Placeholder, to be added to 1 of the FAQ's
From: the mailing archives
Authors: Gordon Rowell, Shad Lords
(Edited by Gordon Rowell to reflect 7.0 settings)
the passwordstrength db has been setup to require the following Admin=strong Ibays=strong Users=strong Before there were no password checks in place for any of them. The definition of each is as follows: Strong - Must pass all default cracklib tests and all "normal" tests. Normal - Must have at least 1 digit (\d), 1 upper ([A-Z]), 1 lower ([a-z]), 1 special char (\W) and be of length greater than 6. None - no password checking The password you supplied for ibays needs to pass the normal rules. It doesn't contain a special character. It might however pass the strong (cracklib) test thought. HOW TO CHANGE THE PASSWORD SETTINGS: Let"s find out what db entry we need to modify: [gordonr@six gordonr]$ sudo grep -i password /home/e-smith/db/configuration DialupUserPassword=userpassword PasswordSet=yes passwordstrength=configuration|Admin|none|Ibays|none|User|none sshd=service|PasswordAuthentication|yes|PermitRootLogin|yes|access|public|status|enabled ----Addition Actually, that one is better written as: sudo /sbin/e-smith/db configuration show | grep -i password or, in a more compact, but less readable form: sudo /sbin/e-smith/db configuration print | grep -i password The DBs are currently text files, but it is possible they may not be at some time in the future. They are also very likely to be relocated from /home/e-smith. The "db" and "config" commands will still work even if either/both of these changes happen. ---- OK, so we want to modify the "passwordstrength" db entry, and the "User" property of that. Let"s "show" it first to see what the fields look like: [gordonr@six gordonr]$ sudo /sbin/e-smith/db configuration show passwordstrength passwordstrength=configuration Admin=none Ibays=none Users=none Or, for the main "configuration" db, you can also use the "config" shortcut: [gordonr@six gordonr]$ sudo /sbin/e-smith/config show passwordstrength passwordstrength=configuration Admin=none Ibays=none Users=none Let"s show the individual property: [gordonr@six gordonr]$ sudo /sbin/e-smith/db configuration getprop passwordstrength Users none And now, let"s set the property to "strong": [gordonr@six gordonr]$ sudo /sbin/e-smith/db configuration setprop passwordstrength Users strong And check it: [gordonr@six gordonr]$ sudo /sbin/e-smith/db configuration getprop passwordstrength Users strong Be careful - you can break things by setting the wrong key/property/value in the config db. The keys, property names and values are case sensitive. I"ve thought for a while that they shouldn"t be. Thanks, Gordon