Date: Mon, 23 May 1994 07:21:06 PDT
Subject: [!]CompUSA 10% restocking return policy for Apple products found on


The evening of May 22nd, while beta testing (i.e. playing) Apple's eWorld, I
drilled down through Computer Center:News & Industry Information:MacWEEK
Online:MacWEEK Round Table:Tips to Mac the Knife and found a "conversation"
regarding how CompUSA has a 10% restocking policy for Apple products! I posted
this note on a Rochester, NY FC BBS (Mac's Last Stand 716-247-9056) and the one
reply todate (last note of this message) makes it seem that this new policy
might be more Apple's than CompUSA's fault. I haven't heard of this new policy
of Apple's affecting other stores. While it is not uncommon for manufacturers
to get very very tough on their suppliers, this is the first time that I have
heard of a sales outlet getting beat up!



Subj:  COMP USA's new Apple policy           94-05-11 21:31:58 PDT
From:  NormR

If you aren't aware, COMP USA as of 5/1/94 instituted a new policy against only
APPLE equipment, They now charge a 10% restocking fee if you return any Apple
product within 30 days. I for one, will not buy another item from them with
that type of discriminatory policy and will write about it in my newsletter
telling everyone else not to shop there either.

Subj:  CompUSA big mistake                   94-05-12 20:41:29 PDT
From:  Todd 4ta

I always dreaded shopping at CompUSA, especially when having to deal with a
return ('talk to him, go over there, sign this, wait here, ...'). This new
restocking fee policy is the final mistake they will make for me. I just bought
a PowerPC Upgrade Card before May 1, and I might just return it for the heck of
it! There are so many other options in most cases, but Apple seems to like
CompUSA and gives them preferential product stocking treatment. I have met only
one person at CompUSA that knew anything about Macs (@ San Bruno, CA).

Subj:  BOYCOTT COMP USA                      94-05-12 20:45:05 PDT
From:  NormR

Lets get the message out to everyone, even user groups,


Subj:  CompUSA. . .                          94-05-13 16:23:06 PDT

I don't think a boycott is necessary. The level of service, technical knowledge
and product stocking will eventually lead to their adjusting or getting

As I live in the vacinity of a CompUSA, I often visit the store(always against
my better judgement, but with a hope the trip will provide what I need). I
cannot find the items (hardware or software) more then 75% of the time. When I
do, the price(s) are nowhere to be found. The salespeople are usually too busy
giving the wrong information to 'windoze' people to be of any help. I've had to
demonstrate how to reboot their PowerBooks, etc. while they fumbled around. . .

In the many trips I've made, I've actually purchased only one thing. . . a CPU
vertical stand. Both my company and I have decided not spend anymore time and
money there. We've found a better resource (although it is twenty miles away)
and shall do business elsewhere.

Thanks for the soapbox. . .

Subj:  COMP USA return policy                94-05-14 23:17:53 PDT
From:  DanJF

It's readily apparent that COMP USA's return policy is most likely formulated
by upper management who have little if  any  experiance as frontline employees.
If they were "in the trenches" so to speak, they would cringe at the average
customers negative response to this return policy.  But then, how often does
upper management listen to frontline employees, let alone empower them to make
decisions pertaining to strategy????  Its also sad to witness Apple letting
Comp UsA get away with this, now does that say something about Apples'
notorious haughty attitude or what??

 Customer Service Consultant

Subj:  COMP USA--Customer Service??????      94-05-14 23:33:01 PDT
From:  DanJF

It's interesting to see that other Mac shoppers have experianced similar
situations in the larger, supposedly "sophisticated" supper stores.  Last June
when I was hunting for the best price and availability of my Mac Powerbook 160,
the assistant manager of the Redmond Wa store insisted he would call me (after
I had to suggest it to him!)first thing the next day  after checking with the
Southcenter store for availability.    Knowing  the chances  of the assist
manager calling were as dependable as software being released on time,  I
called Ballard Computer and found the Powerbook with the desired configuration,
and cheaper to boot!!

To confirm my suspisions, he did not call me the next day or ever.  I bought
the Powerbook at Ballard Computer.

 These larger stores will soon discover that Price, Inventory levels,  and
Technology can always be matched and become comodities.  When they do, the only
competitive Advantage left is Customer Service.  For that, I think the mail
order catologs warehouses are superior for tech support, delivery, and
professionalism not to mention super selection.  Keep it up COMP USA.


Subj:  CompUSA horror stories                94-05-15 10:52:37 PDT
From:  JBKline

The only time to buy a computer at CompUSA is when they sell returned products
on their "Manager's Special" table at a good price.  Over the past few months,
family and friends have gotten some good deals.  I wonder if that will change
with the new restocking fee.

Most of the sales people dont't know too much, but there are a few fustrated
one who must deal with a stupid and indifferent management.

One week ago, my brother and I went in a few minutes before closing to check
the "return" pile in the corner of the store.  The items were not yet priced.
The assistant manager refused to give us a price on anything and told us the
merchandise was not for sale.  Later, someone told us the items were going to
be auctioned off at 11:00 the next day (Saturday).  We returned the next day to
find that the manager wasn't in and no one had heard of the auction, except
another customer who was told it was at 10:00 and had been waiting an hour.  At
12:30, the assistant manger told us all to come back for an auction at 2:30.
The auction started at 3:00.  They started the bidding at 10% below dealer cost
so there were no "great" deals.

The best thing about the CompUSA Woodland Hills store is that it is close by...

Subj:  Pricing in NYC for MACs               94-05-18 06:43:46 PDT

I recently poked my head into the new CompUSA store in Manhattan (on posh 5th
Ave no less). They did not have much in the way of MAC equipment on display.
All the MAC hardware and software was located on one side of the store. The
selection was a tad frugal. Their prices are not that competitive (at least in
NYC) for the MAC hardware. There were only 2-3 salespeople to help about 20
customers in the area. While it was nice to see how the store was set up, I was
not amused by the paltry amount of MAC stuff. I'd rather go to J&R Computer
World. They have a better selection of MAC software and hardware, and at good
prices too. The staff is knowledgeable, but you need to ask people who used to
work in Mac Emporium before they merged. The people who used to work at this
store are the most knowledgeable about MAC equipment.

So, for the money, I'd go to J&R any day (at least in Manhattan).


(From Mac's Last Stand 716-247-9056)

Yes, it's true, I called CompUSA and they confirmed the new policy. Victor, no
last name, said that his manager told him it was in response to a change in
Apples treatment of CompUSA and a change in Apples return policy. He(Victor)
thought that because of somthing Apple did or changed, CompUSA must now sell
returned, undamaged/working, Apple products, at reduced price, instead of
getting a full credit from Apple on products that were returned for reasons
other than a bad product,ie.; factory QC failures (unless the packaging has not
been opened).