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Developer Group Roles

Release Leader(s) (RL)

A Release Leader is responsible for a given release, taking it from pre-alpha to gold. The main duty of this role is to ensure that a high quality release is made in a timely fashion. This can be achieved by effective communication with the core developers and efficient use of the community. One becomes an RL candidate by volunteering or by nomination from the DPM or Core Developers Group. The RL candidates will be elected by the Core Developers Group at any point in the year when a new initiative makes sense. The term for an RL will run until the new release is issued. The RL will work within the group to select a co-Release Leader if severe time constraints come up.

The Release Leader can be the DPM, or if not, needs to work closely with the DPM.

Build Manager

The build manager is responsible for building and signing the RPMs and spinning the ISO.
The build manager is responsible for the tools used to build the RPMs and the ISO.
The build manager has access to the code repository, and should be able to assemble an ISO for testing at any point during the build process.

Contribs Support Manager

The Contribs Support Manager is responsible for providing services to the contribs developer(s)
The Contribs Support Manager will help when requested by the contribs developer(s)
The Contribs Support Manager’s primary duties consist of:

Test Manager

The Test Manager is responsible for maintaining a set of test cases.
The Test Manager may solicit volunteers (supported by the DPM) to help develop testing scripts.
There can be test cases for testing a new candidate release, and tests for new contribs.
The Test Manager works with the RL to decide the test set to be used for any given release.


This group of volunteers comprises people who are willing to test SME Server.
They may be testing a candidate release, or new contribs.
The testing may be planned testing following test cases, or ad-hoc testing.
All errors found in the testing should be recorded clearly in the bug database.

There is also a closed sub-team, the Security Team, that will review relevant security issues. It is hoped that there will be some overlap between the core developers group and security sub team. The roles for this sub team are:

Security Sub team Leader (SSL)

This person shall lead the volunteers associated with security issues for the SME server.

Security Sub team Volunteers

This group is the only closed group in the organization for security purposes.


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