zealand. ldo@waikato.ac.nz -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #### BINHEX aiff-dsp-framework-21-c.hqx **** Date: Sat, 4 Feb 1995 11:36:46 -0500 From: bdenckla@husc.harvard.edu (Ben Denckla) Subject: AIFF_DSP: An AIFF File DSP Programmer's Framework in Portable C AIFF_DSP: An Audio IFF File DSP Programmer's Framework in Portable C available via ftp at "ftp.cs.jhu.edu" in pub/dsp Note for users of previous versions of AIFF_DSP: The only change in this version is that unlike v21, it includes the correct version of interface.c, which was correct in v20 but not in v21. This old version of interface.c did not compiler under newer versions of Think C. Introduction This archive contains code which provides a framework in which user-written C functions which process the data in Audio IFF (AIFF) files are called. The framework contains main() and deals with all aspects of AIFF file handling, allowing the user to concentrate solely on the development of his/her DSP algorithm. For those readers who are familiar with Tom Erbe's "SoundHack" program for the Macintosh, this framework is similar to that program except for the fact that source is available and portable and you can add your own processing functions in a very modular, simple way. Theory of Operation The framework calls three user-written functions in the course of its execution. First it calls a user-written initialization function, which would typically do things like set up lookup tables. Then it repeatedly calls a user-written processing function, each time placing a new block of data in the buffer. When the AIFF file has been exhausted of data, it calls a user-written termination function, which would typically do things like free memory which had been malloc()'ed for a lookup table. Though the framework was originally designed for the processing of AIFF files where an AIFF file is taken as input and an AIFF file is made as output, through the setting of user-defined variables, the framework can be made to take no input or make no output. The mode in which no input is taken is useful for tasks such as the generation of AIFF files by algorithmic means. The "no output" mode is mode is useful for tasks such as the analysis of AIFF files, where the analysis output goes to the screen or to a non-AIFF file. The three user functions and the the two user variables above are typically defined in their own .c file. This file contains a global structure which contains the two variables and pointers to the three functions. This quintuplet defines what I call a "plugin." The only contact with framework code that needs to occur is to "register" a plugin. This consists of adding the name of the plugin to lists of other plugins in "plugin_specific.c". All of these plugins are available at runtime and one is chosen by the end user. Much more could be written about how to use the framework but time constraints compel me to merely direct the reader to the included examples of processing functions and to the source code for the framework itself. Portability When THINK_C is defined (which happens automatically when that compiler is being used), the program compiles to an executable that does some Macintosh-specific things. Otherwise, a generic text-mode program is created. This generic mode has been tested successfully on the following UNIX systems, using gcc except where noted: OS: SunOS 5.3 (UNIX System V Release 4.0) machine type: sun4d sparc OS: HP-UX A.09.03 machine type: HP 9000/712 OS: ULTRIX 4.3 machine type: RISC (DECstation 5000/240) OS: NeXTStep machine type: NeXT OS: OSF/1 v2.0 machine type: Alpha (using native DEC cc) On little-endian machines, audio data with a 16 bit sample word size is automatically byte-swapped before delivery to the user-written processing function. It is byte-swapped back again before being written to the output file. On Macintosh compilers other than Think C, there may be some small modifications needed to the code in "Think_C.c" that sets the file type to 'AIFF'. Other than that, if you just #define THINK_C, code should work fine on other Macintosh compilers. The code has been tested successfully on Think C 5.0 and Symantec C++ 7.0. Miscellany If you would like to receive email notification of further updates to these programs, please send mail to my address below. I am also very interested in hearing what you plan to do or have done with my code, so please drop me a note for that reason as well. This project was funded in part by the Ford Foundation's project to provide grants for undergraduate research at Harvard University. Ben Denckla bdenckla@fas.harvard.edu February 4, 1995 #### BINHEX angry-face-cursor-104.hqx **** From: Furnesss@northcentral.k12.ia.us Subject: Angry Face Cursor v1.04 Angry Face Cursor v1.04 This is my fourth attempt for making shareware. This will replace your normal boring black cursor with this nice icon of an angry face. I hope you like these cursors I am making and have made in the past. This should be compatible with any Mac, I have tested it on a variety of different macs like Power Mac 5200, 5260 and also on LC 575-580's. A couple of my friends have also tried it on their machines. If you come accross any problems hust let me know at FurnessS@northcentral.k12.ia.us Disclaimer: If anything is to happen to your Mac while you are using thisŠwellŠtoo badŠbecuase you cannot blame me. You use this at your own risk. I have not had any problems with it, so I doubt that you will either. This is $3 shareware, I don't think that is too much to ask, I am going to need every little dollar to keep making stuffŠŠŠif you feel generous you may pay more but I ask that you atleast please send the $3. You can send it to: Sylvan J. Furness 409 Main Street, P.O. Box 51 Hanlontown, Iowa 50444 The only reason I am putting a little fee on this piece of software is because it took alot of time to make. Sylvan Furness #### BINHEX app-launcher-cpp.hqx **** From: Andrew Nemeth <aznemeng@zeta.org.au> Subject: AZN_AppLauncher New version of AppLauncher follows: - Bugs fixed. - CW 7 compatible - New features added to TAELaunch C++ class. Applauncher is a native PPC Macintosh application and source code which shows how to launch, manipulate and quit remote applications. Based on Peter Lewis original Pascal code. (Original sources also included). Andrew Nemeth aznemeng@zeta.org.au 24 Oct 1995 Blue Mountains, Sydney Australia #### BINHEX append-ditl-demo-c.hqx **** Date: Fri, 18 Nov 1994 14:23:25 -0500 From: Marty Wachter <mrw@welchgate.welch.jhu.edu> Subject: Demo of Dialog Manager calls in System7 This shell was created to demonstrate the correct way to use AppendDITL(), CountDITL(), and ShortenDITL() Dialog Manager calls in System7. This shell also show how to corectly use the WindowFont for drawing text in a dialog This demo creates a sample dialog which contains a checkbox control using the WindowFont. This checkbox appends and shortens the dialogs DITL. #### BINHEX apple-event-interface-plog.hqx **** Date: Mon, 19 Oct 1992 08:29:16 +0100 From: Stephen.Cooper@csd.uu.se (Stephen Cooper) Subject: AE Interface.pl v1.01 This code works only with LPA MacProlog 4.5 or better. AE Interface.pl is the source code for a prolog interface to Apple events. This program allows retreiving succesive answers to prolog goals and translation of the answers to e.g., HyperTalk commands. The answers are in text format, perfect for working with HyperCard or SuperCard. ----------------------------------------------------------- Stephen Cooper +46-(0)18-18 10 73 (voice) Computing Science Dept +46-(0)18-52 12 70 (fax) Uppsala University, Sweden stephen@csd.uu.se #### BINHEX application-menu-addition-as.hqx **** Date: Mon, 11 Oct 93 15:33 +1300 From: "Lawrence D'Oliveiro, Waikato University, Hamilton, NZ" Subject: info-mac/UserInterface/appmenu-additions-as.hqx Hi. Enclosed is a small update to my Application Menu scripting addition for AppleScript. The code is the same as before, but I have changed some resource attributes to try to avoid occasional crashes that could occur with the previous version. Please replace your current copy of the archive with this version. Lawrence D'Oliveiro Computer Services Dept University of Waikato Hamilton New Zealand -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #### BINHEX arrow-cdef-c.hqx **** From: "David J. Hay" <hay@nag.cs.Colorado.EDU> Subject: ArrowCDEF Date: Wed, 30 Mar 1994 21:24:04 -0700 (MST) Please find attached to this message a Binhexed copy of my ArrowCDEF. This is a CDEF I wrote for implementing an up-down arrow similar to those found in the color picker. It supports the ability to use any PICT resources to draw the arrow, so you can make the arrow look however you like. Included is a Think C 5.0.4 project for the CDEF and a program to test it. The test program includes a resource file with a B&W set of arrows and a color set of arrows. -- |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | David Hay _-^-_ Remember, always pillage | | hay@cs.colorado.edu / o o \ BEFORE you burn | |--------------------OOO---'---U---`---OOO--------------------| #### BINHEX ars-magna-ii-c.hqx **** Date: Fri, 24 Sep 1993 11:47:34 -0800 From: mxmora@unix.sri.com (Matthew Xavier Mora) Subject: Ars Magna II --========================_7523546==_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Enclosed is a new version of Ars Magna called Ars Magna II. I recomplied Mike Morton's ars.c code to use think's console library. This makes it a little more compatible but its still just a C program with command line interface. I gave it a new signature and icon to keep it separate for the other version. I did this because someone here needed to use ars magna and the old version would trash his screen. Hopefully some one will give it a good interface and make it a real mac program. I just don't have the time. Matt --========================_7523546==_ Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="Ars_Magna_II.sea" #### BINHEX artabrot-11-c.hqx **** From: warnergt@aloft.att.com Date: Tue, 23 Nov 93 21:08:23 EST ARTAbrot - Apple Real-Time Architecture Mandelbrot Program Version 1.1 by George Warner 11/22/93 warnergt@aloft.att.com REQUIREMENTS: 68020 or greater ARTA equipped Macintosh (Quadra 840av, Centris 660av, or Mac with ARTA plug-in board. 1. WHAT IT IS: ARTAbrot is a Mandelbrot program that it uses the AT&T DSP3210 in ARTA to perform the intensive Mandelbrot calculations. 2. SOURCE CODE TOO! Complete source code is provided. For those who would like some sample ARTA source code (which is scarce at the time of this release). The DSP3210 source code is in file mbrot.s. All of the host DSP function calls are in brotcode.c. For those of you considering DSP programming, take a look at the mbrot.s DSP source code. This is DSP3210 assembly code, but it is very much like C code -- one of the very nice features of the DSP3210. Release 1.1 11/22/93 Added support for larger windows, resizable windows, and background processing. Release 1.0 08/23/93 First version. #### BINHEX async-sound-sample-pas.hqx **** Date: Sat, 27 Mar 1993 14:30:39 -0800 From: westrom@unixg.ubc.ca Subject: Pascal source code: async sound production I was trying to get Think Pascal 4.0.2 to play anynchronous sounds (sounds that play while other things are happening). It turns out that you have to remove the [D] Debug compile option or else the machine crashes. On the road to discovering this, I made a 'minimal' anynchronous sound playing program. A sample sound playing program is provided by Jim Reekes in the DTS folder of apple.com, but it is very elaborate and complex. What I offer here is a minimum piece of source code that a beginner could look at to see the essential elements of async sound production, done by-the-book (vol VI of Inside Apple, in this case). -------- Marv Westrom Faculty of Education, UBC Vancouver, B.C. Canada V6T 1Z4 #### TEXT atp-sample-code-c.txt **** From: Stuart Cheshire <cheshire@cs.stanford.edu> Subject: Re: Looking for some sample appletalk ATP code... Date: Wed, 2 Sep 92 18:11:08 GMT In article <1992Sep1.033635.28604@sunb10.cs.uiuc.edu> Alex Bratton, bratton@sparc3.cs.uiuc.edu writes: >If you have some sample code (ATP) that opens, registers, and dumps some >data, I'd really appreciate seeing it. This has been bugging me for a while >and I think I need to look at some working code to see what I'm missing. Here is some more sample code, which opens and registers an ATP socket. It is from the Macintosh User Authenticator mentioned in a previous post be me. The code is written for Think C 5. #include <Traps.h> #include <GestaltEqu.h> #include <Folders.h> #### BINHEX auto-bin-c.hqx **** From: mxmora@unix.sri.com (Matthew Xavier Mora) Subject: AutoBin (a drag and drop Binhexer with source) Date: Thu, 9 Dec 1993 13:21:47 -0800 --========================_6876772==_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Enclosed is AutoBin. Autobin is a program based on dropshell that will binhex any file dropped on top of it. Since I didn't write very much of the actual code, included the source so other can benefit too. (and hopefully modify it and make it better.) Xavier --========================_6876772==_ Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="AutoBin_w=src.sea" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="AutoBin_w=src.sea" #### BINHEX basic-black-151-c.hqx **** From: Mason Loring Bliss <mason@cis.umassd.edu> Subject: Basic Black 1.5.1 source release Enclosed is the source distribution of Basic Black version 1.5.1. Please use this in place of the 1.5 source package, as version 1.5 contained a couple of bad errors that weren't caught until after it was released. This version is stable. #### BINHEX bbedit-30-dev-kit.hqx **** From: bbsw@netcom.com (Bare Bones Software) Subject: BBEdit 3.0 Extension Developer's Kit Date: Mon, 17 Oct 1994 19:22:10 -0700 (PDT) The attached StuffIt Deluxe archive contains documentation, interfaces, and sample source code that developers can use to write BBEdit extensions. This updated version features revamped documentation, a new "universal" include file, and information and samples on how to write PowerPC-native extensions. Extensions written with this kit are compatible with BBEdit and BBEdit Lite, version 3.0, and, if properly written, are also backward-compatible with older versions of BBEdit. The extension developer's kit is also immediately for anonymous FTP from ftp.netcom.com, in /pub/bbsw, and from ftp.std.com, in /pub/bbedit. If you have a URL-aware utility such as MacWEB, Anarchie, or Mosaic, you can directly access the developer's kit with one of the following URLs: ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/bbsw/bbedit-30-dev-kit.hqx ftp://ftp.std.com/pub/bbedit/bbedit-30-dev-kit.hqx -- Bare Bones Software, Inc. Internet: bbsw@netcom.com %==========================================================================% Rich Siegel Michael Fryar Patrick Woolsey President & CEO Chief Operating Officer Chief Technology Officer #### TEXT blockio-c.txt **** From: "Art Eschenlauer" <eschen@molbio.cbs.umn.edu> Subject: Routines that open blocks as filestreams in ThC 5 Date: Sat, 24 Sep 1994 12:31:39 -0500 (CDT) Here's a file to put into /mac/development/sources/snippets on mac.archive.umich.edu. Compress it as you please. /* blockio.c and blockio.h by Art Eschenlauer Routines to open blocks of memory as simple filestreams under ThinkC 5.0.4 Here are some routines to open a block of memory (Ptr or Handle) as a simple filestream (they do not support disk oriented commands like rewind and seek). I wrote these for porting unix software to ThinkC 5.0.4 using the standard libraries. I don't know if they would work on later versions of ThinkC std libraries. Bugs, comments, flames, etc. to eschen@molbio.cbs.umn.edu. Disclaimer: #### BINHEX bob-15-c.hqx **** Date: Sat, 2 Oct 93 23:08:11 -0700 From: tsyang@dec-9.CE.Berkeley.EDU (Tzong-Shuoh Yang) Subject: Bob15.hqx - Bob Programming Language (Think C source) This is the Tinnk C 6.01 version of Bob 1.5. For details, please see article Betz, David. "Your own tiny object-oriented language: C++? Smalltalk? What about Bob? (an interpreter formed from C++ and Lisp) (tutorial)", Dr. Dobbs Journal v16, n9 (Sept, 1991):26 (8 pages). Bob was written by: David Betz P.O. Box 144 Peterborough, NH 03458 (603) 924-4145 Bob is available free of charge for non-commercial use. If you're interested in using Bob commercially, please contact him at the above address. The original source codes are written in Microsoft C and can be obtained by anonymous ftp from ftp.mv.com. Have fun. T. S. Yang (tsyang@ce.berkeley.edu) ================================================================ #### BINHEX brailler-061b-c.hqx **** From: f8dy@netaxs.com Subject: Brailler 0.61 source Date: Tue, 7 Mar 1995 11:47:37 -0500 (EST) Brailler 0.61B is a Braille text editor. You can use it as a brailler-style typewriter (with six keys and a space bar), or you can type in English and Brailler will translate your text into grade 1 or 2 American Standard Braille as you type. Requires system 7.0 or later. Copyright (c) 1994-5, Mark Pilgrim; please read enclose file "GNU General Public License" for licensing details. Version 0.61B includes support for the Drag Manager, the ability to convert non-Brailler text files to grade 1 or 2 Braille when opening them, and many technical improvements. #### BINHEX c-interp-c.hqx **** Date: Wed, 2 Jun 1993 10:15:23 -0600 From: cshotton@oac.hsc.uth.tmc.edu (Chuck Shotton) Subject: C Interpreter Source Code C_Interp.sit contains the complete Think C source code for an interpreter of a subset of C. It is implemented as a subroutine call that can be embedded in any application, making it extremely easy to add scripting to an existing application. Callbacks from the interpreted C code to the calling application can be made. The source should compile without changes on any Unix host as well. See the enclosed documentation for more details. Note: I am not the original author of this code, but I have modified it to create a stand-alone library function. See docs for credits. --- #### BINHEX c-modal-progress-cp.hqx **** Date: Fri, 17 Feb 1995 22:33:00 -0500 From: "graham (g.) heathcote" <heathcot@bnr.ca> Subject: CModalProgress class source code Enclosed is source code for a class which implements a progress dialog such as Finders copy dialog. There is a readme and example app. Regards, Graham Heathcote. #### BINHEX calendar-cdef-11-p.hqx **** From: baer@gis.geogr.unizh.ch (Hansruedi Baer) Subject: calendar-cdef-11 Date: Wed, 18 May 94 22:23:07 +0200 Hansruedi Baer Department of Geography University of Zurich Phone: ++1 257-5256 Winterthurerstrasse 190 Internet: baer@gis.geogr.unizh.ch CH-8057 Zurich CalendarCDEF 1.1 This simple control definition function lets you choose a date from a calendar. Source code (THINK Pascal) and a documentation (Word) is included. CalendarCDEF 1.1 is public domain. Questions and comments to: Hansruedi Baer Department of Geography University of Zurich Winterthurerstrasse 190 CH-8057 Z u r i c h e-mail: baer@gis.geogr.unizh.ch ---------------------------------------------------------------- #### BINHEX calendar-mdef-09b.hqx **** From: (Cristiano Verondini) cverond@dida05.deis.unibo.it Subject: CalendarMDEF 0.9 beta CalendarMDEF version 0.9 beta (c) 1996 by Cristiano Verondini. All rights reserved. CalendarMDEF is an MDEF useful to enter a date using only the mouse. Only few lines of code are needed to insert it into an application, and it can save you a lot of keystrokes. The documentation contains detailed instructions on how to use it. This is a demo, but you can have a full version for free. Read the documentation. #### BINHEX canimcursor-10b4-c.hqx **** From: k044477@hobbes.kzoo.edu (Jamie R. McCarthy) Subject: /source/c/canimcursor-10b4.hqx Date: Mon, 14 Sep 92 13:56:45 EDT This Compact Pro archive contains the source code for CAnimCursor, a public domain Think C 5 class that provides easy, flexible handling of animated cursors. The Think Class Library is not required. This is the fourth beta. (It's quite stable and hasn't crashed in months, but I'm still calling it beta because of a minor anomaly which I haven't resolved yet.) CAnimCursor uses an 'acur' resource to determine which cursors to display; the animation speed and a few other variables are changed by method calls. Both color and B&W are supported. The interface can be as simple as initializing the object with the resource ID of your 'acur', and calling startAnimating() and stopAnimating() at the appropriate times. CAnimCursor's best feature is that it is very good about doing the Right Thing (tm). For example, if your 'acur' points to color cursors and the Mac is B&W, it will pull the B&W bitmaps out of the 'crsr's. If you call startAnimating() twice, the second call will have no effect. And so on. CAnimCursor will not call SetCCursor at interrupt time, since that trap relies on the heap being good, and will fail if the interrupt occurs during a memory manager reorganization. This does not happen often, but one crash is one too many. Also included are CQixableCursor, a subclass which optionally draws a little 'Qix' over your cursors; subclasses of three TCL core classes which will prevent the cursor from being reset each time through the event loop; a short sample subclass; and four sample cursors, including a smooth beachball and a color spinning earth. (I stole the earth from Stefan Bilaniuk's free extension "Earth," also at sumex-aim. I feel no guilt because I guess he stole it from someone else ;-), and because I colorized all 26 frames by hand, phew!) Extensive (indeed, ponderous) comments explain proper usage, and there are even one or two comments in the code itself. Plus, it comes with a toll-free technical support number, which I figure is a pretty good deal for something in the public domain, eh? #### BINHEX capitalizer-c.hqx **** From: (Rui Campos) rufus@ici.net Subject: Capitalizer BBEdit Extension Source Code What it is: This is a little BBEdit extension that I wrote for myself, and I'm giving it away for free! I used the sample extension called "Capitalize" that came with BBEdit, and made it a little more flexible. Now it will handle more capitalization chores. What it does: * Have you ever wanted to change a whole block of text from uppercase to lowercase? * Have you ever wanted to quickly change a title to an appropriate title case? * Have you ever needed to uppercase a bunch of words at once? Have you? And did you really want to re-type all that stuff yourself? No? Well then have I got an extension for you! The Capitalizer will let you do all of that, and a little more! Capitalizer is a utility that allows you to change the case of text in a selection in various ways. You can change all selected text to: * UPPER CASE * lower case * Title Case * Sentence case. If you're like me, and I know I am, you'll just love it! Written by Rui Campos How to contact me: e-mail: rufus@ici.net web: http://www.ici.net/cust_pages/rufus/rufus.html #### BINHEX ccontextual-menu-10.hqx **** From: dair@dircon.co.uk Subject: CContextualMenu 1.0 CContextualMenu is a utility class that provides Contextual Menus for PowerPlant applications. It uses the Contextual Menu Manager if it's available, and the normal Mac OS Menu Manager if not. This allows applications to support Contextual Menus under both Mac OS 8 and System 7, without having to write additional code. CContextualMenu requires Metrowerks CodeWarrior and PowerPlant. -dair <mailto:dair@kagi.com> <http://www.kagi.com/authors/dair/> #### BINHEX cd-icon-killer-100-asm68k.hqx **** From: Peter N Lewis <peter.lewis@info.curtin.edu.au> Subject: source/asm68k - CDIconKiller 1.0.0 Date: Sat, 18 Jun 1994 05:32:17 +0800 --========================_20335185==_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" CDIconKiller 1.0.0 Copyright 1994 Quinn & Peter N Lewis Install this INIT to suppress custom icons on CD-ROM drives. This tends to speed up your CD-ROMs by a factor of about a zillion. Caveats Only works for Apple's CD-ROM driver. Works under System 6 :-) Warning: This program was written in 4 hours. Quinn <quinn@cs.uwa.edu.au> Peter N Lewis <peter.lewis@info.curtin.edu.au> Version History 1.0.0 05:30 18 June 1994 Original Release --========================_20335185==_ Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="CDIconKiller_Source.sit" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="CDIconKiller_Source.sit" #### BINHEX cdef-fjci-fb.hqx **** Date: Mon, 3 Oct 94 13:20:03 CDT From: bobs@saintjoe.edu (Bob Schenk) Subject: [*] CDEF-FJCI (two control definitions with source code) Attached is CDEF-FJCI, a folder containing two control definitions with source code in FutureBASIC, the only serious BASIC for the Macintosh. One is a simple up/down arrow, the other a five-icon button. Included is a demo which shows how they work and also puts in a plug for two CD-ROMs of typefaces I designed. These files may be included on CD-ROM collections as long as no changes are made to them. Robert Schenk bobs@saintjoe.edu PS The FJCI stands for "From Jasper County Indiana." #### BINHEX cdef-template-10.hqx **** From larson@BASE.CS.UCLA.EDU Tue Mar 14 10:41:22 1995 Date: Tue, 14 Mar 1995 10:41:13 -0800 (PST) From: Chris Larson <larson@BASE.CS.UCLA.EDU> Subject: CDEF Template 1.0 : CDEF template in C Enclosed is the first public release of a skeleton for constructing CDEF resources in CodeWarrior C; source is, obviously, included. Info-Mac Moderators: This probably belongs in the /dev/src directory. Feel free to include this on any CD you choose. --Chris _______________________________________________________________________________ Chris Larson -- Amateur Macintosh Geek, CoBase Research Assistant Internet: larson@kingston.cs.ucla.edu (insert disclaimer here) #### BINHEX cdev-stub-cw.hqx **** From: Gordon Watts -- U of Rochester <GWATTS@WHCDF.FNAL.GOV> Subject: FWD: cdev stub for CodeWarrior Date: Tue, 15 Mar 1994 8:38:30 -0600 (CST) From: SMTP%"cwarrior@netcom.com" 15-MAR-1994 07:22:16.60 To: GWATTS CC: Subj: cdev stub for CodeWarrior Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="========================_27555112==_" Date: Tue, 15 Mar 1994 07:25:59 -0500 To: cwarrior@netcom.com From: joe zobkiw <zobkiw@datawatch.com> Subject: cdev stub for CodeWarrior Message-Id: <9403150724.aa05119@gateway.datawatch.com> Sender: owner-cwarrior@netcom.com Precedence: list Reply-To: cwarrior@netcom.com --========================_27555112==_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" This next one is a stub that will allow you to write a cdev in CW (even though it currently does not allow you to use an id that is a negative.) The code is commented well enough to understand what is going on. --========================_27555112==_ Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="Warrior_cdev_stub.sit" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Warrior_cdev_stub.sit" #### BINHEX cellusoft-graphics-demo-c.hqx **** From: kenlong@netcom.com (Ken Long) Subject: Cellusoft-sprite-demo-c Date: Mon, 10 Jan 1994 18:12:38 -0800 (PST) Hi there, Mac Gifties! This file is Think C 5.0.4 source for the Cellusoft Graphics Demo, by Tony Small, author of the game "Quagmire." It demenstrates color 'PICT' clipping to get sprites and animate them over a color background, using offscreen pixmap maniulation. -Ken- #### BINHEX cellusoft-graphics-p.hqx **** From: kenlong@netcom.com (Ken Long) Subject: Cellusoft Graphics Pascal Date: Sun, 20 Feb 1994 20:45:55 -0800 (PST) Tony Small's Cellusoft Graphics Routines in Pascal. Puts up a window, adds a color 'PICT' for background, then animates his "walking eyes" over it, from left to right. -------------------------CUT HERE------------------------------- #### BINHEX change-type-creator-16-c.hqx **** From: markf@post.QueensU.CA (Mark Fleming) Subject: ctc v1.6 src Date: Wed, 19 Jan 1994 18:23:16 -0500 --========================_23531304==_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Enclose is source code for: This is a greatly modified version of V1.4 and v1.5 of ctc type convert already in the Info-mac archive. ctc V1.6 - File Typer and End of line fixer (Supports auto suggestion for TIFF, BMP, EPSF and options to only convert creator or type of file) NOTE: TranslatorPackage.sit provided in separate posting contains the compiled version. <<<<<=- =- =- =- =- =- =- =- =- =- =- =- =- =- =- =- =- =-=-=->>>> Mark Fleming, Computing & Communications Services Queen's University at Kingston Ontario, Canada, K7L 3N6 E-mail: markf@post.queensu.ca AppleLink: CDA0448 Phone: (613) 545-2039 Fax: (613) 545-6798 ** The Author of NetDoctor, A Lab and Network Maintainer Package ** --========================_23531304==_ Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="ctc_v1.6.src.sit" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="ctc_v1.6.src.sit" #### BINHEX chat-11-pas.hqx **** Date: Sat, 12 Dec 1992 12:00:45 +0800 From: Peter N Lewis <peter@ncrpda.curtin.edu.au> Subject: source/pascal/chat-110.hqx This is the pascal source for Chat 1.1.0, a background only application that lets Macs with MacTCP 1.1 serve as a very primitive IRC. The source is very simple, only around 500 lines, and could be used as example code if you wanted to write your own MacTCP server. Chat is free and should run under System 6 or 7, and requires MacTCP 1.1 or later. Hope its useful, Peter. Chat 1.1.0 Copyright 1992, Peter N Lewis <peter@cujo.curtin.edu.au> #### BINHEX chef-11-c.hqx **** From: f8dy@netaxs.com (Mark Pilgrim) Subject: Chef 1.1 (source code) Date: Sat, 26 Feb 1994 23:31:07 -0500 (EST) Chef is a small utility to convert text files to mock Swedish, like the Swedish chef on the Muppets. Version 1.1 supports RTF files and fixes several technical bugs. This will be the last version of Chef; all future enhancements will be part of the larger text conversion program, Dialectic. Supports drag and drop of any number of text files of any length. This archive contains complete THINK C source code, project files, and resource files. Application also available; check ftp sites or e-mail f8dy@netaxs.com. Finger f8dy@netaxs.com for complete program list. Copyright (C) 1994, Mark Pilgrim. Please read enclosed file "GNU General Public License" for licensing details. #### BINHEX chess-cpp.hqx **** From: Lloyd Wood <L.H.Wood@student.lut.ac.uk> Subject: Chess++ source code Date: Mon, 2 May 94 21:25:25 BST This is the source code to Chess++, a freeware mac chess-playing program. I am not not the author. Steve Bushell can be contacted as <python@world.std.com> -- L. _____________________________________________________________________________ L.H.Wood@student.lut.ac.uk Email me for a copy of the Mac screensaver FAQ #### BINHEX clut-fade-131.hqx **** From: MarkWomack@aol.com Subject: clut_fade 1.3.2 This version fixes bugs, one of which would significantly slow down copybit operations after fading the monitor. This is a library of screen fading operations which can be used to make your games more professional looking. Not only does the clut_fade library let you fade to and from black, but it also provides routines to fade to and from a specific color or a specific clut. It also provides some control over which monitors are faded. Demo application, library, and source code are included. C and Pascal. fade_to_black function written by Jonas Englund, modified by Mark Womack for multiple monitors. fade_to_clut function written by Macneil Shonle. Pascal version written by Christian Franz. #### BINHEX combo-box-12-c.hqx **** From: (Steve Dwire) steve_dwire@linq.pcci.edu Subject: ComboBox Source 1.2 This is the source code for version 1.2 of Pensacola Christian College's freeware ComboBox external area for 4th Dimension. The following changes have been made since the 1.1.1 release: o Enabled the Paste menu item when appropriate. o Made sure that the selected item in the list box always stays in sync with the text in the editable area. o Closed the list box window on the first idle event after the layout window is moved. o Used the black & white PICT resource for the popup-indicator button on display devices having four (4) or fewer colors. o Eliminated the last vestiges of the dead scroll bar problem. o Allowed string arrays to be used for CB_FillLst() rather than requiring all arrays to be of type text. o Added CB_GetContRef() function to make ComboBox compatible with Foresight Technology's "Container" and Automated Solutions Group's "Habitat." o Added DrawBox flag to CB_DefSetFlags() and CB_SetFlags(). o Made the list window show up in the right place (above vs. below the area) even on monitors other than the main monitor. o Started using the real arrow cursor. o Corrected a bug in which a compiled database would execute the ComboBox's script twice when a button was clicked, considering it unmodified both times. o Fixed a bug where the text-entry area did not reflect the new size after the font was changed. This archive contains all C source code files, resource files and Metrowerks(R) CodeWarrior(tm) 9 project files necessary to compile and build version 1.2 of the ComboBox external area for 4th Dimension. These project files use a beta-level release of ACI's Platform- Independent Extension-Authoring Kit. You will need to acquire this kit for yourself in order to build the ComboBox extension. Contact your local ACI representative for information on obtaining this kit. #### BINHEX conics-cpp.hqx **** From: aidan@xanadu.kublai.com (Aidan Cully) Subject: MacConics Source Code - C++ This is the full source code to the Conic sections program, written in C++. #### BINHEX control-panel-094-c.hqx **** From: kenlong@netcom.com (Ken Long) Subject: ControlPanel-0.9.4.sit.hqx Date: Wed, 27 Jul 1994 21:34:57 -0700 (PDT) Folks: I get to postin' here and there and forget where I put everything. I scoured a.s.m., merit and sumex and found this NOT! So here it is. will post to a.s.m., too. Author: Ken Worley. Type: Think C 6.0.1 project. Content: Source for a sample control panel, sample INIT and sample patch. Built examples of each. Additions: Ken Long added Think C 5.0.4 projects, to make it easier on the po' folks. I tried these and the CP and INIT *both* show their icons at startup. The CP won't open unless loaded, but has nice features for a shell. I also tried building all three and there were no problems with that. -Ken- -------You are not Morg. You are not Imorg. What are you?----------- #### BINHEX control-panel-tester-70-c.hqx **** Date: 04 Mar 1993 13:07:09 -0500 (CDT) From: Evan Olcott <EOLCOTT@vx.cis.umn.edu> Subject: Cdev Tester 7.0 /*************** * * System 7.0 Control Panel tester * * )1993 Triplo Software * ****************/ The Control Panel tester is a source code file that you can use to test your cdev code resource files under the THINK C 5.0 environment with little difference from the operating system. Any comments, questions, bugs, etc. please report them to: Triplo Software c/o EOLCOTT@vx.cis.umn.edu If you think I expect money from this, you're crazy. It's freeware, I guess. Have fun. Just credit me where you think it's due. ----------splice 'n' dice here------------ #### BINHEX control-strip-shell-c.hqx **** Date: Fri, 18 Nov 1994 14:21:48 -0500 From: Marty Wachter <mrw@welchgate.welch.jhu.edu> Subject: CSShell is a sample Control Strip Module project CSShell is a sample Control Strip Module project which shows you how to use a popup menu in a Control Strip Module. The project is a MetroWerks CodeWarrior file created using CW Release 4. #### BINHEX controls-gh-cdefs-11-c.hqx **** From: grhowes@students.wisc.edu (Glenn R. Howes) Subject: Controls GH 1.1 submission Date: Sun, 24 Apr 1994 16:20:44 -0600 --========================_11780882==_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Enclosed is the updated C code and resources for a pair of control definitions (CDEF's) which I originally released last fall. The controls are a simple slider, similar to the Sound control panel's slider, and a flag identical to that used by the Finder in list views. I'm supplying this so other programmers can easilly include these elements in their own dialogs and windows (they have no direct use for the general public). For an application which uses both, see my recently released Siege Watch 2.0. Changes: The flag control is unchanged (it's already perfect). The slider now implements a solid thumb instead of the default outline dragging. I've also removed the pageup and pagedown control parts. --glenn grhowes@students.wisc.edu --========================_11780882==_ Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="Controls_GH.cpt" #### BINHEX cookie-nshell.hqx **** From: JOhearn@aol.com Date: Fri, 28 Oct 1994 17:02:40 -0400 Subject: A cookie command for the nShell Hi, This is a version of the Un*x cookie command for the nShell. Features: -- Cookies are STR resources and may be changed using ResEdit -- Source Code is included Jim O'Hearn (johearn@aol.com) #### BINHEX copy-bits-demo-31-c.hqx **** From: kworley@fascination.com (Kenneth Worley) Subject: CopyBits Demo 3.1 CopyBits Demo 3.1 is Freeware and may be included on the CD version of the Info-Mac archives. Requires System 7 or later. CopyBits Demo is an example project that gives several examples of using CopyBits to copy pictures both on screen and between offscreen Graphics Worlds and an onscreen window (as well as between GWorlds). It also allows you to experiment with using CopyBits, CopyMask, and CopyDeepMask using different images, masks, and transfer modes. It does all the following things using CopyBits and its variations: 1) Fade an area of the screen to black (using three different methods). 2) Demonstrates "flickering" regular animation vs. smooth animation. 3) Fades one image into another. (and new in v2.0) 4) "Pixelizes" and "depixelizes" an image (an animation effect where the picture ends up in a very blocky representation of the original). 5) Blurs an image. 6) Flips an image horizontally or vertically. 7) Applies fading effects to the entire screen rather than just part of a window. (and new in v3.0) 8) Slides one image onto another from any of the four major directions. 9) Imposes one image onto another inside a growing circle, or outside a shrinking circle. 10) Demonstrates several of the techniques on the full screen rather than just part of the window. 11) Demonstrates font anti-aliasing using CopyBits with the ditherCopy constant added to the transfer mode. All the code and the project file to build the demo app is included (Metrowerks CodeWarrior C). The code is well documented. Written by Kenneth Worley - KNEworley@aol.com #### BINHEX copy-paste-tools-11-p.hqx **** From: (Julian Miller) julian@sierra.net Subject: CopyPaste Tools Sourcecode 1.1 These source code examples are for creating CopyPaste Tools. CopyPaste is an extension that can be found on shareware sites on the net. CopyPaste adds more clipboards and clipboard tools to the Mac. CopyPaste Tools are actually FKey coderesources created with MCW or any language. These Fkey/code resources are what we use in CopyPaste as tools to work on the clipboard contents. Now you can use these examples to make new tools and install them in CopyPaste. Add new abilities to the Mac with CopyPaste and tools that you create. We would enjoy seeing your creations. Feel free to send them to one of us so we can add them to this library of FKey source code examples and perhaps include some of them in the next version of CopyPaste. Place clipboard text or picture processing at users fingertips. -/\-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -\/ Julian Miller -/\ Script Software International -\/ (916) 546-9005 Voice -/\ julian@sierra.net -\/ http://www.svr.com/scriptsoftware/ -/\ Programming, Consulting & Web Work -\/-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Check out our popular shareware clipboard utilitly CopyPaste at http://members.aol.com/copypaste1/index.html choosen by MacUser as the utility of the year 1996 http://www.zdnet.com/macuser/mu_1096/handson/shareware.html also see the MacWeek article about CopyPaste at http://www.zdnet.com/macweek/mw_1021/news_copypaste.html #### BINHEX core-class-library-11-cpp.hqx **** Date: Fri, 16 Sep 1994 12:12:29 +0200 From: msenecla@disunms.epfl.ch (Martin Seneclauze) Subject: CCL_1.1.cpt.hqx CoreClass is a class library for C++ developers. It offers a solid base to develop advanced class systems: - Support for developing complex object structures: multiple linked lists, tree linked lists logical connections, etc... - A message system to send/receive commands into multiple linked list structures, with filters. - A basic error tracking system. - A system for duplicating objects with various heritage levels. CoreClass is very easy to work with, and does not rely on a particular OS, it can be compiled with a regular C++ compiler (the compiler does not have to support "templates" or "exceptions"). #### BINHEX cout-p-strings-cpp.hqx **** Date: Sat, 8 Jul 1995 12:13:16 -0500 From: s-bytnar@uiuc.edu (Steven Bytnar) Subject: C++: cout << (p-strings) Hi, This is c++ source code that demonstrates how to override any output stream so that it is possible to easily output p-strings that the Macintosh Toolbox uses excessively. The code included compiles under CodeWarrior, but should really be compatible with any c++ compiler in existance. --Steve #### BINHEX cpreferences-10-cpp.hqx **** Date: Tue, 5 Jul 1994 21:13:02 -0700 (PDT) From: Spencer Low <spencerl@crl.com> Subject: CPreferences 1.0 - Class for CodeWarrior PowerPlant CPreference Class 1.0 --------------------- by Richard A. Bray President Compu-Phobic, Inc. AOL: CompuFobic I (that's me, spencerl@crl.com) am *NOT* the author of this class. This is a simple C++ class for implementing preference files with CodeWarrior's PowerPlant class library. Here's an exerpt from the docs: This class was created to simplify the creation of preference files for an application. The object is very general and simple to use. When MW C++ supports templates, I will rewrite the class to support them. This will allow an easy way to create multiple preference files for applications that need them. Use of CPreferences: 1. Add "CPreferences* mPrefs" to your application class. 2. Add this line to your constructor. mPrefs = new CPreferences('CPI6', "\pTextStreamer 3.0 Prefs"); // 'CPI6' is the creator of the file. // "\pTextStreamer 3.0 Prefs" is the name of the file. 3. Add this line to your destructor delete mPrefs; 4. In order to access the data in your data structure, you will need to add accessor functions to CPreferences. In the next version I will also include methods for using a Preferences dialog. #### BINHEX crooked-mouse-10-c.hqx **** From: f8dy@netaxs.netaxs.com (Mark Pilgrim) Subject: Crooked Mouse 1.0 (source code) Date: Sun, 14 Nov 1993 03:11:39 -0500 (EST) Crooked Mouse is a fun little INIT which will cause your mouse to move at an angle 45 degrees counterclockwise from the angle you moved it. This INIT is free and is distributed under the GNU General Public License; this archive contains complete THINK C 6.0.1 source code and project files for the INIT. If you do not have FTP access, e-mail the author for a copy of the INIT, the source code, or a list of other programs by the same author. The address is f8dy@netaxs.com. This code demonstrates the basics of writing and installing a VBL, and the manipulation of undocumented low-memory globals. This code should work under any system, with any monitor, on all Macintoshes. Please report any bugs/comments/suggestions to f8dy@netaxs.com. Crooked Mouse 1.0 is copyright 1993, Mark Pilgrim, MerriMac Software Group. #### BINHEX ctb-tool-c.hqx **** From: peterc@gnu.ai.mit.edu (Peter Creath) Subject: CTB Connection Tool C source Date: Sun, 20 Feb 1994 04:52:41 -0500 --========================_6967280==_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Here is the skeleton code for a Communications Toolbox connection tool. It's fairly well documented and describes what needs to be implemented to make it fully functional. Note: I am the author. --========================_6967280==_ Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="Connection_Tool_=.sit" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Connection_Tool_=.sit" #### BINHEX curl-push-button-24.hqx **** From: hsoi@eden.com Subject: CURLPushButton 2.4 - a PowerPlant class A Metrowerks PowerPlant inherited class geared towards helping your application become Internet-savvy. It allows you to put clickable buttons in places (e.g. your About box) that will look like a URL in a web browser...click on the URL and go right to there! Great for listing the web page for your software, the email address for contact/support, the ftp site where users can get updates or whatever you want! You list the text, they can see it, copy it down, whatever... and then just click and visit it. VERY HANDY!! VERY COOL!! The class is even set up that the text of the button can say one thing but then still visit the URL. For example, the About Box displays your name and you click on it and it visits your personal web page or something. Point is, the button can list the URL text or not...it's a flexible class. There is a demonstration application included in the archive to help you see how it works as well as help and tips for implimentation. Furthermore there is a CTYP file that you can use to aid in the editing process (for use with Metrowerks Constructor). For complete information, please read the README file enclosed in the archive. Thanx, and enjoy! John C. Daub Hsoi's Shop <http://www.eden.com/~hsoi/prog.html> #### BINHEX curses-c.hqx **** From: ROBERT@MASTER.UCHICAGO.EDU Subject: curses.sit Date: Wed, 1 Jun 1994 3:02:21 -0500 (CDT) Source code for an implementation of curses for Macintosh (using Think C) and MSDOS. Curses is a Unix subroutine library for managing text screens. This is a fairly complete implementation that should make it possible to port curses apps to the mac without too many changes (termcap stuff isn't supported, though). See enclosed readme files for more details. This is unsupported public domain code. * Robert Zimmerman * robert@master.uchicago.edu [file curses.sit.hqx:] --------------------------------------------- #### BINHEX custom-new-cp.hqx **** Date: Sun, 04 Dec 1994 00:32:51 -0500 From: pottier@fregate.ens.fr Subject: Re: [Source] Here's my own operator new for CW Recently I rewrote my own implementation of the new and delete operators (under CodeWarrior 4.5). My own implementations have the main two following advantages over the standard ones: - They can take memory from the temporary zone if the application heap is full - They release memory to the OS when it isn't needed any more I like this behavior better than the standard one, because it allows me to give an average-sized heap to my application and yet still be able to handle big tasks requiring unusual amounts of memory. I thought I'd share my code with the rest of the world, so here it is. I have binhexed it to preserve the font settings (it's more than 80 columns anyway). Let me know if you think the idea can be improved, or if you have good reasons why it isn't a good idea! Cheers, Francois Pottier pottier@dmi.ens.fr #### BINHEX cverscaption-14.hqx **** From: hsoi@eden.com Subject: CVersCaption 1.4 - a PowerPlant class A Metrowerks PowerPlant® inherited class that automatically displays an application version string (e.g. in the About Box). This string is taken from the 'vers' resource, so it always displays the correct number automatically. Never a need to have to change it with each revision to your product, just update your 'vers' as you always have to do... it handles the rest. :-) For complete information, please read the README file enclosed in the archive. Thanx, and enjoy! John C. Daub Hsoi's Shop <http://www.eden.com/~hsoi/prog.html> #### BINHEX cw-cdev-framework-111-cpp.hqx **** Date: Tue, 16 May 1995 12:10:02 -0400 From: chewey@pumpelly.monad.net (Matthew E. Axsom) Subject: CW CDEV Framework 1.1.1 CW CDEV Framework 1.1.1 is just that, an oop framework for creating cdev's in Metrowerks CodeWarrior. It's based on a oop cdev framework that Symantec supplied with its complier. Contains a "ready to compile" 68K CW 6 project that will build a "do-nothing" cdev using the framework. Also includes a commented sample project and source code from which you can build a cdev that actually does something ;) It should enable you to see how to use the framework. Version Info Changes from 1.1 New "Usage Notes" file for FAQ's Added stub cdev code resource to fix problems with multi-segment cdev's using virtual functions. Fixed bugs in error checking Changes from 1.0.1 Updated code to ease porting Symantec OOP cdev projects. Added additional error checking. More comments. Best of all, the framework is freeware. Enjoy! #### BINHEX darth-fader-10-c.hqx **** From: f8dy@netaxs.netaxs.com (Mark Pilgrim) Subject: Darth Fader 1.0 (source code) Date: Sun, 21 Nov 1993 04:24:08 -0500 (EST) Darth Fader will cause your Macintosh to quickly fade all attached screens to black and back when it beeps. This INIT is free and is distributed under the GNU General Public License; this archive contains complete THINK C 6.0.1 source code and project files for the INIT. If you do not have FTP access, e-mail the author for a copy of the INIT, the source code, or a list of other programs by the same author. The address is f8dy@netaxs.com. This code demonstrates the basics of INIT initialization and loading, trap trapping, and advanced gamma work. This code will only work on monitors with gamma -- the Mac II line, and any color Mac with a non-built-in monitor. (It has not been tested on a Color Classic; if anyone has one and feels like testing, please let me know if it works.) Please report any bugs/comments/suggestions to f8dy@netaxs.com. Darth Fader 1.0 is copyright 1993, Mark Pilgrim, MerriMac Software Group. #### BINHEX dbl-library-p.hqx **** From: kenlong@netcom.com (Ken Long) Subject: DBL Pascal Lib. Date: Mon, 21 Feb 1994 15:01:05 -0800 (PST) //* Posted by Kenneth A. Long *// //* Author's comments follow. *// ----------------------------------------------------------------- David B. Lamkins DBLamkins@aol.com Source code released by David B. Lamkins, Feb. 1994. Here's a collection of Pascal routines that I've developed and used over the years. All of these are for THINK Pascal version 4. Not all of these are production-quality - some parts are only minimally tested. Terms of distribution are followed by a brief contents list: * This software is provided as-is, in the hopes that you will find it useful. * The software is provided without warranty of any kind. * I am releasing this software to the public because I have no intention of further developing it; I will not answer questions regarding this software. * This software is Copyright David B. Lamkins. * I grant permission for you to reuse this software, provided that my copyright is included as prominently as your own, in the form "Portions Copyright 1994 David B. Lamkins." * The Macintosh type/creator signatures used for the programs are registered with Apple Computer, Inc. in my name, and may not be reused. * You may not release derivative programs under their original names of PwrSwitcher, TimeTeller, or LaunchFile XCMD. Brief Contents Agendas Animated Cursor Async Sound Call Chain Checksum CRC Debugger Presence ICON control CDEF sicn control CDEF Pop up menu CDEF Error Signals Fast Bit Vectors Hash Tables INIT Shell Layer Manager IF Levenshtein Matching Short Fractions Submenu Delay Preferences Queues RSRCRuntime Bug Fix SFGetFolder 6 String Lists Transactions Mgr Dialog Utils Pop up Utils Block Zero VM Traps IF David B. Lamkins DBLamkins@aol.com ---------------------------CUT HERE----------------------------- #### BINHEX dcl-ansi-c.hqx **** From: k044477@hobbes.kzoo.edu (Jamie R. McCarthy) Subject: dcl-ANSI (all) Date: Thu, 22 Apr 93 0:45:35 EDT C's method of declaring variables and functions is one of the most confusing parts of the language. Even old pros will double- and triple-check their arrays of pointers. And the pathological cases are truly bizarre: "int(Int(int(Int)))" declares a function that accepts and returns an int, but "int(Int(int(int)))" declares a function that accepts another function, and _that_ function accepts and returns an int. Weird stuff. "dcl-ANSI" lets you type in a declaration, hit a few keys, and see what it means, in plain English. Tell it "int (*x[])()" and it tells you x is "type array[] of pointer to function with undefined parameters returning type int." It's based on the "dcl" program in section 5.12 of K&R, but, as the name implies, it fully understands ANSI. (Well, OK, there are a few limitations. See the readme for details.) And it's public domain. There are two editions of this utility. It was first created as a BBEdit extension, because (1) I like BBEdit and (2) BBEdit provides a particularly nice environment for hacks like this to live in. If you keep BBEdit open while programming, you may prefer this version. Otherwise, you'll probably want to use the second edition, the FKEY, because it's simpler: just select your declaration, hit cmd-C and cmd-shift-9 [*], and the English explanation is in the clipboard, waiting for you to paste it somewhere. This file contains both editions and their complete Think C 5 source code. Suggested archive destination: .../source/c/dcl-ansi.hqx -- Jamie McCarthy Internet: k044477@kzoo.edu AppleLink: j.mccarthy #### BINHEX debug-window-10-c.hqx **** Date: Mon, 17 Apr 1995 16:57:31 -0700 (PDT) From: Eric Gorr <ericg@gladstone.uoregon.edu> Subject: DebugWindow 1.0 For use by those of us who still like the old style of debugging. Supports multiple debug windows. Independent of CodeWarrior and Symantec C++. See enclosed README for more info. Free! have fun. Eric Gorr egorr@hebb.uoregon.edu #### BINHEX detect-new-volume-cpp.hqx **** From: oleg@ponder.csci.unt.edu (Kiselyov Oleg) Subject: Detect New Volume - Display volume's message-of-the-day Date: Thu, 17 Mar 1994 14:32:46 -0600 --========================_13948252==_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" What: Detect a new mounted volume and "double-click" at a document/application (if found) at a "standard" location on that volume What for: telling the user (a student) what's new on some particular volume and/or how to use it. The document "clicked" by the present WatchVol program may be a text document about what's new on the volume. Or it may be any application that somehow prepares the student how to use the (file server) volume, whenever the volume is mounted. Hot points: Dynamic (transient) patch of the system: doesn't require restarting the system, gets uninstalled when the application quits. Contents: WatchVol - Application (watchdog) itself Watch MountVol.pi - project and resource files to build it Watch MountVol.pi.rsrc WatchMount.cc - Source code of the main module (C++) launcher.cc - Launches an application-creator given FSSpec of the document/application MountVol init.pi - project to compile an Init (not INIT!) code resource that patches the system on-the-fly MountVol init.c - Source code of the _MountVol interceptor (assembly inlined into a dummy C program) The source code contains enough (I hope) comments to show what a particular piece of code does, as well as some tricks involved Language: Symantec C/C++ 6.0 and built-in Assembler System: System 7.x, uses AppleEvents. Tested on IIsi, IIci, Quadras and Centres. Patching the system: _MountVol system trap is patched when the application starts up. The patch is removed (i.e., the trap is restored to its original state) when the application quits. How to run: place the application into your "Startup Items" folder; the application quits when it receives a "QUIT" event, or when it's in the foreground and any keyboard key is pressed. Note: the source code uses a "standard" environment, see myenv-notify.cpt For completeness, the library and the .h file are included as a separate CompactPro archive. However, they (complete with the source code) can be found at various archive sites under the name 'myenv-notify' Comments to: oleg@ponder.csci.unt.edu, oleg@unt.edu --========================_13948252==_ Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="DetectNewVolume.cpt" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="DetectNewVolume.cpt" #### BINHEX devils-cubes-101-c.hqx **** From: f8dy@netaxs.com (Mark Pilgrim) Subject: Devil's Cubes 1.0.1 (source code) Date: Tue, 14 Dec 1993 18:50:12 -0500 (EST) The Devil's Cubes are a set of four cubes, each painted with four colors with some colors repeated. All four cubes are different. The object of the game is to rotate the four cubes until the top of each Devil's Cube is a different color than the top of the other three cubes, and likewise for the bottom, front, and back of each Devil's Cube. Sound simple? Try it for a few hours. Devil's Cubes 1.0.1 fixes some technical bugs and makes some changes to the icon suite; you may need to rebuild your desktop if you already have version 1.0. This game is distributed under the GNU General Public License; this archive contains complete THINK C source code for the Devil's Cubes application, as well as complete source code for an external application used to set up the game's self-integrity checker. This archive contains both THINK C 5 and THINK C 6 project files. Use whichever one you wish and throw away the other. This code handles, among other things, events, menus, apple events, a prefs file, Gestalt environment checking, asynchronous sounds, hierarchical menus, dialogs, windows, off-screen bitmaps, file management, standard file dialogs, and the soon-to-be-famous "cough to continue" modal dialog filter proc. None of this is very well commented, but feel free to direct any questions to f8dy@netaxs.com. Devil's Cubes 1.0.1 is copyright 1993, Mark Pilgrim, MerriMac Software Group. #### BINHEX diagram-c.hqx **** Date: Thu, 20 Apr 1995 13:10:00 -0700 From: davis@wln.com (Ryan Davis) Subject: DiagramC DiagramC (for the Macintosh, in C) The original version of DiagramC can be found in any alt.sources archive, it is provided in Fortran source code and it works quite well. I translated DiagramC.F to DiagramC.c using MacF2C and MetroWerks 5.5. However, MacF2C does a very good job of converting the source to Compiler independant code; it should work on either Symantec or MetroWerks... I retain the rights to the C version. Future versions will be conversions of the C source, not the Fortran version. It seems like the original author left no copyright or anything, and he seems to hate C, so I don't think he will have a problem with me keeping this version. NOTICE Because this package was compiled using F2C, it will require F2C to recompile. There are two libraries that F2C creates in order to bridge the gap between Fortran and C. These files were simply too big to include in this package. Sorry... I will work on excluding as many of the fortran functions in future versions as I continue the conversion to something readable... FUTURE VERSIONS Future versions of DiagramC will have a drag & drop interface via DropUNIX, a library I wrote to help me convert UNIX file processing source to a Drag & Drop app for the Macintosh. Future versions will also have a Preferences dialog allowing you to set your default controls once and let every file dragged onto the application use them. COST This version of DiagramC is being released as Email-ware (damn I do hate these stupid little *-ware phrases)... If you download this (even if you DON'T USE IT) please email me at: davis@wln.com and tell me that you got it... Thanks... DiagramC (M/C) ©1995 Ryan Davis, Zen Spider Software #### BINHEX dialectic-12-c.hqx **** From: f8dy@netaxs.com (Mark Pilgrim) Subject: Dialectic 1.2 (source code) Date: Mon, 4 Apr 1994 19:38:02 -0400 (EDT) Dialectic 1.2 is a general text conversion utility to pass text through a "dialect" filter of your choice. Version 1.2 adds a "convert clipboard" feature, four new dialects, an improved Chef dialect, massive technical improvements, and Balloon Help. This version includes the following dialects: Chef, Fudd, WAREZ, Underwater, Middle English, Pig Latin, Morse Code, Op, and Rot-13. Supports drag and drop of any number of text, RTF, or Teachtext "read-only" files of any length. This archive contains complete C source code and related project files. Application also available; check ftp sites or e-mail f8dy@netaxs.com. Finger f8dy@netaxs.com for complete program list. Copyright (C) 1994, Mark Pilgrim. Please read enclosed file "GNU General Public License" for licensing details. Have a nice day. #### BINHEX dialog-controls-11-c.hqx **** Date: Tue, 9 May 1995 16:47:23 -0700 From: tclement@hmc.edu (Todd Clements) Subject: DialogControls11.c; Code for handling controls in dialog boxes DialogControls.c by Todd Clements (tclement@hmc.edu) This source code shows how to do different things with dialogs: 1) Set the window font and size 2) Patch NewControl() so that you have controls in the window font (thanks to Jens Alfke <jens_alfke@powertalk.apple.com> for the code) 3) Use Popup Menus in modal dialogs 4) Use AppendDITL() to get a NewsWatcher-like preferences box 5) Use styled text edit records from resources to display text 6) Write a filter for a ModalDialog 7) Use MovableModal dialog boxes Some of this code is stolen from my own program, others stolen from other people, but it's all here for you! If you have any comments about the code, any improvements/additions/bugs, please feel free to contact me at the above address. I make no guarantees regarding the decency of this code. Run it and use it at your own risk. January 26, 1995 - 1.0 - First release May 9, 1995 - 1.1 - Second release Changed to MovableModal dialog box Added "Reset Panel to Defaults" button Disabled controls when window deactivated #### BINHEX dialog-controls-c.hqx **** X-Sender: tclement@osiris.ac.hmc.edu Date: Sat, 4 Feb 1995 00:39:09 -0800 From: tclement@hmc.edu (Todd Clements) Subject: DialogControls.c; dialog controls in the window font DialogControls.c by Todd Clements (tclement@hmc.edu) This demo shows how to do different things with dialogs: 1) Set the window font and size 2) Patch NewControl() so that you have controls in the window font (thanks to Jens Alfke <jens_alfke@powertalk.apple.com> for the code) 3) Use Popup Menus in modal dialogs 4) Use AppendDITL() to get a NewsWatcher-like preferences box 5) Use styled text edit records from resources to display text 6) Write a filter for a Modal Dialog using ModalFilterUPPs Some some of this code is stolen from my own program, others stolen from other people, but it's all here for you! If you have any comments about the code, any improvements/additions/bugs, please feel free to contact me at tclement@hmc.edu. I make no guarantees regarding the decency of this code. Run it and use it at your own risk. Version History: January 26, 1995 - 1.0 - First release tclement@hmc.edu Todd Clements - <http://www.cs.hmc.edu/people/tclement.html> "If the federal government were around when the Creator put His hand on this state, Indiana wouldn't be here...it'd still be waiting for an environmental impact statement. - Ronald Reagan #### BINHEX dink-class-c.hqx **** Date: Tue, 2 Mar 93 08:08:11 -0800 From: blob@apple.com (Brian Bechtel) Subject: DinkClass [Downloaded from AppleLink--I'm not the author, Mark Gross is. Contact him via zsass.markg@applelink.apple.com.] DinkClass is a small Think C5.0 (and MPW C++) application framework for system 7 applications. DinkClass is now offered as shareware. If you use ANY of it in your own software, then you must pay a one time fee to Applied Technical Software (ATS) of $45. In return you will get unlimited rights to distribute any COMPILED programs created using part of DinkClass source code. However; the distribution of any source code derived from parts of the DinkClass software MUST BE DONE WITH APPLIED TECHNICAL SOFTWARE'S CONSENT!!!! (So, give me a call.) You also get, for the $45, two free maintenance updates of the basic class library, of the basic demo applications, of the documentation, any extra demo applications I may have created (DComDemo a CTB demo, for instance), the MPW C++ supporting files (.make, .r, .c files renamed to .cp, etc.), and telephone and EMail support. Maintenance updates go out in December and July. The DinkClass ShareWare distribution package includes: o Think C 5.0 projects with well commented source code for 2 applications and the Template project. o Think C 5.0 source files for the base class library. o Off-line documentation of the key features implemented in the class library, all conforming to the Feature Oriented Documentation standard developed. Features documented in this way include: All the applications, Scrolling Windows, Event parsing, File and I/O handling, Clip board support, Menu Handling, and more. o A readme file. o A directory "Listings" file of what constitutes this ShareWare distribution. o A shameless flier soliciting contract software development work for ATS. o The executable form of the CTB demo application. o This "Posting note" Feel free to redistribute this shareware package of DinkClass as you wish, but ALL OF THESE FILES MUST STAY TOGETHER UNALTERED IN ANY RE-TRANSMISSION OR DISTRIBUTION OF THIS SHAREWARE PACKAGE!!!!! p.s. it would be nice if someone could but this package in some of the INTERNET repositories (like SUMEX) Mark Gross 12/31/92 Applied Technical Software 19548 W. Cambridge Rd. Mundelein, IL 60060-1005 Telephone: 708.949.0925 Software engineering services in OOD, OOP, C++, C, MacApp, TCL, MPW, ThinkC. Initial project development intended for transfer to client with continued technical support. Turnkey, prototype, and consulting projects accepted. I know, its another shameless plug. p.s. If you would like to use DinkClass in an educational setting contact me for FREE transient licensing arrangements. --Brian Bechtel blob@apple.com "My opinion, not Apple's" #### TEXT dir-scanning-sample-c.txt **** Date: Wed, 2 Sep 92 15:19:54 PDT From: macmod@SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU (Info-Mac Moderator) orrow.stanford.edu!stanford.edu!ames!haven.umd.edu!darwin.sura.net!wup ost!micro-heart-of-gold.mit.edu!bu.edu!Shiva.COM!world!aep From: aep@world.std.com (Andrew E Page) Newsgroups: comp.sys.mac.programmer Subject: Re: Directory Scan Revisited dirscan.c (C Code) Message-Id: <Btyt08.JLL@world.std.com> Date: 2 Sep 92 19:04:54 GMT References: <BtwK89.oI@world.std.com> Organization: The World Public Access UNIX, Brookline, MA Lines: 625 Apparently-To: info-mac Resent-To: backmod Resent-Date: Wed, 2 Sep 1992 15:19:53 PDT Resent-From: Info-Mac Moderator <macmod@sumex-aim.Stanford.EDU> Here is the directory scanning code. Written under MPW 3.2. --------CUT HERE------------------------------------------------CUT HERE------ #### BINHEX directory-c.hqx **** From: kenlong@netcom.com (Ken Long) Subject: directory_src.sit Date: Tue, 21 Dec 1993 08:54:22 -0800 (PST) Dear MacGifters: A netcom server error fouled up my first attempt to send this. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Directory is o PD (for noncommercial use) Think C 5.0.4 project which puts up a window, shows progress data of scans of mounted volumes in a window for each, then displays full path trees for all files on the volumes. Teaches about getting full paths, scanning volumes, scrolling text, writing data to a window, and much more. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #### BINHEX directory-popup-101.hqx **** From: mwaren@mbox.vol.it (Marco Piovanelli) Subject: DirectoryPopup 1.0.1; a code snippet DirectoryPopup 1.0.1 is a C code snippet for Macintosh programmers that shows how to implement a Finder-like pop-up menu for folder navigation in window titles. CodeWarrior 10 project files and a sample application are included. -- marco #### BINHEX dirent-h.hqx **** Date: Sun, 4 Jul 93 14:52:04 EDT From: ugtalbot@mcs.drexel.edu (George T. "14K F/D" Talbot) Subject: dirent.sit.hqx This is source code for a Mac implementation of the UNIX "dirent.h" library. #### BINHEX display-graphics-102-c.hqx **** Date: 20 Mar 1995 14:29:13 U From: "Samuel Herschbein" <sam@bioeng.washington.edu> Subject: DisplayGraphicsKludge 1.0.2 DisplayGraphicsKludge gives vanilla (ordinary) C programs access to the Mac's graphics, without needing to know how to program the Mac's Graphic User Interface (GUI). DisplayGraphicsKludge is a C procedure that graphically displays any contiguous area of your C program's memory (RAM image) as a 2 dimensional uniformly distributed 256 level gray scale image. The image data in memory is interpreted as one byte per pixel, where 0 = black and 255 = white. The image is displayed in a dialog box. The gray scale image can be printed or saved to the disk as a TeachText/SimpleText PICT file. DisplayGraphicsKludge requires that your computer's leftmost monitor be set to 256 or millions of colors/greys (black&white, 4, 16, & thousands will not work OK). DisplayGraphicsKludge is free, courtesy of the Center for Bioengineering at the University of Washington. Version 1.0.2 corrects some variables defined as ints (they should be short or long to insure that all compilers make them the right size). Sam #### BINHEX dragonsmith-111-cp.hqx **** From: paul.hoffman@umich.edu (Paul Hoffman) Subject: Dragonsmith 1.1.1 Date: Sun, 16 Jan 1994 08:46:13 -0600 --========================_17225260==_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Dragonsmith 1.1.1 Drag-and-drop application kit for THINK C 5.0 and 6.0. Dragonsmith lets THINK C programmers easily create drag-and-drop applications (or "dragons") for use with System 7. It features an object-oriented class "Dragon" which may be subclassed to provide any batch-type action desired. All source code is included. Version 1.1.1 is a bug-fix and THINK C 6.0 compatibility release only. No new features have been added, and the documentation has not been changed from version 1.1. Some of the bug fixes since version 1.1 -- + Processing is no longer sluggish when drag-and-dropping files to launch a dragon + Files on AppleShare volumes are now handled correctly + Launch in System 7.1 no longer results in a crash Notable features of Dragonsmith -- + Versatile disk- and folder-opening capability + Background processing + Extensive documentation (MSWord and text formats) + Resource-based Preferences class + Template files for quick Dragon subclassing Three sample dragons with full source code are included. Dragonsmith is freeware. Paul Hoffman. Internet: paul.hoffman@umich.edu AFS: /afs/umich.edu/user/n/k/nkuitse "Dragons do not enter into this story" --========================_17225260==_ Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="Dragonsmith_1.1.1.cpt" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Dragonsmith_1.1.1.cpt" #### BINHEX dragonsmith-111-cw-updt.hqx **** Date: Sat, 22 Oct 1994 20:25:31 -0400 From: paul.hoffman@umich.edu (Paul Hoffman) Subject: Dragonsmith 1.1.1 CodeWarrior update --========================_13102812==_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Dragonsmith CW Update updates Dragonsmith 1.1.1 for CodeWarrior C++. The full Dragonsmith kit (available separately) lets programmers easily create drag-and-drop applications for use in System 7 or greater. This archive contains project files for CodeWarrior 4.5 as well as replacements for 8 of the source code files, incorporating changes needed for compatibility with Apple's Universal Headers and CodeWarrior C++. Users of Symantec C++ may benefit from this upgrade as well, although use of Dragonsmith 1.1.1 in Symantec C++ 6.0 or greater has not been tested and is therefore not fully supported. This update was produced by Francis H Schiffer, 3rd. Support for the CodeWarrior version of Dragonsmith will be provided (when possible) by the original author of Dragonsmith 1.1.1, Paul Hoffman. Dragonsmith is freeware, Copyright (c) 1992-1994 Paul M. Hoffman. Programs created using Dragonsmith may be distributed without restriction. NOTE: "Drag-and-drop" here refers to the original Apple Event variety, not to the more recent Drag and Drop for Macintosh (aka the Drag Manager). Paul Hoffman | Francis H Schiffer, 3rd paul.hoffman@umich.edu | skipschiffer@GEnie.geis.com dragonsmith@umich.edu | - - - - - - - Dragons do not enter into this message - - - - - - - --========================_13102812==_ Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="Dragonsmith_CW_update.cpt" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Dragonsmith_CW_update.cpt" #### BINHEX driver-22-c.hqx **** From: Pete Resnick <resnick@cogsci.uiuc.edu> Subject: Driver 2.2 Date: Sun, 24 Oct 93 16:20:52 CDT Attached is version 2.2 of Pete Resnick's device driver code. This code is especially useful for device drivers written using THINK C's device driver facility, though it is useful for other development environments as well since it describes in detail how to install device drivers correctly into the Device Manager unit table. Please feel free to use it and to distribute it in it's original form. All that I ask is that you credit me if you use it in a released piece of code. pr -- Pete Resnick (...so what is a mojo, and why would one be rising?) Graduate assistant - Philosophy Department, Gregory Hall, UIUC System manager - Cognitive Science Group, Beckman Institute, UIUC Internet: resnick@cogsci.uiuc.edu #### BINHEX drop-shell-20-c.hqx **** From: somogyi@ziff.com (Stephan Somogyi) Subject: DropShell 2.0 Date: Sat, 2 Jul 1994 15:20:45 -0700 --========================_13717509==_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" DropShell 2.0 - July 1st 1994 by Leonard Rosenthol, Marshall Clow, and Stephan Somogyi DropShell is a collection of C source files that allow you to easily build your own System 7-style drop-box applications. Basic Features DropShell consists of four source files and five header files that are designed to let you quickly add your own application's functionality without having to change the DS sources themselves much. DropShell implements support for dragging files and folder onto the application's icon via AppleEvents - it doesn't cheat and use the System 6 compatibility provided by System 7. DropShell is also a fully factored application - it performs its work by sending AppleEvents to itself. This also allows an application built on DropShell to be "recorded" by an OSA-compatible scripting system. DropShell handles a simple user interface including a splash screen, a "Select File..." option and complete balloon help for all menus and dialogs. --========================_13717509==_ Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="DropShell_2.0_sources.sit" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="DropShell_2.0_sources.sit" #### BINHEX drop-unix-12.hqx **** From: (Ryan Davis) zss@tssnet1.tss.net Subject: DropUNIX 1.2 DropUNIX 1.2 ============ By: Ryan Davis, Zen Spider Software http://tssnet1.tss.net/zss/ mailto://zss@tssnet1.tss.net Why did I write DropUNIX? ------------------------- Basically I was tired of writing support for some sort of user interface for UNIX ports. What it really comes down to is I dislike both Symantec's and MetroWerk's cconsole call. I thought, "Mac users don't DO paths... It is even discouraged by Apple...". So I wrote this little library allowing people to convert their ugly console app with no real interface to at LEAST be drag & drop'able. How do I use it? ---------------- Well, this is the nice part. So all you have to do is start a new application project (or duplicate the examples project) add all your unix files, the DropUNIX library, and the DropUNIX resources file. Don't forget to make the creator 'UNX' (delta = option-d) or change the BNDL information in the resources. Finally, include "Main.h" in the same file that has your original main(...). It has a #define to convert your main(...) to Main(...), so linkage is automatic once you compile... Essentially, you never change your code! Why should I use it? -------------------- Simplicity for the first part. You don't have to do much of anything to get it up. Second, to maintain Apple's Human Interface Guidelines. I hate, You hate, we all hate icky GUI's! Last, but not least Productivity. By using DropUNIX you have increased your productivity by giving the port a new interface for free, and you have increased your users productivity by giving them an interface they can use intuitively... Changes ======= Version 1.2 has been cleaned up quite a bit. It has been updated for CW8, and includes a CW8 project file. It has been enhanced to compile clean under Apple's Universal Headers 2.0+, and everything now compiles under C or C++, with or without precompiled headers. In other words, if I can compile it, you can compile it! #### BINHEX e-z-progress-bar-10-c.hqx **** From "MaT101@aol.com (Michael Terry)" Wed Mar 15 20:42:39 1995 Date: Wed, 15 Mar 1995 23:42:48 -0500 From: MaT101@aol.com (Michael Terry) Subject: E-Z Progress Bar 1.0a.sit.hqx --========================_6835356==_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" --========================_6835356==_ Content-Type: multipart/header-set; boundary="========================_6835356==_D" --========================_6835356==_D Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Type: application/applefile; name="%E-Z_Progress_Bar_1.0a.sit.hqx" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="%E-Z_Progress_Bar_1.0a.sit.hqx" AAUWBwACAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIAAAADAAAAMgAAAB0AAAAJAAAATwAAACBF LVogUHJvZ3Jlc3MgQmFyIDEuMGEuc2l0LmhxeFRFWFRCTkhRAQABPgAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAA --========================_6835356==_D Content-Type: text/plain; name="E-Z_Progress_Bar_1.0a.sit.hqx"; charset="us-ascii" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="E-Z_Progress_Bar_1.0a.sit.hqx" Enclosed is a submission for the source code folder of Mac development (This archive can be included in CD ROMs) E-Z Progress Bar is a progress bar class which creates and maintains a progress bar window. All you have to do is show it and update its value. It is also customizable, allowing for flexibility in appearance and use. A demo app shows how to use it. Also included is ChiselClass, a class which will create subtle 3-D chiseled effects on rectangular objects. All code is freeware. #### BINHEX earth-plot-301-c.hqx **** From: kenlong@netcom.com (Ken Long) Subject: earthplot-301-c Date: Wed, 19 Jan 1994 07:30:20 -0800 (PST) Hello, folks! Here's an unsolicited file. -Ken- ------------------------Tear along dotted line---------------------------- Description: This is an update of the EarthPlot 3.0 C source. The copy I downloaded, years ago, from AOL, did not run. There was an undefined "FlushEvents" in the tskel.lib addition, which there was no source for. So I had to get TransSkel, get it to run on Think C 5.0.4, use it in EarthPlot, then get EarthPlot to run in the same env. Piece of cake! Here it is! --------------------------Cut Here------------------------------------ #### BINHEX easy-view-src-260.hqx **** From: ace@tidbits.com Subject: Easy View 2.6 source code A number of people have asked about the status of Easy View, Akif Eyler's popular text viewing utility. Akif hasn't worked on it in years, so I asked him about putting it in the public domain for any programmer to update. He agreed, and sent the enclosed archive along with the note below. Although I don't have the time to do this personally, I'd encourage interested programmers to communicate with one another and perhaps share code to create a single version that would cut down on the kind of confusion we had with the various MacPPP variants. cheers... -Adam --- After moving to Marmara University in Istanbul, I haven't had any time to support or develop Easy View any longer. Upon a suggestion from Adam Engst, I decided to publish the source code, open to further modifications. Since independent future developments are possible, I suggest adding a single letter before version number, such as "Easy View A2.70" or "Easy View P2.85", the letter indicating the author. Easy View was written in Object Pascal and it requires MacApp 2.x. Easy View extensions can be written in any language. #### BINHEX eat-au-p.hqx **** Date: Thu, 2 Dec 1993 16:07:50 +0800 From: Quinn <quinn@cs.uwa.edu.au> Subject: Movie Import Component Source Code --========================_17153170==_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Greetings EatAU is a QuickTime component that converts Suns audio (.au) files into QuickTime movies. It comes with full source code and is a simple example of how to write a component in Pascal. Share and Enjoy. --========================_17153170==_ Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="EatAU.cpt" #### BINHEX eclectic-cdef-collection.hqx **** From: case@tvol.it Subject: eclectic CDEF Collection 1.0 The eclectic CDEF Collection is a set of 2 freeware CDEFs (control definition functions) written in Pascal, the Celsius CDEF and the Gauss CDEF. CDEF stands for "control definition function": it is a way to define the appearance and the behavior of custom controls. Custom controls may be dials, gauges, sliders, and so on. CDEFs may be used by almost every Macintosh software and by practically every development environment and programming language. The Celsius CDEF implements a thermometer- or barber pole-style progress bar similar to that used by the Finder in the Copy or Find windows. Additional options allows you to honor custom colors stored in 'cctb' resources, to draw the bar always in the active look ignoring deactivations, and finally to display the bar with a 3D-like "inset" effect, as shown in the develop 15 article "Working in the Third Dimension". The Gauss CDEF draws application-specified blocks of text. It can draw simply the control's title, append a numeric value to it or draw a block of text up to 32K set up by the calling application. Optionally the Gauss CDEF can also honor 'cctb' resources, draw the text with the owning windows' text font, size and style, and draw a 3D-like effect (inset or raised). The eclectic CDEF Collection consists of - two CDEFs: the Celsius CDEF and the Gauss CDEF - two 'stubs' to allow source-level debugging of the CDEFs: StubCDEF and JumpCDEF - some utility routines - a demonstration application for the CDEFs The eclectic CDEF Collection is written by: Sebastiano Pilla Viale dei Mille 20 31100 Treviso (Italy) <mailto:case@tvol.it> #### BINHEX enum-types-creators-c.hqx **** From: kenlong@netcom.com (Ken Long) Subject: enumtypes-creators-c Date: Mon, 17 Jan 1994 17:29:26 -0800 (PST) Dear Mac Gifters: You don't seem to have posted my stuff at U. Michigan, lately. I've seen them on Standord, though. Still short on disk space? -Ken- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description: Two Think C 5.0.4 source projects. One scans the resident drive for all file types, creates a new text file, and writes those types in a sorted list, with the quantity of those types adjacent to them. The other does exactly the same thing with file creators. ---------------------------Cut Here---------------------------------------- #### BINHEX example-scripting-additions-c.hqx **** Date: Mon, 4 Oct 1993 12:56:06 -0500 From: jonpugh@netcom.com (Jon Pugh) Subject: [*] Scripting Addition Samples --========================_14520392==_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Here are eight sample AppleScript Scripting Additions with C source code done by Donald Olson of Apple Computer and presented in his WWDC talk this year. I was asked to make these available on the Internet and now I have. ;) These demonstrate a number of useful techniques for presenting information including the use of records and wildcard handlers in addition to the minimal boring stuff. For all who care, Donald said it was OK to post them since they are also on Applelink. Jon --========================_14520392==_ Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="OSAX_Samples.sit" #### BINHEX fantasm-creation-demo.hqx **** Date: Tue, 21 Feb 1995 07:57:21 +0000 From: pcarter@lincoln.gpsemi.com (Paul Andrew Carter) Subject: Fantasm Creation demo.sit: Here is a small (but impressive) Demo of what can be produced with Fantasm (The Complete Mac Programming System for Lightsoft, Grantham, Lincs. England). ****************************************************** Paul Carter pcarter@lincoln.gpsemi.com GEC Plessey Semiconductors Tel+44 522 502360 Doddington Rd, Fax+44 522 502466 Lincoln,LN6 3LF,UK Gnet: (access)595 2360 ****************************************************** #### BINHEX fantasm-demo-project.hqx **** Date: Tue, 14 Feb 1995 23:29:37 -0200 From: Lightsoft <lightsoft@zedworld.demon.co.uk> Subject: Demo written with Fantasm Please include the update of the Fantasm on your server. Summary follows... This graphical demo has been written using Fantasm. It requires 256 colors, and 640 by 480 display. Rob Probin for lightsoft #### TEXT fft-asm.txt **** From: Tom Barrett <barrett@pacific.mps.ohio-state.edu> Date: Tue, 26 Jul 1994 10:06:11 -0400 This is an update to info-mac/sci/fft-in-asm-src.txt This file contains three routines: * void tb_68k_four1_extended(long double *data, long nn, long isign); * void tb_68k_four1_single(float *data, long nn, long isign); * void tb_68k_fourn_single(float *data, long *nn, long ndim, long isign) ------------------------------ CUT HERE ------------------------------ /* This code is a hand-assembled version of the fft routine from Numerical Recipes. See the book for information about how it works. All variable names in comments refer to those in the book. To use this routine: * You must have a math coprocessor. * Use Think C (users of other compilers may be able to adapt it). #### BINHEX ffts-for-risc-2-c.hqx **** From: green_jt@VSDEC.Npt.NUWC.Navy.Mil Subject: FFTs-for-RISC-2-c Enclosed is a stuffit archive of version 2.0 of my 'C' source code fft library. Very-Fast Fourier Transform routines. Routines are provided for real and complex forward and inverse 1d and 2d fourier transforms and 3d complex forward and inverse ffts. I coded these to optimize execution speed on Risc processors like the PowerPC. All fft sizes must still be a power of two. Test programs that use the Numerical Recipes in C routines are provided. Also included are some simple applications with source code which time the FFTs. See the enclosed read me file for more information. Revision version 2.0: Rewrote code to rely more on compiler optimization (and be a bit less ugly.) Removed restrictions on too small or too large ffts. Provided a library extension that manages memory for cosine and bit reversed counter tables. Added 2d and 3d complex and 2d real ffts. Speeded routines for data too large to fit in primary cache. Changed most testing from Matlab to Numerical Recipes based (because you can buy it for less.) Changed call parameters (watch out.) Revision version 1.21: line 126 of rfftTest.c corrected. Revisions version 1.2: I now store the Nyquest point of the real transform where the 0 for the DC term's imaginary part used to be. !! WATCH OUT FOR THIS IF YOU USE rfft !! Added the real inverse Fourier transform. Revisions version 1.1: Re-arranged to put fft routines in a shared library and changed source file name to fftlib.c. Removed some ugly optimizations that are no longer needed for CodeWarrier. This code is public domain, do anything you want to with it. - John Green #### BINHEX file-ic-helper.hqx **** From: (Jordan Zimmerman) jordanz@altura.com Subject: Internet Config "file:" Helper "file:" Helper for Internet Config By Jordan Zimmerman (c)1996 Hereby released into the Public Domain ___________________________________________________________________ 10/8/96 REQUIREMENTS: Internet Config 1.1 and knowledge of programming Internet Config. DESCRIPTION: This code implements a function similar to ICLaunchURL(): OSErr ICLaunchFile(ICInstance ic_instance, const FSSpec* file_spec_ptr); This sends the given file to the user specified Web browser as a "file:" URL. LICENSE: This code is released into the public domain and can be used, modified, etc. as desired. However, the author would appreciate a mention in the about box or documentation. ================================================ Jordan Zimmerman Altura Software, Inc. home page: http://www.altura.com/jordanz Harry Browne for President! http://www.harrybrowne96.org 1 (800) 682 1776 Stop the Browne Out! Let Harry Browne debate! http://www.twr.com/stbo #### BINHEX final-chance-111-c.hqx **** From: f8dy@netaxs.com (Mark Pilgrim) Subject: Final Chance 1.1.1 (source code) Date: Mon, 17 Jan 1994 22:17:12 -0500 (EST) Final Chance 1.1.1 is a combination of fluff and utility, giving you a random quote on shutdown (one of 150) and a chance to stop the shutdown process and go back to the Finder. If you let the dialog box sit for 60 seconds, it will automagically shut down. This archive contains complete THINK C source code and project files. The INIT alone is also available; check ftp sites or e-mail f8dy@netaxs.com. Finger f8dy@netaxs.com for complete program list. Copyright (C) 1993-4, Mark Pilgrim. Please read enclosed file "GNU General Public License" for licensing details. #### BINHEX finder-marquee-c.hqx **** Date: Mon, 10 Jul 1995 17:25:18 -0800 From: jordanz@altura.com (Jordan Zimmerman) Subject: Finder Marquee Mac development source code that implements a "rubber band" marquee select rect with very smooth drawing in a manner similar to the Mac Finder. #### BINHEX finder-progress-bar-20-c.hqx **** From larson@BASE.CS.UCLA.EDU Tue Mar 14 10:48:39 1995 Date: Tue, 14 Mar 1995 10:48:31 -0800 (PST) From: Chris Larson <larson@BASE.CS.UCLA.EDU> Subject: FinderProgressBar 2.0 : A CDEF Progress Bar. Enclosed is version 2.0 of FinderProgressBar, my CDEF implementation of progress bars which mimic those used by Finder. New features include support for custom control colors, support for the "barber-pole" animation of progress bars, and native execution on both 680x0 and PowerPC architectures. Complete source code (Metrowerks CodeWarror v5.5) is included. Info-Mac Moderators: This file replaces info-mac/dev/src/finder-progress-bar-11-c.hqx. Feel free to include this on any CD you choose. --Chris _______________________________________________________________________________ Chris Larson -- Amateur Macintosh Geek, CoBase Research Assistant Internet: larson@kingston.cs.ucla.edu (Insert Disclaimer here) #### BINHEX finger-server-c.hqx **** Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1993 10:00:21 -0400 (EDT) From: Aaron Wohl <aw0g+@andrew.cmu.edu> Subject: finger server for system 7 Finger server for system 7 by Aaron Wohl N3LIW / Public Domain / mail n3liw+@cmu.edu Home ftp site akutaktak.andrew.cmu.edu [] /aw0g/finger* Shows list of running processes and list of open files. >From a unix server we finger a mac running a mail gateway to see if it is still alive and what it is running. Think C sources included #### BINHEX fixit-c.hqx **** From: a mouse in the castle, tinyjohn@sasknet.sk.ca Subject: Fixit Fixit is an MPW tool that translates easily readable infix mathematical expressions into difficult to read and edit fixed point math function calling sequences that are suitable for use as expressions in C programs. It also serves as a fixed point expression evaluator. Full C, yacc, and lex source code included. Also, C source code for the following fixed point routines can be found herein: FixSqrt, FixExp, FixSquare, FixCos, --------------------------------------------------------------------- - John Montbriand P.O. Box. 1133 - - tinyjohn@sasknet.sk.ca Saskatoon Saskatchewan Canada - - (306) 955-5189 S7K 3N2 - --------------------------------------------------------------------- #### BINHEX fixit.hqx **** From: a mouse in the castle, tinyjohn@sasknet.sk.ca Subject: fixit Fixit is an MPW tool that translates easily readable infix mathematical expressions into difficult to read and edit fixed point math function calling sequences that are suitable for use as expressions in C programs. It also serves as a fixed point expression evaluator. Full C, yacc, and lex source code included. Also, C source code for the following fixed point routines can be found herein: FixSqrt, FixExp, FixSquare, FixCos, FixSin, FixTan These libraries are for free. Copyright (C) 1996 by John Montbriand. All Rights Reserved. #### BINHEX fixsrc-13-src-c.hqx **** From: (Adam Miller) miller@minerva.cis.yale.edu Subject: Fixation 1.3 (Source Code) Source code of Fixation, a graphical client for the Free Internet Chess Server. Includes TCP stuff and much more. adum #### BINHEX flame-09.hqx **** From: garage@wave.net (Ellrott) Subject: Flame - 0.9 Flame - 0.9 by Kyle Ellrott garage@wave.net ----- This is a very simple set of subprograms that will allow you to create flame effects. What more can I say, it lets you burn things. --- Plans for the future: - Work in other other color types then just 8-bit indexed - A sin wave variation on the flame path - Some assembly to speed up key parts - Just make it faster - Burn down a building --- Legal junk I coded this as a practice, and also because I like to burn things. All I really want is a nice mention in any program that you use this in, and maybe a nice e-mail, that I can burn. Kyle Ellrott garage@wave.net #### BINHEX flight-simulator-20-c.hqx **** Date: Fri, 11 Dec 92 10:32:00 PST From: chris@carnival.lbl.gov (Chris Moll) Subject: flight-simulator_v2.hqx This is the source code for a program to demonstrate how to do 3D perspective drawing and clipping. It's written as a sort of crude flight simulator - you "fly" through a rather simple world. It also shows how to do simple animation. All math is fixed-point to make the speed tolerable on feebler Macs. With an FPU the speed would be roughly the same using floating point. The package contains the source code, a ThinkC vers.5.0.3 project, and an executable version compiled for any Mac. The changes from the old version are minor, mostly I fixed things that would prevent it from compiling. Comments etc. to Chris Moll chris@carnival.lbl.gov archive as /info-mac/source/c/flight-simulator_v2.hqx (replace /info-mac/source/c/flight-simulator.hqx) #### BINHEX flight-thru-clouds-cpp.hqx **** Date: Sat, 9 Jul 94 12:42:15 -0500 From: oleg@ponder.csci.unt.edu (Kiselyov Oleg) Subject: flight_thru_clouds - simple virtual reality w/ source and expl What: "virtual" flying through the clouds Hot points: - simple virtual reality "thing" - with the source - *very* detailed explanation as to how to generate clouds and render maps in 3D. - includes the source for a small class library to handle color Mac windows and draw images in off-screen GrafWorlds Contents: Readme - this file Venus - Application itself Venus.pi - project and resource files to build it Venus.pi.rsrc - 'clut' resource FractalMap.cc - generate a fractal map (clouds) project_3D.cc - display a 3D moving projection of the map of clouds display.cc - display an image in a Mac window window.h \ my own private *very* simple MacApp: classlib for SimpleWindow.cc / handling color Mac windows and offscreen GrafWorlds The source code contains (too) many comments to show what a particular piece of code does, as well as some tricks involved Language: Symantec C++ 7.0.3 (previous versions might work, too) System: System 7.x; tested on IIci, Quadras and Centres. Note: the source code uses a "standard" environment, see myenv-notify.cpt, which can be found at various archive sites under the name 'myenv-notify'. The source also uses graylib class library to handle images, recently posted on comp.source.misc. However, the library is not *very* used; one can easily get around without it with only small modification of the code. Comments-to: oleg@ponder.csci.unt.edu, oleg@unt.edu Many-Thanks-To: Tim Clarke, tjc1005@hermes.cam.ac.uk (for inspiration) Explanation: Just fire it up, sit back and enjoy. Hope you'll get some feeling that you're hovering over or flying through the clouds. If you quit the program and start it over again, you'll get different clouds (which might be much better and more interesting to fly around). If you want to take on a more active role, hold the mouse button down and move the mouse. Then your flight is in your own hand (which holds the mouse). You have to keep the mouse button down all the time you want to control the situation: when mouse button is up, the system flies by itself. You can also use the keyboard: arrows left/right/up/down move you around, PgUp/PgDn changes your altitude (or height of the horizon if pressed with "Option"); all other keys quietly kill the program (you can also quit by clicking the close box of the window). This program is inspired by "MARS.EXE" and its description posted in rec.games.programmer. There, the author of Mars, Tim Clarke, explained its guts, though he didn't give detailed equations and there were a few typos in his post. Source file 'project_3D.cc' in the present submission contains the fullest description (I could come up with) of the 3D rendering technique: with background, equations, pseudocode and the actual code (and tricks with the fixed-point arithmetics: hey, no floating-point numbers are in here). If you need further information or details, mail me. Enclosers: Venus.cpt.hqx ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #### BINHEX floating-windows-pas.hqx **** From: pottier@clipper.ens.fr (Francois Pottier) Subject: no subject (file transmission) Date: Sat, 19 Jun 93 12:53:34 MET DST Hi archiver! This is a small set of THINK Pascal 4 routines to handle floating windows in a Pascal program. A few days back I looked on several ftp sites for such code snippets. All I found was a C library by Patrick Doane. I translated it to THINK Pascal and I also made it much shorter and clearer (IMHO). Since there is no Pascal source code out there, I thought I'd submit to the archives. This code is public domain. Whoever finds it useful may use it. Enjoy Francois Pottier pottier@clipper.ens.fr To the archiver : this file should be named something like 'Pascal-FloatWin.hqx', I suppose. Thanks #### BINHEX fmenus-example-pas.hqx **** Date: Tue, 24 Nov 1992 13:45:06 +0800 From: Peter N Lewis <peter@ncrpda.curtin.edu.au> Subject: source/pascal/FMenusExample.hqx _______________________________________________________________________ Peter N Lewis <peter@ncrpda.curtin.edu.au> Ph: +61 9 368 2055 This is some example code to demonstrate the use of MyFMenus.unit. This unit implements FMenus in a similar way to the Finder, which allows decoupling of the menu position from the code that executes the menu's command. The example program is not a full shell, it simply implements the Menus, and each menu selection prints a message to the console window. It should be fairly easy to understand. I've used this code in several programs, and it works quite nicely, avoiding the need to keep changing constants in the code every time you add a menu item. TopSoft is working on an advanced version of this (written in C for some strange reason), if you are interested in that, or other things that TopSoft is doing, check out the ftp site at syrinx.kgs.ukans.edu in the /topsoft directory, or ask to join the mailing TS mailing list at ts-request@syrinx.kgs.ukans.edu (hopefully you'll join inbetween the flame wars and not in the middle of one :-) [Wouldn't it be nice if this came out comp.sources.mac? Too much to ask I guess] Hope its useful to someone, Peter. <peter@ncrpdao.curtin.edu.au> FMenus Example v1.0.0 Copyright 1992 Peter N Lewis #### BINHEX friends-of-nim-c.hqx **** From: f8dy@netaxs.com Subject: Friends of Nim 1.0 source code Date: Sun, 9 Jul 1995 16:47:34 -0400 (EDT) Friends of Nim is a collection of games based on John Conway's game of Nim. Included: Nim, Prime Nim, Northcroft's Nim, Turn-a-block, My daddy makes more money than yours, Corner the Queen, Corner the Superqueen, Corner the King, and Corner the Superking. Play against a friend or pit your skills against the computer. Play regular or misere style games. Requires system 7.0 or later. Copyright (c) 1995, Mark Pilgrim; please read enclosed file "GNU General Public License" for licensing details. #### BINHEX frontier-scripts.hqx **** Date: Wed, 27 May 92 22:28:21 EST From: dks@MIT.EDU (Dhanesh K. Samarasan) Subject: [*] Some "Frontier" Scripts & Information With regard to: > Date: Wed, 27 May 1992 11:02:56 -0600 > From: igorl@uiuc.edu (Igor Livshits) > Subject: Frontier scripts > > Could someone please download the assorted Frontier scripts > from AppleLink to the info-mac archive? I have attached a number of basic scripts which I am sure it is OK to post. They are in DiskDoubler's ".sea" format (binhexed). Please archive the submission as: "Frontier_Scripts.sea.hqx" The scripts may be buggy -- in fact some of them definitely are -- and I do not endorse them in any way. Caveat downloader. There may be other scripts on AppleLink that I didn't see. If you were talking about something else, I apologize. If you are looking for something in particular, let me know. > Preferably, someone who won't have to pay the unreasonable > download/connect charges :-) Oh, I pay them all right, but consider it my good deed for the day. Note that there is a LISTSERV list -- and an FTP site -- dedicated to Frontier. Lots of stuff is available there. The list and the site are managed by Andy J. Williams (Andy_J._Williams@dartmouth.edu; see below for details), who can probably answer any questions you may have. Cheers, Dhanesh <dks@mit.edu> ........................................................................ Frontier Listserv Available! Userland's Fontier is the first System level scripting for the Macintosh. With it, users can create scripts to control any number of Apple Events aware applications (and in conjunction with QuicKeys, non-Apple Events applications as well). We have created a LISTSERV mailing exchange to allow people to share Frontier knowledge with each other. Users are encouraged to post tips, techniques, questions, scripts or script pieces, and anything else they think relevant. Accompanying this list will be an anonymous ftp site where people can place/get scripts, or related pd/shareware software. If you would like to subscribe to this list send mail to "listserv@dartmouth.edu" with SUB FRONTIER <your name> in the body of the message (NOT the subject!). If you are new to Listserv or need additional help, send mail to "listserv@dartmouth.edu" with HELP in the body of the message (again, NOT the subject.) If you have any questions about the list or its uses, feel free to contact me (via eMail only please!) If you have any questions about Userland Frontier, feel free to contact me (but calling Userland itself might also be a good idea). -- Andy J. Williams, Manager, Computer Resource Center Dartmouth College, 603 646-3989 ........................................................................ #### BINHEX fudd-10-c.hqx **** From: f8dy@netaxs.com (Mark Pilgrim) Subject: Fudd 1.0 (source code) (repost) Date: Mon, 7 Feb 1994 23:13:56 -0500 (EST) (This is a repost of the source archive I posted recently. The last archive was missing a few files; this should have everything.) Fudd is a small utility to convert text files to Elmer Fudd talk, like the character of the same name in the U.S. cartoon "Bugs Bunny." Supports drag and drop of any number of text files of any length. This archive contains complete THINK C source code, project files, and resource files. Application also available; check ftp sites or e-mail f8dy@netaxs.com. Finger f8dy@netaxs.com for complete program list. Copyright (C) 1994, Mark Pilgrim. Please read enclosed file "GNU General Public License" for licensing details. #### BINHEX game-master-isolation-pas.hqx **** From: gurhs@uniwa.uwa.edu.au (Rhys Hollow) Subject: source/pascal/Isolation-rulebook.hqx Date: Wed, 13 May 92 21:49:08 WST The Moderators, Here is the source to the GameMaster rulebook Isolation. It assumes the user has the GameMaster developer's kit. It is in Think Pascal 4.0 Rhys. -- Rhys Hollow (gurhs@uniwa.uwa.oz.au) "ee'er by gum he's a bad'un!" -DangerMouse. #### BINHEX gamma-table-11-p.hqx **** Date: Wed, 21 Jul 1993 10:16:09 -0800 From: mxmora@unix.sri.com (Matthew Xavier Mora) Subject: Gamma Util Pascal Library I converted Matt Slot's Gamma Library so that it can be used by Pascal programmers like me. Enclosed is Gamma util Pascal Library. This lets you do screen dimming on monitors capable of doing dimming. Matt __________________________________________________________________ Matthew Xavier Mora The keeper of the UMPG SRI International Matt_Mora@QM.sri.com [Sent using Eudora 1.3] mxmora@unix.sri.com __________________________________________________________________ #### BINHEX gc-frontier-snippets-10-fr.hqx **** Date: Sun, 13 Nov 1994 17:13:07 +0100 From: "Gary T. Czychi" <CZYCHI@sgcl1.unisg.ch> Subject: GC Frontier Snippets 1.0 GC Frontier Snippets 1.0 ************************ Important stuff, please read... Hi, this is a collection of Frontier 3.0 scripts, which enable Userland's Frontier to do some things which are not (or poorly) implemented in the standard version. These are more than 50 scripts and variables which noone should be without. Like getting the monitor size and settings, turn file sharing on/off and get its state, position Finder windows, set Finder flags, get sizes of Data and Resource Forks, some Ressource magic and lots of other stuff, to much to mentiuon here. Just try it out! This is how to install: * Double click on the file "root.snippets" and install it into your database. * in "system.misc.paths" add another address: "root.snippets". That way you can just type the snippets scripts without supplying the whole path to the procedure when you call it. * Double click the "system.extensions" file and import it under a different name, like "root.foo" or something. This way you can take a look at the XCMDs I added and copy those externals to your own externals folder. Although this is not necessary, I would do it this way. However, if you want to, you can replace your existing "system.extensions" without taking a look at my extensions. Legal stuff: All of these scripts work fine for me (on different machines). However there might still be some bugs somewhere. Therefore use it at your own risk. Some Externals are from the net, some are from myself. Whenever poosible I have included the related documentation of the external in a WP document. I hope that I didn't violate a copyright or shareware regulation, but I don't think so. If so, please contact me. Userland has nothing to do with this, and I have nothing to do with Userland, except for being a satisfied customer. I hereby put these scripts into "Public Domain" or "PostcardWare", whatever you like most. Drop me a line with a beautiful picture and you make me happy -- it's so easy! If someone from Userland reads this, I would like to make a wish: Please remove the bug from setting the size and position of the Frontier.root window. Thanks so much. Your Tech Support is great! Have a good time and -- Happy Scripting! Gary Gary Czychi Tiefe 966 CH-9105 Schoenengrund Switzerland czychi@sgcl1.unisg.ch #### BINHEX get-file-icon-11-c.hqx **** Date: Sat, 18 Mar 1995 19:43:52 -0800 (PST) From: Jeff Beeghly <jbeeghly@u.washington.edu> Subject: GetFileIcon1.1 here is GFI v1.1. It includes several enhancements over v1.0 (GetFileIcon.sit.hqx). Please remove GetFileIcon.sit.hqx and add GetFileIcon1.1.sit.hqx to the umich & info FTP sites GetFileIcon is a code snippet designed to demonstrait how to get a file's icon and display it. #### BINHEX ghost-10-c.hqx **** From: f8dy@netaxs.com (Mark Pilgrim) Subject: Ghost 1.0 (source code) Date: Thu, 16 Dec 1993 04:10:10 -0500 (EST) Ghost is a classic word-building game for two or more players. Players take turns each adding a letter to build a word, and whoever finishes the word loses the round. Lose five rounds, and you become a "ghost" and are out of the game! Up to five human players can compete against up to five computer players at a variety of skill levels. Ghost is free and is distributed under the GNU General Public License; this archive contains complete THINK C source code for the game, as well as complete source code for an external application used to set up the game's self- integrity checker. If you do not have FTP access, e-mail the author requesting a copy of the game, the source code, or a list of other programs by the same author. The address is f8dy@netaxs.com. Bug reports, comments, and suggestions may be sent to the same address. This archive contains both THINK C 5 and THINK C 6 project files. Use whichever one you wish and throw away the other. The code demonstrates the basics of event handling, menus, hierarchical menus, prefs file maintenance, dialogs, alerts, windows, off-screen bitmaps, synchronous and asynchronous sounds, machine-independent timing loops, file maintenance, Gestalt environment checking, apple events, and the not-quite- yet-famous "cough to continue" modal dialog filter proc. None of this is very well commented, but feel free to direct any questions to f8dy@netaxs.com. Ghost 1.0 is copyright 1993, Mark Pilgrim, MerriMac Software Group. #### BINHEX ghost-mouse-11-c.hqx **** From: f8dy@netaxs.com (Mark Pilgrim) Subject: Ghost Mouse 1.1 (source code) Date: Sat, 13 Nov 1993 23:35:30 -0500 (EST) Ghost Mouse is a fun little INIT which will cause your mouse to disappear if you stop moving it. Due to numerous requests from users of version 1.0, the mouse can stay stationery for about 2 seconds before it disappears. This INIT is free and is distributed under the GNU General Public License; this archive contains complete THINK C 6.0.1 source code and project files for the INIT. If you do not have FTP access, e-mail the author for a copy of the INIT, the source code, or a list of other programs by the same author. The address is f8dy@netaxs.com. This code demonstrates the basics of writing and installing a VBL. This code should work under any system, with any monitor, on all Macintoshes. Please report any bugs/comments/suggestions to f8dy@netaxs.com. Ghost Mouse 1.1 is copyright 1993, Mark Pilgrim, MerriMac Software Group. #### BINHEX glo-app-folder.hqx **** From: 3gl21@qlink.queensu.ca Subject: GLoAppFolder.sit - support for accessing application folder GLoAppFolder class Copyright © 1997 Gregory Lo. All rights reserved. Description: This class provides some support for accessing files and subfolders in the same folder as the application. Notes: Near the start of your application, just make a call to GLoAppFolder::Startup(); This initializes a static FSSpec with the location of your application. Various calls are provided to create modified FSSpecs based on this one; and open resource files in those places. You can change the FSSpec using file or folder name strings from a string list resource, or via a pointer to a pascal string. For instance: * osErr = GLoAppFolder::MakeFSSpec( "\pPlugins", myNewFSSpec ); * osErr = GLoAppFolder::MakeFSSpec( kFolderNamesID, kPluginsFolderName, myNewFSSpec ); * refNum = GLoAppFolder::OpenResFile( "\pSounds", fsRdPerm ); * refNum = GLoAppFolder::OpenResFile( kFileNamesID, kSoundsFileName, fsRdPerm ); Other information accessors are provided. * vRefNum = GLoAppFolder::GetVolumeRefNum(); * parID = GLoAppFolder::GetParentID(); * myConstFSSpecPtr = GLoAppFolder::GetAppFileFSSpecPtr(); * myConstFSSpecRef = GLoAppFolder::GetAppFileFSSpec( void ); Change history: 04Nov1997 * Updated documentation Contacting the Author: email: * gregory-lo@usa.net * 3gl21@qlink.queensu.ca (before May, 1998) License: License is given to freely use this in any of your code: commercial, or otherwise. Send me a postcard or email if you do. Copyright © 1997 Gregory Lo. All rights reserved. #### BINHEX glo-st-dial-action.hqx **** From: 3gl21@qlink.queensu.ca Subject: GLoStDialAction.sit - support for live-scrolling scrollbars GLoStDialAction class Copyright © 1997 Gregory Lo. All rights reserved. Description: This class provides support for live-scrolling with a standard scroll-bar control. Notes: Only a handle to the control, the point from which to start tracking, and a pointer to a change-value-procedure is needed. One need only instantiate a GLoStDialAction object, and use and reuse it whenever live thumb-tracking is needed. For example: GLoStDialAction theThumbTracker; : theThumbTracker( myControlRef, thePoint, MyChangeValueProc ); theThumbTracker( anotherControl, anotherPoint, anotherProc ); The GLoStDialAction object is a functor -- an object that behaves like a function. Its operator() has been overloaded to support this. A convenience function, TrackIndicator(), is provided. An example call: TrackIndicator( myControlRef, thePoint, MyChangeValueProc ); The change-value-procedure must be declared as follows: void MyChangeValueProc( ControlRef inCntrl, const SInt32 inValue ); One should test that only the control's indicator is being pressed before invoking the GLoStDialAction object. Hits in other parts of the control can be handled in the normal fashion. (ie. call ::TrackControl() with or without a control action procedure). Change history: 30Oct1997 * Changed to set the control value before calling the change proc * Changed to redraw the control completely after tracking is done 04Nov1997 * Restored the slop rectangle handling * Changed some #ifdef's to #if's * Updated documentation Contacting the Author: email: * gregory-lo@usa.net * 3gl21@qlink.queensu.ca (before May, 1998) License: License is given to freely use this in any of your code: commercial, or otherwise. Send me a postcard or email if you do. Copyright © 1997 Gregory Lo. All rights reserved. #### BINHEX glue-window-421-c.hqx **** Date: Sat, 25 Mar 1995 19:34:00 +0900 From: "GBH06222@niftyse" <GBH06222@niftyserve.or.jp> Subject: GlueWindow4.2.1(source) A Window Utility Hi, This is source code of GlueWindow4.2.1. GlueWindow4.2.1 is sent at same time. Details is written in ReadMe file in this BinHexed package. Of course, no virus is included (checked with Disinfectant 3.5). I think that this code should be in /dev directory (old version 4.1.2 is posted). Including in CD-ROM will be welcome, too. Takenori Kabeya GBH06222@niftyserve.or.jp kabeya@atlas10.kuic.kyoto-u.ac.jp #### BINHEX glypha-iii-c.hqx **** From: leo@cp.tn.tudelft.nl (Leo Breebaart) Subject: Glypha III Src [arcade game source code] Date: Sat, 25 Feb 1995 14:51:05 +0100 (MET) This is the fully documented (and free) CodeWarrior C source code to John Calhoun's Macintosh arcade game Glypha III. Leo Breebaart (leo@cp.tn.tudelft.nl) #### BINHEX gms-10b2-o.hqx **** Subject: GMS1.0b2 (music w/ QT2.0 library) Date: Wed, 21 Sep 1994 19:05:01 -0600 (CST) From: "Glenn Andreas" <gandreas@mirage.skypoint.com> Enclose is GMS1.0b2, a library for adding background music with QuickTime 2.0 to your programs (QT 2.0 not included). It is a .o file that can be linked with most any compiler (it was written in TP) There are six simple calls (init, de-init, idle, suspend, resume, and play) that provide a simple way to use the music playing components. Once set up, playing music is a simple as playing a sound resource (simpler, actually). Includes a utilities to convert MIDI files to "Musi" resources (it doesn't play MIDI files directly). This is a "companion" library to the Oct MacTech article on QT Music. If you want to include this library in your application, all I ask is a copy and credit in the about box... Glenn (yes, I'm still working on Chimera) Andreas gandreas@aol.com #### BINHEX gmz-libraries.hqx **** Date: Fri, 23 Dec 1994 21:45:46 -0500 From: gmz@po.CWRU.Edu (Georges M. Zwingelstein) Subject: libraries for port of GNU patch, diff and rcs to the Macintosh. gnu.patch.2.1.hqx : GNU patch for the Macintosh gnu.diff.2.0.hqx : GNU diff for the Macintosh gnu.rcs.5.6.hqx : GNU rcs for the Macintosh gmz.libraries.hqx : Libraries to port the above programs to the Macintosh. Merry Christmas and Happy new year. Georges #### BINHEX gnu-bison-122-c.hqx **** From: Scott Hofmann <scotth@visix.com> Subject: GNU Bison 1.22 THINK C 6.0 port Date: Thu, 11 Aug 1994 17:38:36 -0400 (EDT) This is a minimal port of the GNU YACC-compatible parser generator Bison, version 1.22, for Symantec's THINK C 6.0. A compiled application is included, so you don't need THINK C in order to use Bison (although it won't do you much good if you can't then compile y.tab.c!) Please direct any questions concerning Mac specifics to myself rather than the GNU people - they don't like Apple much, and will just lecture you on the evils of Apple. scott ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J. Scott Hofmann | "Back off, man, I'm a scientist!" scotth@visix.com | -Dr. Peter Venkman, _Ghostbusters_ #### BINHEX gnu-flex-246-c.hqx **** From: Scott Hofmann <scotth@visix.com> Subject: GNU Flex 2.4.6 for THINK C 6.0 Date: Tue, 26 Jul 1994 12:01:24 -0400 (EDT) This is GNU Flex version 2.4.6 compiled in Symantec C++ 6.0. Flex is the GNU lex-compatible lexical analyzer. This version is a minimal port to the Macintosh - the only changes were to call ccommand() in main() to get the command-line arguments. This file replaces the THINK-C version of Flex 2.3.7. A compiled application is included, so you do not need Symantec C++ in order to use Flex 2.4.6. Full documentation is included, as are the sources per the GNU Public License. Macintosh-specific release notes are included in flex-2.4.6:MISC:Macintosh. I am currently working on a CodeWarrior port, with an enhanced front end - not just the ccommand() dialog box. Any other questions, please drop me a line. scott ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J. Scott Hofmann | "Back off, man, I'm a scientist!" scotth@visix.com | -Dr. Peter Venkman, _Ghostbusters_ #### BINHEX gnu-gdbm-173-c.hqx **** From: tsyang@dec-5.CE.Berkeley.EDU (Tzong-Shuoh Yang) Subject: GNU gdbm-1.7.3: a database manager Date: Mon, 23 May 94 00:48:24 -0700 Hello, This is the mac port of GNU gdbm-1.7.3 database manager. The Think C 7.0 source code is included. This is GNU free software. Have fun. Tzong-Shuoh Yang (tsyang@ce.berkeley.edu) ==================================================================== #### BINHEX gnu-patch-21.hqx **** Date: Fri, 23 Dec 1994 21:45:46 -0500 From: gmz@po.CWRU.Edu (Georges M. Zwingelstein) Subject: libraries for port of GNU patch, diff and rcs to the Macintosh. gnu.patch.2.1.hqx : GNU patch for the Macintosh gnu.diff.2.0.hqx : GNU diff for the Macintosh gnu.rcs.5.6.hqx : GNU rcs for the Macintosh gmz.libraries.hqx : Libraries to port the above programs to the Macintosh. Merry Christmas and Happy new year. Georges #### BINHEX go-sit-in-the-corner-c.hqx **** From: f8dy@netaxs.com (Mark Pilgrim) Subject: Go Sit In The Corner (source code) Date: Sun, 16 Jan 1994 23:58:43 -0500 (EST) Go Sit In The Corner will make your cursor jump to a corner of the screen after a specified amount of time. Completely configurable control panel (which corner, how long before it jumps, whether it only jumps after a period of inactivity). This archive contains complete THINK C source code and project files. The INIT alone is also available; check ftp sites or e-mail f8dy@netaxs.com. Finger f8dy@netaxs.com for complete program list. Copyright (C) 1994, Mark Pilgrim. Please read enclosed file "GNU General Public License" for licensing details. #### BINHEX graf-sys-20-p.hqx **** From: cfranz@iiic.ethz.ch (Christian Steffen Ove Franz) Subject: GrafSys 2.0 Submission Date: Wed, 26 Jan 1994 18:50:51 --100 Dear Moderators, enclosed please find GrafSys 2.0. Please note that the 2.0 release does not replace the 1.x version since it is very different. What is 3D GrafSys 2.0 ====================== GrafSys is a hierarchical object-oriented class library for THINK Pascal. It is designed to facilitate easy 3D graphics and animations in your programs. GrafSys supports full 3D control of graphical objects and electronic eye. Graphical objects can be independently rotated (around arbitrary axes), translated and scaled. Objects can inherit transformations (rotation, scaling and translation) from other objects. GrafSys supports dynamic (i.e. on-the-fly) and multiple inheritance of transformations and an unlimited number of so-called operators (matrices) per object. The GrafSys provides objects for 3D points, lines and whole objects that can contain up to 8000 lines in full RGB color and more than 250'000 points. GrafSys also supports ultra-fast polygon filling using the triangulation approach. With it you can easily implement hidden-surface removal. Designed for fast and simple to program animations, GrafSys supports an AutoErase feature where the object automatically erases its previous image before redrawing itself. For flicker-free animations GrafSys also provides easy to use Off-Screen bit map handling. GrafSys is a combination of procedures and a powerful, extensible class library that can be easily curtailed to your specific needs. For example the general-purpose 3D object 'TSObject3D' understands over fifty messages for such diverse things as building a point/line database, rotating and drawing itself. The 2.0 version comes with full source code. Christian Franz #### BINHEX graf-sys-triangle-p.hqx **** From: cfranz@home.malg.imp.com Subject: GrafSys 2.0 Triangle Files [part 1 of 1] Date: Mon, 28 Feb 94 21:18:57 +0100 Organization: Christian is currently at home. Dear moderators, a few weeks ago I submitted GrafSys 2.0, a 3D Graphics Library and animation tool. Many people have told me that I forgot to include the library files for the triangle project. You need these files in order to re-compile the library. Well, here they are. Liva and in stereo :-) Cheers, Christian --- cfranz@home.malg.imp.com Voice: + 1 / 261 26 96 Christian Franz - Sonneggstrasse 61 - CH-8006 ZUERICH - Swizerland -- cut here -- begin GrafSys-C-lib-int.hqx -- part 1 of 1 -- #### BINHEX gravity-mouse-11-c.hqx **** From: f8dy@netaxs.com (Mark Pilgrim) Subject: Gravity Mouse 1.1 (source code) Date: Sat, 13 Nov 1993 23:33:23 -0500 (EST) Gravity Mouse will cause your mouse to be occasionally overcome by gravity. This INIT is free and is distributed under the GNU General Public License; this archive contains complete THINK C 6.0.1 source code and project files for the INIT. If you do not have FTP access, e-mail the author for a copy of the INIT, the source code, or a list of other programs by the same author. The address is f8dy@netaxs.com. This code demonstrates the basics of writing and installing a VBL. This code should work under any system, with any monitor, on all Macintoshes. Please report any bugs/comments/suggestions to f8dy@netaxs.com. Gravity Mouse 1.1 is copyright 1993, Mark Pilgrim, MerriMac Software Group. #### BINHEX halma-12-c.hqx **** From: f8dy@netaxs.com Subject: Halma 1.2 (source code) Date: Fri, 15 Jul 1994 01:22:29 -0400 (EDT) Halma 1.2 is a solitare board game in which you must move nine tiles from one corner of the board to the other in the minimum number of moves. 21 unique boards in all. This version fixes several technical bugs and revamps the help section interface. This archive contains the complete THINK C 7 project and resource files. Application also available; check ftp sites or e-mail f8dy@netaxs.com. Finger f8dy@netaxs.com for complete program list. Copyright (C) 1994, Mark Pilgrim. Please read enclosed file "GNU General Public License" for licensing details. #### BINHEX hcmdbutton-attachment-121.hqx **** From: hsoi@eden.com Subject: HCmdButtonAttachment 1.2.1 - A PowerPlant Class A Metrowerks PowerPlant inherited class that gives controls (LControls) a command-key equivalent. This allows for more keyboard navigation. For example, the traditional "Save before closing?" dialog asks to "Save", "Cancel" or "Don't Save". Save is typically the default key (return) and Cancel the cancel (escape), but there is no keyboard way to hit Don't Save. Enter HCmdButtonAttachment. With HCmdButtonAttachment, you can give any LControl a command-key shortcut. You can specify the key to be the first letter/character of the control's descriptor or it can be a character of your own arbitrary specification. You can also have the title of the control change to display the shortcut or not, and do so after a user-configurable amount of time. This archive includes the HCmdButtonAttachment sources, a custom CTYP file for use with Constructor 2.4 or later, and an example application to demonstrate the class. For complete information, please read the README file enclosed in the archive. Thanx, and enjoy! John C. Daub Hsoi's Shop <http://www.eden.com/~hsoi/prog.html> #### BINHEX headlines-101-c.hqx **** From: k044477@hobbes.kzoo.edu (Jamie R. McCarthy) Subject: Headlines 1.0.1 code Date: Mon, 23 Nov 92 9:22:20 EST This is the source code for the After Dark module "Headlines," version 1.0.1. I don't know whether it's legal to redistribute two of the source files I used. For that reason, I've not removed the object code for those files, and have included only their header files. They are ATMInterface.c and NeoTextBox.c. If anyone can advise me about the legality of distributing these sources, I'd like to hear from them. In any event, you'll probably need to keep the project file and not "Remove Objects" if you want to successfully compile Headlines. Note that this submission does not include the code to Greg Smith's "spew," which was the basis for Headlines. This is only because Greg's distribution terms precluded putting this on e.g. Pacific HiTech's Info-Mac CD-ROM. My own terms, now, are a little looser. I ftp'd the source to "spew" from wuarchive.wustl.edu, in /usenet/comp.sources.games/volume01, where it probably still is. -- Jamie McCarthy Internet: k044477@kzoo.edu AppleLink: j.mccarthy #### BINHEX hermes-2-30-headers-p.hqx **** Date: Sun, 17 Jul 94 18:56 EDT From: michael.krause@exchange.org (Michael Krause) Subject: THINK Pascal Hermes Headers Files for v3.0 II --========================_12538956==_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Hermes programming headers in THINK Pascal for Hermes II v3.0 --========================_12538956==_ Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="HermHeaders_II_3.0.p" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="HermHeaders_II_3.0.p" #### BINHEX hmarquee-caption-112.hqx **** From: hsoi@eden.com Subject: HMarqueeCaption 1.1.2 - A PowerPlant Class A Metrowerks PowerPlant inherited class that displays a horizontally scrolling (from right to left) "marquee" of text, similar in appearance to the scrolling JavaScript marquee that you often see across the bottom of web browser windows. Features: - Utilizes offscreen GWorlds for smooth scrolling of text. - Uses text Handles for an amount of text limited only by available memory. - Utilizes modifier keys to modify scrolling behavior (increase scrolling speed, scroll left to right, pause scrolling). Can be used in About boxes for scrolling credits, in JavaScript implementations for the scrolling caption, in applications that need ticker-tape-style animations, or anywhere a marquee-style sign and animation is desired. The HMarqueeCaption distribution contains the HMarqueeCaption class, a CTYP resource for easier editing in Metrowerks Constructor, and a demonstration application to show just how easy it is to use HMarqueeCaption (made with CodeWarrior Professional 1). For complete information, please read the README file enclosed in the archive. Thanx, and enjoy! John C. Daub Hsoi's Shop <http://www.eden.com/~hsoi/prog.html> #### BINHEX hotlist-to-html-072-f.hqx **** Date: Tue, 22 Nov 1994 19:46:03 +0100 From: weimann@ZIB-Berlin.DE (Lutz Weimann) Subject: Hotlist2HTML version 0.7.2 source code --========================_18491678==_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Dear Moderators, This is the source-code-only archive of Hotlist2HTML (v.0.7.2). Please replace version 0.6.1, which is stored as "dev/src/hotlist-to-html-061-f.hqx", by the new one. Thanks. Hotlist2HTML (version 0.7.2) converts a NCSA-MacMosaic Hotlist or a EINet-MacWeb Hotlist (resource) file to a HTML-page, wherein each URL of the Hotlist is associated with it's corresponding menuitem name. The HTML output will be normally sorted lexically by the menuitem text, but re-sorting of the Hotlist may be suppressed, if desired. The HTML output is now compatible for importing by Netscape Mosaic into bookmarks. This source code is written in an extended Fortran 77 language. You need Language Systems Fortran 3.x and MPW 3.2 (or 3.2.3) to make use of the it. Lutz Weimann, weimann@zib-berlin.de --========================_18491678==_ Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="Hotlist2HTML0.7.2_source.sit" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Hotlist2HTML0.7.2_source.sit" #### BINHEX hqx1.hqx **** From: tinyjohn@sk.sympatico.ca Subject: HQX1.hqx Routines for working encoding or decoding BinHex. Full C source code, linkable libraries, documentation, and a fully functional example MPW tool. Copyright (C) 1995, 1996, 1997 by John Montbriand. All Rights Reserved. Permission granted for public use. #### BINHEX hsharable-resource-12.hqx **** From: hsoi@eden.com Subject: HSharableResource 1.2 and HSharablePicture 1.2 - PowerPlant Cla HSharableResource is a Metrowerks PowerPlant inherited class that implements simple garbage collection for MacOS Resources. Using LSharable and TSharablePtr, the concept of reference counting makes this all possible. HSharableResource strives for minimal reliance upon PowerPlant and could possibly be used in non-PowerPlant contexts. HSharablePicture is a variant upon PowerPlant's LPicture class. It utilizes HSharableResource to manage the 'PICT' resource so it can clean up after itself. The distribution contains the HSharableResource source, the HSharablePicture source, a CTYP file for HSharablePicture, and a small demonstration application. The files in the archive were created with CodeWarrior Professional 1. For complete information, please read the README file enclosed in the archive. Thanx, and enjoy! John C. Daub Hsoi's Shop <http://www.eden.com/~hsoi/prog.html> #### BINHEX hsois-app-shell-10a4.hqx **** From: hsoi@eden.com Subject: Hsoi's App Shell 1.0a4 - a MacOS developer tool Hsoi's App Shell was a big learning tool for me to learn how to write MacOS applications in C using Metrowerks CodeWarrior. I felt that it might be of use to other people, so I wanted to have it publicly available to the MacOS development community. So, what can Hsoi's App Shell do or show you how to do? - How to use WASTE, Marco Piovanelli's WorldScript Aware Styled Text Engine as a replacement text engine for TextEdit - How to use the WASTE Object Handlers - How to use Gestalt to properly check for system capabilities - How to use UniversalProcPtr's (both usage and how to create your own!) - How to have code that works on both 68k and PPC based Macintoshes - How to read from and write to files - How to use CustomGet/PutFile routines with your own custom dialog filters - How to use Aliases and take advantage of the Alias Manager - How to Save, Save As, and Revert files - How to properly deal with locked files - How to take advantage of temporary files and FSpExchangeFiles for safe saving techniques - How to use nifty functions like FindFolder - How to properly work with resources and the Resource Manager - How to add name strings to help orphaned document files - How to do submenus - How to do dynamic menus (menus created at runtime, like a Windows menu) ...and lots more Hope it's useful to you!! John C. Daub Hsoi's Shop <http://www.eden.com/~hsoi/prog.html> #### BINHEX hstringlist-11.hqx **** From: hsoi@eden.com Subject: HStringList 1.1 - A PowerPlant Class HStringList a Metrowerks PowerPlant class that implements an object for creation, management, and manipulation of string lists. It is primarily oriented towards 'STR#' resources, but the class can be easily modified to suit any similar such need. HStringList can handle the read/write of the resource, management of it, use of Pascal-style or C-style strings. It strives to offer a lot of functionality and flexibility. One could easily extend the class's functionality to suit just about any string-list management needs. Due to developments in PowerPlant, HStringList requires at least PowerPlant v1.8 (part of CodeWarrior Professional 2). There is a simple demo application included in the archive to demonstrate how the class can work. For complete information, please read the README file enclosed in the archive. Thanx, and enjoy! John C. Daub Hsoi's Shop <http://www.eden.com/~hsoi/prog.html> #### BINHEX htoggle-radio-button-122.hqx **** From: hsoi@eden.com Subject: HToggleRadioButton 1.2.2 - A PowerPlant Class This class (derived from the PowerPlant class, LToggleButton) attempts to give the LToggleButton class a radio-button-like behavior (i.e. you can create a radio group that includes objects of this type and only one member of that group will be "on" at a time). You can have in the same radio group both these HToggleRadioButton's and LStdRadioButtons (or any other radio button class)...click on a radio, the toggles will all be off. Click on a toggle, the radios will all be off. Includes a CTYP resource for ease of editing in Constructor 2.4 and higher (sorry, no CPPb resource is available). For complete information, please read the README file enclosed in the archive. Thanx, and enjoy! John C. Daub Hsoi's Shop <http://www.eden.com/~hsoi/prog.html> #### BINHEX http-server-ot.hqx **** From: vinnie@webstuff.apple.com (vinnie moscaritolo) Subject: http OT sample HttpServer Macintosh OpenTransport Network Server shell Version: early but functional Apple Macintosh Developer Technical Support Written by: Vinne Moscaritolo Copyright (work in progress) Apple Computer, Inc You may incorporate this sample code into your applications without restriction, though the sample code has been provided "AS IS" and the responsibility for its operation is 100% yours. However, what you are not permitted to do is to redistribute the source as "DSC Sample Code" after having made changes. If you're going to re-distribute the source, we require that you make it clear in the source that the code was descended from Apple Sample Code, but that you've made changes. HttpServer is a MacOS faceless background task that can be used as framework for developing connection based OpenTransport network servers. Written in Metrowerks C++, the HttpServer utilizes the Thread Manager, OpenTransport, AppleEvents (barely) and C++ IOStreams. #### BINHEX hyper-cuber-20-cpp.hqx **** From: gregt@math.ohio-state.edu (Greg Ferrar) Subject: HyperCuber 2.0 Source Code Date: Fri, 6 May 1994 16:12:55 -0400 --========================_19455036==_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" HyperCuber 2.0 Source Code by Greg Ferrar This contains the source code to HyperCuber 2.0, a freeware program which can display and rotate objects of arbitrary dimension. HyperCuber 2.0 is available separately from major Mac ftp sites, and includes complete documentation. HyperCuber 2.0 was written using Symantec C++ 6.0, which is a really nice programming environment (7.0 is in the mail...). You should be able to compile and run it immediately. I have not made any special attempt to prepare this code for distribution, so it appears here exactly as I wrote it. I tried to write clear and well-documented code, but I don't guarantee anything. I especially don't guarantee that it all works properly, though I know of no blantant bugs. If you have any questions about my code, feel free to send me email at gregt@math.ohio-state.edu. I will do my best to explain what I have written. -Greg Ferrar (gregt@math.ohio-state.edu) --========================_19455036==_ Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="HyperCuber_2.0_Source.sit" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="HyperCuber_2.0_Source.sit" #### BINHEX image-144-pas.hqx **** Date: Thu, 18 Jun 92 10:20:03 -0400 From: wayne@zippy.nimh.nih.gov(Wayne Rasband) Subject: NIH Image 1.44 Source(Binhex) This is the Think Pascal source code for Image 1.44, a public domain Mac program for capturing, analyzing, editing, annotating, animating, and printing images. It consists of 32,853 lines of source code in 20 modules. --wayne rasband(wayne@helix.nih.gov) #### BINHEX infinity-windoid-wdef-30-c.hqx **** Date: Mon, 20 Feb 1995 18:40:19 -0800 From: tgaul@halcyon.com (Troy Gaul) Subject: Infinity Windoid WDEF 3.0 This archive contains resource files and the source code for a standalone code resource that conforms to a Window Definition (WDEF), as defined by Apple Computer in Inside Macintosh. It provides a 'windoid' appearance. A windoid is a floating window that appears above document windows in an application and is commonly used for tool palettes, information windows, and the like. FEATURES: - Supports System 7-style coloring of windows. - In System 7, the tinge color set by the user in the Color control panel is used. - Supports a zoom box and/or grow box. - Title bar can appear along the left of the window as well as across the top. - A DeviceLoop is used so the Windoid will be drawn correctly even when it crosses monitors of differing depths. - In System 7, indexed color tables are checked to see if there are enough different colors to display the color version (like the system WDEF). - Allows a title in the titlebar. - Full source code included (compatible with Metrowerks C, MPW C, and Symantec C) - No usage fees CHANGES IN VERSION 3.0 - Added a new variation that makes the Infinity Windoid act exactly like the System 7.5 floating window WDEF. - Changed the address information (both e-mail and US mail) to reflect my new (well, not so new) location. - Includes project files for all three major brands of Macintosh C compilers. - Fixed some small inconsistencies between Infinity Windoid and System WDEF. - Requires Universal Headers. - When compiling for PowerPC, the drawing routines no longer allocate a small amount of temporary memory in the heap each time they are called. - A few compiler options have been removed to simplify the code. _Troy Gaul Infinity Systems tgaul@halcyon.com (Internet, preferred) TGaul (on AOL) #### BINHEX init-example-cw.hqx **** From: Gordon Watts -- U of Rochester <GWATTS@WHCDF.FNAL.GOV> Subject: FWD: INIT, globals, multisegments in CW Date: Tue, 15 Mar 1994 8:37:56 -0600 (CST) From: SMTP%"cwarrior@netcom.com" 15-MAR-1994 07:22:52.80 To: GWATTS CC: Subj: INIT, globals, multisegments in CW Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="========================_27555112==_" Date: Tue, 15 Mar 1994 07:25:51 -0500 To: cwarrior@netcom.com From: joe zobkiw <zobkiw@datawatch.com> Subject: INIT, globals, multisegments in CW Message-Id: <9403150724.aa05115@gateway.datawatch.com> Sender: owner-cwarrior@netcom.com Precedence: list Reply-To: cwarrior@netcom.com --========================_27555112==_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" At the expense of being flamed off the face of the earth...these two files I am sending are small and have been requested by numerous people. I will post them here this one time. If anyone wants to submit them to macgifts, please do so. The first is an INIT written in CW that shows how to use their A4 stuff, as well as handle patching a trap, multi-segments, etc. Enjoy. --========================_27555112==_ Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="Warrior_INIT_folder.sit" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Warrior_INIT_folder.sit" #### BINHEX internet-loc-cm-source-12.hqx **** From: Tomasz Kukielka <tkukiel@mac.com> Subject: Internet Location CM 1.2 source "Internet Location CM" is a free Contextual Menu plug-in which helps managing URLs. Here is the source code for version 1.2. Tomasz Kukielka http://www.ire.pw.edu.pl/~tkukiel/ #### BINHEX irc-client-c.hqx **** Date: Fri, 23 Jul 93 13:39:08 MET DST From: Olaf Titz <s_titz@ira.uka.de> This is a Macintosh IRC (Internet Relay Chat) client. It allows you to talk to people all over the world over the Internet. It will run on any Mac with System version 6.0 or greater and the MacTCP driver, version 1.0 or greater. This is free software according to the GNU General Public License (any version). Refer to the file COPYING for precise terms and conditions. This package contains complete source code and auxiliary files for building the binary with THINK Pascal 2.0.1 or later versions. Portions are Copyright 1992 Peter N.Lewis, read the notices in the TCP Libraries files. Send comments, suggestions, bug reports etc. to: Olaf Titz <s_titz@ira.uka.de> #### BINHEX ircle-151-p.hqx **** Date: Thu, 25 Nov 93 17:39:09 MET From: Olaf Titz <s_titz@ira.uka.de> Subject: ircle 1.5.1 source This is a Macintosh IRC (Internet Relay Chat) client. It allows you to talk to people all over the world over the Internet. It will run on any Mac with System version 6.0 or greater and the MacTCP driver, version 1.0 or greater. This is free software according to the GNU General Public License (any version). Refer to the file COPYING for precise terms and conditions. This package contains complete source code and auxiliary files for building the binary with THINK Pascal 2.0.1 or later versions. Portions are Copyright 1992 Peter N.Lewis, read the notices in the TCP Libraries files. Send comments, suggestions, bug reports etc. to: Olaf Titz <s_titz@ira.uka.de> #### BINHEX jgne-filter-shell-c.hqx **** Date: Wed, 21 Jun 1995 09:32:19 -0500 From: gchapman@icis.on.ca (Greg Chapman) Subject: jGNEFilter Shell.cpt.hqx The following is a Think C 6.0.x project, with source and a finished example, of how to write a jGNE Filter. You can modify it simply to accept your own code, by plugging whatever you want right in to the code. Free to to distribute, and free to use in your programs. Just don't repost this file if you've modified it. Greg Chapman - Mac/WWW Programmer/Developer London, Ontario, Canada email: gchapman@icis.on.ca #### BINHEX jotto-ii-12-c.hqx **** From: f8dy@netaxs.com Subject: Jotto ][ 1.2 source code Date: Tue, 8 Nov 1994 00:16:44 -0500 (EST) Jotto ][ 1.2 is a word game based on logic and frustration. The computer picks a random word (5 or 6 letters) and you have fifteen tries to guess it. Similar to Mastermind, only with words. Improvements in version 1.2: improved the note pad, fixed several obscure bugs, many technical improvements. This archive contains the complete Metrowerks DR/4 project and resource files. Copyright (C) 1993-4, Mark Pilgrim. Free, distributed under the GNU General Public License. #### BINHEX jpeg-convert-c.hqx **** Date: Sat, 27 Feb 93 12:26:45 CST From: wf-jim!brunner@terminator.rs.itd.umich.edu (Jim Brunner) Subject: source/c/JPEG-Convert-src10.hqx This is the source code distribution for version 1.0 of JPEG Convert. JPEG Convert is a Macintosh application that acts as an interface for the Independent JPEG Group's code. The Independent JPEG Group's code supports JPEG conversion to different formats. This distribution file contains source code only. The pre-compiled application is available under a separate distribution. This distribution does not contain the source for the Independent JPEG Group's software; instructions for obtaining the IJG source are included in this distribution. Features: * Supports system 6 or 7 * Converts JPEG file to/from GIF, PPM, & TARGA * RLE support available (not in default distribution) * Supports quantization, dithering, smoothing, grayscale * Supports batch drag & drop conversion with system 7 * Balloon help and nifty dialogs * SOURCE CODE IS AVAILABLE (separate distribution) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Jim Brunner (brunner%wf-jim.uucp%hobbes.uucp@twerp.ease.arco.com) #### BINHEX kanji-c-preprocessor-c.hqx **** From: Mikaeru <mikaeru@worldnet.fr> Subject: KanjiCPreProcessor 1.2 KanjiCPreProcessor: Japanese Shift-JIS C/C++/Rez pre-processor - free source code KanjiCPreProcessor.c is the source code of a basic filter for C, C++, and Rez source files, which strips all the comments, and replaces in strings all the Shift-JIS double-byte characters whose second byte happens to be a backslash with their equivalent octal escape sequences, so that the source files can be successfully compiled even when the compiler is not truly multibyte-savvy, or when the Japanese script is not supported by the system the compiler is running on... Note: This code has been successfully compiled with CodeWarrior Discovery Programming Edition 4, using the following project stationery: MacOS : C_C++ : Standard Console : Std C Console 68K In addition, "ANSI strict" must be explicitly turned *off* in the C/C++ Language Settings Panel. Disclaimer: This source code is provided "as is" and is free for you to use, at your own risk. Please let me know of any bugs or suggestions for improvements. --Michel MARIANI (a.k.a. Mikaeru) Mikaeru Software: <http://home.worldnet.fr/mmariani/mikaeru/soft.html> #### BINHEX kant-generator-pro-131-c.hqx **** From: f8dy@netaxs.com Subject: Kant Generator Pro 1.3.1 source code Date: Wed, 28 Jun 1995 20:56:54 -0400 (EDT) Kant Generator Pro 1.3.1 generates endless amounts of pseudo-Kantian gibberish based on the vocabulary and sentence structure of Immanual Kant's "Critique of Pure Reason." You can also create your own generation modules to generate anything you like. Several sample modules are included. Copyright (c) 1994-5, Mark Pilgrim. Please read enclosed file "GNU General Public License" for licensing details. Improvements since 1.2: added scripting support, added Speech Manager support, added Swedish Kant module, added background music, and more. #### BINHEX kill-drive-c.hqx **** From: Todd Wilson <tdwilson@freenet.columbus.oh.us> Subject: Disabling floppy drive (prog+source) Date: Wed, 15 Jun 1994 12:33:09 -0500 --========================_13547488==_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" This is a very simple hack that can disable the floppy drives on a Mac. Not bullet proof by any means, but may have some applications outside of my own system. Think C 7.0 project and source, along with application/extension. StuffIt Deluxe archive. --========================_13547488==_ Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="Kill_Drive_=.sit" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Kill_Drive_=.sit" #### BINHEX launch-creator-c.hqx **** Date: Wed, 3 Nov 93 11:37:36 -0600 From: oleg@ponder.csci.unt.edu (Kiselyov Oleg) Subject: launch-creator.cpt - (source) get a file "double-clicked" from a running pgm What: get any file "double-clicked" from within a running program Contents: launcher.cc - code itself (commented) vlauncher.cc - verification routine Language: Symantec C++ 6.0 (though worked for Think C 5.0, too) System: System 7.x, but probably 6.x is OK, too. Note: needs standard environment, see myenv-notify.cpt Comments to: oleg@ponder.csci.unt.edu, oleg@unt.edu Explanation: This is a simple program that, given a file name, launches an application-creator and has it handle the file. If the file is an application, it is launched itself. The net result is exactly the same as if the user had double-clicked on the file. Synopsis void open_selection(const char * full_path_name) Where the 'full_path_name' tells the full path name of the file that should be "double-clicked". Though, a relative path name would do, too. The present program achieves the magic by sending an 'Open Selection' event to the Finder. It is significantly based on the FinderEvents stack by Jon Pugh and Apple Computer, Inc. (C) 1991-92 Apple Computer, Inc.) (which is written in Pascal and _very_ big and messy) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #### BINHEX launch-creator.hqx **** From: (Kiselyov Oleg) oleg@ponder.csci.unt.edu Subject: launch-creator - (source) get a file "double-clicked" from What: get any file/folder "double-clicked" from within a running program Keywords: launch, Finder, scripting, AppleEvent Language: C++, CodeWarrior9 System: System 7.x (7.5.3) but probably 6.x is OK, too. Comments to: oleg@ponder.csci.unt.edu, oleg@unt.edu Version 1.1, June 1996 New in version 1.1 - the name of a file/folder to open can be specified either as an ASCII C string, or as a FSSpec - included (and shown off) code to convert FSSpec to the full path name (and how it can be used to figure out the full path name to the system folder and the stuff within) - now works under CW9 (the previous version was compiled with Symantec C++ 6.0) #### BINHEX libga-100.hqx **** From: octavian@agt.net (Octavian Micro Development) Subject: libga100 libga100 is example C source code on how to write simple applications using genetic algorithms. Originally written in K&R C, the included source has been ported to ANSI C and compiled using MetroWerks CodeWarrior 9. libga100 is originally copyright by Art Corcoran, and this port is distributed with his permission. Bernie Wieser (octavian@agt.net) #### BINHEX libga-c100-c.hqx **** From: octavian@agt.net (Octavian Micro Development) Subject: libga100 libga100 is example C source code on how to write simple applications using genetic algorithms. Originally written in K&R C, the included source has been ported to ANSI C and compiled using MetroWerks CodeWarrior 9. libga100 is originally copyright by Art Corcoran, and this port is distributed with his permission. Bernie Wieser (octavian@agt.net) #### BINHEX linked-lists-11-c.hqx **** From "MaT101@aol.com (Michael Terry)" Wed Mar 15 20:41:27 1995 Date: Wed, 15 Mar 1995 23:41:44 -0500 From: MaT101@aol.com (Michael Terry) Subject: Linked Lists 1.1.sit.hqx --========================_6835356==_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" --========================_6835356==_ Content-Type: multipart/header-set; boundary="========================_6835356==_D" --========================_6835356==_D Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Type: application/applefile; name="%Linked_Lists_1.1.sit.hqx" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="%Linked_Lists_1.1.sit.hqx" AAUWBwACAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIAAAADAAAAMgAAABgAAAAJAAAASgAAACBM aW5rZWQgTGlzdHMgMS4xLnNpdC5ocXhURVhUQk5IUQEAAWz/wAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAA== --========================_6835356==_D Content-Type: text/plain; name="Linked_Lists_1.1.sit.hqx"; charset="us-ascii" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Linked_Lists_1.1.sit.hqx" Enclosed is a submission for the source code folder of Mac development (This archive can be included in CD ROMs) LinkedLists version 1.1 are a set of generic linked list classes for use in a C++ environment. They are fairly well commented so you can quickly start using them in your own applications. The lists can self-sorting provided you override the logical operators in the class you'll store. Also included is a demo app using them and a quick how-to sheet on how to implement template classes in Symantec C++. The code is freeware. #### BINHEX little-c.hqx **** Date: Mon, 4 Oct 93 23:34:51 -0700 From: tsyang@dec-9.CE.Berkeley.EDU (Tzong-Shuoh Yang) Subject: little_c.hqx - a C interpreter (Think C source) This is the Think C 6.01 version of Little_C -- a subset C interpreter by Herbert Schildt. Little C is a C interpreter that can execute a subset of K&R ANSI C programming language. ANSI C is a robust and powerful programming language, but the Little C interpreter only implements a limited range of features. These include: parameterized functions with local variables; recursion; if statement; do-while, while, and for loops; integer and character variables; global variables; integer, character, and string constraints; return statement; several library functions; several operators; functions returning integers; and comments. A recursive-descent parser is used to implement the C interpreter. Details of the development, coding, and functionality of the C interpreter are described in Schildt, Herbert. Building your own C interpreter. Dr. Dobb's Journal of Software Tools v14, n8 (August, 1989):38 (16 pages). The original source code can be obtained by anonymous ftp from sites with ddjmag archive, e.g. oakland.oak.edu. Enjoy. T. S. Yang (tsyang@ce.berkeley.edu) ================================================================ #### BINHEX lose-your-marbles-10-c.hqx **** From: f8dy@netaxs.com Subject: Lose Your Marbles! 1.0 (source code) Date: Thu, 14 Jul 1994 03:34:19 -0400 (EDT) Lose Your Marbles! 1.0 is an infuriating board game in which you must fill a board (as small as 5 x 5, as large as 8 x 8) with marbles such that so row, column, or diagonal contains two of the same marble. Not as easy as it sounds... This archive contains the complete THINK C 7 project and resource files. Application also available; check ftp sites or e-mail f8dy@netaxs.com. Finger f8dy@netaxs.com for complete program list. Copyright (C) 1994, Mark Pilgrim. Please read enclosed file "GNU General Public License" for licensing details. #### BINHEX lp-daemon-332-c.hqx **** Date: Thu, 1 Apr 1993 09:52:57 +0800 (WST) From: "Casper A. Boon" <casper@mips.cs.murdoch.edu.au> Subject: lpDaemon332.src.cpt.hqx ---2039267323-721586092-733629388:#10490 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII Here are the THINK C 5.0.4 sources for version 3.3.2 of lpDaemon. This corrects a serious bug in version 3.3.1. #### BINHEX lp-daemon.hqx **** Date: Wed, 20 Jan 1993 15:15:41 +0800 (WST) From: "Casper A. Boon" <casper@mips.cs.murdoch.edu.au> Subject: lpDaemon - a BSD compatible printer daemon for the mac lpDaemon and LPR ---------------- lpDaemon is a utility that implements the Berkeley Line Printer Protocols on the Macintosh. It normally spools postscript file sent from a unix host and sends them to a LaserWriter on the Mac network. LPR is an lpDaemon client that submits jobs to a printer queue. Typically a text file is to a unix print queue. lpDaemon and LPR run under system 7 and require MacTCP. Casper Boon April 1993 =========================================================================== Casper A. Boon, casper@mips.cs.murdoch.edu.au Computer Science Programme, School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Murdoch University, South Street, PHONE: (09) 360 2790 Murdoch, Western Australia, 6150. OVERSEAS: +61 9 360 2790 =========================================================================== ---2039267323-721586092-733629388:#10490 Content-Type: APPLICATION/octet-stream; name="lpDaemon332.src.cpt.hqx" Content-ID: <Pine.3.05.9304010927.B10490@mips> Content-Description: #### BINHEX mac-default-shell-101.hqx **** From: Brian Christensen <bkc@clarinets.de> Mac Default Shell is a simple and small Mac application shell/skeleton for C programmers (this is the source code to a fully functional Mac application). The code is extensively commented, which means you can easily understand what's happening. All the standard elements of a Mac application are demostrated: menus, dialogs and windows. It requires a C/C++ compiler (MPW may have some trouble compiling - I'm working on a fix for the next version) and the Universal Headers 3.0 or later (for Appearance Manager Support). The update to v1.0.1 removes some unnecessary code and includes some other minor changes and bug fixes (see the included Mac Default Shell Notes read me file for detailed information). Brian Christensen http://www.clarinets.de/bkc/software/ #### BINHEX mac-gzip-10-c.hqx **** From: "J.A. Gutierrez E." <MacSPD@ivo.cps.unizar.es> Subject: MacGzip 1.0 sources Hi These are the C sources for MacGzip 1.0 (some bug fixes from 1.0b1) #### BINHEX mac-gzip-111-src.hqx **** From: MacSPD@ivo.cps.unizar.es Subject: MacGzip 1.1.1 sources Source code for MacGzip 1.1.1 (C sources for Symantec C 8.0 and MW CW 11) -- When the sunsets glow drifts away from you You'll no longer know if any of this was really true at all (The Cure) J.A. Gutierrez E. | finger spd@daphne.cps.unizar.es for PGP public key #### BINHEX mac-perl-418-c.hqx **** Subject: Mac_Perl_418_src Date: Fri, 10 Mar 1995 19:08:31 +0100 From: Matthias Ulrich Neeracher <neeri@iis.ee.ethz.ch> MacPerl is a Macintosh port of Perl [Programmable Extractor and Report Lister], a highly flexible text manipulation languages with Unix origins. This archive contains the full source code to build the application and the MPW tool. #### BINHEX mac-rtrace-1842-c.hqx **** From: Gregory Ferrar <ferrar@pike.cecer.army.mil> Subject: MacRTrace1.8.4.2Code (MacRTrace source code resend) Date: Fri, 23 Jun 1995 16:40:55 -0500 (CDT) #### TEXT mac-speech-p.txt **** Date: Sun, 22 Aug 1993 17:21:29 -0500 From: PAUL M SHELDON <psheldon@utdallas.edu> Subject: simple speech manager translation to pascal code I have little experience in C and was grateful for the posting, in C, of speech manager routine calls. It gave me an opportunity to make a simple exercise to value learning C in the future by the book. In the following, I paste my C to pascal code translation of a submission of a quick hack on this archive by Alan Coopersmith as /info-mac/dev/mac-speech-01.hqx. It was a lot of fun to figure this simple translation with a kid I mentor and then go on late into the night to make the compiling linking and execution work. I tried to comment the code with some of my hard won understanding. Perhaps this brief segment will improve others courage as it has mine. I had a lot of psychological inertia to get moving into enthusiastic momentum. I look forward to translating Alexander W. Kourakos' C demo with Paul Traue, my mentor-kid. Povl H. Pedersen has given me some reassurance. Notice what I am trying to say is this isn't much of a boast for me, just a sense of remarkable joy that I can hook into new system extensions from apple with pinterfaces. A few years ago the only guys I knew about #### BINHEX mac-starter-c.hqx **** From: David Eck <ECK%HWS.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU> Subject: dev/src/mac-starter-c.hqx (new version) Date: 01 Feb 1994 10:50:28 -0500 (EST) This file should replace "dev/src/mac-starter-c.hqx" in info-mac. I have heard from several people who had trouble using MacStarter with THINK C 6.0. The problems seem to be caused by stricter type-checking of pointer types in version 6.0. The error messages will go away if you turn off the "Check Pointer Types" option in the options box for THINK C (under the Edit Menu), but there turn out to be a few actual errors (not just type problems) that should be corrected. So, I have updated MacStarter to work with THINK C 6.0, as well as with version 5.0, and corrected known errors. David Eck eck@hws.bitnet February 1, 1994 MacStarter is an application shell for writing quick, small programs in THINK C (5.0 or 6.0). If you are already a Mac programmer, you probably have written your own such shell. However, I am posting this to info-mac because: -- it might be useful for a C programmer who wants to get started writing programs with Mac interfaces without facing the darker parts of Inside Macintosh or the THINK Class library -- it uses a window class to provide the basic functionality of windows (This provides a concrete example of how objects can be used in THINK C. It is also a neat way of localizing the changes you need to make in the shell to produce a working program.) -- I have actually put in the time to write fairly detailed comments explaining how to use the shell #### BINHEX mac-starter-p.hqx **** From: David Eck <ECK@hws.bitnet> Subject: dev/src/mac-starter-pascal.hqx Date: Tue, 14 Dec 1993 17:32:13 -0600 --========================_13931840==_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" MacStarter_Pascal: A Macintosh application shell for writing small-to-moderate programs with THINK Pascal 4.0, AND including "expression.p", which provides facilities for parsing and evaluating mathematical expressions such as "x~2+7" or "rate * sin(omega)". MacStarter_Pascal uses the object-oriented features of THINK Pascal to implement windows with the standard Macintosh behavior. The windows can contain "decorations" such as buttons and text-input boxes. A lot of comments are included in the source files, and the source code for several simple applications is included. The expression-manipulation unit, "expression.p" can be used separately from the rest of the shell; one of the sample applications shows how this unit can be used for graphing functions. Note that MacStarter_Pascal is similar to, but more sophisticated than, MacStarter_C (for use with THINK C), which I have distributed previously. This application shell is appropriate for programs that don't need all the power and complexity of the THINK Class Library. It is provided free-of-charge and royality-free, and it can be freely distributed provided no charge is made for it. (I also hereby give my permission for it to be distributed on the info-mac CD ROM.) This is a binhexed self-extracting archive. David Eck Department of Mathematics and Computer Science Hobart and William Smith Colleges Geneva, NY 14456 eck@hws.bitnet --========================_13931840==_ Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="MacStarter_Pascal.sea" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="MacStarter_Pascal.sea" #### BINHEX mac-wt-004-c.hqx **** From: pjcreath@phoenix.Princeton.EDU (Peter Creath) Subject: MacWT 0.04 Date: Wed, 18 May 1994 14:24:36 -0500 --========================_6967288==_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Enclosed is the entire Mac port of "wt", a 3D public domain engine. This archive contains EVERYTHING relating to 0.04 on the home FTP site -- the documentation (what there is), the source code (in C), and the fat binary demo. I am not the author, nor am I the one who ported it to Mac. Excerpts from the README: wt - a 3D game engine Copyright (C) 1994 by Chris Laurel --------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is still a preliminary version of my 3D game engine, wt. * In the proud tradition of cp, mv, rm, as, and cc, now there is 'wt' wt (never capitalized) stands for "what's that?" * This is not by any means a complete game. It is just a demo of my graphics engine. I'd never name a game wt. * wt is portable software. See the section on porting at the end of this README for information on what to change in order to port to another platform. * Features: * Easy to edit world file. Just haul out your favorite text editor and modify 'castle.world' Or create your own .world file from scratch. Whee. Just don't get carried away because the world file format will be changing before the next release. * No BSP trees were killed to make this program. Sorry . . . it's late. BSP trees are elegant and fast *if* your environment is static. I eventually want walls in wt that move and change shape. However, if I can't kill a bug having to do with walls perpendicular to the view plane, I may have to resort to a BSP tree for determining wall visibility (or if my current algorithm is too slow for worlds with a large number of walls.) * Variable texture map size. Texture maps for walls can be any width you like, but the height must be either 64 or 128. Floor textures must be either 64x64 or 128x128. The main reason why arbitrary powers of two aren't supported has to do with the fact that Intels x86 chips don't have enough registers for my innermost loops. * Texture scaling for walls. The walls have an x scale factor and a y scale factor. It might be more properly called 'frequency,' since the smaller the parameter, the bigger the texture map will appear. Supporting the scaling factors requires a couple of extra multiplies in the wall drawing function. * Resources * A wt mailing list has been started recently. Topics will include improving the engine design and adding features, porting the engine to different architectures, and game design using the wt graphics engine. The addresses are: to subscribe: wtm-request@magoo.uwsuper.edu to post a message: wtm@magoo.uwsuper.edu --========================_6967288==_ Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="MacWT-0.04.cpt" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="MacWT-0.04.cpt" #### BINHEX mac-zoop-21b1.hqx **** From: Tom Riley <tjriley@kagi.com> Subject: MacZoop 2.1b1 MacZoop represents one of the most straightforward and most rewarding ways to program the Macintosh. With very little effort, you can be right up to speed developing your next great Mac application, without all that tedious mucking about worrying about the event loop and all the standard toolbox code to open windows, etc. MacZoop is aimed at beginners to C++ programming, or newcomers to the Mac platform, and is ideal for small to medium-sized projects. It is supplied as full open source code, so all programmers should find something useful in it. Users of MacZoop 1.x will find themselves right at home in MacZoop 2.0, but with hundreds of improvements and an even simpler architecture. This is the most bug-free MacZoop ever released to date, and is utterly rock solid. Requirements: Metrowerks CodeWarrior Pro recommended #### BINHEX mac.hqx **** From: akochoi@netvigator.com Subject: emacs-20.3-mac-src-d1 Macintosh port of GNU Emacs 20.3 This StuffIt archive contains the files needed to build the Macintosh port of GNU Emacs 20.3. Either Metrowerks CodeWarrior Pro 4 or MPW-GW (Feb. 1999) can be used to build it. Instructions for building this port can be found in the README file. This port still lacks some major features of Emacs (e.g., dump-emacs, subprocesses, and networking capabilities) and should be viewed as a work in progress. It is released under the GNU Public License. This port has been built on a Power Macintosh 8500 with 48M of RAM. You should be able to build it if you have a better machine. In additional to this file, you will need the standard source distribution of GNU Emacs 20.3. The Emacs source distribution, the Mac files, and files generated by compilation take up a little less than 100M disk space. Allow for a few additional tens of megabytes of temporary disk space during a build. A web page for this port can be accessed at http://www.cs.hku.hk/~choi/emacs/index.html or http://home.netvigator.com/~akochoi/emacs/index.html Up-to-date source code and patches as well as information about the port will be posted there. Enjoy! Andrew Choi <choi@cs.hku.hk> #### BINHEX macbinary-ii-plus-pas.hqx **** Date: Tue, 9 Feb 1993 15:36:53 +0800 From: Peter N Lewis <peter@cujo.curtin.edu.au> Subject: source/pascal/macbinary2+100.hqx This is the THINK Pascal 4.0.2 source code for MacBinary II+, a System 7 drag&drop converter for MacBinary files. The source code may be used for any non-commercial (ie, shareware or freeware) purpose as long as I get a mention in the about box and documentation of any derivative program. The code is very sparsely commented. All pascal units ending with .unit are taken from my personal library of reusable modules, and should be fairly easy to incorporate into any other program. The source code uses Michael Hecht's Task Manager code, and could be used as an example of how to use that code, as well as supporting the core Apple Events. Hope its useful to someone, Peter. <peter@cujo.curtin.edu.au> MacBinary II+ v1.0.0 Copyright 1992-93 Peter N Lewis #### BINHEX macintosh-tracker-12-c.hqx **** From: tomlaw@world.std.com (Thomas R. Lawrence) Subject: MacTrackerSource1.20.cpt.hqx Date: Sun, 8 May 1994 10:33:34 -0400 This is the source code for the Macintosh Tracker MOD player. It includes Macintosh source to Marc Espie's Tracker 4.0 and examples of how to call Frank Seide's Sound-Trecker and Antoine Rosset's MADF-Library routines. Project files were created with THINK C 6.0. Direct all correspondence to: Thomas R. Lawrence tomlaw@world.std.com #### BINHEX made-170.hqx **** From: Gideon Greenspan <gdg@sigsoftware.com> Subject: MADE 1.7.0 - Macintosh Application Development Essentials Macintosh Application Development Essentials (MADE for short) is a tiny package of C/C++ code which provides all the lowest-level needs for a Macintosh application. It contains basic routines for dealing with errors, memory, menus, events, linked lists, AppleEvents and Drag-and-Drop. MADE is used extensively at Sig Software for our own programs. Analog Helper, Cross Platform, Drop Drawers and Email Effects for Mac are built entirely on the MADE framework, while Email Merge and NameCleaner use parts of it. If you purchase MADE, you will receive extra code for string manipulation, opening URLs, threading, dealing with memory and file buffers, dialog box items and opening and saving files with the new Navigation Services. All of these features are documented with comments in the code. Version 1.7.0 adds Classic/Carbon glue code to help you build for both APIs from a single source code base, support for Appearance Manager Theme Change events and memory leak testing. Sig Software - http://www.sigsoftware.com/ #### BINHEX mailcheck-c.hqx **** Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1993 10:05:06 -0400 (EDT) From: Aaron Wohl <aw0g+@andrew.cmu.edu> Subject: check unix mail client mailcheck / by Aaron Wohl N3LIW / Public Domain / mail n3liw+@cmu.edu Home ftp site akutaktak.andrew.cmu.edu [] /aw0g/mailcheck* Available from compuserve in the ham radio sig/packet section Mailcheck is an Init/cdev/driver to check for mail in a server (unix) mailbox via UDP (TCP/IP) and pop a notification manager dialog window or play a sound when mail comes in. Sources included. It talks to a unix server which is also available from the above site. Aaron Wohl (aw0g+@andrew.cmu.edu) #### BINHEX marksman-30-metro-cpp-sample.hqx **** From: Arthur Dent <dent@yarrow.wt.uwa.edu.au> Subject: upload MarksmanCodeMetroCp-30.sea.hqx Date: Sun, 13 Feb 1994 01:18:53 +0800 (WST) Sample source code generated from the Marksman 3.0 code generator for a sample prototype. See also the MarksmanEditorDemo-30 archive. This code is for use with Metrowerks DR1 C++ compiler. ITMAKERS@Applelink.apple.com #### BINHEX marksman-30-think-pascal-sample.hqx **** From: Arthur Dent <dent@yarrow.wt.uwa.edu.au> Subject: upload MarksmanCodeTPascal-30.sea.hqx Date: Sun, 13 Feb 1994 01:19:31 +0800 (WST) Sample source code generated from the Marksman 3.0 code generator for a sample prototype. See also the MarksmanEditorDemo-30 archive. This code is for use with Think Pascal compiler. ITMAKERS@Applelink.apple.com #### BINHEX matts-scripts-as.hqx **** From: ai158@freenet.buffalo.edu (Matthew Ahrens) Subject: Matt's Scripts Date: Mon, 28 Mar 1994 09:25:53 -0500 These are some scripts for AppleScript that I wrote. They include: Replace in text editor Dial Number Number Lines Get Item Info I hope you enjoy them! #### BINHEX maxwell-c.hqx **** From: kenlong@netcom.com (Ken Long) Subject: NewMaxwell-c-src Date: Fri, 4 Feb 1994 18:57:18 -0800 (PST) Gift Givers! This is source for Think C 5.0.4 which combines some routines found in the original PD source for Maxwell-DA and a microShell made from the TC demo "Bullseye." All I did was get this to run in the shell. More work needs to be done one it, but it stands as a demo for doing B/W sprite animation without resources. It puts up a window with a framed Rect. There are little happy faces bopping around randomly, boncing off walls and each other. Ther are some black dots doing the same. A bar down the Rect. center has a gate that opens on mouseDown and closes on mouseUp. The idea is to open and close it at the right time so that all the "balls" wind up on one side of the bar. -Ken- ----------------Cut to your Heart's content-------------------------------- #### BINHEX mbar-clock-c.hqx **** Date: Wed, 21 Dec 1994 11:56:26 +0800 (SST) From: Ueda Hajime <hajime@singnet.com.sg> Subject: MBarClock Source Here's MBarClock's source! You can use all or part of it in your application. If you made something, please send me a copy. Enjoy, Masafumi Ueda #### TEXT mbprintf-c.txt **** Date: Wed, 2 Dec 92 16:28:25 PST From: macmod@SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU (Info-Mac Moderator) orrow.stanford.edu!stanford.edu!agate!ucbvax!hplabs!sdd.hp.com!elroy.j pl.nasa.gov!usc!davidp From: davidp@calvin.usc.edu (David Peterson) Newsgroups: comp.sys.mac.programmer Subject: Just for you, an early Christmas present Message-Id: <1fj5ksINNo34@calvin.usc.edu> Date: 2 Dec 92 20:17:32 GMT Reply-To: davidp@usc.edu Organization: University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA Lines: 99 Nntp-Posting-Host: calvin.usc.edu Apparently-To: info-mac Resent-To: backmod Resent-Date: Wed, 2 Dec 1992 16:28:22 PST Resent-From: Info-Mac Moderator <macmod@sumex-aim.Stanford.EDU> #### BINHEX mega-source-150-nshell.hqx **** Date: Sun, 1 Jan 1995 09:36:13 -0800 (PST) From: John Jensen <jjensen@kaiwan.com> Subject: nShell v1.5.0 Mega Source Source code is provided for the following nShell(tm) commands: ask, battery, beep, cat, chattr, cp, date, dec, delay, df, du, echo, eq, find, fss, gestalt, grep, head, hello, inc, launch, ls, man, match, mem, mkdir, mv, notify, odoc, ps, read, rm, sfget, sfput, shift, tail, unlock, wc, and yesno. It is assumed that you have downloaded and installed the nShell application and its Programmer's Guide. These packages are available from a number of on-line sources. The nShell is a traditional scripting environment for the Apple Macintosh. The shell is available in two forms. A light version, called nShell(tm), is freely distributable for non-commercial purposes. A second version, called nShell-Pro(tm), is available as a commercial product. Our goal is to make the shell environment available to as many users as possible, while providing serious users with the support and reliability of a full commercial product. Contact: John Jensen EMail: jjensen@kaiwan.com, jjens@eworld.com, or jjensen@aol.com Mail: Newport Software Development, P.O. Box 1485, Newport Beach, CA 92659 #### BINHEX menu-commands-library-as.hqx **** From: ai158@freenet.buffalo.edu (Matthew Ahrens) Subject: [*] Menu Commands Script Date: Mon, 2 May 1994 14:38:14 -0400 Please replace the previous copy of Menu Commands with this version. some people had complained about the script asking them for an app which they did not have. this version is saved as text, not complied, so that should not be a problem now. feel free to email any additional problems, suggestions, thank-yous, etc. #### BINHEX menu-fixer-10-c.hqx **** From: f8dy@netaxs.netaxs.com (Mark Pilgrim) Subject: Menu Fixer 1.0 (source code) Date: Mon, 15 Nov 1993 11:03:20 -0500 (EST) Menu Fixer is a programmer's tool which will examine all the MENU resources in a file and report (and optionally fix) discrepancies between the MENU resource ID and the menu's internal menu ID. If your menus are showing up scrambled or not showing up at all, try this first! Menul Fixer is distributed under the GNU General Public License; this archive contains complete THINK C 6.0.1 source code for the Menu Fixer application, complete source code for an external application used to set up the application's self-integrity checker, and notes for using the self- integrity checker. You may freely redistribute this package as a whole; you may freely modify this application and re-distribute it under the GNU General Public License. See the file "GNU General Public License" in this archive for details. This code handles, among other things, events, menus, apple events, Gestalt environment checking, hierarchical menus, dialogs, windows, off-screen bitmaps, resource file management, and standard file dialogs. None of this is very well commented, but feel free to direct any questions to f8dy@netaxs.com. Menu Fixer 1.0 is copyright 1993, Mark Pilgrim, MerriMac Software Group. #### BINHEX menu-slide-11-p.hqx **** Date: Wed, 19 Oct 1994 15:27:34 +1000 From: Hugh.Fisher@anu.edu.au (Hugh Fisher) Subject: dev/source - MenuSlide 1.1 For the dev/src area This is a little application I wrote to test a user interface idea: that the menu bar should slide when you switch applications. Source code (THINK Pascal) and binary (it's very small) included. Please try it and let me know what you think. #### BINHEX micro-animation-demo-p.hqx **** From: Ingemar Ragnemalm <ingemar@lysator.liu.se> Subject: MicroAnimationDemo (Pascal source) This is a very simple sprite animation demo, written as a first intro to GWorlds and offscreen drawing. Think or Metrowerks Pascal. /Ingemar Ragnemalm #### BINHEX migo-software-library-p.hqx **** Date: Mon, 24 Apr 1995 13:11:35 +0000 (GMT) From: Miguel Frias <l41467@ci.ist.utl.pt> Subject: MGSW Library Hi, just to send the new version of MGSW Library for Pascal programmers. Hope it gets there OK. Thanks, Miguel. #### BINHEX missile-command-23p-p.hqx **** From: Ingemar Ragnemalm <ingemar@lysator.liu.se> Date: Sun, 30 Apr 1995 12:09:27 +0200 Subject: Missile Command, old game, Pascal source-code This is the old game Missile Command by RObert Munafo, from 1984. I've made some small improvements, like sound and black background, but otherwise it is just the same as it always was. I call it version 2.3 plus. #### BINHEX more-files-143.hqx **** From: (Jim Luther) JumpLong@aol.com Subject: MoreFiles 1.4.3 MoreFiles is a collection of high-level routines written over the last couple of years to answer File Manager questions developers have sent to Apple Developer Technical Support. The routines have been tested (but not stress-tested), documented, and code-reviewed by Apple's Developer Technical Support. This release fixes several minor bugs. MoreFiles provides: high-level and FSSpec style routines for parameter-block only File Manager calls; useful utility routines that perform many common File Manager related operations; a robust file copy routine; a recursive directory copy routine; a catalog searching routines; high-level and FSSpec style routines for Desktop Manager calls; routines for dealing with pathnames; and a flexible directory iteration (scan) function. #### BINHEX morpion-100-p.hqx **** From: Peter N Lewis <peter@ncrpda.curtin.edu.au> Subject: src/pascal - Morpion 1.0.0 Date: Fri, 3 Dec 1993 17:30:00 +0800 This is the Pascal source code for Morpion v1.0.0, a simple solitaire game, initially designed by Henri Lamiraux. The source code contains lots of interesting stuff: Demonstrates the usefulness of building library routines (only three of the included source files are particular to Morpion). Support for the core AppleEvents Support for FMenus which make you menu locations independent of the code that implements them. Supports for the TextToSpeech Manager. Demonstrates OO techniques for implementing windows as objects. Code for reading your own Version resource. And lots of useful general purpose routines. You can use this source code for any non-commercial purpose. Hope it is useful to someone, Peter. <peter.lewis@info.curtin.edu.au> Morpion v1.0.0 Copyright 1993 Peter N Lewis #### BINHEX mouse-broken-101-c.hqx **** From: f8dy@netaxs.com (Mark Pilgrim) Subject: Mousebroken 1.0.1 (source code) Date: Tue, 7 Dec 1993 00:16:40 -0500 (EST) Mousebroken is a control panel which will give you greater control over your mouse (or less control, depending on how you look at it). It comes with 13 mouse modules, each designed to alter your mouse's behavior in a different way. New mouse modules can easily be designed and added to Mousebroken. The mouse modules in this archive are public domain; feel free to design your own! The Mousebroken control panel is free and is distributed under the GNU General Public License. This archive contains complete THINK C 6.0.1 source code and project files for the control panel. This archive also contains source code to 13 sample mouse modules and a blank module prototype (quite well commented, too); these modules are public domain. If you do not have FTP access, e-mail the author for a copy of the control panel, the source code, or a list of other programs by the same author. The address is f8dy@netaxs.com. Version 1.0.1 fixes a bug that caused the error dialog box to be displayed incorrectly on black & white Macs. This version of the control panel should work on any Macintosh, under either system 6 or 7. Some individual mouse modules may have problems on systems with multiple monitors. Please report any bugs/comments/suggestions to f8dy@netaxs.com. This code demonstrates the in's and out's of writing a control panel, advanced file maintenance, INIT installation, preference file maintenance, notification through the Notification Manager, VBL installation and removal, and the correct way to access Quickdraw globals in a control panel. Mousebroken 1.0.1 is copyright 1993, Mark Pilgrim, MerriMac Software Group. #### BINHEX move-to-shadow-135-as.hqx **** From: igorl@uiuc.edu (Igor Livshits) Subject: Move to shadow 1.3.5; an AppleScript for Info-Mac archiving I wrote this script to help me archive Info-Mac submissions from my Mac. It's gone through about 6 months of daily testing, but I am sure there are still a few errors lurking somewhere. This script incorporates a log file, some text parsing and manipulation, and control of Anarchie and Eudora. I am releasing this script mostly as an example; I am sure only a handful may actually find use for it. For those that wish to use this script as a vehicle to submit files to Info-Mac, please contact me for more information. One item that is missing from this distribution is the account and password file. #### BINHEX mpeg-audio-033-src.hqx **** From: franke1@llnl.gov (Norman Franke) Subject: MPEG Audio for Mac Source Due to popular demand, I've enclosed the source for my (old) port of maplay to the Mac. This is the source to "MPEG Audio for Macintosh 0.3.3". I no longer support this quick port, since my freeware SoundApp 2.1.1 supports MPEG playback and conversion and works much better. -Norman #### TEXT mpw-tool-appleevents-c.txt **** From: keith@taligent.com (Keith Rollin) Subject: Re: Need sample code of MPW tool using Apple Events Date: Fri, 18 Sep 1992 01:50:18 GMT In article <1992Sep17.181819.23018@oakhill.sps.mot.com>, tomc@oakhill.sps.mot.com (Tom Cunningham) wrote: > > > Does anyone have some code for an MPW tool using Apple Events that > they could send me? In particular, I want to communicate with the > Tool Server (e.g. run a script) via Apple Events from within an MPW > tool. Thanks. I used the following in a tool I wrote to kill and restart the Finder. This was in the hopes that shutting down the Finder would help speed up my long compiles (it didn't). Remember that you have to have one of the MPW Shells that comes with its High-Level Event Aware bit set: void KillFinder() { #### BINHEX msg-14-demo-c.hqx **** From: f8dy@netaxs.com (Mark Pilgrim) Subject: MSG Demo 1.4 (source code) Date: Sat, 23 Apr 1994 19:28:54 -0400 (EDT) MSG Demo 1.4 is a collection of 67 graphic effects and 60 fades. New features: increased compatibility with 68000 machines, 32 new effects and fades, deBinHex capability, and many technical improvements. This archive contains complete THINK C source code and project files. Demo application also available; check ftp sites or e-mail f8dy@netaxs.com. Finger f8dy@netaxs.com for complete program list. Copyright (C) 1992-4, Mark Pilgrim. Please read enclosed file "GNU General Public License" for licensing details. #### BINHEX multisession-104-c.hqx **** Date: Sat, 2 Oct 93 20:56:59 -0500 From: tomlaw@yar.cs.wisc.edu (Thomas R. Lawrence) Subject: MultiSession 1.04 source code Wow. Source code to MultiSession. PLEASE send all mail to tomlaw@world.std.com! #### BINHEX munge-image-120-p.hqx **** Date: Mon, 15 Aug 1994 20:17:38 +0800 From: Quinn <quinn@cs.uwa.edu.au> Subject: source/pascal - MungeImage 1.2.0 Source --========================_9114232==_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Source to the latest release of the much malaigned, falsely accused, I didn't do it, I wasn't even in the country at the time, MungeImage utility. Share and Enjoy. Quinn "The Eskimo!" <quinn@cs.uwa.edu.au> Peter N Lewis <peter.lewis@info.curtin.edu.au> --========================_9114232==_ Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="MungeImage_Source_1.2.0.sit" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="MungeImage_Source_1.2.0.sit" #### BINHEX my-menv-notify-c.hqx **** From: (Kiselyov Oleg) oleg@ponder.csci.unt.edu Subject: mymenv-notify - a classlib for a few Mac chores (source) What: utility C++ functions/classes for a few very common Mac chores Highlights: - posting of synchronous _and_ asynchronous notifications - printf() in an alert box - "magic" conversion from a C to Pascal string - do_well() macro to make sure a "system call" went well - handling of mandatory Apple Events: OpenApplication, {Open|Print}Document, Quit: registering C++ classes as recipients of AppleEvents a trick of relaying AppleEvents to (abstract) C++ classes for processing - template of a generic drop box: an application that handles files dropped upon it - with the complete source and comments/explanations Keywords: notification, AppleEvent, utility, registration, dropbox, programming support, environment Note: The environment is used in most of my Mac software (incl. the one submitted to the Info-Mac) Language: C++, CodeWarrior9 System: System 7.1 - 7.5.3, binaries are made for a PowerMac. Comments to: oleg@ponder.csci.unt.edu, oleg@unt.edu Version 2.0, June 1996 New in version 2.0 - renamed myenv.* into mymenv.* to avoid name conflicts with my (UNIX) C++ environment - renamed message()/_error() into alert()/_die() for the same reason: the former (declared in my advanced C++ i/o package) write into a SIOUX console; the latter functions display an alert - "magic" conversion from C to Pascal string - Handling of Mandatory Apple Events OpenApplication, {Open|Print}Document, Quit - Now works under CW9 (the previous version was compiled with Symantec C++ 6.0) #### BINHEX ncsa-mac-telnet-261d1-c.hqx **** From "mactel@ncsa.uiuc.edu (Mac Telnet)" Tue May 17 12:35:18 1994 Date: Tue, 17 May 94 14:29:40 CDT From: mactel@ncsa.uiuc.edu (Mac Telnet) Subject: Telnet2.6.1d1 Source Code Several people have asked me for the NCSA Telnet 2.6 source code. The source code for 2.6 is not available. However, the source code for 2.6.1d1 _is_ available. Don't let the "d" scare you. The primary difference between the 2.6.1d1 source and the 2.6 source is the addition of some macros and a few small changes so the source code will compile native for the PowerMacintosh. The changes are detailed in the readme file. #### BINHEX net-cache-resolver-09d6-c.hqx **** From: (Tetsuya Mizutori) mizutori@ai.rcast.u-tokyo.ac.jp Subject: NetCacheResolver 0.9d6 source The package includes the source code of NetCacheResolver application, written in C language with Code Warrior DR 8. NetCacheResolver application program is also bundled into the NetCacheBack package. So, you do not need to download this package if you have NetCacheBack package or you have little concern in Macintosh programming. NetCacheResolver is a helper program to NetCacheBack, which converts the 2.0's CCache log datatabe of Netscape Navigator to that one of 1.1N's Cache log. NetCacheResolver is an AppleScriptable application, such as responding and directly sending back the resolved records to NetCacheBack. * Changes since 0.9d5, October 26, 1995 (1) Yesterday (oh, what is today?:-), I encountered an Unidentified Field Object in the CCache log database. This latent field, which I called "export", was an unexpected one, though I think most users may not have suffered from it. NetCacheResolver failed to resolve it properly. I fixed it. Requires System 7.5 or later. Or, the scriptable Finder and other Scripting Additions. NetCacheResolver is a freeware program. You can distribute it without any limitations nor permission. See also: http://www.bekkoame.or.jp/~mizutori/software/catalog.html I wish you enjoy it! Mizutori Tetsuya, RCAST, Univ. of Tokyo, Japan mizutori@ai.rcast.u-tokyo.ac.jp #### BINHEX net-rpg-106-p.hqx **** From: Erich Bratton <ebratton@sparc0a.cs.uiuc.edu> Subject: [*] NetRPG 1.06 Source code Date: Thu, 10 Nov 1994 13:28:47 -0600 (CST) NetRPG is a mac-based TCP/IP internet chat server made specifically for playing role-playing games over the net. Source is Think pascal 4. --Erich #### BINHEX neuro-sim-101-cp.hqx **** From: (Timo Eloranta) timo.eloranta@ac.com Subject: NeuroSim 1.0.1 Source Code This is a maintenance release which replaces the initial 1.0 release. Description This package includes the full PowerPlant based C++ source code for NeuroSim - a simple freeware neural net simulator for Macintosh. The code should be well enough documented for most Mac programmers. Requirements * CodeWarrior (the projects included are for CW9) * some sort of C++ skills... #### BINHEX new-watch-21-p.hqx **** From: Ingemar Ragnemalm <ingemar@lysator.liu.se> Date: Sun, 30 Apr 1995 12:11:36 +0200 Subject: New Watch 2.1 (Pascal source) Simple analog clock application, written in Think Pascal. This little code snippet has been a "chain letter code" in alt.sources.mac. #### BINHEX nih-image-149-c.hqx **** From: salzman@Athena.MIT.EDU Date: Wed, 31 Mar 93 21:57:15 -0500 Subject: NIH-Image.149_source.hqx (8600 lines = 558907 bytes) #### BINHEX no-exit.hqx **** From: "STUART KOHLER.....X2175" <STUARTK%NORWCH%NORWICH.BITNET@MITVMA.MIT.EDU> Subject: NoExit.hqx Date: Sat, 02 Jul 1994 20:50:44 -0500 (EST) contains handlers preventing exit from or changes to stack without password. **************************************************************************** #### BINHEX nshell-pro-c.hqx **** Date: Mon, 5 Jun 1995 05:25:27 -0700 (PDT) From: John Jensen <jjensen@kaiwan.com> Subject: nShell-Pro Application Source This package contains source code for the nShell-Pro application. The runtime files and user's guides are available seperately. This is the first freeware release of nShell-Pro. Until this date, June 4 1995, it has been a commercial product. We thank the early users of this product and hope that they will continue to benefit from the nShell. Given that we do not plan any new versions of the product in the near future, we are releasing full source code to the application. Feel free to tweak the shell to fit your preferences, or to include portions of it in your own products. You may distribute copies of the nShell(tm) and nShell-Pro(tm) for any purpose. Modified or derivative products based upon the nShell or its components should be clearly labeled as such. Contact: John Jensen EMail: jjensen@kaiwan.com, jjens@eworld.com, or jjensen@aol.com Mail: Newport Software Development, P.O. Box 1485, Newport Beach, CA 92659 #### BINHEX nshell-sample-c.hqx **** Date: Sun, 1 Jan 1995 14:23:28 -0800 (PST) From: John Jensen <jjensen@kaiwan.com> Subject: nShell v1.5.0 CodeWarrior Examples Early releases of the nShell(tm) contained sample code for the Think C development environment only. This package describes how to build nShell commands using CodeWarrior, as well as Think C. Source code is included for the "hello", "date", and "delay" commands. Conditional compilation allows commands to built under either environment. A hypertext programmer's guide to the nShell is available separately. You may distribute unmodified copies of the nShell(tm) for noncommercial purposes. All other rights are reserved. nShell-Pro(tm) is available as a commercial product, and may not be distributed without the express written consent of Newport Software Development. nShell and nShell-Pro are trademarks of Newport Software Development. Apple and Macintosh are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. THINK C is a trademark of Symantec Corporation. CodeWarrior is a trademark of Metrowerks, Inc. Other brands and their products are trademarks of their respective holders. Contact: John Jensen EMail: jjensen@aol.com, jjensen@kaiwan.com, or jjens@eworld.com Mail: Newport Software Development, P.O. Box 1485, Newport Beach, CA 92659 #### BINHEX nshell-sample-p.hqx **** Date: Sun, 1 Jan 1995 14:25:44 -0800 (PST) From: John Jensen <jjensen@kaiwan.com> Subject: nShell v1.5.0 Pascal Examples Early releases of the nShell(tm) contained sample code for the Think C development environment. This package describes how to build nShell commands using Think Pascal. Source code and project files are included for the "hello", "date", and "delay" commands. A hypertext programmer's guide to the nShell is available separately. You may distribute unmodified copies of the nShell(tm) for noncommercial purposes. All other rights are reserved. nShell-Pro(tm) is available as a commercial product, and may not be distributed without the express written consent of Newport Software Development. nShell and nShell-Pro are trademarks of Newport Software Development. Apple and Macintosh are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. THINK C and Think Pascal are trademarks of Symantec Corporation. Other brands and their products are trademarks of their respective holders. Contact: John Jensen EMail: jjensen@aol.com, jjensen@kaiwan.com, or jjens@eworld.com Mail: Newport Software Development, P.O. Box 1485, Newport Beach, CA 92659 #### BINHEX nstring-10b-cpp.hqx **** Date: Wed, 25 Jan 1995 10:21:35 +0100 From: francois@di.epfl.ch (Joel Francois) Subject: NString 1.0 beta - A dynamic string class for C++ programmers (Development/Sources) This is version 1.0 beta of NString, a very powerful dynamic string class for C++ developers. Here's a brief summary of the main features that NString offers: * Easy Assignment - NString objects can be handled almost like ints or floats * Very efficient string length measuring (as the length is stored in the object) * Access to single characters in the string through the [] operator * NString comparisons made easy via the use of standard operators (==, !=, <, >, ...) * Concatenation of NStrings through the '+' and '+=' operators * "Multiplication" of an NString with the '*' and '*=' operators * Operations for copying and cutting portions of an NString * An iterator, which calls a user-defined routine for every one of the string's characters * Upper / lowercase conversion routines * Very powerful context-based substring searches and tests * Standard C++ stream input / output operations through the '>>' and '<<' operators * Possibility to use NStrings as output string streams (i.e. to the left of the '<<' operator) * Highly optimized internal string handling * C++ exception support NString is shareware. #### BINHEX nuntius-11-c.hqx **** Date: Mon, 6 Jul 92 15:41:20 +0200 From: speck@ruc.dk (Peter Speck) Subject: Nuntius1.1.src.sea.hqx *** SOURCE to: *** Final version of Nuntius 1.1: Newsreader, requires system 7, and ~1200K. Written with MacApp3, C++ and the thread pkg from "d e v e l o p". No documentation is available. Report bugs etc to speck@dat.ruc.dk, not speck@frederik.ruc.dk Some people have trouble with editing articles when they use another editor besides TeachText. I'm working on this bug. Peter Speck, speck@dat.ruc.dk #### BINHEX offscreen-toys-13-demo-p.hqx **** From: Ingemar Ragnemalm <ingemar@lysator.liu.se> Subject: Offscreen Toys (Boost) 1.3 (Pascal source) Offscreen Toys is a stand-alone sprite animation demo with full source code. (Please don't confuse it with Offscreen Toys SAT, which looks the same but uses Sprite Animation Toolkit.) I wrote this as a simple sprite demo, though I got a bit over-ambitious, putting in a lot of not entirely trivial things. You will find the following: - The standard Mac event loop and event handling. - Setting up GWorlds. - Using CopyBits between GWorlds. - Preloading graphics to GWorlds. - Animation. - Using BitMapToRegion to create a mask region for CopyBits. - Collision detection. - Collision handling. Think and Metrowerks Pascal source-code. /Ingemar Ragnemalm #### TEXT open-selection-pas.txt **** From: mxmora@unix.sri.com (Matthew Xavier Mora) Subject: OpenSelection Code (pascal source) Date: 11 Sep 92 17:11:08 GMT Here's the code to have the finder open a control panel. Just pass the control panel's fsspec to the openselection function and it should open it. Actually I think it will open any valid fsspec but I wouldn't bet on it. I haven't stressed this code so there are probably some bugs in it. Matt -------------------------------------------- { OpenSelection.p ported by Matthew Xavier Mora} { ported from C.K. Han's openselection.c code } { 09-11-92 } unit openSelection; interface #### BINHEX osa-runner-cpp.hqx **** From: Andrew Nemeth <aznemeng@zeta.org.au> Subject: AZN_OSARunner Source code for 'OSA_Runner' follows: - C++ PPC native code - CW 7 compatible - Custom C++ class to 'hide' programmer from OSA interface. OSA_Runner is a native PPC Macintosh application and source code which shows how to call an AppleScript with/without variables from within an application. These sources update those in my MacTech Article "Execute OSA Scripts from Applications" [ MacTech, October 1995 pp.45-52 ] Andrew Nemeth aznemeng@zeta.org.au 24 Oct 1995 Blue Mountains, Sydney Australia #### BINHEX ot-chat-302-sources.hqx **** From: ebratton@earthlink.net Subject: OTChat 3.0.2 CW11 Pascal Source Code OTChat is a basic TCP/IP chat server that runs on a Macintosh, similar to IRC. To use it, simply run it and connect to your mac using telnet or a MUD client. A MUD client is better because it has a buffered input line. These are the full Codewarrior 11 pascal sources. http://www.lextech.com/egb/otchat.html --Erich #### BINHEX otcfm-68k-glue.hqx **** From: pbl@colba.net Subject: OTCFM68KGlue abstract OTCFM68KGlue is a library/code resource combination that allows applications or shared libraries executing in the CFM68K runtime environment to call Open Transport. It is designed for projects with the following requirements: - The project calls Open Transport. - The project is a shared library or an application that uses shared libraries, or must otherwise take advantage of the CFM runtime environment. - The project requires 68K support. - The project must run under versions of MacOS prior to 8.1. The library is designed for application-level code (i.e., applications or shared libraries). Also, note that it requires minor source code changes. Full source is included. #### BINHEX painted-black-091b-c.hqx **** From: figuiere@galaxie.int-evry.fr (Hubert Figuiere) Subject: Painted Black 0.91ß source kit Hello everybody. After request from few peoples, I'm proud to release today the "Painted Black 0.91beta source Kit". Huh, what is it ? It is just the _Copyrighted_ C sources of a small screensaver I have written few month ago. It is probably buggy, but it works and does not crash the machine !! Don't worry, I'll update the application (but perhaps not the source, I'll see). Include project for CodeWarrior 6 and 7 and original application. Read the "read me" included. Note to archivists : -this package should go to the /sources directory of the archive -the original Painted Black 0.91beta has already been posted. Note to others : -feel free to have fun. Hub #### TEXT path-from-fsspec-pas.txt **** From: mxmora@unix.sri.com (Matthew Xavier Mora) Subject: PathName from FSSpec (pascal code) Date: 9 Sep 92 00:21:34 GMT I spent the long weekend cursing at the AppleEventManager trying to get the finder to open a control panel. Anyway, one of the things I discoverd was that the alias manager will give you a path name if you ask for it. Since my program needed to display the path name, I wrote a function that will return a full path name in a handle (not in a str255 so you it won't crash with long path names) when you give it a fsspec. I also figured out how to get the finder to open a control panel. You need to send an open selection event. I finally found an example that worked and ported it to pascal. If you would like to see that code I can post it here also. Its a direct copy of C.K Han's C code that is on the developers CD. Here is the code: #### BINHEX patmos-11-c.hqx **** From: Jonathan.Kimmitt@camcon.co.uk (Jonathan Kimmitt) Subject: Portable Patmos source update This is an update to the source code for the kernel of portable patmos which was archived recently. There were some problems with 68030 support which have been addressed. You will need the previous archive also to do anything useful with portable patmos (other than browse the source). This software still only runs with VM off (sorry) Or if you are excessively lazy, you can send e-mail with your feedback to jrrk@camcon.co.uk #### BINHEX pdb-to-pov-c.hqx **** Date: Fri, 25 Aug 1995 18:22:33 +1100 From: Richard Rothwell <chergr@LURE.LATROBE.EDU.AU> Subject: Submission of MacPDB2POV This file contains the source code for the Macintosh port of PDB2POV Copyright (C) 1992, 1993 Eric G. Suchanek, Ph.D. Mac port: Copyright C 1995, all rights reserved, Richard G. Rothwell, Ph.D. What does it do? MacPDB2POV assists in the creation of photorealistic ball and stick images of molecules. MacPDB2POV reads a protein data bank file and uses that to write a Persistence of Vision Ray (POVRay) ray tracer file. A MacMolecule format file or many others can be converted into the pdb format using MacBabel. MacBabel is available on the net. POVRay renders the data in the pov format file to produce photorealistic images of the molecule. POVRay is also available on the net. How is it used? To use this program with the existing example file, double click on MacPDB2POV and type the command "pdb2pov bucky bucky -h -s -c -b -d 0.9" onto the command line. The command can be copied from the document "Bucky commands" and pasted onto the command line. As long as the .pdb file exists in the same folder as MacPDB2POV that file will be read and status information written to the screen. A .pov file will be written to disk. When the program finishes use the File menu to quit. The .pov file may have to be edited to fit the image into its window when you render it. The camera view point distance is probably the easiest thing to change, although there may be better things to alter. This program was ported to the Mac by Richard Rothwell: chergr@lure.latrobe.edu.au But the program originates with: Eric G. Suchanek, Ph.D His home page URL is: http://www.iac.net/~suchanek/pdb2povf/pdb2pov.html Email: suchanek@pg.com, suchanek@iac.net #### BINHEX peek-a-boo-112-ad-c.hqx **** From: joe@clipper.cb.att.com Date: Thu, 28 Oct 93 21:46:32 EDT Subject: PeekaBoo AD module 1.1.2 Macfolks, PeekABoo version 1.1.2 AfterDark(tm) screensaver module. This version will run under Multimodule and Randomizer !! For those already with version 1.1.1, I'm submitting a patch to update that version. Download the patch instead - it's smaller :) Source code is included. This is FREE. Requires Color Quickdraw (+ System 7 ??) because it uses offscreen graphics worlds. - joe #### BINHEX pentominoes-20-c.hqx **** From: Mark Pilgrim <f8dy@netaxs.com> Subject: Pentominoes 2.0 source code Date: Sun, 30 Jul 1995 03:44:59 -0400 (EDT) Pentominoes 2.0 is a game where you must place 12 pentomino pieces on a game board without any overlap. You may rotate and/or flip each piece, but you may not place a piece more than once. New version includes 3-D graphics, a board editor, and over 90 boards. Color or B/W. Requires system 7.0 or later. Copyright (c) 1993-5, Mark Pilgrim; please read the enclosed file "GNU General Public License" for licensing details. #### BINHEX persistence-of-vision-22.hqx **** From: jsc@ram.suny.geneseo.edu (Jon Christiansen) Subject: Persisteance of Vision raytracer for the Mac from Date: Wed, 23 Feb 1994 09:00:46 -0500 --========================_12795288==_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Here is one of the files that Mark Elliott was looking for, I had no problem downloading them (they were MacBinary II, according to what I saw) FILE POVSRC.22.SIT --========================_12795288==_ Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="POVSRC.22.sit" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="POVSRC.22.sit" #### BINHEX pic-control-cdef.hqx **** From: catsgodot@pcisys.net (Grant Guenther) Subject: picCDEF This is a CDEF i would like to post on info-mac. It is a picture control definition that creates a 3-d button based on a picture and/or text. #### BINHEX pict-2-ascii-103-src.hqx **** From: pascal.lamboley@meteo.fr Subject: Pict2Ascii-1.03-src.sit This is the source code for Pict2Ascii, available somewhere else in the archive as Pict2Ascii-FAT-1.03.sit. The only change since 1.02 is the support for scriptability. Pict2Ascii is a freeware than interactively generates texts that "look like" the pictures you feed it with, giving you control over various settings. The source code is heavily based on C++ and PowerPlant (CW10). I make it available as an exemple of what a "real" app can look like with PowerPlant, while small enough to be mastered easily. I don't claim it is well written or particularly clever, but hey, it works not too bad ! This code is free, but not in the public domain. See the loose reuse conditions enclosed. #### BINHEX picttool.hqx **** From: Greg@ac44.com Subject: PictTool This was made from necessity for a project I was working on. It is provided "AS IS". I will not make any changes or modifications. It allows you to "Dump" the contents of 'PICT' files into a human readable form. I needed it to decipher PICT Comments. I hope it helps you. There used to be a utility called PICTDetective. If I could have found it, I wound not have created this. Run the application, choose a PICT file, and wait. It will dump the file to the screen and to FILENAME.dump. The dump file will be of type text. This is shareware. If it is useful, please E-Mail me. If not, don't bother. If it is really useful, send lots of money... Thanx, Greg Ames Greg@ac44.com #### BINHEX pioneer-cursor-103.hqx **** From: Furnesss@northcentral.k12.ia.us Subject: Pioneer Cursor v1.03 Pioneer Cursor v1.03 This is my third attempt for making shareware. This will replace your normal boring black cursor with this nice icon of the Pioneer® Symbol, CD Player Company. I hope you like these cursors I am making and have made in the past. This should be compatible with any Mac, I have tested it on a variety of different macs like Power Mac 5200, 5260 and also on LC 575-580's. A couple of my friends have also tried it on their machines. If you come accross any problems hust let me know at FurnessS@northcentral.k12.ia.us Disclaimer: If anything is to happen to your Mac while you are using thisŠwellŠtoo badŠbecuase you cannot blame me. You use this at your own risk. I have not had any problems with it, so I doubt that you will either. This is $3 shareware, I don't think that is too much to ask, I am going to need every little dollar to keep making stuffŠŠŠif you feel generous you may pay more but I ask that you atleast please send the $3. You can send it to: Sylvan J. Furness 409 Main Street, P.O. Box 51 Hanlontown, Iowa 50444 The only reason I am putting a little fee on this piece of software is because it took alot of time to make. Sylvan Furness #### BINHEX pix-maps-11.hqx **** From: tinyjohn@sk.sympatico.ca Subject: PixMaps11.hqx PixMap Libraries 1.1 (1.1 replaces 1.0) Routines for drawing with 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 and 32 bit PixMaps. - routines for creating PixMap structures in memory. - rotate functions for rotating PixMap 90 degrees left and right, - flip functions for flipping PixMap data both vertically and horizontally, - a rotation routine for rotating a PixMap to any particular angle, - a routine for duplicating PixMaps, - transfer routines for transfering PixMap data to and from the PICT format, - a complete set of pixel oriented routines for retrieving and setting individual pixels in PixMap structures, - routines and a macro allowing you to quickly and easily draw into PixMaps, - routines for copying PixMap images to the current grafport, C sources included, linkable library files, a source code example, and documentation. Copyright (C) 1997 by John Montbriand. All Rights Reserved. Permission hereby granted for public use. Distribute freely in areas where the laws of copyright apply. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. DO NOT DISTRIBUTE MODIFIED COPIES. #### BINHEX plain-text-121-c.hqx **** From: MPARK@UTMEM1.UTMEM.EDU Subject: PlainText source + improved TE32K Date: Thu, 03 Feb 1994 18:44:01 -0600 (CST) Here is the complete source for PlainText, a Public Domain text editor. PlainText is a pure C implementation of ideas contained in the object class library published in "Elements of C++ Macintosh Programming" by Dan Weston. For many applications, implementing objects in C is a path to elegant programming that avoids the lengthy compile times of some C++ environments. The text engine is modified from TE32K by Roy Wood and with contributions from Patrick C. Beard, Lee A. Fyoc, Dave Platt, and Teddy Slottow. In fact, the TE32K source files contained here can be used as a substitute for TextEdit in any application needing to handle files larger than 32K. Consult the documentation contained in the original TE32K package archived on Info-Mac and elsewhere. I have extensively modified TE32K in order to provide full arrow key support, undo, MPW-like selection hiliting, support for double and triple clicking, and more. This is a self-extracting, binhexed, Compact Pro archive. I recommend archiving as PlainText-Source-1.21.sea.hqx. Mel Park University of Tennessee, Memphis mpark@nb.utmem.edu mpark@utmem1.utmem.edu ---------------------------------------------------------------- #### BINHEX plugins-source.hqx **** From: Timothy Wall <twall@NO-SPAM.alum.mit.edu> Subject: Plugin Filter source code This is most of the source code to the Graphite plugin filter and several others, in the hopes that it might be useful to someone. It makes extensive use of Metrowerks CodeWarrior PowerPlant, drag & drop, graphics tablet support, and a bunch of other neat things. The plugins are based on a few core C++ classes and thus should be easily extensible. Permission of the author is required for any distributions. Full permission is granted for personal use; commercial users should contact the author at twall@kagi.com. Timothy Wall #### BINHEX popup-cdef-10b5-c.hqx **** From: ari@world.std.com (Ari I Halberstadt) Subject: PopupCDEF-10b5.hqx Date: Thu, 8 Dec 1994 14:59:40 -0500 (EST) This is version 1.0b5 of Popup CDEF. It now works with color graphics ports and supports color menus and control color tables. This CDEF implements a popup menu control. The CDEF handles display of the menu's title, the current selection, the one pixel drop shadow, and the triangle at the end of the menu. It also handles tracking of the mouse and checking and unchecking of the current item. It is compatible with systems 6.0.5 and 7.0. The CDEF is modeled after the popup CDEF provided by Apple in System 7.0 and described in "Inside Macintosh: Toolbox Essentials1. If you are already familiar with the system CDEF then using this CDEF will be very simple. Additional support is provided for type-in popup menus, for menus created dynamically by the application, and for color menus and controls. This program is free, and can be used subject to the terms detailed in the file "Distribution". all source code in C and a THINK C v7.0 project file are included. #### BINHEX popup-menu-tester-100-c.hqx **** Date: Thu, 3 Nov 1994 21:53:18 -0800 From: celestin@olympus.net (Paul Celestin) Subject: PopupMenu-Tester-100-c-src.sit.hqx --========================_22825486==_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" I offer the following piece of code, which I hacked together tonight, in order to get a better understanding of System 7 PopupMenus. It basically displays a movable modal dialog with one popup menu and one button. Selecting an item from the popup menu changes the title of the dialog to echo that item. Clicking the Quit button exits the program. It's a CodeWarrior project in C. Simple stuff, but maybe some people will find it useful. --========================_22825486==_ Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="PopupMenu_Tester_1.0.0.sit" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="PopupMenu_Tester_1.0.0.sit" #### BINHEX pram-reader-12-p.hqx **** Date: Thu, 20 Jul 1995 21:23:13 +0200 From: wuttke@stein.teuto.de (M. Wuttke) Subject: PRAM-Reader V1.2 Source Code Hello, attached to this letter is the source code for PRAM-Reader 1.2. Please put it on your server(s). Matthias Wuttke (wuttke@stein.teuto.de) #### BINHEX pram-save-restore-c.hqx **** From: oleg@ponder.csci.unt.edu (Kiselyov Oleg) Subject: PRAM save/restore Date: Wed, 9 Feb 94 09:35:36 -0600 What: save the PRAM and extended PRAM and restore it on start-up Contents: PRAM boss - System extension (but can run as application if the file type changed from INIT to APPL) PRAM boss.pi - Project for the application part of PRAM boss PRAM save.cc - Source code for the application part of PRAM boss PRAM reset.pi - Project for the INIT resource that restores PRAM PRAM reset.c - source code for the INIT resource PRAM guard.* - application and the source code to set/restore just the regular PRAM at any time The source code contains enough (I hope) comments to show what a particular piece of code does, as well as some tricks involved Language: Symantec C/C++ 6.0 and built-in Assembler System: System 7.x, but probably 6.x is OK, too. Tested on IIsi, IIci, Quadras and Centres. Note: the source code uses a "standard" environment, see myenv-notify.cpt Comments to: oleg@ponder.csci.unt.edu, oleg@unt.edu References: DiskParam (/info-mac/util/), SetXParam (from redback.cs.uwa.edu.au ( as "/ComSci/LabUtilities/SetXParam.sit") Special note: for a map of the extended PRAM, read on. Explanation: PRAM boss is a better version of DiskParam. The PRAM boss is a bundle of an application and an INIT resource. The application (when double-clicked) just dumps the contents of the 20-byte regular PRAM plus the contents of the entire Extended PRAM into a 'HEXA' resource. The INIT resets the regular PRAM and (a part of) the extended PRAM to the values saved into the 'HEXA' resource. The date/time is not spoiled! So, you can run the application on your computer and create a HEXA resource with some 'standard' settings. Then you can change the creator to INIT and drop the (now a 'System Extension') into the Extensions folder. From that moment on, whenever you restart your Mac, the PRAM and extended PRAM are reset to their "standard" values. You can even delete the code resource with the Resource editor: that way there is no way you can change the "standard" values. It's perfect for computers in the Lab. The INIT that resets the PRAMs does NOT patch the system, nor it takes any memory in the system heap, etc. After it resets the PRAM, it quietly quits without leaving any traces in the system. The distribution contains the compiled PRAM boss in the guise of the System extension. To run it as an application, change the file type to APPL. PRAM guard is my early experiment, it works only with the regular PRAM, but it's got a nice (I hope) user interface written in C++! Map of the extended PRAM (for references) from the article posted in comp.sys.mac.{programmer,system, hardware} with comments from ez015670@othello.ucdavis.edu, quinn@cs.uwa.edu.au, wolfson@ll.mit.edu, and small corrections Extended PRAM Map Loc Length Related to (hex) (dec) 1 1 Used by a system program _InternalWait 8 4 Looks like the last 4 bytes of the regular PRAM (See IM, Vol II, OS Util) 10 16 Looks like the first 16 bytes of the regular PRAM (See IM, Vol II, OS Util) 76 1 Has something to do with the RAM disk size 78 4 Startup Disk info (apparently, SCSI id, or smth) 7C 2 System Beep. As was pointed out earlier, it's in fact an id (short int) of the corresponding 'snd ' resource in the System file. Accessed through the Sound control panel 7E 1 Used by a system program _InitProcMenu 7F 1 Apparently it has smth to do with the way windows and dialogs appear on the screen 80 2 Used by a system program _GetVideoDefault Apparently, some default video settings 82 6 Hilite Color, apparently in the RGB format. Setup through the Color control panel 8A 1 Bit field: Memory/cache control flags 1xxx xxxx 68040 Cache is OFF | Toggled through Cache control 0xxx xxxx 68040 Cache is ON | panel xxxx x1x1 32-bit addressing is ON (toggled through the Memory control panel) AF 1 Has something to do with the RAM disk size BD 33 Used (and set!) by some system programs in ROM, DE 2 at addresses 8009d544 and 8009D73C. BTW, the beginning of the field at loc 0xBD looks like the name of a default AppleTalk zone E0 4 Network: contains info if AppleTalk is active and the selected network access (say, LocalTalk or EtherTalk). See Chooser and Network control panel E4 12 Latitude/Longitude of the place the Mac is at Setup through the Map Control panel ez015670@othello.ucdavis.edu also commented that > One thing that you left out was the total power on hours is also in > the xpram. It is a 16 bit word. That contains the total time the > computer has been on in 5 minute intervals. > Supposedly there is also some creation stuff in their to that tells > when the machine was made, but I can not make sense of it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #### TEXT preferences-c.txt **** From: Sproul@sproul.sproul.com (Mark Sproul) Subject: Prefs file source code (C - long) Date: 2 Oct 92 09:05:30 GMT Several people asked for this source code. As explained in the comments, it came from Inside Mac Comm Toolbox and there is a lot of code dealing just with the Comm Tool box setup. It now handles the PREFERENCES folder in the system folder properly. I have done some additions to the code to make it more general and usable as far as dealing with preferences. Such as GET pref and SET pref. This code was all written and runs correctly with Think C 5.0. Its been several months since I wrote this and was looking at it. I may have forgotten to mention something, if you have any problems let me know and I will post updates. You need to define some things such as this: #### BINHEX prf-file-sdk-02.hqx **** From: ev-olle@nrm.se (Olle Israelsson) Subject: PrfFileSDK 0.2 Hallo I would like to submit 'PrfFileSDK0.2.sit.hqx' It is sample codes for developers This is the first public release of the PRF File SDK Please read the documentation. For any questions, please don't hesitate to contact the aythor The PRF-file system is invented, created and produced by Olle Israelsson PRF files, PRFViewer and PRF Tech Notes are trademarks of Olle Israelsson Copyright © 1997 Olle Israelsson All rights reserved The PRF-file system is distributed as FREE-WARE For usage and distribution information, see PRF Tech Notes 5. Miscellany, Chapter '11. Licences and usage' Olle #### BINHEX pro-tracker-asm.hqx **** From "jamal@gnu.ai.mit.edu (Jamal Hannah)" Wed Sep 8 03:00:20 1993 Date: Tue, 7 Sep 93 19:22:59 -0400 To: info-mac@SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU From: jamal@gnu.ai.mit.edu (Jamal Hannah) Subject: ProTracker-source.sit.hqx Resent-To: backmod Resent-Date: Wed, 8 Sep 1993 1:45:56 PDT Resent-From: Info-Mac Moderator <macmod@camis.Stanford.EDU> --========================_6712356==_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Please place this file on the info-mac FTP site, either in a source code directory, or in info-mac/snd/util (or a directory for sound and music format documentation). ------- This is the 68000 assembler source code for the Amiga music sequencing/sound track editor called "ProTracker", the source and images for versions 1.2 and 2.0 are included. Hopefully it will help Macintosh programmers achive a better understanding of the "MOD" Music file format that ProTracker uses, as well as give ideas about writing sound track software. The origional (LHARC) archive was found on FTP site wuarchive.wustl.edu in the "aminet" section. (/systems/amiga/aminet/mus/edit/ptsource.lzh) - Jamal Hannah <jamal@gnu.ai.mit.edu>, 9/7/93 --========================_6712356==_ Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="ProTracker-source.sit" #### BINHEX qt-movie-toolbox-11-c.hqx **** From: markf@post.QueensU.CA (Mark Fleming) Subject: Updated source to MovieToolBox Date: Sat, 12 Feb 1994 00:27:08 -0500 --========================_18342168==_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" QT Movie ToolBox V1.10, Freeware - Added Direction menu - Added background color option - Added option to view next preview image by click on preview window - Added option to display current preview step by holding down the option key. - Fix bug with open menu item being disabled after selecting Effect menu. - Cleaned up the code for allocating offscreen GWorlds - Cleaned up & Documented to code some more... I included sample code for calling Adobe Premiere effect modules, you can get the needed includes and file from the Adobe premiere 2.0 development kit. [Replaces as /info-mac/dev/src/qt-movie-toolbox-10-c.hqx; 60K] --========================_18342168==_ Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="QT_Movie_toolBox.src.sit" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="QT_Movie_toolBox.src.sit" #### BINHEX rebuild-projects-11-as.hqx **** From: malldrit@sfu.ca Subject: Rebuild Projects - THINK C Development Script Date: Thu, 23 Dec 1993 13:56:14 -0800 Rebuild Projects v1.1 by Mark Alldritt author of Script Tools & Monitor Rebuild Projects is a AppleScript script which is usefull if you use THINK C 6.0.1+ to develop software involving a number of seperate THINK C project files. Rebuild Projects uses a parameter file to govern the order and type of operations performed during the build process. The parameter file can direct Rebuild Projects to compile certain projects, move files, and empty folders. Additionally, the script is simple enough (less than 150 lines) that you can add your own verbs to the parameter file syntax to extend the script into areas you might find usefull. Rebuild Projects requires AppleScript 1.0 or later, and Script Tools 1.3 or later. Script Tools is available from the Info-Mac archives and other sites. Package Contents: Rebuild Projects Read Me First (this text) Example Param File Rebuild Project is freeware. There are no restritions on use or distribution. #### BINHEX region-to-rectangles-c.hqx **** From: Hugh Fisher <Hugh.Fisher@cs.anu.edu.au> Subject: source/C - RegionToRectangles Date: Mon, 21 Feb 1994 13:29:32 +1100 (EST) This is C source code for breaking down a region into rectangles, plus notes and a sample program to demonstrate it in action. Comments welcome: send to Hugh.Fisher@anu.edu.au ------------Cut here----------------- #### TEXT register-safe-fat-r.txt **** Date: Mon, 6 Mar 1995 15:36:53 -0800 (PST) From: Chris Larson <larson@BASE.CS.UCLA.EDU> Subject: RegisterSafeFat.cpt.hqx : Code resource Rez template Attached is the Rez source for a template, similar to the 'sdes' template, which allows the construction of safe, fat code resoruces with register-based calling conventions. Moderators: This probably belongs in dev/src. Feel free to include this on any CD you see fit. --Chris Chris Larson -- Amateur Macintosh Geek, CoBase Research Assistant Internet: larson@kingston.cs.ucla.edu | Insert Disclaimer Here #include "MixedMode.r" /**************** #### BINHEX res-compare-patcher-10-c.hqx **** Date: Fri, 25 Aug 1995 19:05:23 +1000 (EST) From: Victor Tan <victort@extro.ucc.su.OZ.AU> Subject: ResComparePatcher 1.0 - use ResCompare to patch fat apps! Hello there everyone, this is ResComparePatcher.c 1.0, the source code for a code resource that is to be added to a ResCompare 4.0.3 patcher to make it copy or patch a data fork (specifically, a PowerPC app). In other words... This patch allows you to use ResCompare to create patches for "fat" (68K and PowerPC) applications. Those of you with WWW access may prefer to get this from: http://www.usyd.edu.au/~victort/homepage.html Freeware. Enjoy, Vincent. #### BINHEX rfc-1123-822-date-formatter-c.hqx **** Date: Fri, 7 Oct 1994 15:03:45 -0500 From: resnick@uiuc.edu (Pete Resnick) Subject: RFC 1123 (822) date formatter (C source code) --========================_12660869==_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" This archive contains C source code and an associated resource file for functions that convert between the ASCII version of Internet standard format (RFC 822 and 1123) date strings and the Macintosh time format (number of seconds since January 1, 1904). It is a little more lenient in strings that it accepts, in that it will convert some time zone specifiers that are not allowed in RFC 1123 (but are used by some broken mail systems) instead of just ignoring them. But the strings it produces are strict RFC 1123 date format strings. I wrote this mainly as an exercise to try out some of the International Utilities like StringToDate, StringToTime, ExtendedToString, and StringToExtended. It is certainly not the fastest code to do this, but the code size is pretty small, and it's a nice educational piece of code. If you use this code in a project, please remember to give me proper credit in the documentation or splash screen. pr -- Pete Resnick - resnick@uiuc.edu --========================_12660869==_ Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="RFC_1123_Date.sit" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="RFC_1123_Date.sit" #### BINHEX roidz-09a-src.hqx **** From: "Pigeon ^_^" <dethpigeon@hotmail.com> Subject: Roidz 0.9a Source Code Roidz is a small and cool game made with Pascal. There is thorough documentation included in the sit files. #### BINHEX rotate-ppc-01d1-c.hqx **** From: craig@raru.adelaide.edu.au (Craig Kloeden) Subject: Program for the Archives Date: Sun, 12 Jun 1994 15:22:52 +0930 --========================_7525596==_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" --========================_7525596==_ Content-Type: text/plain; name="RotatePPC0.1d1.cpt.hqx"; charset="us-ascii" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="RotatePPC0.1d1.cpt.hqx" RotatePPC 0.1d1 =============== This is a Power Macintosh only program that reads a set of 3-dimensional points and lines and plots them in a window. The image can then be rotated with the mouse in real time. The provided source code demonstates a basic PPC C program that can handle the required apple events, set up and use an offscreen GWorld, get a file using StandardFile and read that file with standard C routines. The resource file contains code that will put up an alert on non-PPC machines and quit. The project file is for the Metrowerks PPC C DR/3 compiler. Craig Kloeden <craig@raru.adelaide.edu.au> --- #### BINHEX rotation-c.hqx **** From: kenlong@netcom.com (Ken Long) Subject: Rotation; a 3D graphics rotation program Date: Fri, 3 Jun 1994 13:35:29 -0500 --========================_14370816==_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Howdy, MacGifters! A 1986, 3D graphics rotation program, which I updated. Draws pseudo controls after some data strings and countdown (alternative to a progress bar) and the default draw. The drawing contines in a loop - just keeps drawing in a circle. There's another vertex table in the source that changes overall perspective. Not the best coded application in the world, but it's kinda cool and it runs. -Ken- --========================_14370816==_ Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="Rotation-c.sit" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Rotation-c.sit" #### BINHEX safe-alert-10-c.hqx **** From: Todd_Clements@hmc.edu (Todd Clements) Subject: SafeAlert.c - C source code for automatic background/foreground SafeAlert is a set of routines that is meant to reduce the worry involved in attempting to display modal alerts while your application is in the background. Instead of using functions such as StopAlert, NoteAlert, or CautionAlert, you can use calls to SafeAlert. SafeAlert automatically determines whether your application is in the foreground, and based on this (and some other preferences which are all programmer-settable) information can do one or all of the following: o Display a Notification Manager notice if you are not the foreground application o Display a blinking icon of your application in the application menu o Display a diamond next to your application o Display a modal or movable modal alert o Display an alert from dynamic or resource-based information o Automatically remove the alert after a specified period of time Author: Todd Clements (todd@kagi.com or Todd_Clements@hmc.edu) Release: 1.0, December 27, 1996 #### BINHEX sample-ldefs-20.hqx **** Date: Tue, 27 Jun 1995 18:49:11 -0400 From: Matt Slot <fprefect@engin.umich.edu> Subject: Sample LDEFs + Source Enclosed are several LDEF binaries and source code examples. The commenting is minimal, but so is the functionality in an LDEF. I think that examination should reveal what you need to know. Use the LDEF source to write your own, or just use the compiled resources for your app. Changes: * The HiliteMode problem was one that has plagued me ever since I started using a custom MacHeaders file. I have changed the cell hiliting code to use accessor functions. * Incorrect management of the Handle states is fixed. The original code incorrectly initialized their HState fields, and would call SetHState() with bad data (it crashed only sparingly). This bug was a carryover from the original LDEF by Steve Falkenberg, which my code was based on. * Fixed the documentation and updated the projects to SC7.04 Share and Enjoy... Matt Slot, fprefect@umich.edu - 6/27/95 #### BINHEX sample-scsi-code.hqx **** From: david@CS.UCLA.EDU (David Dantowitz) Subject: Sample SCSI code Date: Sat, 23 Apr 94 10:56:30 PDT Someone recently requested sample SCSI code. This was pulled from AppleLink two years ago... Here is a Sample SCSI routine found on AppleLink from D0430 that was posted a while back. The library pointer posted for the Atari ST has lots of useful info, but you'll have to integrate it with the SCSI Manager (see the code below). #### BINHEX screen-flip-15-ad-c.hqx **** From: leo@cp.tn.tudelft.nl (Leo Breebaart) Subject: ScreenFlip 1.5 Src [Screensaver Module source code] This is the fully documented (and free) CodeWarrior 7 C source code for ScreenFlip 1.5, a module I wrote for After Dark, Darkside of the Mac, and other AD-compatible screensavers. ScreenFlip repeatedly flips your screen's contents horizontally and vertically. This code can help you get started on writing your own screensaver modules; it also illustrates how to use GWorlds, how to create an animated After Dark about box, and how to create a FAT module. Leo Breebaart (leo@cp.tn.tudelft.nl) #### BINHEX scroll-c.hqx **** From: kenlong@netcom.com (Ken Long) Subject: ScrollSource; scrolling lists w/out the List Manager (source) Date: Fri, 3 Jun 1994 13:35:17 -0500 --========================_14370816==_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Howdy, MacGifters! A 1986 Keith Lambert demo, I updated, of scrolling a list in a dialog, and selectability, without using the list manager. -Ken- --========================_14370816==_ Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="SCROLLSOURCE.sit" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="SCROLLSOURCE.sit" #### BINHEX seer.hqx **** Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1993 14:15:21 -0400 (EDT) From: Aaron Wohl <aw0g+@andrew.cmu.edu> Subject: seer / localtalk / records all packets Seer records all packets on localtalk. It is not 32 bit clean. Source and object code is supplied. The code is really bad but it works. by Aaron Wohl, aw0g+@andrew.cmu.edu For a much better example of how to write an INIT/CDEV/DRVR see softkiss by the same author. #### BINHEX send-to-back-source.hqx **** From: ferris@proaxis.com Subject: SendToBack FKEY 1.0 Source Full C and Pascal source code to SendToBack FKEY 1.0. SendToBack is an FKEY that changes the ordering of windows by sending the active (front) window behind any others. This can very handy for flipping through windows, or just to get the front window quickly out of the way without closing it. Requires: THINK C 7.04 or THINK Pascal 4.02 Freeware. Seth Hill -- seth@kagi.com http://www.proaxis.com/~ferris/ #### BINHEX sf-get-folder-p-pas.hqx **** Date: Mon, 11 Jan 1993 13:51:59 +0800 From: Peter N Lewis <peter@cujo.curtin.edu.au> Subject: /source/pascal/SFGetFolderP.hqx SFGetFolderP, Pascal version This is a pascal version of Ken Kirksey's <kkirksey1@aol.com>, SFGetFolder, which allows the user to select a folder following Apple's HI guidelines. I'm not the author, I just converted it to Pascal. The documentation is unchanged from Ken's, but I'm sure you can figure it out. Have Fun, Peter. <peter@cujo.curtin.edu.au> #### BINHEX show-init-icon-101-c.hqx **** From: pottier@clipper.ens.fr (Francois Pottier) Subject: ShowInitIcon 1.0.1 - displaying INIT icons Date: Sat, 3 Jun 1995 15:31:16 +0200 (MET DST) After some electronic discussion, Peter Lewis, Jim Walker and I agreed upon this code which seems a good standard to display INIT icons at startup time. Features: - System 6 compatible - Simple C and Pascal source code provided - Standalone code resource provided (optional) New in version 1.0.1: - MPW C compatible #### BINHEX shutdown-fade-10-c.hqx **** From: f8dy@netaxs.netaxs.com (Mark Pilgrim) Subject: Shutdown Fade 1.0 (source code) Date: Fri, 19 Nov 1993 14:48:22 -0500 (EST) Shutdown Fade will cause your Macintosh to fade all attached screens to black every time it shuts down. This INIT is free and is distributed under the GNU General Public License; this archive contains complete THINK C 6.0.1 source code and project files for the INIT. If you do not have FTP access, e-mail the author for a copy of the INIT, the source code, or a list of other programs by the same author. The address is f8dy@netaxs.com. This code demonstrates the basics of INIT initialization and loading, shutdown procedures, and advanced gamma work. This code will only work on monitors with gamma -- the Mac II line, and any color Mac with a non-built-in monitor. (It has not been tested on a Color Classic; if anyone has one and feels like testing, please let me know if it works.) Please report any bugs/comments/suggestions to f8dy@netaxs.com. Shutdown Fade 1.0 is copyright 1993, Mark Pilgrim, MerriMac Software Group. #### BINHEX shutdown-fx-21-c.hqx **** From: f8dy@netaxs.com Subject: Shutdown FX 2.1 (source code) Date: Thu, 14 Jul 1994 21:47:25 -0400 (EDT) Shutdown FX 2.1 is a fun little software package which will fade your screen to black on restart and/or shutdown with one of over 60 graphic effects. This package includes complete THINK C 7 source code, project files, and resource files for all components of the Shutdown FX package: system extension, startup application, control application, Gestalt function, shutdown procedure, Notification Manager response procedure, and all 67 fade modules. (Relax, I didn't include 67 project files.) Since fades are stored as external modules (each in its own file), other programmers can easily create their own fades and add to their collection. See the Shutdown FX control application help section ("tech talk" page) for more details, or read about it yourself in TEXT 613 in sfx.<pi>.rsrc. This version fixes a bug in version 2.0.1 which could cause crashes on very old machines, increases the number of fades to 67, and makes several minor cosmetic improvements in the control application. The compiled, ready-to-use files are available; check ftp sites or e-mail f8dy@netaxs.com. Finger f8dy@netaxs.com for complete program list. Copyright (C) 1993-4, Mark Pilgrim. Please read enclosed file "GNU General Public License" for licensing details. #### BINHEX shutter-10-src-c.hqx **** From: (Ross Younger) RossY@gwcit.demon.co.uk Subject: Shutter 1.0 (to archive) Attached is "Shutter", a freeware prog I wrote initially as a teaching exercise. The full source code is included, so it would probably belong in "Developers" on the mac archive. #### BINHEX simple-breakout-src-updt-p.hqx **** From: ani@NMSU.Edu Subject: simple-breakout-source-p Attached is Pascal code as well as resources to create a breakout game. Though not all that complex, it still uses several techniques that can be used to make such a thing. The code will compile easily under Think Pascal, and not all that much effort is required to force it to compile under Codewarrior. Please freely distribute this code in any way; it may be used for any purpose. Send all questions/whatever to: ani@atlas.nmsu.edu #### TEXT simple-save-pict-p.txt **** Date: Tue, 15 Nov 1994 19:02:18 -0800 From: derekb@OREGON.UOREGON.EDU (Derek Boonstra) Subject: Submission --========================_6153076==_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" 'SimpleSavePict-pas.txt' is a Unit written in Think Pascal to save Gworlds or current active windows as a file of PICT format. I'm hoping that it will be placed in /info-mac/dev/source. Thankyou, --========================_6153076==_ Content-Type: text/plain; name="SimpleSavePict-pas.txt"; charset="us-ascii" #### TEXT simplify-list-manager-pas.txt **** From: kurisuto@BACH.UDEL.EDU ("Sean J. Crist") Subject: More free code: Simplifying the List Manager Date: 18 Sep 92 03:33:13 GMT The following code, once again, is nothing particularly glamorous; it simply makes it easier to use the List Manager to create and manage lists of strings. One of the most common uses for the List Manager is scrollable, one-dimensional, fixed-size lists of strings (as in SFGetFile, SFPutFile). The List Manager is good for creating all kinds of lists (such as lists of icons), but a lot of this functionality is a hassle for programmers who only need a simple list of strings. The code below allows you create and dispose of lists of strings. It allows you to add, rename, and remove elements in the list, and handles mouse clicks and update events. It also keeps the lists in alphabetical order. I remember having a lot of trouble learning how to call the List Manager properly; I hope that this code helps somebody else. #### TEXT sitcomm-login-as.txt **** From: harrym@netcom.com (Harry Myhre) Subject: SITcomm AppleScript Date: Tue, 7 Dec 1993 18:13:15 -0800 (PST) Language: AppleScript 1.0 Author: Harry Myhre <harrym@netcom.com> Date Written: Tue, Dec 7, 1993 Purpose: Start SITcomm, logon to Netcom, get into dl directory, ask user what to do next. tell application "SITcomm" activate Connect "Netcom" -- dial into Netcom Wait For Text "etcom" -- last part of command prompt Send Text "go ~" -- first, go to home dir Send Text return Send Text "go dl" -- go to my download dir Send Text return end tell #### BINHEX sleep-deprivation-11-c.hqx **** From: f8dy@netaxs.com (Mark Pilgrim) Subject: Sleep Deprivation 1.1 (source code) Date: Wed, 20 Apr 1994 15:06:47 -0400 (EDT) Sleep Deprivation 1.1 clears the screen with a cool graphic effect every time you put your Mac to sleep. Version 1.1 adds 42 new effects, for a total of 50. This archive contains complete C source code and related project files. INIT also available; check ftp sites or e-mail f8dy@netaxs.com. Finger f8dy@netaxs.com for complete program list. Copyright (C) 1993-4, Mark Pilgrim. Please read enclosed file "GNU General Public License" for licensing details. Requires a Macintosh that can go to sleep (Powerbook, Duo, etc). #### BINHEX smiley-face-cursor-107.hqx **** From: Furnesss@northcentral.k12.ia.us Subject: Smiley Cursor v1.07 Smiley Cursor v1.07 This is my seventh attempt for making shareware. This will replace your normal boring black cursor with this nice icon of a smiley face. I hope you like these cursors I am making and have made in the past. This should be compatible with any Mac, I have tested it on a variety of different macs like Power Mac 5200, 5260 and also on LC 575-580's. A couple of my friends have also tried it on their machines. If you come accross any problems hust let me know at FurnessS@northcentral.k12.ia.us Disclaimer: If anything is to happen to your Mac while you are using thisŠwellŠtoo badŠbecuase you cannot blame me. You use this at your own risk. I have not had any problems with it, so I doubt that you will either. This is $3 shareware, I don't think that is too much to ask, I am going to need every little dollar to keep making stuffŠŠŠif you feel generous you may pay more but I ask that you atleast please send the $3. You can send it to: Sylvan J. Furness 409 Main Street, P.O. Box 51 Hanlontown, Iowa 50444 Sylvan Furness #### BINHEX sound-at-random-c.hqx **** Date: Wed, 3 Nov 93 11:42:50 -0600 From: oleg@ponder.csci.unt.edu (Kiselyov Oleg) Subject: sound-at-random.cpt - (source & bin) pick a sound at random and yell it What: pick a sound at random and play it Language: Symantec C++ 6.0 Note: Good (I hope) example of treating File and Drive managers as C++ objects Note: Good as a startup program. Note: needs standard environment, see myenv-notify.cpt Note: sounds themselves are _not_ included, get your own System: System 7.x, 32-bit clean Contents: RandomSound.cc - source code (commented) vRandomSound.cc - verification program RandomSound.pi - Symantec C++ project RandomSound - application itself. 32-bit clean, System 7 Comments to: oleg@ponder.csci.unt.edu, oleg@unt.edu Explanation: This is a whimsy set of functions that lets one play a sound picked at random from the sound folder. The sound folder is assumed to be a folder named "Sounds" in the System folder. [Note, reading STR resource mentioned in the comments is not implemented yet] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #### BINHEX source-tools.hqx **** From: (Jeff Quade) jquade@bigfoot.com Subject: Source Tools 1.0 Source Tools - A Macintosh utility for programmers. Many features do not work as this program was never completed. No documentation available. Use at your own risk. Written by Quade Publishing (Jeff Quade). Freeware. #### BINHEX speech-manager-explorer.hqx **** From: Alexander W. Kourakos <kourakos@cardinal.ncsc.org> Subject: source/c - Speech Manager demo program Date: Wed, 18 Aug 93 13:09:18 EDT Organization: North Carolina Supercomputing Center This is a quick little program I hacked together the day I FTP'd the Speech Manager. Lets you play with voices, set pitch and rate, etc. Written in THINK C 6.0. Archived with StuffIt. Should work on any Mac that can use the Speech Manager. ---------------------- #### BINHEX speech-unit-p.hqx **** From "PAUL M SHELDON <psheldon@utdallas.edu>" Thu Sep 2 10:50:08 1993 Date: Thu, 2 Sep 1993 10:23:13 -0500 From: PAUL M SHELDON <psheldon@utdallas.edu> Subject: my speech object (5 hours small unit, I'm getting better) --1426085571-978700603-746985779:#3021 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII I didn't have help in c translation to pascal from the kid I mentor, PJ Traue, this time, so there are definite guesses in pascal meaning of c. In this archived submission are four mpw text files. I have included interface and implementation of the speech unit, my old code segment that doesn't use the unit and a new code segment which does. I noted that the new code segment that uses the unit must also have a uses speech or it won't know the meaning of a type, SpeechChannel. That's odd, since I tried not having uses all the way up the hierarchy of calling routines and the object oriented pascal language only caught me there. I am curious as to when I can get away with not using uses items; I am curious as to how much is, as they say in modula language, hidden import. This speech unit works, but may have mistakes in particular in the Gestalt manager call pascal interpretation of the c code written up in the apple docviewer document on speech manager. Maybe the kid I mentor will correct my translation. Maybe someone out there will. I also have Halts to handle os errors. I think that is sort of lame, because I don't insure that all objects are free'd with such a handling. Someone more savvy than could improve on this, for sure. I did several experiments with the unit. You will see my earlier (working) experiments commented out. I wanted to see what a Boris with a Brenda echo would sound like. It sounded like an incompetant translator, not like an echo. There was a time delay, even when I didn't put it there from the speech processing. A very short time for the Brenda echo, but noticeable. If you use the same speaker object to speak concurrently, it cuts its own speech off after an interceded delay. Evidentally, to have concurrent speech, your program must seize a different channel. What you can do with this: With this as a unit in a text editor, you should be able to select things you want to have the mac speak. When you use this unit, you may discover a greater wisdom that I found making it and improve upon it. For your courage, before I tried making this primative thing, I thought it would take more than twice as long as it did. It didn't, even though I was exhausted from other things I did that day! With this submission, you can get the feel of a boundary on how long it takes pascal procedural code to be turned into a prototype unit for an object. --1426085571-978700603-746985779:#3021 Content-Type: APPLICATION/octet-stream; name="speechunitex.hqx" Content-ID: <Pine.3.07.9309021159.A3021@sioux.utdallas.edu> Content-Description: #### BINHEX speedy-mouse-12-c.hqx **** From: f8dy@netaxs.com (Mark Pilgrim) Subject: Speedy Mouse 1.2 (source code) Date: Sat, 18 Dec 1993 00:13:34 -0500 (EST) Speedy Mouse is a fun little INIT which will cause your mouse to move twice as fast as it normally does. This INIT is free and is distributed under the GNU General Public License; this archive contains complete THINK C 6.0.1 source code and project files for the INIT. If you do not have FTP access, e-mail the author for a copy of the INIT, the source code, or a list of other programs by the same author. The address is f8dy@netaxs.com. Changes in version 1.2: the mouse no longer bounces off the edge of the screen, and the cursor disappears correctly now while you are typing. Also, the mouse will move at normal speed while the caps lock is down. This code demonstrates the basics of writing and installing a VBL, and manipulating undocumented low-memory globals. I used to say that this code would work on any Mac, but that has proved not to be true. If you have any compatibility problems, please report them to me at f8dy@netaxs.com. Many helpful users all over the world have provided feedback that has helped me advance Speedy Mouse this far. Speedy Mouse 1.2 is copyright 1993, Mark Pilgrim, MerriMac Software Group. #### BINHEX spin-cursor-101-c.hqx **** Date: Fri, 11 Sep 92 16:52:32 GMT-0500 From: rudman@mondo.engin.umich.edu Subject: [*] SpinCursor Library 1.01 NOTICE: This should replace the older version of the library This is the SpinCursor library, AGAIN ... UGH. Some of you may have already noticed there was no protection against installing more than once, and so the cursor jumped all over the place before finally dying a horribly yucky death. I installed a global variable called gCursInstalled, and this will fix it; now you can call BeginSpinning() and StopSpinning() without worry as to what will happen. Some notes for first-time users (read: people unaware of what a VBL task can do) o VBL-based spinning cursors will probably continue to spin even after the Macintosh has crashed. During true Mac crashes, however, the cursor will not MOVE anywhere, it will just spin. Good? Bad? You be the judge. o It would be a nice gesture for you to call StopSpinning() if you receive a suspend event, and then BeginSpinning() (if necessary) when you receive the resume event. Otherwise, you may be "giving the gift of spinning love" to other processes; this is defined in the dictionary as "NOT NICE". o Before you allow a user to quit your program, you should issue a StopSpinning() just to be on the safe side. Otherwise, the VBL will remain in memory, and it will attempt to JMP to a CODE which is no longer available. Can we say "crash" boys and girls? I knew you could... o Some people are very, very accute, and they have noticed some small flicker in the spinning cursors. This is because the calls to SetCursor are NOT always called in sync with the actual monitor vertical retrace. I will be working on this; in the mean time, it's just a SMALL flicker, more noticeable on machines with nice big 16" screens. o Okay, here's the scoop: SetCursor DOES NOT MOVE MEMORY under these conditions. SetCCursor MIGHT, however. Nobody at Apple was willing to try and put a color example into the new Inside Macintosh line of books, so I thought OK, I will. According to someone who sounds like they know, the color cursor call has a 0.1% chance of failing. I say, Hell... I lock everything and do the best job I can of keeping things from moving. I guess with something as sick as a VBL, anything can happen; but I say it's safe. If you have any comments, questions, or suggestions, please feel free to send me mail personally (no, you don't have to voice your opinions over the net ;) ) send to: rudman@engin.umich.edu -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Daniel E. Rudman The University of Michigan Computer-Aided Engineering Network Macintosh Systems Administration #### BINHEX spinning-cursor-c.hqx **** From: casgrain@ERE.UMontreal.CA (Casgrain Philippe) Subject: Spinning Cursor Library (code) Date: Fri, 5 Feb 93 13:49:55 EST This posting contains a library file that allows any program (C, Pascal, Fortran) to install an asynchronous (task-independent) spinning cursor. It is blatantly copied from the book "Macintosh Programming Secrets, 2nd Edition", and distributed with the author's consent. All I did (!) is type the code. I can also tell you that it works fine ;-). Instructions, source code (Think C) and sample code (Pascal and C) are included. If you have questions, feel free to ask! Philippe Casgrain Casgrain@ERE.UMontreal.CA P.S. This is postcard-ware: it is not my intellectual property, but if I stick the disk on my fridge, my kids don't see the point... :-) #### BINHEX standard-get-anything-c.hqx **** Date: Fri, 26 May 1995 05:56:56 -0700 From: ammon@cs.byu.edu (Ammon Skidmore) Subject: StandardGetAnything.c 1.0.1 StandardGetAnything.c is source code that displays an open dialog that returns both files and folders. Unlike its predecessors, StandardGetAnything.c does not use any global variables and the code does not rely upon any external, non OS libraries (stdio.h). Metrowerks C and THINK C 7.0 projects included. Released under Public Domain by Ammon Skidmore (ammon@cs.byu.edu) #### BINHEX startup-screen-picker-12-c.hqx **** From: f8dy@netaxs.com Subject: Startup Screen Picker 1.2 (source code) Date: Sun, 10 Jul 1994 01:56:03 -0400 (EDT) Startup Screen Picker 1.2 is a system extension (and startup application) which will pick a random startup screen to be displayed during system startup. This archive contains complete THINK C 7 source for the INIT and the startup application, including all necessary resource and project files. The compiled, ready-to-use programs are also available; check ftp sites or e-mail f8dy@netaxs.com. Finger f8dy@netaxs.com for a complete program list. Startup Screen Picker 1.2 is copyright 1993-4, Mark Pilgrim. Please read enclosed file "GNU General Public License" for licensing details. #### BINHEX std-get-folder-c.hqx **** Date: Sat, 6 Jun 92 21:31:06 CDT From: Kenneth B. Kirksey <kkirksey@eng.auburn.edu> Subject: Standard Get Folder C Code The Think C code in this archive implements a custom Standard File Dialog that allows users to select folders in which to save or locate files. All code and resources you need to use StandardGetFolder are included. Also included is a small sample program (in Think C) demonstrating the use of StandardGetFolder. Due to the fact the StandardGetFolder makes use of the CustomGetFile toolbox function and FSSpec records, it will only work under Sytem 7.0 or later. #### BINHEX stoned-mouse-10-c.hqx **** From: f8dy@netaxs.com (Mark Pilgrim) Subject: Stoned Mouse 1.0 (source code) Date: Sat, 13 Nov 1993 23:38:48 -0500 (EST) Stoned Mouse is a fun little INIT which will cause your mouse to move discretely instead of continuously, which I find breathtakingly disconcerting. This INIT is free and is distributed under the GNU General Public License; this archive contains complete THINK C 6.0.1 source code and project files for the INIT. If you do not have FTP access, e-mail the author for a copy of the INIT, the source code, or a list of other programs by the same author. The address is f8dy@netaxs.com. This code demonstrates the basics of writing and installing a VBL. This code should work under any system, with any monitor, on all Macintoshes. Please report any bugs/comments/suggestions to f8dy@netaxs.com. Stoned Mouse 1.0 is copyright 1993, Mark Pilgrim, MerriMac Software Group. #### BINHEX str-list-4.hqx **** From: tinyjohn@sk.sympatico.ca Subject: StrList4 StrList 4 Version 4 replaces versions 3, 2, and 1. Routines for working with string lists (the STR# resource type). - routines for creating string list structures in memory. - routines for modifying string lists, - routines for using string lists as 'sets of strings', - and other assorted string list functionality too.. Full C source code, tons of documentation, and a 411 help file. General String List (STR#) editing routines, hqx file. Copyright (C) 1995, 1996, 1997 by John Montbriand. All Rights Reserved. Permission granted for public use. Distribute freely in areas where the laws of copyright apply. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. DO NOT DISTRIBUTE MODIFIED COPIES. Comments/questions/postcards to the author at the address: John Montbriand P.O. Box. 1133 Saskatoon Saskatchewan Canada S7K 3N2 or by email at: tinyjohn@sk.sympatico.ca see also: http://www3.sk.sympatico.ca/tinyjohn/ #### BINHEX streamer-c.hqx **** Date: Fri, 30 Apr 1993 14:17:32 -0700 (PDT) From: HOWELL@UPS.EDU (JON) Subject: Streamer.hqx Here's the source to Bill's streamer, a little backup program for QIC24 streaming tape drives and such. I took it home and compiled it, and discovered this version waits indefinately for devices that don't exist on the bus. (while(); sorts of loops in scsi.c) After I fixed that to timeout, it seems to work right. It's pretty basic -- tiny interface, very little error handling (though error checking stuff is in place), but this is how he sent it. I intend to upgrade it a bit, and when I do, I'll send it in. Bill said it is to be under the usual copyleft freeware sort of arrangement -- distribute it, but it remains his property. (don't sell it.) (thanks, Bill!) --Jon ---- Here it is (a bit of a mess I'm afraid - kind of in between versions - so if you can't get it to compile properly, get back to me). It's a binhexed stuffit file, so you should be able to unpack everything OK. I've not bothered to split it up into little pieces since most mailers seem to be able to cope nowadays. If it does get to you OK, then please let me know (and yes, do forward it to macgifts) Have fun! Bill #### BINHEX strip-fat-c.hqx **** From: woody@alumni.caltech.edu (William Edward Woody) Subject: Strip68K and StripPPC Date: Mon, 20 Jun 1994 21:39:48 -0700 (PDT) Here are two programs I through together today, for removing unwanted executable code from a FAT application. Strip68K removes the 68000 code from a FAT application, leaving only the PowerPC software in it's place. StripPPC removes the PowerPC code from a FAT application, leaving only the 68000 software in it's place. I have also included the source kit if anyone is interested; part of it is a very simple drop shell that (should be) compatable with System 6 as well as System 7. (Under System 6 or if launched stand-alone, puts up a very simple menu bar with one option under the File menu.) Freeware; all I require is that if this gets redistributed elsewhere, the entire package (Read Me, Strip68K, StripPPC and the source kit) is redistributed as one package. Feel free to use the source code for your own use. - Bill Usual disclamers go here. (By the way, always back up your software before converting an application.) -- William Edward Woody -- In Phase Consulting -- Macintosh and Microsoft Windows Development -- 337 West California #4 -- Glendale, CA 91203 -- woody@alumni.cco.caltech.edu --- CUT HERE --- CUT HERE --- CUT HERE --- CUT HERE --- CUT HERE --- #### BINHEX strlist3-c.hqx **** From: John Montbriand, tinyjohn@sasknet.sk.ca Subject: strlist3 strlist3 replaces strlist1 or strlist2. Routines for working with string lists (the STR# resource type). - routines for creating string list structures in memory. - routines for modifying string lists, - routines for quickly accessing strings stored in string lists, - routines for using string lists as 'sets of strings', - and other assorted string list functionality too.. Full C source code, tons of documentation, and a 411 help file. These libraries are for free. Copyright (C) 1995, 1996 by John Montbriand. All Rights Reserved. #### BINHEX stuff-c.hqx **** From: jrrk@camcon.co.uk (Jonathan Kimmitt) Subject: A mini drag-and-drop archiver Date: Thu, 5 May 1994 14:33:56 -0500 --========================_13840704==_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Here's something that I knocked up over the bank holiday weekend which might be of interest. Let me know what you think. Cheers JRRK ------------------------------------------------------ Macintosh users might be interested in my attempt to evaluate the performance of the power PC in a 'real' rather than a benchmark situation. What follows is the source code and FAT binary for a mini drag-and-drop archiver which uses the IEEE compress algorithm and hence is compatible with the original "stuffit". For maximum learning value I tried to make the source compatible with both of the Metrowerks compilers and the traditional THINK_C style of headers. The only real difference in a small program like this is the use of universal proc pointers to handle the apple events required for drag-and-drop operation. Since I couldn't find a better way of doing it I made the FAT binary by manually merging the 68000 version with the powerPC output of the Metrowerks Linker using ResEdit. Despite the 'FAT' designation it is only 24K which might be regarded as acceptable. On a 6100/60 the emulated version of the program knocks an LC-III into a cocked-hat, but the native version achieves possibly only a 50% speedup over the emulated version. I attribute this surprising result to the relatively frequent use of toolbox calls during the operation in order to keep buffer sizes small, and of course the fact that the compiler is only an alpha version. No responsibility accepted for any data loss caused by using this archiver on your files. It is only meant to be a benchmark remember. You have been warned. Your comments on bugs, performance tweaks, enhancements welcome to jrrk@camcon.co.uk Attachment converted: Spiff:stuff.sit (SITD/SIT!) (000184B8) ----- Jonathan Kimmitt In case of difficulty, try jrrk@uk.co.camcon and/or jrrk@camcon.co.uk when replying to this mail --========================_13840704==_ Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="stuff.sit" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="stuff.sit" #### BINHEX stus-thread-utilities-c.hqx **** From: Stuart Cheshire <cheshire@DSG.Stanford.EDU> Subject: Thread Manager Utility source code Date: Sat, 19 Mar 1994 17:33:35 -0800 // StuUsThreadUtils // // (C) 6th March 1994 Stuart Cheshire <cheshire@cs.stanford.edu> // StuUsThreadUtils is an ongoing development to make useful ThreadManager routines available to the public. I wrote it because Apple's Thread Manager is a great step forward to helping more developers create multi-threaded applications, with all the benefits that can bring to us end-users, so I'm very happy about it. However, the facilities provided by Apple's Thread Manager are very raw and minimal, and the supplimentary routines provided in Apple's ThreadUtils leave much to be desired, and are more likely to put people off thread programming than encourage them. Because of this, I wrote my own ThreadUtils. They are simple, elegant, and efficient, and should make people's lives much easier when they are trying to write threaded code. There are three files in this package (so far): // ThreadSynch.c/h // This file defines thread synchronization primitives: // Semaphores, Mutual exclusion locks, and Condition variables. // Pipeline.c/h // An example of a library using mutual exclusion locks, and condition // variables to implement a producers/consumers pipeline // test.c // Example code to use the above files. Stuart Cheshire <cheshire@cs.stanford.edu> * <A HREF="file://brubeck.stanford.edu/www/cheshire-bio.html">WWW</A> * Stanford Distributed Systems Group Research Assistant * Escondido Village Resident Computer Coordinator * Macintosh Programmer #### BINHEX suntar-132-c.hqx **** From: speranza@cirfid.unibo.it (Sauro Speranza) Subject: UPLOADING suntar1.3.2src.cpt.hqx Date: Tue, 3 Nov 92 13:37:09 MET [Source cdode for sun tar application uploaded the other day -- Gordon] #### BINHEX super-splash-cpp.hqx **** From: Andrew Nemeth <aznemeng@zeta.org.au> Subject: AZN_SuperSplash Source code for 'SuperSplash' follows: - C++ PPC native code to put up a splash screen - CW 7 compatible - Can display JPEG & PICT files, as well as PICT resources SuperSplash is a native PPC Macintosh application and source code which shows how to put up different kinds of splash screens. In order to display JPEG files, use is made of code by Aaron Giles, as included on the Apprentice III CD. Andrew Nemeth aznemeng@zeta.org.au 24 Oct 1995 Blue Mountains, Sydney Australia #### BINHEX surfer-c.hqx **** From: rew8422@ultb.isc.rit.edu (R.E. Wilhelm ) Subject: Think C commToolbox stuff Date: Sun, 3 May 92 20:56:01 EDT Dear Moderators, This archive contains the source code for a program called Surfer, which is a demo of the Macintosh Communications Toolbox. Also included are some libraries and interfaces that work with Think C 4.0(Think c 5 include these files). The program compiles under Think C 4.0. I'm not smart enough to get it to work under version 5.0:) but I'm sure it can be done. Enjoy. Surfer was originally a Pascal program release by Mac DTS for MPW Pascal. Ron Wilhelm rew8422@ultb.ics.rit.edu ----------8<--------------------------8<------------------------8<--------- #### BINHEX swarm-15-ad-c.hqx **** From: leo@cp.tn.tudelft.nl (Leo Breebaart) Subject: The Swarm 1.5 Src [Screensaver Module source code] This is the fully documented (and free) CodeWarrior 7 C source code for The Swarm 1.5, a module I wrote for After Dark, Darkside of the Mac, and other AD-compatible screensavers. The Swarm is a simple, but surprisingly elegant and mesmerizing line animation, in which a number of small line segments (the 'bees') chase one other segment (the 'queen bee') across the screen. This code can help you get started on writing your own screensaver modules; it also illustrates how to use GWorlds, how to create an animated After Dark about box, and how to create a FAT module. Leo Breebaart (leo@cp.tn.tudelft.nl) #### BINHEX sys-menu-14-c.hqx **** From: (Matt Slot) fprefect@umich.edu Subject: SysMenu 1.4 - Sample C Project + Source SysMenu is a shell project that demonstrates how to create and manage a system menu next to the Balloon Help menu. The project has been updated to compile under Metrowerks compiler using Universal Headers. Since the initial release was designed for CW6, I have updated the code for CW8. This means that most of the Custom Code Resource stuff is gone (yes!!!), and the code uses their standard code headers which are now much prettier. There are other things I could have added to this project, but I think this stuff is general and clean enough for others to use. Drop me any comments and suggestions... heck, I may even use 'em! Changes from 1.3 to 1.4 Recompiled SysMenu and INIT Dispatcher under CW8. Fixed crashing bug in INIT Dispatcher on certain PowerPC systems at startup. Matt Slot (fprefect@umich.edu) - 6/24/96 <http://www.si.umich.edu/~fprefect> #### BINHEX system-menu-c.hqx **** Date: Thu, 27 Jul 1995 01:34:00 -0400 From: Matt Slot <fprefect@engin.umich.edu> Subject: SysMenu Sample Source SysMenu is a shell project that demonstrates how to create and manage a system menu next to the Balloon Help menu. The project has been updated to compile under Metrowerks 6.0 compiler using Universal Headers. There are 2 additional goodies included in this package: The "INIT Dispatcher" folder contains a sample project that demonstrates how to create a FAT system extension. See the appropriate files for more info on the technique. The "FAT sysmenu" folder contains 2 projects that rely on the Dispatcher to manage a common code file between 68K and PPC compilers. There are other things I could have added to this project, but I think this stuff is general and clean enough for others to use. Drop me any comments and suggestions... heck, I may even use 'em! Matt Slot (fprefect@umich.edu) - 7/26/95 #### BINHEX t-tidy-applciation-cpp.hqx **** From: adamw@panix.com (Adam Wildavsky) Subject: TTidyApplication - A leak detector for MacApp Date: Fri, 25 Feb 1994 00:08:25 -0500 --========================_27835200==_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" TTidyApplication is a C++ class for software developers who use MacApp, Apple's object oriented application framework. Its purpose is to help locate all the TObject descendants which a MacApp application has allocated but not freed. TTidyApplication is intended to be easier to use than the "Leaks" dcmd. It also works in MacApp 3.1 where "Leaks" is ineffective. In order to use the code you'll need MacApp 3.0.1 with Steve Jasik's "The Debugger" or MacApp 3.1 (I used b1) with either The Debugger or Mike Lockwood's "VoodooMonkey" debugger. VoodooMonkey is available on Apple's "Tool Chest" edition of its monthly developer CD. For more information see the enclosed summary and my article in the March '94 issue of Frameworks magazine (forthcoming.) Adam Wildavsky - Sr. Consultant - KPMG Peat Marwick - adamw@panix.com --========================_27835200==_ Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="TTidyApplication.sit" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="TTidyApplication.sit" #### BINHEX talk-106-pas.hqx **** Date: Sat, 25 Apr 1992 13:07:01 +0800 From: Peter N Lewis <peter@cujo.curtin.edu.au> Subject: source/pascal/talk-106-source.hqx This is the source code for Talk v1.0.6 & Talkd v1.0.6. Talk and talkd is an implementation of the UNIX Talk protocol for Macs with MacTCP. Talkd is a background only application that notifies you when a talk connection is requested, and Talk is a talk client, allowing you to talk to other machines. Both are System 7 friendly (but hopefully not dependent). Talk&Talkd are Povertyware, which basically means you get to send me five dollars if you can. The source code may be used for any non-commertial purposes as long as I get a mention in the about box and documentation of any derivative program. Hope you like them, Peter. <peter@cujo.curtin.edu.au> Talk 1.0.6 & Talkd 1.0.6 Copyright 1992, Peter N Lewis #### BINHEX talking-clock-10b1-c.hqx **** From macmod Thu Aug 26 20:12:40 1993 Date: Fri, 27 Aug 93 01:06:08 +0200 From: d88-jwa@nada.kth.se Subject: Talking Clock - Source Code! 1.0b1 For those of you more interested in the "why" than the "because," here comes source code for Talking Clock. It is structured so is can work as a minimalistic application shell as basis for your own applications, with a less than 10K overhead for windows and menu management! Read the license; it's freeware. / h+ -- -- Jon W{tte, h+@nada.kth.se, Mac Hacker Deluxe -- What we need is a good GNU [...] licence manager implementation. -- Raphael Manfredi talking-clock-source.cpt.hqx #### BINHEX talking-clock-pro-201-c.hqx **** From: zap@mindcontrol.org Subject: Talking Clock Pro 2.0.1 source Enough people have pestered me about updating Talking Clock (and fixing the bug where it didn't talk) that I finally broke down and did it. Talking Clock speaks the time every hour on the hour, or more often if you prefer. The executables are mailed to macgifts@mac.archive.umich.edu. This is probably the last-ever public release of System 7 software I make, since I'm firmly rooted in the BeBox camp these days :-) #### BINHEX tar-40b-c.hqx **** From: cruff@niwot.scd.ucar.EDU (Craig Ruff) Subject: Tar 4.0b Source Date: Thu, 3 Feb 94 08:42:27 -0700 This is the source for tar for the Macintosh version 4.0b. It contains rudimentary support for SCSI tape drives and some other fixes (see manual in the separate executable file). I am no longer going to make changes or enhancements to tar. Feel free to take the source and modify to suit your needs. Craig Ruff (cruff@ncar.ucar.edu) #### BINHEX task-manager-221-c.hqx **** Date: 22 Jun 92 10:31:23 U From: "Michael Hecht" <michael_hecht@mac.sas.com> Subject: Task Manager 2.2.1 Regarding Task Manager 2.2.1 The Task Manager is a C source code package for creating and managing tasks--separate execution threads that run nonpreemptively in the background. Tasks should periodically call a Task Manager yielding routine to allow other tasks to run. Tasks are ideal for lengthy processes that you would like to run in the background, since the task runs in a separate execution thread from your event loop. --Michael ======================================================================= Michael P. Hecht | Internet: Michael_Hecht@mac.sas.com SAS Institute Inc.; Cary, NC USA | AppleLink: SAS.HECHT #### BINHEX task-manager-pas.hqx **** Date: Tue, 24 Nov 1992 14:05:12 +0800 From: Peter N Lewis <peter@ncrpda.curtin.edu.au> Subject: source/pascal/TaskManager-211P.hqx _______________________________________________________________________ Peter N Lewis <peter@ncrpda.curtin.edu.au> Ph: +61 9 368 2055 The Task Manager Version 2.2.1P This software source package is Copyright 1990 91 by Michael Hecht. All Rights Reserved. It may be freely distributed in source or object code format; however, the source code may not be sold for profit or charged for in any way. The Task Manager is a package for creating and managing tasks-separate execution threads that run nonpreemptively in the background. Tasks should periodically call a Task Manager yielding routine to allow other tasks to run. Tasks are ideal for lengthy processes that you would like to run in the background, since the task runs in a separate execution thread from your event loop. Michael Hecht wrote The Task Manager using THINK C 5.0.1, and I converted in to Pascal using THINK Pascal 4.0.1. The documentation is unchanged from Michael's, so it refers to C prodcedure's, but I'm sure you can figure it out. Hope its useful to someone, Peter. <peter@ncrpda.curtin.edu.au> Task Manager v2.2.1P Copyright 1990-92 Michael Hecht #### BINHEX tax-101-fkey-p.hqx **** From: HE KUER <elee74l@Menudo.UH.EDU> Subject: Tax FKEY 1.0.1 Date: Sat, 7 May 1994 17:14:01 -0500 (CDT) Moderators, This is a re-submission of the Tax FKEY. This is version 1.0.1. I only made minor changes in the documentation. I forgot to include the hard-coded tax rate in the READ ME file last time. It's 8.25%. Tax FKEY adds the tax to a number in the clipboard. See the READ ME for more info, including a QuicKeys script to automatically read in a number from a cell and replace it with the tax added onto it. THINK Pascal 4 source code enclosed. Freeware. Compacted and BinHexed with Compact Pro 1.34. This may be included in the Info-Mac CD-ROM. Others interested in commercial distribution should contact me first. Enjoy, David Alten elee74l@menudo.uh.edu HE KUER!! #### BINHEX tcl-206-updt.hqx **** Date: Wed, 3 May 1995 19:11:34 -0400 From: tree@bedford.symantec.com (Tom Emerson) Subject: TCL 2.0.6 Update Available The Symantec Macintosh Development Tools Group would like to announce the availability of the THINK Class Library 2.0.6 update. This update will patch any previous version of the THINK Class Library 2.0 to version 2.0.6. Who Needs This Update Any developer using Symantec C++ for Macintosh 7.0.x or Symantec C++ for Power Macintosh 8.0 who develops applications with the THINK Class Library will benefit from this update. About the Update This release is the second in a new distribution mechanism for online updates to the various components of our development tools. Rather than wait for every component to be ready before posting, we will distribute patches to individual components as they become available. While this may be less convenient than "one-stop shopping" for the latest of everything, we feel it is the best way to provide the developer with timely and effective updates. This update contains: TCL 2.0.6 Update 7.0.x only Demos replacements AEStarter.(pi) ARM 15.3.(pi) Art Class.(pi) NewClassDemo.(pi) Process Monitor.(pi) TinyEdit.(pi) Rebuild Standard Libraries Standard Libraries replacements alloc.c setjmp.h Build 68K PCHs Build 68K PCHs.(pi) TCL 2.0.6 Update READ ME TCL 2.0.6 Update.sea TCL Project Model replacements SPM @1 TPM @1.(pi) TCL Release Notes The update has been submitted to the info-mac archives, CompuServe, America Online, and can be found on the Symantec DTS ftp server at the following URL: <URL:ftp://devtools.symantec.com/macintosh/updaters/devtools/sym.cpp-va-tcl. updates/tcl-206-update.hqx> Updates to other components will be posted and announced when they are available. Questions regarding our Development Tools can be sent to <URL:mailto:support@devtools.symantec.com> bug reports should be sent to <URL:mailto:bugs@devtools.symantec.com> Tom Emerson tree@bedford.symantec.com #### BINHEX tcl-terminalpane-10.hqx **** Date: Tue, 17 Aug 1993 14:34:08 -0600 From: Eric Scouten <scouten@staff.tc.umn.edu> Subject: /source/c/tcl-terminalpane-10.sit The enclosed file is a source code snippet for Think C 6.0 and TCL. It provides a basic 24*80 terminal display for use in terminal-style programs. Handles basic display functions, but does not provide advanced terminal emulation (i.e. does not include VT100). Freeware. Copyright (C) 1993, Eric Scouten, FrostByte/Design. Thanks for including it... -Eric --- Eric Scouten Internet: scouten@staff.tc.umn.edu Student Affairs Research Bitnet: scouten@umnacvx 110 Morrill Hall * Univ of Minn Phone: +1 612 626 0746 Minneapolis, MN 55455 USA "To start with, we must stop using students as the _escape_ goats." -Anon. #### BINHEX tcp-10-lib-cpp.hqx **** Date: Fri, 28 Apr 1995 07:04:42 -0400 From: jadams@Glue.umd.edu (Josh Adams) Subject: tcp++.lib-1.0 tcp++.lib 1.0 is a CodeWarrior Library for programming TCP. It uses a little bit of C++ in the library. The whole source code for the library and also the project used to make the library are all included. It is based on source found in inetd for the Mac. The library is meant to make it relatively easy to do TCP programming in CodeWarrior. I can write a small client app in 10 lines of code with it. Josh Adams Mail: jadams@eng.umd.edu #### BINHEX tcp-interface-example-pas.hqx **** Date: Thu, 10 Dec 1992 11:27:56 +0800 From: Peter N Lewis <peter@ncrpda.curtin.edu.au> Subject: source/pascal/tcpexample.hqx This is some example code to demonstrate the use of my TCP unis. These units implement a relatively high level interface to MacTCP, and allow fairly easy writing of TCP applications in Pascal using event driven programming. The example program is not a full shell, it simply implements a very basic finger to a fixed user@host. It should be fairly easy to understand. I've used the code in many apps, most of which are available from various ftp sites, or from redback.cs.uwa.edu.au in /others/peterlewis. Hope its useful to someone, Peter. <peter@ncrpda.curtin.edu.au> TCPExample v1.0.0 Copyright 1992 Peter N Lewis #### BINHEX tcp-oo-example-10.hqx **** Date: Thu, 1 Jul 1993 15:07:21 +0800 From: Peter N Lewis <peter.lewis@info.curtin.edu.au> Subject: source/pascal - TCPOOExample 1.0.0 This is some example code to demonstrate the use of my Object Oriented TCP units. These units implement a relatively high level interface to MacTCP, and allow fairly easy writing of TCP applications in Pascal using event driven, object oriented programming. The example program is not a full shell, it simply implements a very basic finger to a fixed user@host. It should be fairly easy to understand. I've used the code in many apps, most of which are available from various ftp sites, or from redback.cs.uwa.edu.au in /others/peterlewis. Hope its useful to someone, Peter. <peter.lewis@info.curtin.edu.au> TCPOOExample v1.0.0 Copyright 1993 Peter N Lewis #### BINHEX te32k-12a-c.hqx **** Date: Thu, 21 Jul 1994 17:30:05 +1000 From: michaell@gsb.usyd.edu.au (Michael Lowe) Subject: TE32K 1.2a (C Source code & demo app) --========================_8105853==_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" TE32K is designed to be a more-or-less "plug in" replacement for the Macintosh Toolbox TextEdit package. The major advantage is that it can manipulate text files LARGER than 32K. The TE32K package includes standard (non-OOP) C source code, object files (for 68k and PPC), a compiled (FAT! :-) demo app & documentation. TE32K is free of charge, but if you do use TE32K in a piece of software which you market, for every copy you sell, you are required to donate $1.00 to the World Wildlife Fund, 90 Eglinton Avenue East, Suite 504, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M4P 2Z7. TE32K was originally written by Roy Wood <rrwood@io.org>. This version is an upgrade made by Michael Lowe <michaell@gsb.usyd.edu.au> from the 1.2 source code. Roy Wood plans to release a new version soon, and has given permission for the release of this version in the interim. Enjoy! Michael Lowe New in v1.2a ------------ * implemented triple click support * implemented TE32KFeatureFlag - te32KFOutlineHilite: outline text highlighting in deactivated state - te32KFShowCarridgeReturns: show carriage returns with paragraph marker * implemented TE32KGetHiliteRgn for 'Drag and Drop' support * numerous bug fixes * Changes to support: - THINK C 6.0x/7.0x - MPW C - Universal Headers - Mac on RISC SDK --========================_8105853==_ Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="TE32K.sit" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="TE32K.sit" #### BINHEX tetris-light-c.hqx **** From: Hoylen Sue <hoylen@central.sussex.ac.uk> Subject: TetrisLight-src.cpt.hqx (Part 1/2) Date: Fri, 13 Aug 93 12:35:26 BST The following is a compact pro archive containing the Think C 5.0 sources for "Tetris Light". This is a lightweight Tetris program with source code freely available under the GNU General Public License. ---Beginning of Part 1/2--- #### BINHEX text-editor-dlx-15-src.hqx **** From: "Jonathyn Bet'nct" <jonrelay@napanet.net> Subject: Text Editor Deluxe 1.5 Source Code Here is the RealBasic 3.0 source code for Text Editor Deluxe. This is a public domain program. You can make whatever modifications you find necessary. (C) 2001 Kreative Software, a division of Kreative Korporation. http://kreativekorp.cjb.net #### BINHEX think-dcmd-101-c.hqx **** Date: Wed, 7 Sep 1994 10:43:38 +0200 From: Patrick Stadelmann <Patrick.Stadelmann@etudiants.unine.ch> Subject: Think C dcmd 1.0.1 Hi ! This package will allow you to write dcmds (debugger commands) in Think C. It contains the glue code necessary to link the "dcmd.o" library, and Think Put, a collection of routines to create formatted output in dcmds. To use this package, you need the "dcmd.o" library and the "dcmd.h" header from Apple Computer, Inc. These files are available along with MacsBug from ftp.apple.com in the dts/mac/tools/macsbug/ directory. Changes since version 1.0 : - Now compatible with "TestDcmd". "Break on entry" didn't work with version 1.0. - The "@1." project now has the "Use MacsBug name" flag set. - Renamed global variables. - Some fixes in the doc. IMPORTANT : There is no change in the interface between version 1.0 and 1.0.1. Thus, there is no need to modifiy your code. This package is freeware and may be distributed freely. Written by P. Stadelmann <Patrick.Stadelmann@etudiants.unine.ch> Feel free to contact me if you have comments, suggestions or bugs to report. Patrick #### BINHEX thread-library-11-c.hqx **** From: "Ari I. Halberstadt" <ari@shore.net> Subject: ThreadLibrary-1.0 Date: Thu, 8 Jun 1995 17:54:55 -0400 (EDT) Thread Library is a free library, for use by Macintosh software developers, that implements cooperative multiple thread execution within a single application. Thread Library - does not require any extensions; - should work with all Macintosh models (from the Plus on up); - works with system 7.x and with system 6.x under Finder or MultiFinder; - runs in native mode on 680x0 and PowerPC* based Macintoshes; - compiles into a small library of 3 to 8 kilobytes; - works with the Symantec, Metrowerks, and MPW compilers. The 680x0 version of Thread Library is 2-3 times faster than Apple's Thread Manager. The PowerPC version of Thread Library is about 2 times faster than Apple's Thread Manager. Every thread has its own stack, and there are no restrictions on the objects that can be allocated on a thread's stack. All other global application data are shared by threads. Context switches are very efficient since they involve only a few operations to save the current thread's state, followed by a context switch to the new thread, and a few instructions to restore the new thread's state. This distribution includes: - complete source code in C; - detailed documentation in Microsoft Word 5.0 format; - prebuilt libraries for 68K and PowerPC programs, including debug versions of the libraries; - a new interface that mimics Apple's Thread Manager; - a simple test application that demonstrates how threads may be used; - an application that compares the speed of Thread Library with the speed of Apple's Thread Manager; - Metrowerks CodeWarrior project files; - AppleScript program for automatic builds. #### BINHEX three-d-buttons-10b6-cdef.hqx **** Date: Tue, 2 May 95 07:58:10 PDT From: zig@WC.Novell.COM (Zig Zichterman) Subject: 3D Buttons 1.0b6 Attached is version 1.0b6 of the 3D Buttons CDEF. It fixes the following bugs: * Completely rewritten using more C++ features * Removed Macsbug labels for smaller CDEF (now 14K) * Changed iconButton procID from 4 to 3 to make room for indentHighlighted flag * Added indentHighlighted flag (0x04) for pushButton and iconButton --Zig Zichterman ziggr@aol.com #### BINHEX three-point-plotters-c.hqx **** From: kenlong@netcom.com (Ken Long) Subject: 3pointplotters-c Date: Wed, 12 Jan 1994 13:23:46 -0800 (PST) Hello, there, MacGift Givers! This file contains 3 Think C 5 projects. 1 "NewCube" which puts up a data window and a drawing window, then uses point plots to draw an anitmated cube which rotates on two axis'. It's an update from an old .c file I found on the old BMUG BBS. 2 "NuCube" is a variation on the other done by Mark Hanrek, which adds a more sophisticated Mac shell and includes a GWorld. 3 "NewShuttleViewer" is a Pascal to C port I did of "Eddy's Shuttle Viewer, and improved upon it slightly. The original and .p file is included. There's also a code fragment that can be added to draw the coordinates where the points result over the window repeatedly as they are generated. The program draws a wire-frame Space Shuttle, ala point plots, then erases, then draws a slightly rotated view, repeat ad infinity. -Ken- ----------------------Get to snippin'!------------------------------------ #### BINHEX threed-game-machine-demo.hqx **** Date: Fri, 7 Apr 1995 06:12:57 +0200 From: main@virtually.mcnet.ch (Virtually Unlimited) Subject: 3D Game Machine Demo description The "3D Game Machine" is an API-style toolbox for 3D arcade games and interactive multimedia applications development, it includes a real-time 3D rendering library and a whole set of routines for manipulating 3D virtual environments. The main features are: - simple easy-to-use interface - very fast rendering - full "virtual" 3D worlds with six degrees of freedom - free-form texture mapping with optional flat-shading - material and light properties - convex/cave polygons with unlimited number of vertices - unlimited number of light sources - dynamic hidden surface removal - special graphic modes for fast full-screen animation - automated shape behaviors 3D Game Machine is especially destined to Game Developers who wish to create fast 3D arcade games without the need to get into the problems of 3D algorithms. 3DGM is also intended for interactive multimedia and educational applications who need to run on a broad number of machines, from an entry-level color Macintosh to the latest PowerMac. 3DGM currently works on PowerMacs only, however. 3DGM has been optimized especially for games, its aim is to achieve fluid animations through very high frame rates -- even at full screen resolution, and permforms well even in low-memory situations. It supports free-form shaded texture mapping, with a speed of up to 15 frames per second on an 640 x 480 window completely texture-mapped with arbitrarily angled polygons, rendered on a PowerMac 6100/60. The "3D Game Machine Demo" has 8 different sequences that show how fast 3DGM renders, it also allows to save documentation files. To find out more about our products, please contact us at: Virtually Unlimited, SNC 24 Chateau-Banquet CH-1202 Geneva/Switzerland Internet: main@virtually.mcnet.ch Compuserve: 100423,2721 ftp://FTP.VIRTUALLY.MCNET.CH/virtually Voice Mail: (+4122) 310-0806 CET (central European time) Fax: (+4122) 733-3115 Enjoy the demo ! #### BINHEX tim-ga-12-source.hqx **** From: tieloran@NTCILO01ES.ntc.nokia.com Subject: TimGA 1.2 Source Code (PowerPlant/C++) TimGA 1.2 Source Code (C++/PowerPlant) Description This package includes the full PowerPlant based C++ source code for TimGA - a genetic algorithm based graph drawing application for Macintosh. The code specifically demonstrates the use of ... * a genetic algorithm to draw graphs nicely * Metrowerks' PowerPlant framework * PowerPlant's new grayscale appearance controls * AGA Slider class by James Jennings * Metrowerks' Standard Library (MSL) Requirements * CodeWarrior 11 or later * MSL 2.1.1 (available from www.metrowerks.com) or later * PowerPlant grayscale classes v.1.1.1 (available from Metrowerks) * some sort of C++ skills... #### BINHEX tim-ga-121-source.hqx **** From: tieloran@NTCILO01ES.ntc.nokia.com Subject: TimGA 1.2.1 Source Code (PowerPlant/C++) TimGA 1.2.1 Source Code (C++/PowerPlant) ======================================== Description ----------- This package includes the full PowerPlant based C++ source code for TimGA - a genetic algorithm based graph drawing application for Macintosh. The code specifically demonstrates the use of ... * a genetic algorithm to draw graphs nicely * Metrowerks' PowerPlant framework * PowerPlant's new grayscale appearance classes * AGA Slider class by James Jennings * Metrowerks' Standard Library (MSL) Requirements ------------ * CodeWarrior Pro 1 or later (i.e. the project is for IDE 2.0) * some sort of C++ skills... [Note to Archivist: This file replaces .../dev/src/tim-ga-12-source.hqx] >>> Timo Eloranta (timo.eloranta@ac.com) <<< [[ T-121-CP.HQX : 2378 in T-121-CP.HQX ]] #### BINHEX tiny-tools.hqx **** From: tinyjohn@sk.sympatico.ca Subject: TinyTools TinyTools 2 Version 2 replaces version 1.2, and 1. One big old source code collection, soup to nuts. C, C++ libraries for files, communications, data storage, data conversion, drawing. Just a bunch of stuff I had around collecting dust. Copyright (C) 1986, 1987, 1995, 1996, 1997 by John Montbriand. All Rights Reserved. Permission granted for public use. Distribute freely in areas where the laws of copyright apply. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. DO NOT DISTRIBUTE MODIFIED COPIES. Comments/questions/postcards to the author at the address: John Montbriand P.O. Box. 1133 Saskatoon Saskatchewan Canada S7K 3N2 or by email at: tinyjohn@sk.sympatico.ca see also: http://www3.sk.sympatico.ca/tinyjohn/ #### BINHEX toastys-keyword-list-rsrc.hqx **** Date: Wed, 4 Jan 1995 21:41:18 +0000 From: toast@ (Jonathan Wilson) Subject: Toolbox Keyword List for Metrowerks CodeWarrior CW5 I got my Metrowerks CW5 update today, and thought "Wouldn't it be cool if the new custom keywords in the editor could be a list of the types defined by the Toolbox?". So, after a lot of playing around with the version 2.0a3 Universal Headers using streamedit, sort, catenate etc. in MPW (see, it still has its uses!) I arrived at this list. I tacked the types from "PP_Types.h" onto the end. "Toasty's Keyword List" is a Resorcerer file containing a single STR# resource. To include it in your spanking new CW5 project, just open it and your project with Resorcerer (or ResEdit if you must) and paste 'STR#' 1008 into your project. The next time you open the project, all (I hope) types defined using 'typedef' in the Universal Headers (Boolean, AEDesc, CInfoPBRec etc etc) will appear in the custom keyword colour (green by default). Drop me a line if you find it useful, or if you have problems. Use at your own risk, your mileage may vary, please notify me before including in any distribution medium (net archive, CD ROM, BBS etc.), don't step on the cracks. Jon Jonathan Wilson Macintosh Ripware Developer Hyphen, Diss, UK. toast@diss.hyphen.com phone: +44 1379 652857 fax: +44 1379 644206 #### BINHEX trans-skel-25-p.hqx **** From: ingemar@lysator.liu.se Date: Tue, 24 Jan 1995 11:08:22 +0100 Subject: TransSkel Pascal 2.5; Pascal library with source code. TransSkel is an excellent library, written by Paul DuBois and translated to Pascal by Owen Hartnett. It takes care of most tedious standard tasks for you, like event, menu and window handling, calling procedures that you provide when something interesting happens. TransSkel Pascal 2.5 is a modernized version of TransSkel Pascal 2.0, which is severely outdated by now. There is a version 3 of the C version, which can be used from Pascal, but as Paul states himself, it is very convenient to have the full code available, and I really like TransSkel in the form of a single, not too lange file that I can add to my projects. Also included are the plug-ins TransDisplay and TransEdit, and several demos. Projects for Think Pascal and Metrowerks Pascal (MPW interfaces) included. This new version was made by Ingemar Ragnemalm and is in the Public Domain just as the original TransSkel. #### BINHEX ttidy-application-cpp.hqx **** From "vinko@spss.com (Vinko Tsui (312) 329-3455)" Mon Mar 7 10:17:10 1994 Date: Mon, 7 Mar 1994 12:17:08 -0600 From: vinko@spss.com (Vinko Tsui (312) 329-3455) Subject: TTidyApplication - A leak detector for MacApp --========================_21343244==_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" This is a posting for Adam Wildavsky (adamw@panix.com). Please see his description bellow -- Vinko Vinko Enterprises, Oakville, Ontario, Canada, vinko@applelink.apple.com ----------- TTidyApplication is a C++ class for software developers who use MacApp, Apple's object oriented application framework. Its purpose is to help locate all the TObject descendants which a MacApp application has allocated but not freed. TTidyApplication is intended to be easier to use than the "Leaks" dcmd. It also works in MacApp 3.1 where "Leaks" is ineffective. In order to use the code you'll need MacApp 3.0.1 with Steve Jasik's "The Debugger" or MacApp 3.1 (I used b1) with either The Debugger or Mike Lockwood's "VoodooMonkey" debugger. VoodooMonkey is available on Apple's "Tool Chest" edition of its monthly developer CD. For more information see the enclosed summary and my article in the March '94 issue of Frameworks magazine (forthcoming.) Adam Wildavsky - Sr. Consultant - KPMG Peat Marwick - adamw@panix.com --========================_21343244==_ Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="TTidyApplication_w=Summary.sea" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="TTidyApplication_w=Summary.sea" #### BINHEX turbo-tcp-201-cpp.hqx **** Date: Tue, 22 Nov 1994 23:32:30 -0600 From: scouten@uiuc.edu (Eric Scouten) Subject: dev - TurboTCP update (again) --========================_13678449==_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Attached is a copy of TurboTCP 2.0.1. This should be placed in a development libraries directory and replace any previous version of TurboTCP. This version fixes a minor compile-time error with 2.0. Thanks, -eric Description: The TurboTCP class library integrates the Think Class Library with Apple's MacTCP driver. This library provides robust support for most TCP/IP applications on the Macintosh. Its major features include: asynchronous operation (TurboTCP does not use "polling loops"), high-speed automatic data receiving mechanism, mix-in architecture, robust error recovery, and background friendly. --========================_13678449==_ Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="TurboTCP_2.0.1.sit" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="TurboTCP_2.0.1.sit" #### BINHEX twist-10-c.hqx **** From: crawford@scruznet.com (Michael D. Crawford) Subject: Twist 1.0 Screensaver Source Code Enclosed is the source code to Twist 1.0, a screensaver module for Berkeley Systems' After Dark. Twist "twists" the pixels of the screen in an interesting way. First it tilts the screen over to the right, then scrambles it, then repeated images go in and out of phase, and eventually the original image is restored. The source code includes: - the After Dark Testbed, which is an application shell that allows you to use a source code debugger to develop your own After Dark modules. This works by linking the module source file in as a subroutine to the application, which then simulates the environment of After Dark by calling the module with the various messages. - GoToWebPage.c, which searches for a browser, launches it, and directs it to a given URL via Apple Events. Michael D. Crawford crawford@scruznet.com http://www.scruznet.com/~crawford #### BINHEX u-resource-parser-cpp.hqx **** From: uzs90z@ibm.rhrz.uni-bonn.de (Michael Schuerig) Subject: UResourceParser (resource parsing in C++) Sent: 14 October 1996 UResourceParser is a simple framework for creating parsers for resource of almost any type. Also included is source code for generating a skeleton parser from a ResEdit TMPL resource. It utilizes some utility classes of Metrowerks PowerPlant application framework. This can be easily adapted to your needs however. This is freeware. Use it as you see fit, respect my copyright and don't blame me for any problems with it. Michael Sch|rig mailto:uzs90z@uni-bonn.de #### BINHEX ultimate-button-cdef.hqx **** From: cschaffhauser@datacomm.ch (Christoph Schaffhauser) Subject: Ultimate Button CDEF 1.0.2 - Source Code Ultimate Button CDEF is a very Cool Control Definition which let you create Buttons with Text, Icon Families, cicn Resources, ICON Resources, SICN Resources and PICT Resources. Very Cool 3D Effect! Chris #### BINHEX ultra-c.hqx **** From: M_P_McLaughlin%CAASD1@MWMGATE1.mitre.org Subject: Submission of "Ultra" Random-Number Library Date: Tue, 8 Feb 1994 12:18:30 -0600 --========================_13778016==_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" This is an implementation of the "Ultra" pseudo-random number generator. Included are source code written in C/Assembly, a header file and a demo. The code REQUIRES a Macintosh (or other computer with a *Motorola* chip set, version 68020/68881 or higher). --========================_13778016==_ Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="Ultra.sit" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Ultra.sit" #### TEXT unfolder-20-c.txt **** Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1993 22:53:52 -0400 (EDT) From: hshubs@BIX.com Subject: Unfolder 2.0 source This is the source code for Unfolder 2.0, so it might be named unfolder20.c, and put in the same directory as unfolder20.hqx. /* * The Unfolder - program to reconstitute MacBinary (II) encoded files. * * by various BIXen in the 'mac.hack/tutorial', started on 25 December 1989 * * Originally written by Don Sample, Howard Shubs, and Bob Perkins on * the BYTE Information eXchange (BIX), this program is intended to allow * people with a C compiler and no way to transfer resources to their Mac * to create a way to deal with Mac files which have been downloaded to * non-Macintosh hardware. This program will, when told to Unfold, * reconstitute a MacBinary version 1 or 2 file to its original state. * * The program will work as-is under THINK C 5.0.2, with just the MacTraps #### BINHEX url-helper-10d1.hqx **** Hi all, I'm sorry if some of you got this message twice. :) I'm one of the moderators at info-mac. One thing we really want to start doing is adding URLs to the digests instead of the [Archived as...] line. This brings up some real problems, however, as sumex-aim is already greatly overloaded and to have everyone who reads info-mac in newswatcher pounding it for a file... well, that would be "bad". I think that mac.archive at umich has the same problem. To solve this both archives have a fairly large set of mirror sites. Each person has their own fav mirror site for info-mac and the umich archive. Great. I thought it would be great if all the various gopher/etc. programs would do automatic mirror subsititution. This package I've written, "URL Helper", attempts to do just that. It is a combination of a small library and a component. The component keeps track of a list of mirrors for each main site. When a program has a URL it wants to look up, it hands the URL to the component. The component sees if that URL matches any of its known mirror sites -- in some mirror list. So something like "ftp://sumex-aim.stanford.edu/info-mac/..." would match a site on the info-mac mirror list. The calling program can then retreive the various enabled mirrors for that site. Path translations, etc. are taken care of. It is all done with text subsitution. Here is a short example. I didn't use the real info-mac mirror list, just a made up one. Here is what the internal mirror list looks like for info-mac: "\p^0://sumex-aim.stanford.edu/info-mac/^1" "\p^0://mac.archive.edu/pub/info-mac/^1" "\p^0://mit.mit.edu/pub/mirrors/im/^1" The "^N" are substitution characters. They can be in any order or any position in a mirror string. And, when I run the test program, I get back the following (this is output of a test in the file main.c). Full Test on: 'ftp://sumex-aim.stanford.edu/info-mac/grf/util/mac-graphics.hqx' -> 'ftp://mit.mit.edu/pub/mirrors/im/grf/util/mac-graphics.hqx' -> 'ftp://mac.archive.edu/pub/info-mac/grf/util/mac-graphics.hqx' Where the "Full test on " line whas the input URL. The "->" are the resulting mirror URLS. Note that sumex-aim.stanford.edu doesn't appear in the output. That is because that was specified as a "no use" mirror... The code to do this is pretty simple, when the library is used: ¥ To get only the first mirror (the primary mirror): URLHLibGetFirstMirror (string, mirror); where "string" is the original url, and "mirror" is a pointer to a new mirror url. ¥ To get all of the mirrors back, one by one: short index; URLHParseRef parseRef; Str255 mirror; parseRef = URLHLibNewParseState (string); index = 1; while (URLHLibGetIndexedMirror (parseRef, index, mirror)) { index++; } URLHLibDisposeParseState (parseRef); The library has been designed to work weather or not the component is in place. Basically, that is it. I don't want to develop this any further until I get a reaction from the people who are going to use it. Is this api any good? Does it have enough flexability? You can look at the full source; I've uploaded it to my personal archive site (it is in ftp://sumex-aim.stanford.edu/dev/src/url-helper-10d1.hqx -- it should move all the mirrors by tomorrow morning -- or send a note to me and I'll send you the .hqx). The biggest thing it is currently lacking is that it dosen't save the mirror lists to a prefs file. I didn't want to spend more time if people decide it won't be worth it. I even volenteer(sp) to do the UI for the internet prefs app (if it ever gets written!). I would think that programs like Anarchie, Fetch, mac gopher, etc. would use this, not a program like NewsWatcher. But, it could be one has a mirror list that would convert "ftp://" into "gopher://".. and it would be bad for Fetch to end up with a gopher URL! Whatever. Oh -- I do plan, if people like it, to write a set of routines that will parse a gopher/ftp address so that the author need not be bothered with that parsing (this thing only works on complete URLs right now). Also note that I've sidestepped the issue of automatically figuring out which mirror is closest. That can be added (if ever) later. What we really need is a better internet archive system, instead of stop-gap systems like this... :) Cheers, Gordon. #### BINHEX uupc-31-c.hqx **** Subject: uupc 3.1 source code [part 1 of 11] Organization: Snulbug Software From: dplatt@snulbug.mtview.ca.us (Dave Platt) Date: Wed, 07 Sep 94 20:50:09 -0800 This archive contains the source code and THINK C project and resource files for uupc 3.1. --- Dave Platt dplatt@snulbug.mtview.ca.us (domain/MX) RIPEM and PGP or apple!snulbug!dplatt (uucp path) public keys or dplatt%snulbug.uucp@apple.com (non-MX Internet) available upon request -- cut here -- begin uupc 3.1 sources .cpt.hqx -- part 1 of 11 -- #### BINHEX venus-35.hqx **** From: oleg@pobox.com Subject: A better flight-thru-clouds (Venus 3.5, a simple VR thing) Version 3.5 restores the mouse control: if you want to take a flight in your own hand, grab the mouse, hold on its button, and move however you wish to. This is a pretty good way to check the speed of 3D rendering. The Venus window is not only movable and _full-screen_ zoomable, but also resizable. Click at the lower right corner (a resize box will show) and size the window _any_ way you wish. You can now load your own elevation map (and even supply your own colormap to color the pixels). The distribution has two sample files you can drop onto the application's icon. The README file in the distribution archive tells more details. The submission contains the source plus a compiled PowerMac application. BTW, the Venus flies through screens of various depths; although for the full-screen mode, it's better to set the monitor to 256 colors. Keywords: voxel 3D rendering, visualization, animation, elevation map, panning Language: C++, CodeWarrior11 System: System 7.x (7.5.5) Comments to: oleg@pobox.com or oleg@acm.org Version 3.5, May 1997 #### BINHEX visual-balloons-dr-2.hqx **** From: piz@magnet.at Subject: Visual Balloons for PowerPlant Visual Balloons(tm) for PowerPlant Developer Release 2 Written by Andreas Pizsa Copyright ©¿1997 Andreas Pizsa (Tools & Toys) All rights reserved. What it does Visual Balloons is the easiest way to add Balloon Help to your PowerPlant projects. With Visual Balloons, you simply drag a help balloon from the PowerPlant Catalog window to any of your PowerPlant Panes, and Visual Balloons does the rest! Features + Seamless integration with PowerPlant Constructor + Easy to use through Drag & Drop + No sublcassing required + Installs in less than 5 minutes + only two additional lines of code to write + supports "embedded" strings, styled text, 'STR ' and 'STR#' resources, and PICTs System Requirements Visual Balloons will work on any computer that has System 7 or later installed. Visual Balloons disables itself automatically when running on a pre-System 7 computer. For development, you'll need CodeWarrior and PowerPlant Constructor. Since the Balloon editors were created as CTYP resources, Constructor must support those resources (I think CTYPs have been supported since CW 11). What's new in this release (reverse chronological order) DR 2 + Easier to use: there are now only two 68K libraries, one for model near and one for model far + Improved stability: Balloon Toggler no longer crashes when not attached to an LControl (thnx to Willis Morse, wmorse@aol.com) Copyright & Legal Stuff Visual Balloons was developed by and is (c) Andreas Pizsa. All rights reserved Visual Balloons, the Visual Balloons logo, Tools & Toys and the Tools & Toys Logo are trademarks by Andreas Pizsa. All rights reseved. BalloonHelp is a trademark of Apple Computer, Inc. PowerPlant is a trademark of Metrowerks. #### BINHEX vlist-mngr-demo-10-p.hqx **** From: JBREWSTER@ARSERRC.Gov Subject: vListMngr10.sit.hqx SUMMARY vListMngr is a package (source code) of Pascal routines which implement creation and management of Lists with variable column width, and up to four lines of header text per column. The column headers behave like spreadsheet headings, staying fixed on the screen while the cells scroll vertically, and tracking the columns when cells are scrolled horizontally. vListMngr also provides utilities for multiple cell selection and copying and editing cell text. The programming interface to vListMngr is very similar to that of the standard List Manager, and existing programs will require very little modification to incorporate the new features. However, this version of vListMngr does not support some standard List Manager capabilities, such as custom LDEF's, the Search function, or selection flags. The archive contains a 68K demo program, documentation, and THINK Pascal source code for vListMngr and the demo program. The package was written to provide flexible entry of fairly large tables of data for scientific instrument control systems and has been tested on several 68000 - 68040 machines under System 6, System 7.1, and System 7.5. The code may be used, modified, and distributed freely provided that no profit is derived therefrom and the author is duly credited. 4/10/96 Jeff Brewster jbrewster@arserrc.gov #### BINHEX voyager-emblem-cursor-109.hqx **** From: Furnesss@northcentral.k12.ia.us Subject: Voyager Cursor v1.09 Voyager Cursor v1.09 This is my seventh attempt for making shareware. This will replace your normal boring black cursor with this nice icon of a Star Trek Voyager emblem. I hope you like these cursors I am making and have made in the past. This should be compatible with any Mac, I have tested it on a variety of different macs like Power Mac 5200, 5260 and also on LC 575-580's. A couple of my friends have also tried it on their machines. If you come accross any problems just let me know at FurnessS@northcentral.k12.ia.us Disclaimer: If anything is to happen to your Mac while you are using thisŠwellŠtoo badŠbecuase you cannot blame me. You use this at your own risk. I have not had any problems with it, so I doubt that you will either. This is $3 shareware, I don't think that is too much to ask, I am going to need every little dollar to keep making stuffŠŠŠif you feel generous you may pay more but I ask that you atleast please send the $3. You can send it to: Sylvan J. Furness 409 Main Street, P.O. Box 51 Hanlontown, Iowa 50444 Sylvan Furness #### BINHEX voyeur-111-c.hqx **** From: f8dy@netaxs.com (Mark Pilgrim) Subject: Voyeur 1.1.1 (source code) Date: Mon, 28 Feb 1994 13:29:08 -0500 (EST) Voyeur 1.1.1 is a no-frills file viewer. You may view the raw hex and ASCII data of either fork of up to ten files at once. Current features include hex or ASCII find, modifying type/creator information, setting EOF of either fork. Version 1.1.1 fixes a bug that made "Set EOF" always return an error. This archive contains complete THINK C source code, project files, and resource files. Application also available; check ftp sites or e-mail f8dy@netaxs.com. Finger f8dy@netaxs.com for complete program list. Copyright (C) 1993-4, Mark Pilgrim. Please read enclosed file "GNU General Public License" for licensing details. #### BINHEX warez-11-c.hqx **** From: f8dy@netaxs.com (Mark Pilgrim) Subject: WAREZ 1.1 (source code) Date: Thu, 17 Feb 1994 00:44:04 -0500 WAREZ is a small utility to convert text files to WAREZ talk. Version 1.1 supports RTF files and fixes several technical bugs. This will be the last version of WAREZ; all future enhancements will be part of the larger text conversion program, Dialectic. Supports drag and drop of any number of text files of any length. This archive contains complete THINK C source code, project files, and resource files. Application also available; check ftp sites or e-mail f8dy@netaxs.com. Finger f8dy@netaxs.com for complete program list. Copyright (C) 1994, Mark Pilgrim. Please read enclosed file "GNU General Public License" for licensing details. #### BINHEX warp-ii-c.hqx **** From: kenlong@netcom.com (Ken Long) Subject: warpii-c.sit.hqx Date: Mon, 10 Jan 1994 18:24:25 -0800 (PST) Mac People: This is a simple "warp" source file, with a few variations. 5 examples of warp, starburst and starfield Think C projects. The original was posted by Tony Mattis on DevNet. Ken -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #### BINHEX waste-object-handlers-126.hqx **** From: hsoi@eden.com Subject: WASTE Object Handlers 1.2.6 The WASTE Object Handlers are a companion to Marco Piovanelli's WASTE text engine. They require WASTE to work, and WASTE can be found at: <http://rhino.harvard.edu/dan/waste.html>. This C code library gives "drop and play" functionality to your WASTE-based projects to allow you to handle objects such as PICT's, sounds, HFS/file objects in your WASTE documents. Additionally, this library's handlers extend WASTE's drag-and-drop functionality to include objects of this kind. A must for anyone using WASTE. For more information about the handlers, please see it's enclosed README document (it's not THAT big to download) :) Thanx, and enjoy! John C. Daub Hsoi's Shop <http://www.eden.com/~hsoi/prog.html> #### BINHEX wdef-patch-21-c.hqx **** From: ROBERTO AVANZI 338188/SM <gandalf@sabrina.dei.unipd.it> Subject: WDEF PAtch from apple:further changes Date: Mon, 22 Jun 92 11:18:03 GMT Hi, netters WDEFPatch is an Apple sample code snippet that shows how to add in a clean way a new behaviour to an existing WDEF. It adds a new part in the window title bar that, when clicked, is reported to the application. I implemented the tracking of that part. In case you downloaded the improved WDEFPatch (originally from Steve Falkenburg), in the meantime I discovered a funny quirk in the system software WDEF. (at least, sys 7's). I found it when adding a zoom box to the window. Falkenburg's had not, neither did my original improvement. It can only be the system's misbehaviour but luckily a workaround could be found very easily (and is clean). I included the two apps. The one without workaround and one with it. Read the source for details. Then laugh when you see what happens. I feel my new knowledge can be useful also to others. Enclosed is a binhexed-compactpro archive. Roberto Avanzi. <gandalf@sabrina.dei.unipd.it> #### BINHEX welcome-132.hqx **** From: IO92143@MAINE.maine.edu (Donna Foster) Subject: Welcome! v1.3.2 Date: Tue, 14 Dec 93 22:58:49 EST Enclosed is the app and source for Welcome, an app which uses the Speech Manager to read you the date, time, and a short message. (Run it between 6 and 12 on the 24th of December for a sample...) It's based on Welcome2, an old app which used MacinTalk. If the author is out there somewhere, I'd be happy to credit you.... Version 1.3.2 fixes two bugs--one appeared the week of Thanksgiving, when I forgot to check whether I had typed == or =, and one appeared October 31, when nothing happened. :-) This version is postcardware. Version 2.0, coming out soon, will be customizable with ResEdit. Version 3.0, if ever, will let you do it from within the program.... #### BINHEX wolf-edit-source-204.hqx **** From: greg@cosc.canterbury.ac.nz Subject: WolfEdit 2.0.4 Source Code This is the Think Pascal 4 source code of WolfEdit 2.0.4. The executable is also available from the Info-Mac Archive. What is WolfEdit 2? WolfEdit 2 is a complete scenario editor for the Macintosh version of Wolfenstein 3D. With WolfEdit 2, not only can you design your own maps, you can replace the artwork for walls, doors, objects, weapons and more. Greg Ewing greg@cosc.canterbury.ac.nz http://www.cosc.canterbury.ac.nz/~greg #### TEXT write-through-init-c.txt **** From: Stuart Cheshire <cheshire@cs.stanford.edu> Subject: WriteThrough INIT source code Date: 9 Apr 1994 17:28:11 GMT // Disk cache bypass INIT // Copyright (C) April 1994 Stuart Cheshire // Should be compiled as an INIT resource // (use the "custom header" option in Think C) #include <Traps.h> // I know an address should be defined as a pointer type (eg 'void *'), // not a 'long', but Apple's Get & Set TrapAddress calls are defined to // use longs, so it's not my fault typedef struct { unsigned short opcode; long addr; } JmpInstruction; typedef void ShowIconFamily(short iconId); void main(void); #### BINHEX writeswell-jr-102-c.hqx **** #### BINHEX zigs-greyscale-folder.hqx **** From: ziggr@best.com (Zig Zichterman) Subject: Zig's Greyscale Stuff Zig's Greyscale Stuff is a control definition (CDEF) and window definition (WDEF) that implement a three-dimensional look that matches the look documented in Apple Grayscale Appearance for System 7.5, July 1996 Revision. There's also sample code for using the CDEF and WDEF in your own code. See <http://www.best.com/~ziggr/> for the latest version. Zig Zichterman ziggr@best.com http://www.best.com/~ziggr