// -*- c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- // Copyright (c) 2001-2007 International Computer Science Institute // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software") // to deal in the Software without restriction, subject to the conditions // listed in the XORP LICENSE file. These conditions include: you must // preserve this copyright notice, and you cannot mention the copyright // holders in advertising related to the Software without their permission. // The Software is provided WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. This // notice is a summary of the XORP LICENSE file; the license in that file is // legally binding. // $XORP: xorp/rib/rt_tab_log.hh,v 1.7 2007/02/16 22:47:10 pavlin Exp $ #ifndef __RIB_RT_TAB_LOG_HH__ #define __RIB_RT_TAB_LOG_HH__ #include <iostream> #include "rt_tab_base.hh" /** * @short A Base for Route Tables that log updates. * * Users of this class specify expected updates with @ref expect_add * and @ref expect_delete. As the updates come through they are * compared against those expect and generate an assertion failure if * those arriving do not match those expected. An assertion failure * will also occur if there are unmatched updates upon instance * destruction. * * This class is strictly for debugging and testing purposes. */ template<typename A> class LogTable : public RouteTable<A> { public: LogTable(const string& tablename, RouteTable<A>* parent); ~LogTable(); int add_route(const IPRouteEntry<A>& route, RouteTable<A>* caller); int delete_route(const IPRouteEntry<A>* , RouteTable<A>* caller); const IPRouteEntry<A>* lookup_route(const IPNet<A>& net) const; const IPRouteEntry<A>* lookup_route(const A& addr) const; RouteRange<A>* lookup_route_range(const A& addr) const; TableType type() const { return LOG_TABLE; } RouteTable<A>* parent() { return _parent; } void replumb(RouteTable<A>* old_parent, RouteTable<A>* new_parent); string str() const; uint32_t update_number() const; private: RouteTable<A>* _parent; uint32_t _update_number; }; /** * @short Route Table that passes through updates whilst logging them * to an ostream instance. * * -*- UNTESTED -*- */ template <typename A> class OstreamLogTable : public LogTable<A> { public: std::ostream& get(); OstreamLogTable(const string& tablename, RouteTable<A>* parent, ostream& out); int add_route(const IPRouteEntry<A>& route, RouteTable<A>* caller); int delete_route(const IPRouteEntry<A>* , RouteTable<A>* caller); string str() const; private: ostream& _o; }; /** * @short Route Table that passes that through updates whilst writing * them to the logging them via XORP's XLOG_TRACE. * * -*- UNTESTED -*- */ template <typename A> class XLogTraceTable : public LogTable<A> { public: XLogTraceTable(const string& tablename, RouteTable<A>* parent); int add_route(const IPRouteEntry<A>& route, RouteTable<A>* caller); int delete_route(const IPRouteEntry<A>* proute, RouteTable<A>* caller); string str() const; }; /** * @short Route Table that passes that passes through updates whilst * writing them to the logging them via XORP's XLOG_TRACE. * * -*- UNTESTED -*- */ template <typename A> class DebugMsgLogTable : public LogTable<A> { public: DebugMsgLogTable(const string& tablename, RouteTable<A>* parent); int add_route(const IPRouteEntry<A>& route, RouteTable<A>* caller); int delete_route(const IPRouteEntry<A>* proute, RouteTable<A>* caller); string str() const; }; #endif // __RIB_RT_TAB_LOG_HH__