/* * Copyright (c) 2001-2007 International Computer Science Institute * See LICENSE file for licensing, conditions, and warranties on use. * * DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - IT IS PROGRAMMATICALLY GENERATED * * Generated by 'clnt-gen'. * * $XORP: xorp/xrl/interfaces/mld6igmp_xif.hh,v 1.21 2007/02/16 22:47:40 pavlin Exp $ */ #ifndef __XRL_INTERFACES_MLD6IGMP_XIF_HH__ #define __XRL_INTERFACES_MLD6IGMP_XIF_HH__ #undef XORP_LIBRARY_NAME #define XORP_LIBRARY_NAME "XifMld6igmp" #include "libxorp/xlog.h" #include "libxorp/callback.hh" #include "libxipc/xrl.hh" #include "libxipc/xrl_error.hh" #include "libxipc/xrl_sender.hh" class XrlMld6igmpV0p1Client { public: XrlMld6igmpV0p1Client(XrlSender* s) : _sender(s) {} virtual ~XrlMld6igmpV0p1Client() {} typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr EnableVifCB; /** * Send Xrl intended to: * * Enable/disable/start/stop a MLD6IGMP vif interface. * * @param dst_xrl_target_name the Xrl target name of the destination. * * @param vif_name the name of the vif to enable/disable/start/stop. * * @param enable if true, then enable the vif, otherwise disable it. */ bool send_enable_vif( const char* dst_xrl_target_name, const string& vif_name, const bool& enable, const EnableVifCB& cb ); typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr StartVifCB; bool send_start_vif( const char* dst_xrl_target_name, const string& vif_name, const StartVifCB& cb ); typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr StopVifCB; bool send_stop_vif( const char* dst_xrl_target_name, const string& vif_name, const StopVifCB& cb ); typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr EnableAllVifsCB; /** * Send Xrl intended to: * * Enable/disable/start/stop all MLD6IGMP vif interfaces. * * @param dst_xrl_target_name the Xrl target name of the destination. * * @param enable if true, then enable the vifs, otherwise disable them. */ bool send_enable_all_vifs( const char* dst_xrl_target_name, const bool& enable, const EnableAllVifsCB& cb ); typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr StartAllVifsCB; bool send_start_all_vifs( const char* dst_xrl_target_name, const StartAllVifsCB& cb ); typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr StopAllVifsCB; bool send_stop_all_vifs( const char* dst_xrl_target_name, const StopAllVifsCB& cb ); typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr EnableMld6IgmpCB; /** * Send Xrl intended to: * * Enable/disable/start/stop the MLD6IGMP protocol. * * @param dst_xrl_target_name the Xrl target name of the destination. * * @param enable if true, then enable the MLD6IGMP protocol, otherwise * disable it. */ bool send_enable_mld6igmp( const char* dst_xrl_target_name, const bool& enable, const EnableMld6IgmpCB& cb ); typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr StartMld6IgmpCB; bool send_start_mld6igmp( const char* dst_xrl_target_name, const StartMld6IgmpCB& cb ); typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr StopMld6IgmpCB; bool send_stop_mld6igmp( const char* dst_xrl_target_name, const StopMld6IgmpCB& cb ); typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr EnableCliCB; /** * Send Xrl intended to: * * Enable/disable/start/stop the MLD6IGMP CLI access. * * @param dst_xrl_target_name the Xrl target name of the destination. * * @param enable if true, then enable the MLD6IGMP CLI access, otherwise * disable it. */ bool send_enable_cli( const char* dst_xrl_target_name, const bool& enable, const EnableCliCB& cb ); typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr StartCliCB; bool send_start_cli( const char* dst_xrl_target_name, const StartCliCB& cb ); typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr StopCliCB; bool send_stop_cli( const char* dst_xrl_target_name, const StopCliCB& cb ); typedef XorpCallback2<void, const XrlError&, const uint32_t*>::RefPtr GetVifProtoVersionCB; /** * Send Xrl intended to: * * Get the configured protocol version per interface. * * @param dst_xrl_target_name the Xrl target name of the destination. * * @param vif_name the name of the vif to apply to. */ bool send_get_vif_proto_version( const char* dst_xrl_target_name, const string& vif_name, const GetVifProtoVersionCB& cb ); typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr SetVifProtoVersionCB; /** * Send Xrl intended to: * * Set the protocol version per interface. * * @param dst_xrl_target_name the Xrl target name of the destination. * * @param vif_name the name of the vif to apply to. * * @param proto_version the protocol version. */ bool send_set_vif_proto_version( const char* dst_xrl_target_name, const string& vif_name, const uint32_t& proto_version, const SetVifProtoVersionCB& cb ); typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr ResetVifProtoVersionCB; /** * Send Xrl intended to: * * Reset the protocol version per interface to its default value. * * @param dst_xrl_target_name the Xrl target name of the destination. * * @param vif_name the name of the vif to apply to. */ bool send_reset_vif_proto_version( const char* dst_xrl_target_name, const string& vif_name, const ResetVifProtoVersionCB& cb ); typedef XorpCallback2<void, const XrlError&, const bool*>::RefPtr GetVifIpRouterAlertOptionCheckCB; /** * Send Xrl intended to: * * Get the IP Router Alert option check per interface for received * packets. * * @param dst_xrl_target_name the Xrl target name of the destination. * * @param vif_name the name of the vif to apply to. */ bool send_get_vif_ip_router_alert_option_check( const char* dst_xrl_target_name, const string& vif_name, const GetVifIpRouterAlertOptionCheckCB& cb ); typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr SetVifIpRouterAlertOptionCheckCB; /** * Send Xrl intended to: * * Set the IP Router Alert option check per interface for received * packets. * * @param dst_xrl_target_name the Xrl target name of the destination. * * @param vif_name the name of the vif to apply to. * * @param enable if true, then enable the IP Router Alert option check, * otherwise disable it. */ bool send_set_vif_ip_router_alert_option_check( const char* dst_xrl_target_name, const string& vif_name, const bool& enable, const SetVifIpRouterAlertOptionCheckCB& cb ); typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr ResetVifIpRouterAlertOptionCheckCB; /** * Send Xrl intended to: * * Reset the IP Router Alert option check for received packets per per * interface to its default value. * * @param dst_xrl_target_name the Xrl target name of the destination. * * @param vif_name the name of the vif to apply to. */ bool send_reset_vif_ip_router_alert_option_check( const char* dst_xrl_target_name, const string& vif_name, const ResetVifIpRouterAlertOptionCheckCB& cb ); typedef XorpCallback3<void, const XrlError&, const uint32_t*, const uint32_t*>::RefPtr GetVifQueryIntervalCB; /** * Send Xrl intended to: * * Get the Query Interval per interface. * * @param dst_xrl_target_name the Xrl target name of the destination. * * @param vif_name the name of the vif to apply to. */ bool send_get_vif_query_interval( const char* dst_xrl_target_name, const string& vif_name, const GetVifQueryIntervalCB& cb ); typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr SetVifQueryIntervalCB; /** * Send Xrl intended to: * * Set the Query Interval per interface. * * @param dst_xrl_target_name the Xrl target name of the destination. * * @param vif_name the name of the vif to apply to. * * @param interval_sec the number of seconds in the interval. * * @param interval_usec the number of microseconds (in addition to * interval_sec) in the interval. */ bool send_set_vif_query_interval( const char* dst_xrl_target_name, const string& vif_name, const uint32_t& interval_sec, const uint32_t& interval_usec, const SetVifQueryIntervalCB& cb ); typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr ResetVifQueryIntervalCB; /** * Send Xrl intended to: * * Reset the Query Interval per interface to its default value. * * @param dst_xrl_target_name the Xrl target name of the destination. * * @param vif_name the name of the vif to apply to. */ bool send_reset_vif_query_interval( const char* dst_xrl_target_name, const string& vif_name, const ResetVifQueryIntervalCB& cb ); typedef XorpCallback3<void, const XrlError&, const uint32_t*, const uint32_t*>::RefPtr GetVifQueryLastMemberIntervalCB; /** * Send Xrl intended to: * * Get the Last Member Query Interval per interface. * * @param dst_xrl_target_name the Xrl target name of the destination. * * @param vif_name the name of the vif to apply to. */ bool send_get_vif_query_last_member_interval( const char* dst_xrl_target_name, const string& vif_name, const GetVifQueryLastMemberIntervalCB& cb ); typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr SetVifQueryLastMemberIntervalCB; /** * Send Xrl intended to: * * Set the Last Member Query Interval per interface. * * @param dst_xrl_target_name the Xrl target name of the destination. * * @param vif_name the name of the vif to apply to. * * @param interval_sec the number of seconds in the interval. * * @param interval_usec the number of microseconds (in addition to * interval_sec) in the interval. */ bool send_set_vif_query_last_member_interval( const char* dst_xrl_target_name, const string& vif_name, const uint32_t& interval_sec, const uint32_t& interval_usec, const SetVifQueryLastMemberIntervalCB& cb ); typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr ResetVifQueryLastMemberIntervalCB; /** * Send Xrl intended to: * * Reset the Last Member Query Interval per interface to its default * value. * * @param dst_xrl_target_name the Xrl target name of the destination. * * @param vif_name the name of the vif to apply to. */ bool send_reset_vif_query_last_member_interval( const char* dst_xrl_target_name, const string& vif_name, const ResetVifQueryLastMemberIntervalCB& cb ); typedef XorpCallback3<void, const XrlError&, const uint32_t*, const uint32_t*>::RefPtr GetVifQueryResponseIntervalCB; /** * Send Xrl intended to: * * Get the Query Response Interval per interface. * * @param dst_xrl_target_name the Xrl target name of the destination. * * @param vif_name the name of the vif to apply to. */ bool send_get_vif_query_response_interval( const char* dst_xrl_target_name, const string& vif_name, const GetVifQueryResponseIntervalCB& cb ); typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr SetVifQueryResponseIntervalCB; /** * Send Xrl intended to: * * Set the Query Response Interval per interface. * * @param dst_xrl_target_name the Xrl target name of the destination. * * @param vif_name the name of the vif to apply to. * * @param interval_sec the number of seconds in the interval. * * @param interval_usec the number of microseconds (in addition to * interval_sec) in the interval. */ bool send_set_vif_query_response_interval( const char* dst_xrl_target_name, const string& vif_name, const uint32_t& interval_sec, const uint32_t& interval_usec, const SetVifQueryResponseIntervalCB& cb ); typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr ResetVifQueryResponseIntervalCB; /** * Send Xrl intended to: * * Reset the Query Response Interval per interface to its default value. * * @param dst_xrl_target_name the Xrl target name of the destination. * * @param vif_name the name of the vif to apply to. */ bool send_reset_vif_query_response_interval( const char* dst_xrl_target_name, const string& vif_name, const ResetVifQueryResponseIntervalCB& cb ); typedef XorpCallback2<void, const XrlError&, const uint32_t*>::RefPtr GetVifRobustCountCB; /** * Send Xrl intended to: * * Get the Robustness Variable count per interface. * * @param dst_xrl_target_name the Xrl target name of the destination. * * @param vif_name the name of the vif to apply to. */ bool send_get_vif_robust_count( const char* dst_xrl_target_name, const string& vif_name, const GetVifRobustCountCB& cb ); typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr SetVifRobustCountCB; /** * Send Xrl intended to: * * Set the Robustness Variable count per interface. * * @param dst_xrl_target_name the Xrl target name of the destination. * * @param vif_name the name of the vif to apply to. * * @param robust_count the count value. */ bool send_set_vif_robust_count( const char* dst_xrl_target_name, const string& vif_name, const uint32_t& robust_count, const SetVifRobustCountCB& cb ); typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr ResetVifRobustCountCB; /** * Send Xrl intended to: * * Reset the Robustness Variable count per interface to its default value. * * @param dst_xrl_target_name the Xrl target name of the destination. * * @param vif_name the name of the vif to apply to. */ bool send_reset_vif_robust_count( const char* dst_xrl_target_name, const string& vif_name, const ResetVifRobustCountCB& cb ); typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr LogTraceAllCB; /** * Send Xrl intended to: * * Enable/disable the MLD6IGMP trace log for all operations. * * @param dst_xrl_target_name the Xrl target name of the destination. * * @param enable if true, then enable the trace log, otherwise disable it. */ bool send_log_trace_all( const char* dst_xrl_target_name, const bool& enable, const LogTraceAllCB& cb ); typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr AddProtocol4CB; /** * Send Xrl intended to: * * Add/delete a client protocol in the MLD/IGMP protocol. * * @param dst_xrl_target_name the Xrl target name of the destination. * * @param xrl_sender_name the XRL name of the originator of this XRL. * * @param protocol_name the name of the protocol to add/delete. * * @param protocol_id the ID of the protocol to add/delete (both sides * must agree on the particular values). * * @param vif_name the name of the vif the protocol add/delete to apply * to. * * @param vif_index the index of the vif the protocol add/delete to apply * to. The added protocol will receive Join/Leave membership information * about same-LAN members for the particular vif. */ bool send_add_protocol4( const char* dst_xrl_target_name, const string& xrl_sender_name, const string& protocol_name, const uint32_t& protocol_id, const string& vif_name, const uint32_t& vif_index, const AddProtocol4CB& cb ); typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr AddProtocol6CB; bool send_add_protocol6( const char* dst_xrl_target_name, const string& xrl_sender_name, const string& protocol_name, const uint32_t& protocol_id, const string& vif_name, const uint32_t& vif_index, const AddProtocol6CB& cb ); typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr DeleteProtocol4CB; bool send_delete_protocol4( const char* dst_xrl_target_name, const string& xrl_sender_name, const string& protocol_name, const uint32_t& protocol_id, const string& vif_name, const uint32_t& vif_index, const DeleteProtocol4CB& cb ); typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr DeleteProtocol6CB; bool send_delete_protocol6( const char* dst_xrl_target_name, const string& xrl_sender_name, const string& protocol_name, const uint32_t& protocol_id, const string& vif_name, const uint32_t& vif_index, const DeleteProtocol6CB& cb ); protected: XrlSender* _sender; private: void unmarshall_enable_vif( const XrlError& e, XrlArgs* a, EnableVifCB cb ); void unmarshall_start_vif( const XrlError& e, XrlArgs* a, StartVifCB cb ); void unmarshall_stop_vif( const XrlError& e, XrlArgs* a, StopVifCB cb ); void unmarshall_enable_all_vifs( const XrlError& e, XrlArgs* a, EnableAllVifsCB cb ); void unmarshall_start_all_vifs( const XrlError& e, XrlArgs* a, StartAllVifsCB cb ); void unmarshall_stop_all_vifs( const XrlError& e, XrlArgs* a, StopAllVifsCB cb ); void unmarshall_enable_mld6igmp( const XrlError& e, XrlArgs* a, EnableMld6IgmpCB cb ); void unmarshall_start_mld6igmp( const XrlError& e, XrlArgs* a, StartMld6IgmpCB cb ); void unmarshall_stop_mld6igmp( const XrlError& e, XrlArgs* a, StopMld6IgmpCB cb ); void unmarshall_enable_cli( const XrlError& e, XrlArgs* a, EnableCliCB cb ); void unmarshall_start_cli( const XrlError& e, XrlArgs* a, StartCliCB cb ); void unmarshall_stop_cli( const XrlError& e, XrlArgs* a, StopCliCB cb ); void unmarshall_get_vif_proto_version( const XrlError& e, XrlArgs* a, GetVifProtoVersionCB cb ); void unmarshall_set_vif_proto_version( const XrlError& e, XrlArgs* a, SetVifProtoVersionCB cb ); void unmarshall_reset_vif_proto_version( const XrlError& e, XrlArgs* a, ResetVifProtoVersionCB cb ); void unmarshall_get_vif_ip_router_alert_option_check( const XrlError& e, XrlArgs* a, GetVifIpRouterAlertOptionCheckCB cb ); void unmarshall_set_vif_ip_router_alert_option_check( const XrlError& e, XrlArgs* a, SetVifIpRouterAlertOptionCheckCB cb ); void unmarshall_reset_vif_ip_router_alert_option_check( const XrlError& e, XrlArgs* a, ResetVifIpRouterAlertOptionCheckCB cb ); void unmarshall_get_vif_query_interval( const XrlError& e, XrlArgs* a, GetVifQueryIntervalCB cb ); void unmarshall_set_vif_query_interval( const XrlError& e, XrlArgs* a, SetVifQueryIntervalCB cb ); void unmarshall_reset_vif_query_interval( const XrlError& e, XrlArgs* a, ResetVifQueryIntervalCB cb ); void unmarshall_get_vif_query_last_member_interval( const XrlError& e, XrlArgs* a, GetVifQueryLastMemberIntervalCB cb ); void unmarshall_set_vif_query_last_member_interval( const XrlError& e, XrlArgs* a, SetVifQueryLastMemberIntervalCB cb ); void unmarshall_reset_vif_query_last_member_interval( const XrlError& e, XrlArgs* a, ResetVifQueryLastMemberIntervalCB cb ); void unmarshall_get_vif_query_response_interval( const XrlError& e, XrlArgs* a, GetVifQueryResponseIntervalCB cb ); void unmarshall_set_vif_query_response_interval( const XrlError& e, XrlArgs* a, SetVifQueryResponseIntervalCB cb ); void unmarshall_reset_vif_query_response_interval( const XrlError& e, XrlArgs* a, ResetVifQueryResponseIntervalCB cb ); void unmarshall_get_vif_robust_count( const XrlError& e, XrlArgs* a, GetVifRobustCountCB cb ); void unmarshall_set_vif_robust_count( const XrlError& e, XrlArgs* a, SetVifRobustCountCB cb ); void unmarshall_reset_vif_robust_count( const XrlError& e, XrlArgs* a, ResetVifRobustCountCB cb ); void unmarshall_log_trace_all( const XrlError& e, XrlArgs* a, LogTraceAllCB cb ); void unmarshall_add_protocol4( const XrlError& e, XrlArgs* a, AddProtocol4CB cb ); void unmarshall_add_protocol6( const XrlError& e, XrlArgs* a, AddProtocol6CB cb ); void unmarshall_delete_protocol4( const XrlError& e, XrlArgs* a, DeleteProtocol4CB cb ); void unmarshall_delete_protocol6( const XrlError& e, XrlArgs* a, DeleteProtocol6CB cb ); }; #endif /* __XRL_INTERFACES_MLD6IGMP_XIF_HH__ */