// -*- c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- // Copyright (c) 2001-2007 International Computer Science Institute // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software") // to deal in the Software without restriction, subject to the conditions // listed in the XORP LICENSE file. These conditions include: you must // preserve this copyright notice, and you cannot mention the copyright // holders in advertising related to the Software without their permission. // The Software is provided WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. This // notice is a summary of the XORP LICENSE file; the license in that file is // legally binding. // $XORP: xorp/rib/redist_xrl.hh,v 1.14 2007/02/16 22:47:08 pavlin Exp $ #ifndef __RIB_REDIST_XRL_HH__ #define __RIB_REDIST_XRL_HH__ #include "rt_tab_redist.hh" #include "libxorp/profile.hh" class XrlRouter; template <typename A> class RedistXrlTask; /** * Route Redistributor output that sends route add and deletes to * remote redistribution target via the redist{4,6} xrl interfaces. */ template <typename A> class RedistXrlOutput : public RedistOutput<A> { public: typedef RedistXrlTask<A> Task; typedef list<Task*> TaskQueue; public: /** * Constructor. * * @param redistributor originator of route add and delete requests. * @param xrl_router router to be used to send XRLs. * @param from_protocol name of protocol routes are redistributed from. * @param xrl_target_name name of XRL entity to send XRLs to. * @param cookie cookie passed in redist interface XRLs to identify * source of updates. * @param is_xrl_transaction_output if true, the add/delete route XRLs * are grouped into transactions. */ RedistXrlOutput(Redistributor<A>* redistributor, XrlRouter& xrl_router, Profile& profile, const string& from_protocol, const string& xrl_target_name, const IPNet<A>& network_prefix, const string& cookie); ~RedistXrlOutput(); void add_route(const IPRouteEntry<A>& ipr); void delete_route(const IPRouteEntry<A>& ipr); void starting_route_dump(); void finishing_route_dump(); virtual void task_completed(Task* task); void task_failed_fatally(Task* task); inline const string& xrl_target_name() const; inline const string& cookie() const; public: static const uint32_t HI_WATER = 100; static const uint32_t LO_WATER = 5; static const uint32_t RETRY_PAUSE_MS = 10; protected: void start_next_task(); inline void incr_inflight(); inline void decr_inflight(); inline void enqueue_task(Task* task); inline void dequeue_task(Task* task); protected: XrlRouter& _xrl_router; Profile& _profile; string _from_protocol; string _target_name; IPNet<A> _network_prefix; string _cookie; TaskQueue _taskq; uint32_t _queued; TaskQueue _flyingq; uint32_t _inflight; bool _flow_controlled; bool _callback_pending; }; /** * Route Redistributor output that sends route add and deletes to * remote redistribution target via the redist_transaction{4,6} xrl * interfaces. */ template <typename A> class RedistTransactionXrlOutput : public RedistXrlOutput<A> { public: typedef typename RedistXrlOutput<A>::Task Task; public: RedistTransactionXrlOutput(Redistributor<A>* redistributor, XrlRouter& xrl_router, Profile& profile, const string& from_protocol, const string& xrl_target_name, const IPNet<A>& network_prefix, const string& cookie); void add_route(const IPRouteEntry<A>& ipr); void delete_route(const IPRouteEntry<A>& ipr); void starting_route_dump(); void finishing_route_dump(); void task_completed(Task* task); inline void set_callback_pending(bool v); inline uint32_t tid() const; inline void set_tid(uint32_t v); inline bool transaction_in_progress() const; inline void set_transaction_in_progress(bool v); inline bool transaction_in_error() const; inline void set_transaction_in_error(bool v); // The size of the transaction that is build-in-progress inline size_t transaction_size() const { return _transaction_size; } inline void reset_transaction_size() { _transaction_size = 0; } inline void incr_transaction_size() { _transaction_size++; } static const size_t MAX_TRANSACTION_SIZE = 100; protected: uint32_t _tid; // Send-in-progress transaction ID bool _transaction_in_progress; bool _transaction_in_error; size_t _transaction_size; // Build-in-progress transaction size }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Globally accessible RedistXrlOutput inline methods template <typename A> const string& RedistXrlOutput<A>::xrl_target_name() const { return _target_name; } template <typename A> const string& RedistXrlOutput<A>::cookie() const { return _cookie; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Protected RedistXrlOutput inline methods template <typename A> void RedistXrlOutput<A>::incr_inflight() { if (_inflight == HI_WATER - 1) _flow_controlled = true; _inflight++; } template <typename A> void RedistXrlOutput<A>::decr_inflight() { if (_flow_controlled && _inflight < LO_WATER) _flow_controlled = false; _inflight--; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Inline RedistrTransactionXrlOutput methods template <typename A> inline uint32_t RedistTransactionXrlOutput<A>::tid() const { return _tid; } template <typename A> inline void RedistTransactionXrlOutput<A>::set_tid(uint32_t v) { _tid = v; } template <typename A> inline void RedistTransactionXrlOutput<A>::set_callback_pending(bool v) { this->_callback_pending = v; } template <typename A> inline bool RedistTransactionXrlOutput<A>::transaction_in_progress() const { return _transaction_in_progress; } template <typename A> inline void RedistTransactionXrlOutput<A>::set_transaction_in_progress(bool v) { _transaction_in_progress = v; } template <typename A> inline bool RedistTransactionXrlOutput<A>::transaction_in_error() const { return _transaction_in_error; } template <typename A> inline void RedistTransactionXrlOutput<A>::set_transaction_in_error(bool v) { _transaction_in_error = v; } #endif // __RIB_REDIST_XRL_HH__