Instructions to get X desktop running from base a10Core image.
It is assumed that sdcard and initial setup both TCE directory and network
have been successfully completed. 

Now using the simple command line import tool, type:

$ sce-import -b Xprogs
$ sce-import -b flwm_topside
$ sce-import -b wbar
$ sce-import -b xorg-fbdev

The above will download all the packages and create the required sces to get a typical TinyCore (flwm_topside & wbar) desktop environment.

Next you must specify the desktop as a boot parameter. To update boot codes, edit the text file uEnv.txt.

This file resides on the boot partition. Typically this is the sdcard mmcblk0p1
$ mount /mnt/mmcblk0p1
$ sudo vi /mnt/mmcblk0p1/uEnv.txt

Then add desktop=flwm_topside to the end of the extraargs line.

When successfully completed, reboot to automatically start X.
$ sudo reboot


NOTE: You are NOT limited to flwm_topside, and wbar, as was the default for TinyCore.
And in fact, many will likely be more comfortable with LXDE as their desktop.
For example:

$ sce-import -b Xprogs
$ sce-import -b xorg-fbdev
$ sce-import -b lxde

Next mount the boot partition as shown above and add the following to the end of the extraargs line.

$ sudo reboot

Will result in an LXDE desktop.