                      RIPE Database Status Report
                             June 10th 1991
                           Daniel Karrenberg
      The database of RIPE network management information  contin-
      ues to grow exponentially. The number of entries has roughly
      tripled in the last 7 months with much of the  increase  due
      to  the  inclusion  of  domain  information.   The number of
      registered networks has about doubled in the same period.
                   | persons      643       1270   |
                   | nets         670       1053   |
                   | domains        0        845   |
         o Database usage by NOCs and individuals  has  noticeably
           increased.  The database is a useful tool.
         o Database information maintenance needs  more  attention
           in some parts of RIPE.
         o  The  connectivity  information  about  networks  needs
           better definition in some areas.
         o The human resources  necessary  to  keep  the  database
           operational are increasing.
         o Activities beyond  maintenance  of  the  current  func-
           tionality   progress   very   slowly  due  to  lack  of
                                 - 2 -
         o A funded activity to  take  care  of  the  database  is
           needed before the end of the year.
      Maintenance and Updates
      The quality  of  maintenance  of  the  database  information
      varies  drastically.   This  can partly be seen by comparing
      the number of entries per country with the numbers one might
      expect  due to the size of the respective country's network-
      ing activities.
                    |    Per Country Statistics   |
                    | AT           12          0  |
                    | BE            4          2  |
                    | CH          192         16  |
                    | CS            1          0  |
                    | DE          219        149  |
                    | DK            5          1  |
                    | ES            4          0  |
                    | FI           15         89  |
                    | FR          314        114  |
                    | GB           59          1  |
                    | GR            2          0  |
                    | HU            0          0  |
                    | IE            3          0  |
                    | IL            0         12  |
                    | IS            1         31  |
                    | IT           31         47  |
                    | NL           75        143  |
                    | NO            7         62  |
                    | PL            2          0  |
                    | PT           16          1  |
                    | SE           84        176  |
                    | TN            1          0  |
                    | YU            6          0  |
      I'd like to use this opportunity  to  remind  you  that  all
      updates should be sent to <>.  Please use
      the current  templates  accessible  by  anonymous  FTP  from  in  directory  ripe/dbase.  Those who cannot
      use anonymous FTP can request the  templates  by  electronic
      mail  from  <>.  Pre-checked bulk updates
      from NOCs are preferred but information from any source will
      be accepted.
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      Currently there are about 10 updates or additions per day on
      Connectivity Information for Networks
      The currently valid values of the "connect" field  for  net-
      works  can be seen in the table below.  Many of these values
      have been defined ad-hoc.  The set of  well  defined  values
      currently is:
          LOCAL local network. No external connectivity. No  rout-
                ing information should be passed. It is recommend-
                ed that international routers do not accept  rout-
                ing information for these networks.
          RIPE  network has connectivity within RIPE. RIPE routers
                should allow non-transit traffic. It is recommend-
                ed that international routers  advertise  European
                networks  internationally  only  if they show this
                connectivity value.
          NSF   network has connectivity  with  the  NSFnet.  This
                means  the network is present in the NSFnet policy
                routing database at MERIT or a  request  has  been
                submitted to include it.
          NORDU network is NORDUnet member.
          EU    network is an InterEUnet member.
      NOCs are encouraged to suggest more well defined values  for
      this  field which can be used to implement or verify routing
      (policies). There  are  currently  two  known  international
      routes  which  filter  outgoing routing updates according to
      the connect field.  Good maintenance of the RIPE  and  LOCAL
      connectivity  values  becomes  especially  important as more
      international routers are going to  filter  routing  updates
      based on this value.
                                 - 4 -
                      |   Connect Statistics    |
                      | ALT                 0   |
                      | EU                161   |
                      | FNET                1   |
                      | FUNET               2   |
                      | ICS               103   |
                      | LOCAL             470   |
                      | NORDU             106   |
                      | NIKHEF              5   |
                      | NLNET               4   |
                      | NSF               373   |
                      | RIPE              539   |
                      | SARA               18   |
                      | SURF               18   |
                      | WCW                 4   |
                      | WIN                23   |
      The SRI-NIC and NSFnet database subsets are again  available
      from  the  RIPE  whois server. NSFnet has made the necessary
      input files available.  The SRI-NIC portion only has  infor-
      mation  about networks with "connected status".  It has been
      brought to the attention of US agencies that it is desirable
      to  have  information  about  all  assigned  network numbers
      readily available.
      The current central  effort  to  maintain  the  database  is
      between  5  and 20 hours per week depending on the amount of
      updates and software development going on-.  This is  rather
      more  than  originally expected.  Much of this is due to the
      quickly  increasing  number  of  database  entries  and  the
      corresponding  increase  in  the  number  of updates.  These
      activities are not funded and occur mostly in  time  donated
      by individuals.  This means there is a natural limit on what
      can be done.  A funded activity (such as the NCC) is  needed
      before the end of the year if the RIPE database is to remain
      There are also a number things considered useful  but  which
      currently cannot be done:
      - The rate of updates somehow increases dramatically in
      the week before RIPE meetings :-).
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         o Add new object types as defined by  last  RIPE  meeting
           (see appendices).
         o Develop more stringent consistency checks  both  inside
           the  RIPE database itself and with other databases such
           as SRI-NIC and MERIT.
         o Investigate and correct inconsistencies. Missing person
           entries is currently a major problem area.
         o Verify the accuracy of older data and correct if neces-
         o Compile a new distribution of database software.  Espe-
           cially  the  refined  tools  to  check  format and con-
           sistency need to be made available to the NOCs.
         o Make performance improvements for database updates.
         o Test & deploy the distributed update software  so  that
           bulk  updates  by  NOCs  can  be  done with less manual
      I would like to thank all NOCs for their efforts to maintain
      the  RIPE database as a useful tool for everyone within RIPE
      and elsewhere.  Special thanks go to Piet Beertema  who  has
      helped  a lot with this work in the last few months.  Marten
      Terpstra and Arnold Nipper have  helped  with  software  and
      collecting  domain  information respectively.  We also thank
      EUnet/EurOpen who provide the machine which houses the data-