[Unicode]  Unicode Character Database


Revision 4.0.0
Authors Mark Davis and Ken Whistler
Date 2003-04-18
This Version http://www.unicode.org/Public/4.0-Update/UCD-4.0.0.html
Previous Version http://www.unicode.org/Public/3.2-Update/UnicodeCharacterDatabase-3.2.0.html,
Latest Version http://www.unicode.org/Public/UNIDATA/UCD.html


This document describes the format and content of the Unicode Character Database (UCD)


This file and the files described herein are part of the Unicode Character Database and are governed by the UCD Terms of Use given below.

The References provide related information that is useful in understanding this document.

Warning: the information in this file does not completely describe the use and interpretation of Unicode character properties and behavior. It must be used in conjunction with the data in the other files in the Unicode Character Database, and relies on the notation and definitions supplied in The Unicode Standard. All chapter references are to Version 4.0.0 of the standard unless otherwise indicated.



The Unicode Character Database (UCD) is a set of files that define the Unicode character properties and internal mappings. This document describes the properties and files that are part of The Unicode Standard, Version 4.0 [U4.0]. The main changes in this version are:

This documentation file does not link directly to other files in the UCD. This is because the files need to be exactly the same in the specific update directory (e.g. http://www.unicode.org/Public/4.0-Update/), and when copied to the "latest" directory (http://www.unicode.org/Public/UNIDATA/).


For information on the meaning and application of the terms normative, informative, and provisional, see "Chapter 3, Character Properties" in the Unicode Standard, Version 4.0.

UCD File Format

Files in the UCD use the following format, unless otherwise specified.

UCD Files

The following table describes the format and meaning of each property data file in the UCD. The first column lists the files and the properties for which they contain data. The second column indicates the type of property value: String, Numeric, Enumeration (non-binary), Binary. The third column indicates the status (Normative vs. Informative), and the fourth column provides a description of the data.

The files with a small number of properties are listed first, followed by the files with a large number of properties: DerivedCoreProperties.txt, DerivedNormalizationProperties.txt, Proplist.txt, and UnicodeData.txt. For UnicodeData, the field numbers are supplied in the description. In a number of cases, fields in a data file only contribute to a UCD property; for example, the name field in UnicodeData.txt does not provide all the values for the Name property; Jamo.txt must be used as well.

None of these properties should be used without consulting the relevant discussions in the Unicode Standard.

Where a data file does not explicitly list property values for all code points, the code points are given default property values. These default property values are documented in the data files, with the exception of UnicodeData.txt. For that case the default property values are listed below in parentheses after the property name, with (=) indicating the code point itself.  The default property values are also documented in any corresponding extracted data file.

E N Basic Arabic and Syriac character shaping properties, such as initial, medial and final shapes. See Section 8.2
Bidi_Mirroring_Glyph S I Properties for substituting characters in an implementation of bidirectional mirroring. See UAX #9. Do not confuse this with the Bidi_Mirrored property.


N List of block names, which are arbitrary names for ranges of code points. See Chapter 16.
Composition Exclusion B N Properties for normalization. See UAX #15. Unlike other files, CompositionExclusions simply lists the relevant code points.


N Mapping from characters to their case-folded forms. This is an informative file containing normative derived properties.

Derived from UnicodeData and SpecialCasing. See UAX #21

Age S N/I This file shows when various code points were designated/assigned in successive versions of the Unicode standard.
East_Asian_Width E I Properties for determining the choice of wide vs. narrow glyphs in East Asian contexts. Property values are described in UAX #11.




N The values L, V, T, LV, and LVT used in Chapter 3.


used in Name
S N The Hangul Syllable names are derived from the Jamo Short Names, as described in Chapter 3.
Line_Break E N/I Properties for line breaking. For more information, see UAX #14.


used in Decomposition Mappings S N NormalizationCorrections lists code point differences for Normalization Corrigenda. See UAX #15 for more information.
n/a S N/I Property names and abbreviations. These names can be used for XML formats of UCD data, for regular-expression property tests, and other programmatic textual descriptions of Unicode data.
n/a S N/I Property value names and abbreviations. These names can be used for XML formats of UCD data, for regular-expression property tests, and other programmatic textual descriptions of Unicode data.


I Default script values for use in regular expressions. For more information, see UTR #24.
S I Data for producing (in combination with Unicode Data) the full case mappings.
Unihan.txt (for more information, see Unihan Properties)
E I The characters tagged with kPrimaryNumeric, kAccountingNumeric, and kOtherNumeric are given the Numeric_Type numeric, and the values indicated.

Most characters have these properties based on values from the UnicodeData.txt data file. See Numeric_Type.



S I The Unicode radical stroke count, based on the tag kRSUnicode.
Alphabetic B I Characters with the Alphabetic property. For more information, see Chapter 4, Character Properties.

Generated from: Other_Alphabetic + Lu + Ll + Lt + Lm + Lo + Nl

Default_Ignorable_Code_Point B N For programmatic determination of default-ignorable code points. New characters that should be ignored in processing (unless explicitly supported) will be assigned in these ranges, permitting programs to correctly handle the default behavior of such characters when not otherwise supported. For more information, see UAX #29: Text Boundaries.

Generated from Other_Default_Ignorable_Code_Point + Cf + Cc + Cs - White_Space

Lowercase B I Characters with the Lowercase property. For more information, see Chapter 4, Character Properties.

Generated from: Other_Lowercase + Ll

Grapheme_Base B I For programmatic determination of grapheme cluster boundaries. For more information, see UAX #29: Text Boundaries.

Generated from: [0..10FFFF] - Cc - Cf - Cs - Co - Cn - Zl - Zp - Grapheme_Extend

Grapheme_Extend B I For programmatic determination of grapheme cluster boundaries. For more information, see UAX #29: Text Boundaries.

Generated from: Other_Grapheme_Extend + Me + Mn

Note: depending on an application's interpretation of Co (private use), they may be either in Grapheme_Base, or in Grapheme_Extend, or in neither.

ID_Start B I Characters that can start an identifier.

Generated from Lu + Ll + Lt + Lm + Lo + Nl + Other_ID_Start

ID_Continue B I Characters that can continue an identifier. See Cf Note.

Generated from: ID_Start + Mn + Mc + Nd + Pc

Math B I Characters with the Math property. For more information, see Chapter 4, Character Properties.

Generated from: Sm + Other_Math

Uppercase B I Characters with the Uppercase property. For more information, see Chapter 4, Character Properties.

Generated from: Lu + Other_Uppercase

XID_Start B I Same as ID_Start, except for modifications to allow closure under normalization forms NFKC and NFKD.

Generated from: ID_Start; see Closure Note

XID_Continue B I Same as ID_Continue, except for modifications to allow closure under normalization forms NFKC and NFKD.

Generated from: ID_Continue; see Closure Note and Cf Note.

Full_Composition_Exclusion B N Characters that are excluded from composition: those explicitly in CompositionExclusions.txt, plus:
(3) Singleton Decompositions
(4) Non-Starter Decompositions
B N Characters that expand to more than one character in the specified normalization form.
FC_NFKC_Closure S N Characters that require extra mappings for closure under Case Folding plus Normalization Form KC. Characters marked with this property have a third field with the mapping in it. Generated with the following, where Fold is the default fold operation (not Turkic):
b = NFKC(Fold(a));
c = NFKC(Fold(b));
if (c != b) add mapping from a to c
E N For property values, see Decompositions and Normalization.
ASCII_Hex_Digit B N ASCII characters commonly used for the representation of hexadecimal numbers.
Bidi_Control B N Those format control characters which have specific functions in the Bidirectional Algorithm.
Dash B I Those punctuation characters explicitly called out as dashes in the Unicode Standard, plus compatibility equivalents to those. Most of these have the Pd General Category, but some have the Sm General Category because of their use in mathematics.
Deprecated B N For a machine-readable list of deprecated characters. No characters will ever be removed from the standard, but the usage of deprecated characters is strongly discouraged.
Diacritic B I Characters that linguistically modify the meaning of another character to which they apply. Some diacritics are not combining characters, and some combining characters are not diacritics.
Extender B I Characters whose principal function is to extend the value or shape of a preceding alphabetic character. Typical of these are length and iteration marks.
Grapheme_Link B N Used in determining default grapheme cluster boundaries. For more information, see UAX #29: Text Boundaries.
Hex_Digit B I Characters commonly used for the representation of hexadecimal numbers, plus their compatibility equivalents.
Hyphen (Stabilized as of 3.2) B I Those dashes used to mark connections between pieces of words, plus the Katakana middle dot. The Katakana middle dot functions like a hyphen, but is shaped like a dot rather than a dash.
Ideographic B I Characters considered to be CJKV (Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Vietnamese) ideographs.
IDS_Binary_Operator B N Used in Ideographic Description Sequences.
IDS_Trinary_Operator B N Used in Ideographic Description Sequences.
Join_Control B N Those format control characters which have specific functions for control of cursive joining and ligation.
Logical_Order_Exception B N There are a small number of characters that do not use logical order. These characters require special handling in most processing.
Noncharacter_Code_Point B N Code points that are explicitly defined as illegal for the encoding of characters.
Other_Alphabetic B I Used in deriving the Alphabetic property.
Other_Default_Ignorable_Code_Point B N Used in deriving the Default_Ignorable_Code_Point property.
Other_Grapheme_Extend B N Used in deriving  the Grapheme_Extend property.
Other_ID_Start B N Used for backwards compatibility of ID_Start
Other_Lowercase B I Used in deriving the Lowercase property.
Other_Math B I Used in deriving  the Math property.
Other_Uppercase B I Used in deriving the Uppercase property.
Quotation_Mark B I Those punctuation characters that function as quotation marks.
Radical B N Used in Ideographic Description Sequences.
Soft_Dotted B N Characters with a "soft dot", like i or j. An accent placed on these characters causes the dot to disappear. An explicit dot above can be added where required, such as in Lithuanian.
Terminal_Punctuation B I Those punctuation characters that generally mark the end of textual units.
Unified_Ideograph B N Used in Ideographic Description Sequences.
White_Space B N Those separator characters and control characters which should be treated by programming languages as "white space" for the purpose of parsing elements.

Note: ZERO WIDTH SPACE and ZERO WIDTH NO-BREAK SPACE are not included, since their functions are restricted to line-break control. Their names are unfortunately misleading in this respect.

Note: There are other senses of "whitespace" that encompass a different set of characters.


Name* (<reserved>) S N (1) These names match exactly the names published in the code charts of the Unicode Standard. The Hangul Syllable names are omitted from this file; see Jamo.txt.
General_Category (Cn) E N (2) This is a useful breakdown into various character types which can be used as a default categorization in implementations. For the property values, see General Category Values.
Canonical_Combining_Class (0) N N (3) The classes used for the Canonical Ordering Algorithm in the Unicode Standard. For the property value names associated with different numeric values, see DerivedCombiningClass.txt and Canonical Combining Class Values.
Bidi_Class (L, AL, R) E N (4) These are the categories required by the Bidirectional Behavior Algorithm in the Unicode Standard. For the property values, see Bidi Class Values. For more information, see UAX #9 Bidirectional Algorithm.

The default property values depend on the code point:


U+0590..U+05FF, U+07C0..U+08FF, U+FB1D..U+FB4F, U+10800..U+10FFF

(In 4.0.0, this includes the Hebrew and Cypriot Syllabary blocks, plus the reserved code points in U+07C0..U+08FF, U+FB1D..U+FB4F, U+10840..U+10FFF)


U+0600..U+07BF, U+FB50..U+FDCF, U+FDF0..U+FDFF, U+FE70..U+FEFE

(In 4.0.0, this includes the Arabic, Syriac, Thaana, Arabic Presentation Forms-A, and Arabic Presentation Forms-B blocks, plus the reserved code points in U+0750..U+077F, minus the noncharacters U+FDD0..U+FDEF and the BOM U+FEFF)



Decomposition_Type (None)
Decomposition_Mapping (=)
N (5) This field contains both values, with the type in angle brackets. The decomposition mappings match exactly the decomposition mappings published with the character names in the Unicode Standard. For more information, see Character Decomposition Mappings.
Numeric_Type (None)
Numeric_Value (Not a Number)
N (6) If the character has the decimal digit property, as specified in Chapter 4 of the Unicode Standard, then the value of that digit is represented with an integer value in fields 6, 7, and 8.
N (7) If the character has the digit property, but is not a decimal digit, then the value of that digit is represented with an integer value in fields 7 and 8. This covers digits that need special handling, such as the compatibility superscript digits.
N (8) If the character has the numeric property, as specified in Chapter 4 of the Unicode Standard, the value of that character is represented with an positive or negative integer or rational number in this field. This includes fractions as, e.g., "1/5" for U+2155 VULGAR FRACTION ONE FIFTH.

Some characters have these properties based on values from the Unihan data file. See Numeric_Type, Han.

Bidi_Mirrored (N) B N (9) If the character has been identified as a "mirrored" character in bidirectional text, this field has the value "Y"; otherwise "N". The list of mirrored characters is also printed in Chapter 4 of the Unicode Standard. Do not confuse this with the Bidi_Mirroring_Glyph property.
Unicode_1_Name (<none>) S I (10) This is the old name as published in Unicode 1.0. This name is only provided when it is significantly different from the current name for the character. The value of field 10 for control characters does not always match the Unicode 1.0 names. Instead, field 10 contains ISO 6429 names for control functions, for printing in the code charts.
ISO_Comment (<none>)


I (11) This is the ISO 10646 comment field. It appears in parentheses in the 10646 names list, or contains an asterisk to mark an Annex P note.
Simple_Uppercase_Mapping (=) S N (12) Simple uppercase mapping (single character result). If a character is part of an alphabet with case distinctions, and has a simple upper case equivalent, then the upper case equivalent is in this field. See the explanation below on case distinctions. The simple mappings have a single character result, where the full mappings may have multi-character results. For more information, see Case Mappings.

Note: The simple uppercase may be omitted in the data file if the uppercase is the same as the code point itself.

Simple_Lowercase_Mapping (=) S N (13) Simple lowercase mapping (single character result). Similar to Uppercase mapping.

Note: The simple lowercase may be omitted in the data file if the lowercase is the same as the code point itself.

Simple_Titlecase_Mapping (=) S N Similar to Uppercase mapping (single character result).

Note: The simple titlecase may be omitted in the data file if the titlecase is the same as the uppercase.


  1. Closure: XID_Start and XID_Continue are defined by adding or removing certain special characters as per UAX #15, Annex 7. They do not remove the non-NFKD nor the non-NFKC characters; if that is desired it needs to be a separate filter. They merely ensure that:
  2. if isIdentifer(string)
    then isIdentifier(NFKC(string))
    and isIdentifier(NFKD(string))

  3. Cf: The general category Cf characters are not included in ID_Continue nor in XID_Continue; they should continue identifiers, but be filtered out of the result.
  4. For more information on identifiers, see Chapter 5, Implementation Guidelines, and UAX #15, Annex 7.

  5. Stabilized properties are those that have not been found to be particularly useful in practice, and are no longer actively maintained, nor are they extended as new characters are added.


The following table lists the properties in the UCD. They are roughly organized into groups based on the usage of the property (this grouping is purely for convenience, and has no other implications). The link on each property leads to description in the file index. The contributory properties (those of the form Other_XXX) are sets of exceptions used to generate properties in DerivedCoreProperties.txt. They are not intended for general use, such as in APIs that return property values.

General Decomposition and Normalization CJK
Name Canonical_Combining_Class Ideographic
Block Decomposition_Mapping Unified_Ideograph
Age Composition_Exclusion Radical
General_Category Full_Composition_Exclusion IDS_Binary_Operator
Script Decomposition_Type IDS_Trinary_Operator
White_Space FC_NFKC_Closure Unicode_Radical_Stroke
Alphabetic NFC_Quick_Check Misc
Hangul_Syllable_Type NFKC_Quick_Check Math
Noncharacter_Code_Point NFD_Quick_Check Quotation_Mark
Default_Ignorable_Code_Point NFKD_Quick_Check Dash
Deprecated Expands_On_NFC Hyphen
Logical_Order_Exception Expands_On_NFD Terminal_Punctuation
Case Expands_On_NFKC Diacritic
Uppercase Expands_On_NFKD Extender
Lowercase Shaping and Rendering Grapheme_Base
Lowercase_Mapping Join_Control Grapheme_Extend
Titlecase_Mapping Joining_Group Grapheme_Link
Uppercase_Mapping Joining_Type Unicode_1_Name
Case_Folding Line_Break ISO_Comment
Simple_Lowercase_Mapping East_Asian_Width Contributory Properties
Simple_Titlecase_Mapping Bidi Other_Alphabetic
Simple_Uppercase_Mapping Bidi_Control Other_Default_Ignorable_Code_Point
Simple_Case_Folding Bidi_Mirrored Other_Grapheme_Extend
Special_Case_Condition Bidi_Class Other_ID_Start
Soft_Dotted Bidi_Mirroring_Glyph Other_Lowercase
Identifiers Numeric Other_Math
ID_Continue Numeric_Value Other_Uppercase
ID_Start Numeric_Type  
XID_Continue Hex_Digit  
XID_Start ASCII_Hex_Digit  

Property Values

The following gives a summary of property values for certain properties. Other property values are documented in other locations; for example, the Linebreak property values are documented in UAX #14.

General Category Values

The values in this field are abbreviations for the following values. For more information, see the Unicode Standard.

Note: The Unicode Standard does not assign information to control characters (except for certain cases). Implementations will generally also assign categories to certain control characters, notably CR and LF, according to platform conventions. See Section 5.8 "Newline Guidelines" for more information.



Lu Letter, Uppercase
Ll Letter, Lowercase
Lt Letter, Titlecase
Lm Letter, Modifier
Lo Letter, Other
Mn Mark, Non-Spacing
Mc Mark, Spacing Combining
Me Mark, Enclosing
Nd Number, Decimal
Nl Number, Letter
No Number, Other
Pc Punctuation, Connector
Pd Punctuation, Dash
Ps Punctuation, Open
Pe Punctuation, Close
Pi Punctuation, Initial quote (may behave like Ps or Pe depending on usage)
Pf Punctuation, Final quote (may behave like Ps or Pe depending on usage)
Po Punctuation, Other
Sm Symbol, Math
Sc Symbol, Currency
Sk Symbol, Modifier
So Symbol, Other
Zs Separator, Space
Zl Separator, Line
Zp Separator, Paragraph
Cc Other, Control
Cf Other, Format
Cs Other, Surrogate
Co Other, Private Use
Cn Other, Not Assigned (no characters in the file have this property)

Note: The term "L&" is used to stand for Uppercase, Lowercase or Titlecase letters (Lu, Ll, or Lt) in comments. The LC value in PropertyValueAliases.txt also stands for Uppercase, Lowercase or Titlecase letters.

Bidi Class Values

Please refer to Chapter 3 for an explanation of the algorithm for Bidirectional Behavior and an explanation of the significance of these categories. An up-to-date version can be found on UAX #9: The Bidirectional Algorithm.



L Left-to-Right
LRE Left-to-Right Embedding
LRO Left-to-Right Override
R Right-to-Left
AL Right-to-Left Arabic
RLE Right-to-Left Embedding
RLO Right-to-Left Override
PDF Pop Directional Format
EN European Number
ES European Number Separator
ET European Number Terminator
AN Arabic Number
CS Common Number Separator
NSM Non-Spacing Mark
BN Boundary Neutral
B Paragraph Separator
S Segment Separator
WS Whitespace
ON Other Neutrals


Character Decomposition Mapping

The tags supplied with certain decomposition mappings generally indicate formatting information. Where no such tag is given, the mapping is canonical. Conversely, the presence of a formatting tag also indicates that the mapping is a compatibility mapping and not a canonical mapping. In the absence of other formatting information in a compatibility mapping, the tag is used to distinguish it from canonical mappings.

In some instances a canonical mapping or a compatibility mapping may consist of a single character. For a canonical mapping, this indicates that the character is a canonical equivalent of another single character. For a compatibility mapping, this indicates that the character is a compatibility equivalent of another single character. The compatibility formatting tags used are:



<font>   A font variant (e.g. a blackletter form).
<noBreak>   A no-break version of a space or hyphen.
<initial>   An initial presentation form (Arabic).
<medial>   A medial presentation form (Arabic).
<final>   A final presentation form (Arabic).
<isolated>   An isolated presentation form (Arabic).
<circle>   An encircled form.
<super>   A superscript form.
<sub>   A subscript form.
<vertical>   A vertical layout presentation form.
<wide>   A wide (or zenkaku) compatibility character.
<narrow>   A narrow (or hankaku) compatibility character.
<small>   A small variant form (CNS compatibility).
<square>   A CJK squared font variant.
<fraction>   A vulgar fraction form.
<compat>   Otherwise unspecified compatibility character.

Reminder: There is a difference between decomposition and decomposition mapping. The decomposition mappings are defined in the UnicodeData, while the decomposition (also termed "full decomposition") is defined in Chapter 3 to use those mappings recursively.

Canonical Combining Class Values



0: Spacing, split, enclosing, reordrant, and Tibetan subjoined
1: Overlays and interior
7: Nuktas
8: Hiragana/Katakana voicing marks
9: Viramas
10: Start of fixed position classes
199: End of fixed position classes
200: Below left attached
202: Below attached
204: Below right attached
208: Left attached (reordrant around single base character)
210: Right attached
212: Above left attached
214: Above attached
216: Above right attached
218: Below left
220: Below
222: Below right
224: Left (reordrant around single base character)
226: Right
228: Above left
230: Above
232: Above right
233: Double below
234: Double above
240: Below (iota subscript)

Note: some of the combining classes in this list do not currently have members but are specified here for completeness.

Decompositions and Normalization

Decomposition is specified in Chapter 3. UAX #15: Unicode Normalization Forms specifies the interaction between decomposition and normalization. That report specifies how the decompositions defined in UnicodeData.txt are used to derive normalized forms of Unicode text.

Note that as of the 2.1.9 update of the Unicode Character Database, the decompositions in the UnicodeData.txt file can be used to recursively derive the full decomposition in canonical order, without the need to separately apply canonical reordering. However, canonical reordering of combining character sequences must still be applied in decomposition when normalizing source text which contains any combining marks.

The QuickCheck property values are as follows:

Value File Text Description
No NF*_No Characters that cannot ever occur in the respective normalization form. See Decompositions and Normalization.
Maybe NF*_Maybe Characters that may occur in in the respective normalization, depending on the context. See QuickCheck Note.
Yes n/a All other characters. This is the default value, and is not explicitly listed in the file.

For more information, see UAX #15 Annex 8.

Case Mappings

There are a number of complications to case mappings that occur once the repertoire of characters is expanded beyond ASCII. For more information, see Chapter 3 in Unicode 4.0.

For compatibility with existing parsers, UnicodeData.txt only contains case mappings for characters where they are one-to-one mappings; it also omits information about context-sensitive case mappings. Information about these special cases can be found in a separate data file, SpecialCasing.txt.

Unihan Tags

The following is a summary of the data tags in the Unihan.txt file. Only a few of these correspond to Unicode normative or informative properties: the rest are provisional. For more information on the meaning of these tags, see the header of the data file.

Category Property Name Description from Unihan (abbreviated)
Numeric kAccountingNumeric The value of the character when used in the writing of accounting numerals.
  kOtherNumeric The numeric value for the character in certain unusual, specialized contexts.
  kPrimaryNumeric The value of the character when used in the writing of numbers in the standard fashion.
Variants kSemanticVariant The Unicode value for a semantic variant for this character. A semantic variant is an x- or y-variant with similar or identical meaning which can generally be used in place of the indicated character.
  kSimplifiedVariant The Unicode value for the simplified Chinese variant for this character (if any).
  kSpecializedSemanticVariant The Unicode value for a specialized semantic variant for this character. A specialized semantic variant is an x- or y-variant with similar or identical meaning only in certain contexts (such as accountants' numerals).
  kTraditionalVariant The Unicode value(s) for the traditional Chinese variant(s) for this character.
  kZVariant The Unicode value(s) for known z-variants of this character.
Radical/Stroke kRSUnicode A standard radical/stroke count for this character in the form "radical.additional strokes". A ' after the radical indicates the simplified version of the given radical.
  kRSJapanese A Japanese radical/stroke count for this character in the form "radical.additional strokes".
  kRSKanWa A Morohashi radical/stroke count for this character in the form "radical.additional strokes".
  kRSKangXi A KangXi radical/stroke count for this character in the form "radical.additional strokes".
  kRSKorean A Korean radical/stroke count for this character in the form "radical.additional strokes". A ' after the radical indicates the simplified version of the given radical.
  kTotalStrokes The total number of strokes in the character (including the radical).
Pronunciations kCantonese The Cantonese pronunciation(s) for this character.
  kJapaneseKun The Japanese pronunciation(s) of this character.
  kJapaneseOn The Sino-Japanese pronunciation(s) of this character.
  kKorean The Korean pronunciation(s) of this character.
  kMandarin The Mandarin pronunciation(s) for this character in pinyin.
  kTang* The Tang dynasty pronunciation(s) of this character, derived from _T'ang Poetic Vocabulary_.
  kVietnamese The character's pronunciation(s) in Quốc ngữ
Definition kDefinition An English definition for this character.
Frequency kFrequency A rough frequency measurement for the character based on analysis of Chinese USENET postings.
Grade kGradeLevel* The grade in the Hong Kong school system by which a student is expected to know the character.
Dictionary Position kAlternateKangXi An alternate possible position for the character in the KangXi dictionary.
  kAlternateMorohashi An alternate possible position for the character in the Morohashi dictionary.
  kCihaiT* The position of this character in the Cihai (辭海) dictionary, single volume edition, published in Hong Kong by the Zhonghua Bookstore, 1983 (reprint of the 1947 edition), ISBN 962-231-005-2.
  kCowles* The index of this character in Roy T. Cowles, _A Pocket Dictionary of Cantonese_, Hong Kong: University Press, 1999.
  kDaeJaweon The position of this character in the Dae Jaweon (Korean) dictionary used in the four-dictionary sorting algorithm.
  kFenn* Data on the character from _Fenn's Chinese-English Pocket Dictionary_.
  kHanYu The position of this character in the Hanyu Da Zidian (HDZ) Chinese character dictionary (bibliographic information below).
  kHKGlyph* The index of the character in 常用字字形表 (二零零零年修訂本), 香港: 香港教育學院, 2000, ISBN 962-949-040-4. This publication gives the "proper" shapes for characters as used in the Hong Kong school system.
  kIRGDaeJaweon The position of this character in the Dae Jaweon (Korean) dictionary used in the four-dictionary sorting algorithm.
  kIRGDaiKanwaZiten The index of this character in the Dae Kanwa Ziten, aka Morohashi dictionary (Japanese) used in the four-dictionary sorting algorithm.
  kIRGHanyuDaZidian The position of this character in the Hanyu Da Zidian (PRC) dictionary used in the four-dictionary sorting algorithm.
  kIRGKangXi The position of this character in the KangXi dictionary used in the four-dictionary sorting algorithm.
  kKangXi The position of this character in the KangXi dictionary used in the four-dictionary sorting algorithm.
  kKarlgren* The index of this character in _Analytic Dictionary of Chinese and Sino-Japanese_.
  kLau* The index of this character in _A Practical Cantonese-English Dictionary_.
  kMatthews The index of this character in _Mathews' Chinese-English Dictionary_.
  kMeyerWempe* The index of this character in the Student's Cantonese-English Dictionary.
  kMorohashi The index of this character in the Dae Kanwa Ziten, aka Morohashi dictionary (Japanese) used in the four-dictionary sorting algorithm.
  kNelson The index of this character in _The Modern Reader's Japanese-English Character Dictionary_.
  kPhonetic* The phonetic index for the character from _Ten Thousand Characters: An Analytic Dictionary_.
  kSBGY The position of this character in the Song Ben Guang Yun (SBGY) Medieval Chinese character dictionary (bibliographic and general information below).
  kCangjie* The cangjie input code for the character. This incorporates data from the file cangjie-table.b5 by Christian Wittern.
Character Mapping kBigFive The Big Five mapping for this character in hex; note that this does *not* cover any of the Big Five extensions in common use, including the ETEN extensions.
  kCCCII The CCCII mapping for this character in hex.
  kCNS1986 The CNS 11643-1986 mapping for this character in hex.
  kCNS1992 The CNS 11643-1992 mapping for this character in hex.
  kEACC The EACC mapping for this character in hex.
  kGB0 The GB 2312-80 mapping for this character in ku/ten form.
  kGB1 The GB 12345-90 mapping for this character in ku/ten form.
  kGB3 The GB 7589-87 mapping for this character in ku/ten form.
  kGB5 The GB 7590-87 mapping for this character in ku/ten form.
  kGB7 The "General Use Characters for Modern Chinese" mapping for this character.
  kGB8 The GB 8565-89 mapping for this character in ku/ten form.
  kHKSCS Mappings to the Big Five extended code points used for the Hong Kong Supplementary Character Set.
  kIBMJapan The IBM Japanese mapping for this character in hex.
  kIRG_GSource The IRG "G" source mapping for this character in hex. The IRG "G" source consists of data from the following national standards, publications, and lists from the People's Republic of China and Singapore.
  kIRG_HSource The IRG "H" source mapping for this character in hex. The IRG "H" source consists of data from the Hong Kong Supplementary Character Set.
  kIRG_JSource The IRG "J" source mapping for this character in hex. The IRG "J" source consists of data from the following national standards and lists from Japan.
  kIRG_KSource The IRG "K" source mapping for this character in hex. The IRG "K" source consists of data from the following national standards and lists from the Republic of Korea (South Korea).
  kIRG_KPSource The IRG "KP" source mapping for this character in hex. The IRG "KP" source consists of data from the following national standards and lists from the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea).
  kIRG_TSource The IRG "T" source mapping for this character in hex. The IRG "T" source consists of data from the following national standards and lists from the Republic of China (Taiwan).
  kIRG_VSource The IRG "V" source mapping for this character in hex. The IRG "V" source consists of data from the following national standards and lists from Vietnam.
  kJIS0213 The JIS X 0213-2000 mapping for this character in min,ku,ten form.
  kJis0 The JIS X 0208-1990 mapping for this character in ku/ten form.
  kJis1 The JIS X 0212-1990 mapping for this character in ku/ten form.
  kKPS0 The KP 9566-97 mapping for this character in hexadecimal form.
  kKPS1 The KPS 10721-2000 mapping for this character in hexadecimal form.
  kKSC0 The KS X 1001:1992 (KS C 5601-1989) mapping for this character in ku/ten form.
  kKSC1 The KS X 1002:1991 (KS C 5657-1991) mapping for this character in ku/ten form.
  kMainlandTelegraph The PRC telegraph code for this character, derived from "Kanzi denpou koudo henkan-hyou".
  kPseudoGB1 A "GB 12345-90" code point assigned this character for the purposes of including it within Unihan.
  kTaiwanTelegraph The Taiwanese telegraph code for this character, derived from "Kanzi denpou koudo henkan-hyou".
  kXerox The Xerox code for this character.
Redundant kCompatibilityVariant* The compatibility decomposition for this ideograph, derived from the UnicodeData.txt file.


Other UCD Files

The following files in the Unicode Character Database are not used directly for Unicode properties.  For more information about these files, see the referenced technical report(s), files, or section of Unicode Standard.

".txt" File Description N/I Summary
Index Chapter 16 I Index to Unicode characters, as printed in the Unicode Standard.
NamesList Chapter 16 I This file duplicates some of the material in the UnicodeData file, and adds annotations used in the character charts.
NormalizationTest UAX #15 N Test file for conformance to Unicode Normalization Forms.
StandardizedVariants Chapter 15 N Lists all the standardized variant sequences that have been defined, plus a description of the desired appearance. StandardizedVariants.html contains this information, plus a sample glyph showing the desired features.

Derived Extracted Properties

The following files contain other properties of the UCD that are simply separated out, and listed in range format. These files are provided purely as a reformatting of existing data, with a certain exceptions listed below. They are all contained in a subdirectory called extracted.

Files N/I Definition and Generation
DerivedBidiClass* N From UnicodeData.txt, field 4
DerivedBinaryProperties* N From UnicodeData.txt, field 9. See Bidi Note.
DerivedCombiningClass* N From UnicodeData.txt, field 3
DerivedDecompositionType* * From the <tag> in UnicodeData.txt, field 5. For characters with canonical decomposition mappings (no tag), the value "canonical" is used.

* The value "canonical" is normative; the others are informative.

DerivedEastAsianWidth* I From EastAsianWidth.txt, field 1
DerivedGeneralCategory* N From UnicodeData.txt, field 2
DerivedJoiningGroup* N From ArabicShaping.txt, field 2
DerivedJoiningType* N From ArabicShaping.txt, field 1
DerivedLineBreak* * From LineBreak.txt, field 1.

* Some values are normative; some are informative. See UAX #11: Line Break Property for more information.

DerivedNumericType* N The property value is based on the contents of UnicodeData.txt, fields 6 through 8:
property value non-empty fields
decimal 6, 7, & 8
digit 7 & 8
numeric 8
DerivedNumericValues* N Non-binary Property

From UnicodeData.txt, field 8

Bidi Note: The BidiMirrored property and the BidiMirroring property are different. The former is a normative property that indicates whether characters are mirrored in a right-to-left context in the Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm. The latter is an informative mapping of BidiMirrored characters, where possible, to characters that normally have the corresponding mirrored glyph.

Property Invariants

Values in the UCD are subject to correction as errors are found; however, some characteristics of the properties and files are considered invariants. Applications may wish to take these invariants into account when choosing how to implement character properties. The most important invariants are described in Unicode Policies. The following lists some additional invariants and more detail on some of the invariants in Unicode Policies.

UnicodeData Fields

Combining Classes

Decimal Digits


[FAQ] Unicode Frequently Asked Questions
For answers to common questions on technical issues.
[Glossary] Unicode Glossary
For explanations of terminology used in this and other documents.
[Reports] Unicode Technical Reports
For information on the status and development process for technical reports, and for a list of technical reports.
[U4.0] The Unicode Standard Version 4.0
[Versions] Versions of the Unicode Standard
For details on the precise contents of each version of the Unicode Standard, and how to cite them.

Modification History

This section provides a summary of the changes between update versions of the Unicode Standard. The modifications prior to Unicode 4.0 only listed changes in UnicodeData.txt. From 4.0 onward, the consolidated modifications include the changes in other files.

Unicode 4.0

Unicode 3.2

Modifications made for Version 3.2.0 of UnicodeData.txt include:

Unicode 3.1.1

Modifications made for Version 3.1.1 of UnicodeData.txt include:

Unicode 3.1

Modifications made for Version 3.1.0 of UnicodeData.txt include:

Unicode 3.0.1

Modifications made for Version 3.0.1 of UnicodeData.txt include:

Unicode 3.0.0

Modifications made for Version 3.0.0 of UnicodeData.txt include many new characters and a number of property changes. These are summarized in Appendix D of The Unicode Standard, Version 3.0.

Unicode 2.1.9

Modifications made for Version 2.1.9 of UnicodeData.txt include:

Unicode 2.1.8

Modifications made for Version 2.1.8 of UnicodeData.txt include:

Version 2.1.7

This version was for internal change tracking only, and never publicly released.

Version 2.1.6

This version was for internal change tracking only, and never publicly released.

Unicode 2.1.5

Modifications made for Version 2.1.5 of UnicodeData.txt include:

Version 2.1.4

This version was for internal change tracking only, and never publicly released.

Version 2.1.3

This version was for internal change tracking only, and never publicly released.

Unicode 2.1.2

Modifications made in updating UnicodeData.txt to Version 2.1.2 for the Unicode Standard, Version 2.1 (from Version 2.0) include:

Version 2.1.1

This version was for internal change tracking only, and never publicly released.

Unicode 2.0.0

The modifications made in updating UnicodeData.txt for the Unicode Standard, Version 2.0 include:

UCD Terms of Use


The Unicode Character Database is provided as is by Unicode, Inc. No claims are made as to fitness for any particular purpose. No warranties of any kind are expressed or implied. The recipient agrees to determine applicability of information provided. If this file has been purchased on magnetic or optical media from Unicode, Inc., the sole remedy for any claim will be exchange of defective media within 90 days of receipt.

This disclaimer is applicable for all other data files accompanying the Unicode Character Database, some of which have been compiled by the Unicode Consortium, and some of which have been supplied by other sources.

Limitations on Rights to Redistribute This Data

Recipient is granted the right to make copies in any form for internal distribution and to freely use the information supplied in the creation of products supporting the UnicodeTM Standard. The files in the Unicode Character Database can be redistributed to third parties or other organizations (whether for profit or not) as long as this notice and the disclaimer notice are retained. Information can be extracted from these files and used in documentation or programs, as long as there is an accompanying notice indicating the source.

The file Unihan.txt contains older and inconsistent Terms of Use. That language is overridden by these terms.

Access to Copyright and terms of use
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