Conditions for Commercial Distribution of Kermit Software
                    Kermit Development and Distribution
              Columbia University Academic Information Systems
                             New York, NY, USA
                               1 January 2002
     This document supersedes the documents of the same name with
     earlier dates, and all other earlier statements of terms and
     conditions, including those found in Kermit manuals and other
     documentation published prior to the date shown above. This
     document will be updated from time to time as new software and
     manuals become available, or when pricing or other conditions
   Kermit software is distributed and supported by Columbia University.
   The nonprofit Kermit Project is self-sustaining, funded by income from
   licenses and sales.
   Except where permitted by the license of a specific Kermit software
   program, Kermit software may not be distributed, remarketed, bundled,
   embedded, adapted, given away, or otherwise redistributed by
   commercial enterprises to their customers, clients, prospective
   clients, or anyone else external to their organization without a
   license to do so from the Kermit Project at Columbia University.
   Commercial distribution includes, but is not necessarily limited to,
   bundling of Kermit software with hardware or software products;
   furnishing Kermit software to institutions, government agencies, or
   corporations under contract; including Kermit software on CD-ROM
   distributions of any kind (except when explicitly permitted);
   inclusion of Kermit software by Internet Access Providers in software
   kits provided to their customers; embedding of Kermit software in
   industry-specific applications such as medical claims submission
   packages; or any other arrangement in which Kermit software is
   furnished to customers, clients, or prospective clients for any
   [1]Kermit 95 is the Kermit software for Windows 95, Windows 98,
   Windows ME, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, and OS/2. Since all
   copies of Kermit 95 must be licensed, whether for own use or
   redistribution or resale, the conditions for furnishing Kermit 95 to
   customers or clients are automatically fulfilled when you license it
   for that purpose. [2]CLICK HERE for Kermit 95 Pricing and Licensing
   C-Kermit and MS-DOS Kermit software are not in the public domain. They
   are copyright by the Trustees of Columbia University in the City of
   New York. They may be downloaded for own use, or for use within one's
   own organization, and under [3]certain conditions can be redistributed
   without explicit license, but in general can be redistributed only
   under the following conditions (in which the "supplier" is the
   company, organization, or person who is doing the redistributing):

    1. The supplier must purchase license seats in sufficient quantity to
       cover the number of copies of the software that will be deployed.
       As of 1 January 2002, a new commercial redistribution ("omnibus")
       license goes into effect, which is far less expensive than the
       previous one (which required a book to accompany each copy of the
       software). The new license is exactly like the [4]Kermit 95 Bulk
       Right-to-Copy License, except that each seat may be fulfilled with
       Kermit 95, C-Kermit, or MS-DOS Kermit, according to each
       computer's operating system. Thus this license is appropriate for
       sites with a mixture of platforms, or in which operating systems
       change (e.g. DOS upgraded to Windows; Windows replaced by Linux),
       but it can be used just as well for a site that needs only
       C-Kermit or only MS-DOS Kermit. [5]CLICK HERE for the new order
       form. The minimum size for an omnibus license is 100 seats. To
       license a smaller number of copies, order them individually in the
       desired quantity: [6]Kermit 95, [7]C-Kermit, or [8]MS-DOS Kermit.

    2. The supplier must provide support to its users or customers. In
       turn, the Kermit Project supports the supplier.

    3. Source code is included with or available for C-Kermit and MS-DOS
       Kermit, but not Kermit 95. The supplier must not modify the Kermit
       software source code without consent of the Kermit Project at
       Columbia University. If changes are needed, they must be
       coordinated through Columbia University so they can be supported
       and carried forward in new releases. The supplier can, of course,
       produce tailored initialization files, command files, macros,
       scripts, tip sheets, and similar material that does not involve
       changes to the Kermit software source code.

    4. The supplier must not modify, remove, or obscure any copyright
       notices or disclaimers that appear in the software or

    5. All standard disclaimers apply, in particular those that accompany
       each Kermit software program. In general, the supplier
       acknowledges that the Kermit software and documentation are
       provided as is; no other warranty is provided, express or implied,
       including without limitation, any implied warranty of
       merchantability or implied warranty of fitness for a particular
       purpose. Neither the supplier nor the end-users shall hold liable
       the authors of any Kermit software programs, publications or
       documentation nor Columbia University, Digital Press, Manning
       Publications, nor any other contributing institution or individual
       for program or documentation errors.

    6. Suppliers in the United States of America and Canada are subject
       to USA and Canadian law and treaties, in particular regarding
       export of strong encryption algorithms and software. It is the
       supplier's responsibility to conform to all applicable regulations
       and statutes.
   Kermit software other than Kermit 95, C-Kermit, and MS-DOS Kermit that
   are in release and on the Kermit Project Web and FTP site as of the
   date of this document (examples: Kermit-370 for IBM mainframes;
   Kermit-11 for PDP-11s) may be redistributed without explicit license,
   but any changes to the source code should be cleared through the
   Kermit Project. This clause does not necessarily apply to Kermit
   software releases that might appear in the future.
   Companies may license Kermit source code for purposes of adapting it
   to, or integrating it into, products or services. Contact the Kermit
   Project's Business Manager to negotiate the terms of the license.
   However, it should be emphasized that this course is not recommended
   in environments where an existing Kermit program can operate on its
   own, since your product will not be able to benefit from bug fixes and
   improvements that take place afterwards, nor can it be supported by
   us. Most versions of Kermit software are easy to imbed in other
   applications, so please think twice before choosing a source code
   For further information, contact:
     Christine M. Gianone
     Business Manager
     The Kermit Project
     Columbia University
     612 West 115th Street
     New York NY 10025-7799
   Telephone: +1 (212) 854-3703
   Fax: +1 (212) 662-6442
   Email: [9]
    Kermit Commercial Policy / Columbia University /
    [10] / 1 January 2002

