Source: ../../rib/redist_policy.hh

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// $XORP: xorp/rib/redist_policy.hh,v 1.2 2005/03/25 02:54:20 pavlin Exp $


 * @short Base class for Redistribution Policy objects.
 * Redistribution Policy objects are intended to be composable.
 * Logical Operators as well as route attibute operators are defined.
template <typename A>
class RedistPolicy {
     * Determine whether route should be accepted for redistribution.
     * @param ipr route to be examined.
     * @return true if route should be accepted for redistribution, false
     *         otherwise.
    virtual bool accept(const IPRouteEntry<A>& ipr) const = 0;

    virtual ~RedistPolicy() {};

 * @short Base class for Unary Redistribution Policy objects.
template <typename A>
class RedistUnaryOp {
     * Constructor.
     * @param policy policy object allocated with new.
    RedistUnaryOp(const RedistPolicy<A>* policy) : _p1(policy) {}
    ~RedistUnaryOp() { delete _p1; }

    // The following are not implemented
    RedistUnaryOp(const RedistUnaryOp<A>&);
    RedistUnaryOp<A>& operator=(const RedistUnaryOp<A>&);

    const RedistPolicy<A>* _p1;

 * @short Base class for Binary Redistribution Policy objects.
template <typename A>
class RedistBinaryOp : public RedistPolicy<A> {
     * Constructor.
     * @param one policy object allocated with new.
     * @param two policy object allocated with new.
     * Note: destructor deletes supplied policy objects.
    RedistBinaryOp(RedistPolicy<A>* one, RedistPolicy<A>* two)
	: _p1(one), _p2(two) {}
    ~RedistBinaryOp() { delete _p1; delete _p2; }

    // The following are not implemented
    RedistBinaryOp(const RedistBinaryOp<A>&);
    RedistBinaryOp<A>& operator=(const RedistBinaryOp<A>&);

    const RedistPolicy<A>* _p1;
    const RedistPolicy<A>* _p2;

 * @short Logical-Not for Redistribution Policy objects.
template <typename A>
class RedistLogicalNot : public RedistUnaryOp<A> {
    RedistLogicalNot(const RedistPolicy<A>* p) : RedistUnaryOp<A>(p) {}
    bool accept() const { return ! this->_p1->accept(); }

 * @short Logical-And for Redistribution Policy objects.
template <typename A>
class RedistLogicalAnd : public RedistBinaryOp<A> {
    RedistLogicalAnd(const RedistPolicy<A>* p1, const RedistPolicy<A>* p2)
	: RedistBinaryOp<A>(p1, p2)
    bool accept(const IPRouteEntry<A>& ipr)
	return this->_p1->accept(ipr) && this->_p2->accept(ipr);

 * @short Logical-And for Redistribution Policy objects.
template <typename A>
class RedistLogicalOr : public RedistBinaryOp<A> {
    RedistLogicalOr(const RedistPolicy<A>* one, const RedistPolicy<A>* two)
	: RedistBinaryOp<A>(one, two)
    bool accept(const IPRouteEntry<A>& ipr)
	return this->_p1->accept(ipr) || this->_p2->accept(ipr);

 * @short Protocol Policy class.
 * Accepts route update from a specific routing protocol.
template <typename A>
class IsOfProtocol : public RedistPolicy<A>
    IsOfProtocol(const Protocol& p) : _protocol(p) {}
    bool accept(const IPRouteEntry<A>& ipr) const {
	return ipr.protocol() == _protocol;
    Protocol _protocol;

 * @short IGP Protocol Policy.
 * Accepts route updates from Interior Gateway Protocols.
template <typename A>
class IsIGP : public RedistPolicy<A>
    IsIGP() {}
    bool accept(const IPRouteEntry<A>& ipr) const {
	return ipr.protocol_type() == IGP;

 * @short EGP Protocol Policy.
 * Accepts route updates from Exterior Gateway Protocols.
template <typename A>
class IsEGP : public RedistPolicy<A>
    IsEGP() {}
    bool accept(const IPRouteEntry<A>& ipr) const {
	return ipr.protocol_type() == EGP;

#endif // __RIB_REDIST_POLICY_HH__

Generated by: pavlin on on Wed Apr 13 21:53:20 2005, using kdoc $.