This is the README.txt file for the recipe executive of the A-A-P project.

The "recipe executive" executes recipes.  See docs.txt for a few hints on how
to write a recipe.  Also see  You probably have to look
at the Python source to find out how it really works...

WARNING: Almost nothing is tested yet.  USE WITH GREAT CARE!

Currently there is just one .zip file that you need to unpack in any directory
of your choice.  Alternatively, you may use CVS.  See for

To run the program you need to have Python version 2.0 or later installed.

Execute a recipe with "". Examples:

	./ --help				gives help
	~/bin/aap/				executes "main.aap"
	/usr/local/bin/Exec/ -f this.aap		executes "this.aap"

Known problems:
- Shell commands only work properly on Unix.
- Cached remote files are never outdated, requires deleting them manually.