DEMGT version 1.0
By the Infamous BLOOD!
(c)1995 Cheese Freak Software

DEMGT is a simple patch for Z80 Spectrum snapshots that I created after
finding out that there were some snaps around that I couldn't run (such
as some of the snaps uploaded to NVG by Outsoft).

These are 48k or 128k snaps which have been snapped using version 3 of
Z80 but which will not run on registered versions of Z80 (version 3)
which do not have the PLUSD interface emulation. This is an option of
registering, and I don't have it.

None of the games NEED the PLUSD ROM, but they won't run without it.
Therefore, this little patch reads the snapshot, alters it so that it
doesn't look for the PLUSD interface emulation and saves it back to disk
under a new filename. It should then run under ANY version 3 copy of

How to use it:
Simple. Identify the snap you want to change, move to the directory
where it is and run :

DEMGT <input.z80> <output.z80>

where <input.z80> is the name of the snap you want to convert and
<output.z80> is the name of the altered snap you want to create.

For example, Outsoft's snap of Gerry the Germ requires conversion, so I
would type something like :

DEMGT gerry.z80 newgerry.z80

DEMGT then tells me that it's converting a SAMRAM file to a 48K file and
writes the new snap, which loads and runs in Z80 with no problems at

Only EVER run this program on back-up copies of your snaps. Don't run it
on a snap that already runs. Don't run it on a snap made with a version
of Z80 other than 3.x! Got it? Don't blame me if you mess up.

This was written in about five minutes, don't expect it to change your
world. You may not even have any use for it at all! What I'd like to
stress is that if you ruin your snaps collection with this, or it
trashes your hard drive, or it ruins your computer, or it makes you head
fall off - I don't want to know about it! This software is provided 'as
is' and I'm not offering support or upgrade offers or anything like
that, so if you can't make it work - tough! 

If you want to compile it so that it runs on another computer, send me
an email and I'll let you have a copy of the source - it's written in
ANSI standard C so it should compile on anything. 

This prog is FREEWARE. Give it to anyone you like, copy it, distribute
it, eat it, I don't care. Just don't alter it or charge ANY money for
it, not even a distribution fee. If you want to stock this in your PD
library or put it on one of your highly illegal Speccy CDs then YOU
CAN'T!!! I refuse to have anyone paying for 8k of code, even if it is
just for the price of a disk. It's not worth it.

If I hear that ANYONE has charged for this, there'll be trouble.

Finally, if you've got any nice comments to make or snapshots to offer
me, contact me at the address below :

I'm in all day!  :)
