This appendix contains the complete OMG IDL [OMGIDL] for the Level 3 Document Object Model Abstract Schemas and Load and Save definitions.
The IDL files are also available as:
// File: as.idl #ifndef _AS_IDL_ #define _AS_IDL_ #include "dom.idl" #include "ls.idl" #pragma prefix "" module as { typedef dom::DOMString DOMString; typedef dom::Document Document; typedef dom::DOMImplementation DOMImplementation; typedef dom::Node Node; typedef dom::NodeList NodeList; typedef dom::Attr Attr; typedef dom::DOMOutputStream DOMOutputStream; interface ASModel; interface ASContentModel; interface ASAttributeDecl; interface NodeEditAS; exception ASException { unsigned short code; }; // ASExceptionCode const unsigned short DUPLICATE_NAME_ERR = 1; const unsigned short TYPE_ERR = 2; const unsigned short NO_AS_AVAILABLE = 3; const unsigned short WRONG_MIME_TYPE_ERR = 4; const unsigned short INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR = 5; const unsigned short VALIDATION_ERR = 6; interface ASObject { // ASObjectType const unsigned short AS_ELEMENT_DECLARATION = 1; const unsigned short AS_ATTRIBUTE_DECLARATION = 2; const unsigned short AS_NOTATION_DECLARATION = 3; const unsigned short AS_ENTITY_DECLARATION = 4; const unsigned short AS_CONTENTMODEL = 5; const unsigned short AS_MODEL = 6; readonly attribute unsigned short ASObjectType; readonly attribute ASModel ownerASModel; attribute DOMString objectName; attribute DOMString prefix; attribute DOMString localName; attribute DOMString namespaceURI; ASObject cloneASObject(in boolean deep); }; interface ASObjectList { readonly attribute unsigned long length; ASObject item(in unsigned long index); }; interface ASNamedObjectMap { readonly attribute unsigned long length; ASObject getNamedItem(in DOMString name); ASObject item(in unsigned long index); ASObject removeNamedItem(in DOMString name) raises(dom::DOMException); ASObject setNamedItem(in ASObject newASObject) raises(dom::DOMException, ASException); }; interface ASDataType { readonly attribute unsigned short dataType; // DATA_TYPES const unsigned short STRING_DATATYPE = 1; const unsigned short NOTATION_DATATYPE = 10; const unsigned short ID_DATATYPE = 11; const unsigned short IDREF_DATATYPE = 12; const unsigned short IDREFS_DATATYPE = 13; const unsigned short ENTITY_DATATYPE = 14; const unsigned short ENTITIES_DATATYPE = 15; const unsigned short NMTOKEN_DATATYPE = 16; const unsigned short NMTOKENS_DATATYPE = 17; const unsigned short BOOLEAN_DATATYPE = 100; const unsigned short FLOAT_DATATYPE = 101; const unsigned short DOUBLE_DATATYPE = 102; const unsigned short DECIMAL_DATATYPE = 103; const unsigned short HEXBINARY_DATATYPE = 104; const unsigned short BASE64BINARY_DATATYPE = 105; const unsigned short ANYURI_DATATYPE = 106; const unsigned short QNAME_DATATYPE = 107; const unsigned short DURATION_DATATYPE = 108; const unsigned short DATETIME_DATATYPE = 109; const unsigned short DATE_DATATYPE = 110; const unsigned short TIME_DATATYPE = 111; const unsigned short GYEARMONTH_DATATYPE = 112; const unsigned short GYEAR_DATATYPE = 113; const unsigned short GMONTHDAY_DATATYPE = 114; const unsigned short GDAY_DATATYPE = 115; const unsigned short GMONTH_DATATYPE = 116; const unsigned short INTEGER = 117; const unsigned short NAME_DATATYPE = 200; const unsigned short NCNAME_DATATYPE = 201; const unsigned short NORMALIZEDSTRING_DATATYPE = 202; const unsigned short TOKEN_DATATYPE = 203; const unsigned short LANGUAGE_DATATYPE = 204; const unsigned short NONPOSITIVEINTEGER_DATATYPE = 205; const unsigned short NEGATIVEINTEGER_DATATYPE = 206; const unsigned short LONG_DATATYPE = 207; const unsigned short INT_DATATYPE = 208; const unsigned short SHORT_DATATYPE = 209; const unsigned short BYTE_DATATYPE = 210; const unsigned short NONNEGATIVEINTEGER_DATATYPE = 211; const unsigned short UNSIGNEDLONG_DATATYPE = 212; const unsigned short UNSIGNEDINT_DATATYPE = 213; const unsigned short UNSIGNEDSHORT_DATATYPE = 214; const unsigned short UNSIGNEDBYTE_DATATYPE = 215; const unsigned short POSITIVEINTEGER_DATATYPE = 216; const unsigned short OTHER_SIMPLE_DATATYPE = 1000; const unsigned short COMPLEX_DATATYPE = 1001; }; interface ASElementDecl : ASObject { // CONTENT_MODEL_TYPES const unsigned short EMPTY_CONTENTTYPE = 1; const unsigned short ANY_CONTENTTYPE = 2; const unsigned short MIXED_CONTENTTYPE = 3; const unsigned short ELEMENTS_CONTENTTYPE = 4; attribute boolean strictMixedContent; attribute ASDataType elementType; attribute boolean isPCDataOnly; attribute unsigned short contentType; attribute ASContentModel ASContentModel; attribute ASNamedObjectMap ASAttributeDecls; void addASAttributeDecl(in ASAttributeDecl attributeDecl); ASAttributeDecl removeASAttributeDecl(in ASAttributeDecl attributeDecl); }; interface ASContentModel : ASObject { const unsigned long AS_UNBOUNDED = MAX_VALUE; // ASContentModelType const unsigned short AS_SEQUENCE = 0; const unsigned short AS_CHOICE = 1; const unsigned short AS_ALL = 2; const unsigned short AS_NONE = 3; const unsigned short AS_UNDEFINED = 4; attribute unsigned short listOperator; attribute unsigned long minOccurs; attribute unsigned long maxOccurs; attribute ASObjectList subModels; void removesubModel(in ASObject oldObject); ASObject insertBeforeSubModel(in ASObject newObject, in ASObject refObject) raises(ASException); unsigned long appendsubModel(in ASObject newObject) raises(ASException); }; interface ASAttributeDecl : ASObject { // VALUE_TYPES const unsigned short NONE = 0; const unsigned short DEFAULT = 1; const unsigned short FIXED = 2; const unsigned short REQUIRED = 3; attribute ASDataType DataType; attribute DOMString DataValue; attribute DOMString enumAttr; attribute ASObjectList ownerElements; attribute unsigned short defaultType; }; interface ASEntityDecl : ASObject { // EntityType const unsigned short INTERNAL_ENTITY = 1; const unsigned short EXTERNAL_ENTITY = 2; attribute unsigned short entityType; attribute DOMString entityValue; attribute DOMString systemId; attribute DOMString publicId; }; interface ASNotationDecl : ASObject { attribute DOMString systemId; attribute DOMString publicId; }; interface ASModel : ASObject { // ASMODEL_TYPES const unsigned short INTERNAL_SUBSET = 1; const unsigned short EXTERNAL_SUBSET = 2; const unsigned short NOT_USED = 3; readonly attribute boolean NamespaceAware; readonly attribute unsigned short usage; attribute DOMString location; attribute DOMString hint; readonly attribute boolean container; readonly attribute ASNamedObjectMap elementDecls; readonly attribute ASNamedObjectMap attributeDecls; readonly attribute ASNamedObjectMap notationDecls; readonly attribute ASNamedObjectMap entityDecls; readonly attribute ASNamedObjectMap contentModelDecls; void addASModel(in ASModel abstractSchema); ASObjectList getASModels(); void removeAS(in ASModel as); boolean validate(); void importASObject(in ASObject asobject); void insertASObject(in ASObject asobject); ASElementDecl createASElementDecl(in DOMString namespaceURI, in DOMString name) raises(ASException); ASAttributeDecl createASAttributeDecl(in DOMString namespaceURI, in DOMString name) raises(ASException); ASNotationDecl createASNotationDecl(in DOMString namespaceURI, in DOMString name, in DOMString systemId, in DOMString publicId) raises(ASException); ASEntityDecl createASEntityDecl(in DOMString name) raises(ASException); ASContentModel createASContentModel(in DOMString name, in DOMString namespaceURI, in unsigned long minOccurs, in unsigned long maxOccurs, in unsigned short operator) raises(ASException); }; interface DocumentAS : Document { attribute ASModel activeASModel; attribute ASObjectList boundASModels; ASModel getInternalAS(); void setInternalAS(in ASModel as) raises(dom::DOMException); void addAS(in ASModel as); void removeAS(in ASModel as); ASElementDecl getElementDecl() raises(dom::DOMException); void validate() raises(ASException); }; interface DOMImplementationAS : DOMImplementation { readonly attribute boolean container; attribute DOMString schemaType; ASModel createAS(in boolean NamespaceAware, in DOMString schemaType); }; interface DocumentEditAS : NodeEditAS { attribute boolean continuousValidityChecking; }; interface NodeEditAS : Node { // ASCheckType const unsigned short WF_CHECK = 1; const unsigned short NS_WF_CHECK = 2; const unsigned short PARTIAL_VALIDITY_CHECK = 3; const unsigned short STRICT_VALIDITY_CHECK = 4; boolean canInsertBefore(in Node newChild, in Node refChild); boolean canRemoveChild(in Node oldChild); boolean canReplaceChild(in Node newChild, in Node oldChild); boolean canAppendChild(in Node newChild); boolean isNodeValid(in boolean deep, in unsigned short wFValidityCheckLevel) raises(ASException); }; interface ElementEditAS : NodeEditAS { readonly attribute NodeList definedElementTypes; unsigned short contentType(); boolean canSetAttribute(in DOMString attrname, in DOMString attrval); boolean canSetAttributeNode(in Attr attrNode); boolean canSetAttributeNS(in DOMString name, in DOMString attrval, in DOMString namespaceURI); boolean canRemoveAttribute(in DOMString attrname); boolean canRemoveAttributeNS(in DOMString attrname, in DOMString namespaceURI); boolean canRemoveAttributeNode(in Node attrNode); NodeList getChildElements(); NodeList getParentElements(); NodeList getAttributeList(); boolean isElementDefined(in DOMString elemTypeName); boolean isElementDefinedNS(in DOMString elemTypeName, in DOMString namespaceURI, in DOMString name); }; interface CharacterDataEditAS : NodeEditAS { readonly attribute boolean isWhitespaceOnly; boolean canSetData(in unsigned long offset, in unsigned long count); boolean canAppendData(in DOMString arg); boolean canReplaceData(in unsigned long offset, in unsigned long count, in DOMString arg); boolean canInsertData(in unsigned long offset, in DOMString arg); boolean canDeleteData(in unsigned long offset, in unsigned long count); }; interface ASDOMBuilder : ls::DOMBuilder { attribute ASModel abstractSchema; ASModel parseASURI(in DOMString uri, in DOMString schemaType) raises(ASException, dom::DOMSystemException); ASModel parseASInputSource(in ls::DOMInputSource is) raises(ASException, dom::DOMSystemException); }; interface DOMASWriter : ls::DOMWriter { void writeASModel(in DOMOutputStream destination, in ASModel model) raises(dom::DOMSystemException); }; }; #endif // _AS_IDL_
// File: ls.idl #ifndef _LS_IDL_ #define _LS_IDL_ #include "dom.idl" #include "events.idl" #include "traversal.idl" #pragma prefix "" module ls { typedef dom::DOMErrorHandler DOMErrorHandler; typedef dom::DOMString DOMString; typedef dom::Node Node; typedef dom::Document Document; typedef dom::DOMOutputStream DOMOutputStream; typedef dom::DOMReader DOMReader; typedef dom::DOMError DOMError; interface DOMBuilder; interface DOMWriter; interface DOMInputSource; interface DOMEntityResolver; interface DOMBuilderFilter; interface DOMImplementationLS { // DOMIMplementationLSMode const unsigned short MODE_SYNCHRONOUS = 1; const unsigned short MODE_ASYNCHRONOUS = 2; DOMBuilder createDOMBuilder(in unsigned short mode) raises(dom::DOMException); DOMWriter createDOMWriter(); DOMInputSource createDOMInputSource(); }; interface DOMBuilder { attribute DOMEntityResolver entityResolver; attribute DOMErrorHandler errorHandler; attribute DOMBuilderFilter filter; void setFeature(in DOMString name, in boolean state) raises(dom::DOMException); boolean canSetFeature(in DOMString name, in boolean state); boolean getFeature(in DOMString name) raises(dom::DOMException); Document parseURI(in DOMString uri) raises(dom::DOMSystemException); Document parse(in DOMInputSource is) raises(dom::DOMSystemException); // ACTION_TYPES const unsigned short ACTION_REPLACE = 1; const unsigned short ACTION_APPEND = 2; const unsigned short ACTION_INSERT_AFTER = 3; const unsigned short ACTION_INSERT_BEFORE = 4; void parseWithContext(in DOMInputSource is, in Node cnode, in unsigned short action) raises(dom::DOMException); }; interface DOMWriter { void setFeature(in DOMString name, in boolean state) raises(dom::DOMException); boolean canSetFeature(in DOMString name, in boolean state); boolean getFeature(in DOMString name) raises(dom::DOMException); attribute DOMString encoding; readonly attribute DOMString lastEncoding; attribute DOMString newLine; attribute DOMErrorHandler errorHandler; boolean writeNode(in DOMOutputStream destination, in Node wnode) raises(dom::DOMSystemException); DOMString writeToString(in Node wnode) raises(dom::DOMException); }; interface DOMInputSource { attribute DOMInputSource byteStream; attribute DOMReader characterStream; attribute DOMString stringData; attribute DOMString encoding; attribute DOMString publicId; attribute DOMString systemId; attribute DOMString baseURI; }; interface DOMEntityResolver { DOMInputSource resolveEntity(in DOMString publicId, in DOMString systemId, in DOMString baseURI) raises(dom::DOMSystemException); }; interface DOMBuilderFilter { unsigned long startNode(in Node snode); unsigned long endNode(in Node enode); readonly attribute unsigned long whatToShow; }; interface DocumentLS { attribute boolean async; void abort(); boolean load(in DOMString uri); boolean loadXML(in DOMString source); DOMString saveXML(in Node snode) raises(dom::DOMException); }; interface LSLoadEvent : events::Event { readonly attribute Document newDocument; readonly attribute DOMInputSource inputSource; }; interface LSProgressEvent : events::Event { readonly attribute DOMInputSource inputSource; readonly attribute unsigned long position; readonly attribute unsigned long totalSize; }; interface DOMWriterFilter : traversal::NodeFilter { readonly attribute unsigned long whatToShow; }; interface ParseErrorEvent : events::Event { readonly attribute DOMError error; }; }; #endif // _LS_IDL_