RIPE NCC Tax Position
                                                           DRAFT 1.0

                               RIPE NCC Tax Position

                                for 1998 and Beyond

                                    Paul Ridley

                                      RIPE NCC

                                    Version 1.0

                                 Document: ripe-165
                                 See also: ripe-161


                At the RIPE NCC contributors  meeting  in  September
                1996  the  NCC  were  asked to seek ways in which to
                minimise the paying of company tax.  This  document,
                ripe-165,  answers that request within the framework
                of the proposed new RIPE NCC organisation (hereafter
                referred  to  as RNA).  This document is a companion
                document of ripe-161  (The  de-facto  organisational
                rules of the RIPE NCC-new organisation).  The aim of
                this document is to detail the tax position  of  the
                RNA  during  its set up phase and during its general
                operations.  The intended audience of this  document
                is  the  RIPE  NCC  contributors, the TERENA General
                Assembly, and any interested parties.   Comments  to
                the authors are welcome.


                This  document  is  still in draft form.  A definite
                version of this document can only be given once  the
                Dutch  Tax Authorities (Belastingdienst) have made a
                written statement as to their position on the  taxes
                of the RNA.  At present they have verbally agreed to
                all aspects, and have given written agreement to all
                set up phase issues.

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                There are two separate tax issues regarding the RNA;
                firstly the tax implications of the set  up  of  the
                RNA  and the transfer of funds from TERENA; and sec-
                ondly tax agreements  regarding  general  operations
                following  the  set  up phase.  Each of these issues
                will be detailed  in  turn.   When  explaining  each
                point  it  will be stated as to the present level of
                commitment by the Dutch Tax Authorities,  and  where
                applicable the expected decision by them.

    RNA Set Up Phase

                During  the  set up phase of the RNA i.e. the period
                up to 1 January 1998, funds will have to  be  trans-
                ferred from TERENA to the RNA.  These funds take the
                form of:

                -    fixed assets: computers, furniture, and  build-
                     ing infrastructure

                -    current assets: cash, debtors

                -    goodwill

                -    pre-payments / accrued income

                These  funds  can  be liable to two various forms of
                tax: company tax, and succession tax.   Company  tax
                is  levied at 35% and succession tax is levied up to
                a maximum rate of 65%.

                The Dutch tax authorities have agreed that the value
                of  the  funds to be transferred will be that stated
                in the "RIPE NCC project" balance  sheet,  which  is
                part of the audited TERENA annual accounts, as at 31
                December 1997.  With regard to the  goodwill  asset,
                the  tax authorities have agreed that this will have
                nil value.  They have also agreed that the  transfer
                of  funds  will  not be liable to any company tax or
                succession tax.  Therefore the initial  transfer  of
                funds  will  be  free of any form of tax.  All these
                agreements with the tax authorities are formal writ-
                ten statements.

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                                                           DRAFT 1.0

    Personnel Fund

                It  is  proposed that in addition to the RNA another
                organisation is started.  This organisation would be
                a  foundation  called  the  'RNA Personnel Fund'.  A
                personnel fund is of benefit to  the  RNA  since  it
                gives  the  employees a sense of security should the
                RNA run into difficult times.   This  security  will
                make  it  more  likely  that  employees will stay on
                working in the difficult times  instead  of  immedi-
                ately  leaving  and  finding alternative employment.
                If a mass exodus of  employees  would  occur  during
                difficult  times  then  the RNA would not be able to
                function, thus  endangering  the  stability  of  the
                European  Internet.   Therefore it is felt that this
                fund gives the RNA far more stability and thus gives
                all contributors a more guaranteed level of service.
                It is  proposed  to  start  this  foundation  whilst
                future RNA employees are still employed by TERENA.

                This  fund  would  build up reserves with the aim of
                being able to give RNA employees  some  compensation
                should the RNA cease operations for whatever reason.
                The reason to put this fund in a separate foundation
                is  so  that  in  the  event of bankruptcy the staff
                would still receive this benefit since it is not  an
                asset of the RNA.

                The  RNA  would  administer  the  foundation but the
                funds in it could only be used  for  the  designated
                purpose  of  paying  to  staff should RNA operations
                cease.  Any RNA employee who leaves the organisation
                in the normal course of their career has no right to
                any funds in the 'RNA Personnel Fund'.

                The tax authorities have given written approval that
                any transfer of funds TERENA may do to the 'RNA Per-
                sonnel Fund' would be free both company and  succes-
                sion tax.

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                                                           DRAFT 1.0

    General Operations

                During  operations  of RNA, the objective is to min-
                imise company tax payments by avoiding  any  surplus
                which  is liable for company tax.  Another essential
                objective is for the RNA to ensure that at all times
                a prudent amount of working capital is available.

                The RNA aims to be a not for profit organisation and
                therefore does not aim to build up surpluses  or  be
                liable  for  company  tax.   However  in order to be
                financially prudent the RNA should, when  budgeting,
                not  over-estimate  income  or under-estimate costs.
                This prudent financial management coupled  with  the
                need  to  keep  working  capital  and personnel fund
                reserves at desired levels will normally lead to  an
                excess  of  income over expenditure at the year end.
                This surplus will be used for the purposes of build-
                ing  up the personnel fund reserves (detailed later)
                and keeping working capital at desired levels.


                To avoid having to pay company tax  on  any  surplus
                destined for working capital, the RNA will operate a
                clearinghouse  system.   The  clearinghouse   system
                works  by  setting up current accounts for every RNA
                contributor and reducing any profit or loss  to  nil
                by  means  of  either  crediting  or  debiting these

                The RNA itself administers these  current  accounts.
                This  system  has been verbally agreed to by the tax
                authorities but as yet no  written  confirmation  of
                that agreement has been received.

    Clearinghouse Example

                The  system  is  best illustrated by an example.  In
                this example there are initially 10 contributors,  5
                "A"  contributors who pay ECU 10,000 per year, and 5
                "B" contributors who pay ECU 5,000 per year.  It  is
                assumed that contributions for years 1, 2 and 3 stay
                fixed at these rates.  It will also be assumed  that
                any  surplus referred to in the example will be sur-
                plus left after any funds have been  transferred  to
                the personnel fund.

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                                                           DRAFT 1.0

                Year 1
                     The  total income for the year 1 is ECU 75,000.
                     Assume the expenditure for the same year is ECU
                     60,000,  giving  a  surplus  of ECU 15,000.  In
                     order to bring the surplus level to nil the ECU
                     15,000  surplus is distributed to the contribu-
                     tor  current  accounts.   The  distribution  is
                     based  on the individual amount of contribution
                     paid.  At the end of year  1  "A"  contributors
                     have  been credited ECU 2,000 each and "B" con-
                     tributors ECU 1,000 each.  Therefore  the  cur-
                     rent accounts have the following balances:

                     "Year 1 'A' contributors"               ECU 2,000
                     "Year 1 'B' contributors"               ECU 1,000
                     Cumulative total of current account balances ECU 15,000

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                Year 2
                     In year 2 the contributions stay fixed but Year
                     1 contributors get a refund on their  contribu-
                     tion.   The level of the refund given is deter-
                     mined by the amount of working capital  needed.
                     Suppose  the  working capital, i.e. the cumula-
                     tive total of current account  balances  needed
                     at the end of Year 1 is ECU 7,500, thus a total
                     refund of  ECU  7,500  could  be  given.   This
                     refund  difference is made up from money in the
                     current accounts.  "Year 1 'A' contributors get
                     a refund of ECU 1,000 and "Year 2 'A' contribu-
                     tors" get a refund of ECU 500. This results  in
                     the following current account balances.

                     "Year 1 'A' contributors"               ECU 1,000
                     "Year 1 'B' contributors"               ECU   500
                     Cumulative total of current account balances ECU 7,500

                     At the beginning of year 2, 1 new "A" contribu-
                     tor and 1 new "B"  contributor  join.  All  "A"
                     contributors  pay  contributions  of ECU 10,000
                     and "B" contributors ECU 5,000.  Therefore  the
                     total  income  for  year  2 is thus ECU 90,000.
                     (Note: In practice any  refund  given  will  be
                     deducted   from  the  contribution  bill  paid)
                     Assume that expenditure for the  same  year  is
                     ECU 72,500, giving a surplus of ECU 18,000.  In
                     order to bring the surplus level to nil the ECU
                     18,000  surplus is distributed to the contribu-
                     tor  current  accounts.   The  distribution  is
                     based  on the individual amount of contribution
                     levied in year 2.  At the end  of  year  2  "A"
                     contributors  have been credited ECU 2,000 each
                     and "B" contributors ECU 1,000 each.  Taking in
                     account the balances at the begining of year 2,
                     the current accounts have  the  following  bal-
                     ances at the end of year 2:

                      "Year 1 'A' contributors"          ECU 3,000
                      "Year 1 'B' contributors"          ECU 1,500
                      "Year 2 'A' contributors"          ECU 2,000
                      "Year 2 'B' contributors"          ECU 1,000
                      Cumulative current account total   ECU 25,500

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                Year 3
                     In  year  3  the  contributions stay fixed, but
                     Year 1 and 2 contributors get a refund on their
                     contribution. Suppose the level of working cap-
                     ital needed at the end of Year 2 is set at  ECU
                     16,500, thus a total refund of ECU 9,000 can be
                     given. The level of working capital  needed  is
                     higher  than the year before since Year 3 looks
                     as though it might be an unstable  year.   This
                     refund  difference is made up from money in the
                     current accounts.  "Year 1 and 2 "A"  contribu-
                     tors" get a refund of ECU 1,000 and "Year 1 and
                     2 "B" contributors" get a refund  of  ECU  500.
                     This  results  in the following current account

                      "Year 1 'A' contributors"          ECU 2,000
                      "Year 1 'B' contributors"          ECU 1,000
                      "Year 2 'A' contributors"          ECU 1,000
                      "Year 2 'B' contributors"          ECU   500
                      Cumulative current account total   ECU 16,500

                     At the beginning of year 3, 2 new "A" contribu-
                     tors  and  2 new "B" contributors join. All "A"
                     contributors pay contributions  of  ECU  10,000
                     and  "B" contributors ECU 5,000.  Therefore the
                     total income for the year  2  is  ECU  120,000.
                     Assume the expenditure for the same year is ECU
                     132,000, resulting in a loss of ECU 12,500.  In
                     order  to  bring  the loss level to nil the ECU
                     12,500 loss is recovered from  the  contributor
                     current accounts.  The recovery is based on the
                     individual amount of contribution paid in  year
                     3.   At the end of year 3 "A" contributors have
                     been debited ECU 1,000 each and  "B"  contribu-
                     tors  ECU 500 each.  Taking in account the bal-
                     ances at the begining of year  3,  the  current
                     accounts have the following balances at the end
                     of year 3:

                      "Year 1 'A' contributors"          ECU  1,000
                      "Year 1 'B' contributors"          ECU    500
                      "Year 2 'A' contributors"          ECU      0
                      "Year 2 'B' contributors"          ECU      0
                      "Year 3 'A' contributors"          ECU -1,000
                      "Year 3 'B' contributors"          ECU   -500
                      Cumulative current account total   ECU 4,500

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                It is stressed that this is only an example and that
                giving a refund to present contributors is dependent
                upon the level of current account balances  at  that
                time  and  the  wished for level of working capital.
                The obvious aim to keep the current account balances
                and thus working capital in a healthy positive state
                so as to maximise stability.

                The clearing house system allows the RNA to make use
                of  the  current  account  reserves by being able to
                make a loss if needs be.  This has the large  advan-
                tage  that no company tax has to be paid.  If a con-
                tributor leaves the RNA then they are  entitled,  at
                that  time, to payment of their current account bal-
                ance at the end of the current financial  year.   If
                at  any  time  the  RNA would cease to carry out its
                activities then contributors would  be  entitled  to
                receive  payment  of  their current account balance.
                The tax authorities have  stated  that  the  maximum
                limit  the  current  account  is allowed to reach is
                three times the yearly contribution, after which any
                surplus  is  to  be directly distributed back to the
                contributor.  The RNA will aim to keep  the  current
                account balance far below this set limit.

    Personnel Fund

                The  level  of reserves in the personnel fund should
                increase as the number of  employees  increases  and
                thus  the RNA wants to be able to transfer a portion
                of the surplus made  to  the  'RNA  Personnel  Fund'
                foundation  at  each year end.  This transfer should
                be not liable to company tax since  it  is  destined
                for a defined liability, and will not directly bene-
                fit either the RNA or the  contributors.   Therefore
                the  tax  authorities  have been asked to agree to a
                tax free transfer of funds  to  the  "RNA  Personnel
                Fund" from RNA once a year, providing the previously
                stated reserves limit  is  not  exceeded.   The  tax
                authority has verbally agreed to this proposal.

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                                                           DRAFT 1.0


                As previously stated the tax authority have verbally
                agreed in principle to all of the proposed  RNA  tax
                structures,  and  have given written confirmation on
                all but a few minor points.  The aim of the proposed
                tax structures of the RNA is to conform to organisa-
                tional principles of ripe-161 (the de-facto  organi-
                sational rules of the RIPE NCC-new), to minimise the
                tax paid, and to maintain a healthy level of working
                capital  and personnel fund reserves.  The paying of
                minimal tax is a condition laid down by the RIPE NCC
                contributors   at  the  1996  general  meeting  (see
                ripe-145 'minutes of  1996  contributors  meeting').
                The tax structure as presented in this document ful-
                fills all of these wishes and is in our opinion  the
                best possible solution achievable.

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